O-27-111 11"" ~'"'" ~~; ~., ;' \ ~: ~ . I:. ~ .'. . r Ij .~: ",- ~;~ ........'...~.'........'.... .'!:O"'" . ~ ., ~..._J ~ ~ \ 'it 1 ; "1<.,: 1It·!··'···..I"..."'. (:J'-" . , ":~ ORDINANCE N@. III AN: ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RAISING OF MONEY WITH WHICH I , TO OPERATE Trill CITY GOVERN~ŒNTOF THE CITY OF CLERMONT DURING THE YEAR 1928 ; PROVIDING FORA TAX LEVY FOR SUCH PURPOSES, AND PROVIDING FOR A BUDGET OF EXPENSES. BE Irr ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T HE CITY. OF CLERMONT : I, " " ' Section 1. For the purposes of conducting and operating I the!City Gov~:r?Ilrnent of ,the City of Qlèrmont for the calendar year of 1928, it is' hereby found and determined that the follow- ingi\3UIl1S ar~ ¡!r~qui;red :' For General Fund,' $8,750.00 ; for Interest FUnd, $11,900.00 ; for :Sin~ing ~d, $5,666.66 ; for Street Fund, $8,783.33 ; for . I' " Publicity Fund, $2,550.00 ; for Park Fund, $1,700.00; for Water Fund, $2,975.00 ; far Fire Fund, $1,275.00 ; making a , :)1 I, totâl for aii'depa~tmerits of $42,261.00. Section 2. There is h~reby levied on all assessed property in ~he City' of Clermont a total t'ax for the year 1927 of Thirteen mills on each dollar of assessed value of property, and such ii .mil~~ge shal¡ be d;istributed as. follows : ~ il , J General Fund, ~---------------2-3/4 mills ; Interest Fund ----------------3-1/2 mills ; Sinking Fund ---~-----~-------¡-2/3 mills ; Street Fund -----------~---~--2~7/12 mills ; , Publicity Fund -------....------- ' 3/4 mill; Park Fund -------------------- '1/2 mill; Water Fund -----------------.-- 7/8 mill; Fire Fund -------------------- 3/8 mill I making a total of thirteen mills. .1: .sect:Lo~ ,3. The City Tax Assessor is instructed to extend his 'assessment roll for the year 1927 to include the'millage hereby levied, and is directed ,to issue his warrant to the City ! I, ' :, Tax'Gollector directing the Tax Collector to collect the amount of tax as shown on the said assessment roll. Section 4. There is hereby appropriated for the operation of the City goverment of the City of Clermont for the year 1928 the:several sums specùfied in Sectiòn 1 of this ordinance, or so I: much thereof as may be required. Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective upon its pas- jl sage and appròval by the Mayor. ----------------------~------------------------------------------- Pa~sed and adopted by the Council, October 18, 1927. I I I' Attest : City Clerk President City Council Received and approved by me, this 18th day of October, 1927. Mayor. .'