·' . - ----.
ORDIiiiÜ;CI:: :Ku;:..:~EH 112
:..;1 O.IDII'{}..liCE providln~~ for ~ ~l,')ct~_on of - Officials
in the City of Clermont; Providing for the Registra-
tion of Voters, end dGsignat1nG ~lect10n inspectors.
. --.......
CD,'!:' :~:mJT :
Section 1.
~here e]~ll be held an slection in
the City of Clsrmont, on the 13th
~ay of Decenli)sr, A. D. 1927 for the purpose of electing
the followin3 o:ficials; A Mayor, a Oity Treasuror; a
T'ir.. Assessòr and five Councilmen.
Section 2.
Such elf~ctio11 shall be held at ·,he
City Hall of the City of Cler.mont,
and the pools shia.ll be open hetwsen the hours of eight
o':clock (8:00) .&1,. M. and Sur.down, Eastorn 3tandard Tirle.
3Ðction 3. The City Clar1[ is hel"ooy ð.il"'ected to
prepare, or caUse to ~e prepared, an
o~.ficial ~)allot upon v/hich shall :Ja placed the narJes of
all candid~tes in a+phabetical order, who shall have pre-
sented to the City Council at or b9fore the regular meet-
ing of the City CoUncil to be held on the first Tu~sday
in Dacem'ber 1927, a. petition signed by not less than. t'l."lenty-
fiv3 re~i3tered voters in ~13 City of ClcRQont, requs~ting
tnat such name or names shall be placed upon the ')s,llot;
providèd t:1a t the Cl sl"k shaJ.l not !Jlace upon the ')a llot
the name of any person rh10 shall direct theClerk in '..1rit-
ing not to do so, or who shall 9tate in writini to be filed
·,·'1th the Cls¡o!c that he \vill not S31"ve if elected.
Section 4. All qualifi3a electors of the City of
Cle:~ont crho are ~egist3red in the
AIunlcip21 aegistretion 300k, and v~o havo paid poll tax
fQr the yea.:>s 1923 and 1926, if lia'.,le therefor, sJ:.e.ll be
entitled to vote at this elùction.
." i
Section õ.
The Ci t:{ Cler1: is hersby direc ted to
open . tho Municipal Re~~istl"a.tion :'300k
on Ootober 10th 1927, a~d to kee, the some open during reason-
A."jlo ·,:.:siness 1.1ours of '.jJ.,e ~)t1siness ð.f'..Ys in each '.!eelc, to
and including Novemoer 30th 1927, for the purpose of register-
ing voteT's who have not previously registered.
Section 6.
The following are herè~)y d3si.::;na ted as
Inspectors and C18~: of the election;
C. L. Kindred.
H. C.Hooks.
A. .I!..Isaac.
S. S. Fesler
Section 7.
The City Clerk is hereby directed to
cause to os puü1ished once each TIee¥ for
four creeks preceeding the election, a brief notice of this
election, together with a notice of the opening of the reg-
i!'1tra tion book; and the Clerk is further directed to cc_Uee
to oe prepared all neces~al~ arran¿ements for this election.
Section 8.
This Ordinance shall take effGct upon
its passage and approval ')y the r.1ayor,
or by its going into effect uithout such a~proval as pro-
vided by the ChartGr of the City of Clermont.
Passed and adopte~ at the Meeting of t~e City Council,
held on the 27th day of October 1927.
President City Council~
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Received and approved by De, this 27th day of October,
II.. D. 1927.
. .