O-27-112 ·' . - ----. ORDIiiiÜ;CI:: :Ku;:..:~EH 112 :..;1 O.IDII'{}..liCE providln~~ for ~ ~l,')ct~_on of - Officials in the City of Clermont; Providing for the Registra- tion of Voters, end dGsignat1nG ~lect10n inspectors. DH.- " . --....... 3~ IT OiIDAr:r;ED 3Y ~1HE CITY COUnCIL OF ~1Jíl!: CITY OF CD,'!:' :~:mJT : Section 1. ~here e]~ll be held an slection in the City of Clsrmont, on the 13th ~ay of Decenli)sr, A. D. 1927 for the purpose of electing the followin3 o:ficials; A Mayor, a Oity Treasuror; a T'ir.. Assessòr and five Councilmen. Section 2. Such elf~ctio11 shall be held at ·,he City Hall of the City of Cler.mont, and the pools shia.ll be open hetwsen the hours of eight o':clock (8:00) .&1,. M. and Sur.down, Eastorn 3tandard Tirle. 3Ðction 3. The City Clar1[ is hel"ooy ð.il"'ected to prepare, or caUse to ~e prepared, an o~.ficial ~)allot upon v/hich shall :Ja placed the narJes of all candid~tes in a+phabetical order, who shall have pre- sented to the City Council at or b9fore the regular meet- ing of the City CoUncil to be held on the first Tu~sday in Dacem'ber 1927, a. petition signed by not less than. t'l."lenty- I fiv3 re~i3tered voters in ~13 City of ClcRQont, requs~ting tnat such name or names shall be placed upon the ')s,llot; providèd t:1a t the Cl sl"k shaJ.l not !Jlace upon the ')a llot the name of any person rh10 shall direct theClerk in '..1rit- I ing not to do so, or who shall 9tate in writini to be filed ·,·'1th the Cls¡o!c that he \vill not S31"ve if elected. 0: 'Y Section 4. All qualifi3a electors of the City of Cle:~ont crho are ~egist3red in the AIunlcip21 aegistretion 300k, and v~o havo paid poll tax fQr the yea.:>s 1923 and 1926, if lia'.,le therefor, sJ:.e.ll be I. entitled to vote at this elùction. ." i r I Section õ. The Ci t:{ Cler1: is hersby direc ted to open . tho Municipal Re~~istl"a.tion :'300k on Ootober 10th 1927, a~d to kee, the some open during reason- A."jlo ·,:.:siness 1.1ours of '.jJ.,e ~)t1siness ð.f'..Ys in each '.!eelc, to "'1";" and including Novemoer 30th 1927, for the purpose of register- ing voteT's who have not previously registered. Section 6. The following are herè~)y d3si.::;na ted as Inspectors and C18~: of the election; C. L. Kindred. H. C.Hooks. JIlL -~ A. .I!..Isaac. Il1.sp3ctors S. S. Fesler Clerk Section 7. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause to os puü1ished once each TIee¥ for four creeks preceeding the election, a brief notice of this election, together with a notice of the opening of the reg- i!'1tra tion book; and the Clerk is further directed to cc_Uee to oe prepared all neces~al~ arran¿ements for this election. Section 8. This Ordinance shall take effGct upon its passage and approval ')y the r.1ayor, or by its going into effect uithout such a~proval as pro- vided by the ChartGr of the City of Clermont. Passed and adopte~ at the Meeting of t~e City Council, held on the 27th day of October 1927. ~&~ I President City Council~ ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ Received and approved by De, this 27th day of October, II.. D. 1927. 4t"'.. . . .-. '¿: bj~~~'~~~ .. .. t