O-51-103 .. . ORDINANCE NO. ill AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING A TAX LEW ON ALL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE CaJNTY, FLORIDA, FOR THE YEAR 1951; PROVIDII\G A BUDGET OF EXPE!\SES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1951-1952 AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS THEREFOR. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA: SECTION I: It is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following sums of money are required for the operation of the government of the City of Clermont for the fiscal year of 1 November 1951 to 31 October 1952, inclusive: BOND DEBT SERVICE GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES: Administration Cemetery Fire Department Garbage Department General (mis.) Library Parks Police Streets Water ESTIMATED REVBNUES: 6 Mill levy - Debt Service Cigarette Tax: 50% Capital Investment 50% Par.21O.03,F.S.A. 1941 9 mill levy - General Operations Building Permits Cemetery lot sales Fines, forfeitures Garbage Licenses Misc. Road-Bridge Tax Surplus - carry-over Tax penalties Water Department $26,448.06 5,675.00 525.00 5,765.00 4,500.00 12,985.00 500.00 4,320.00 9,650.00 21,000.00 21,060.00 $25,412.82 7,368.00 7,368.00 22,835.43 100.00 500.00 1,000.00 7,500.00 4,500.00 1,000.00 750.00 8,693.81 400.00 25.000.00 $ 112,428.06 $ 112,428.06 as determined and based on a Budget for the Fiscal Year of 1951-1952 duly adopted by the City Council of the City of C~ermont. SECTION II: It is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont that the total of the Assessment Roll of the City of Clermont for 1951 as prepared by the Tax Assessor of said City and as equalized and confirmed by the City Council is $4,946,803.00; and, that the following deductions must be made from the Assessment Roll in order to arrive at the value of all property subject to Bond Debt Service of the City of Clermont: ··t STTTW 9 sseupe+qepuI papuog <roJ aAraSeij ~ pun¿ 6U1~U1S ~ +sara+uI rOd (sasuadx3 6u1+~rado TeraUaÐ) pund TerauaÐ rOd :+1M-0+ 'Tv6T 'arn+eys16a1 a4+ JOs+~y '~ÇTT~ ra+d~48 ^q +uowraT8 JO ^+18 a4+ worJ pepnT~xa se eare STT1W 6 a4+ u1 papnT~u1 ^+radord +e4+ +da~xa pue aAes '+uowraT8 JO ^+!8 a4+ u1 ^+radord Tye uo sasuadx3 6u1+erado TerauaÐ rOJ sTTTW (6) aU1N JO xe+ e pue 'TÇ6T JO rea^ a4+ rOJ sTTrw (9) x1S JO xe+ ~ 'ssaupa+qapuI pepuog rOJ aArasaij pu~ 'pun¿ 6U1~U1S pu~ +sara~I rOJ 'Tv6T 'arn+eTs16a1 a4+ JO s+~y '~ÇTTG ra+d~48 ^q +uowraT8 JO ^+18 a4+ worJ pepnT~xa eare a4+ u1 pu~ +uowraT8 JO ^+!8 a4+ u1 ^+radord aTq~xe+ JO r~TTop 4~~e uo pa+~aTTo~ aq TT~4s pue pa1AaT ^qara4 51 ara41 :~ NOI183S . STTrw 6 sasuadx3 6u1+erado T~rauaÐ rOd (a~1Aras +qaa puog) ssaupa+qapuI papuog rOJ aArasaij ~ pund 6U1~U1S ~ +sara+uI rOd :sMoTToJ s~ apew aq 0+ par1nbar s1 sTT1W (ÇT) uaa+J1d JO ^AaT xe+ sTT1W 9 ~ 'sax~+ pa+~aTyo~un 6u1+ed1~1+ue pue 6u1rap1suo~ ra4+rnJ pue 'aAoq~ -u1ara4 I u01+~as u1 pau1y+no s~ sanuaAar pa+ew1+sa a4+ 0+ u01+1Ppe u1 £v'Ç8S'tG$ JO wns y~U01+1Ppe a4+ pu~ 'a~1Aras +qaa puog rOJ par1nbar GS'GTv'ÇG$ JO wns a4+ aS1er 0+ +e4+ +uowraT~ JO ^+18 a4+ JO Y1~uno~ ^+18 a4+ ^q pau1wra+ap pue punoJ hqara4 51 +I :III NOI183S 'pa+~aIIo~ os J1 'LG'L8Ç'G$ 'uo1+~aIIo~ %Ç6 uo pas~q 'a~npord PIn04s uoara4+ pa1AaI IT1w 4~ea +e4+ 'pu~ !+uowraI8 JO ^+18 a4+ JO sasuadx3 6u1+erado TerauaÐ rOJ pe1AaT aq hew a6~IT1w ~ 4~1qM uodn 00·OTS'OL9'~$ JO TIoij +uawssassy T~+o+ e 6u1AeaT ^qara4+ OO'OSÇ'LSL'T $ 00·088'OGT 00·OÇG'L99'y $ (Tv6T) eary papnT~x3 Su01+dwax3 p~a+sawoH :sasuadx3 6u1+~rado yerauaÐ rOJ u01+~xe+ 0+ +~açqns ^+radord JO anTeA anr+ a4+ +e aA1rre 0+ rapro u1 apew aq +snw 00'06£'SÇp'P$ JO TTOij +uawssassv a4+ worJ su01+~npap ra4+rnJ 6u1MOTTOJ a41 pue !pa+~aITo~ os J1 Lv'Ç8Gv$ 'u01+~aIYo~ %Ç6 uo pas~q 'a~npord Pyn04s uoaraq+ pa1AaT YT1w 4~ea pu~ 'a~1Aras +qaa puog 0+ +~açqns 00'068'SÇp'V$ JO Te+o+ e 6u1Aeq TTor +uawssasse ue 6u1A~aI ^qara4+ OO'8YP'SSv OO·OOÇ'v 00·OS6'PG OO'S6Ç'LST OO·OÇO'PL 00·ÇSG'L6T ^+1I1qes1a SMop1M +dwax3 Teuosrad PToqasnoH Teura+erd pue 4~rn48 pauMo (^+1~-^+uno~-a+e+s) +uawuraAoÐ . ( :TIOij +uawssassv ye+o+ worJ su01+~npaa 'G a6ed .. .. Page 3. SECTION V: The Tax Assessor of the City of Clermont is hereby directed to extend the Assessment Roll of the City of Clermont, here- tofore approved by the City Council, in accordance with the millage provided in Section IV of this ordirnnce, and to deliver same to the Tax Collector and City Clerk, and the Tax Collector and City Clerk is hereby directed to collect the said taxes at the time and in the manner provided by law and the general ordinances of the City of Clermont, Florida. SECTION VI; The monies raised by this tax levy are hereby appropriated for the purposes for which levied; and no monies col- lected for the Interest and Sinking FUnd and Reserve for Bonded In- debtedness shall be used for any other purpose than paying, first, the Interest on the bonded indebtedness of the City of Clermont falling due during the calendar year of 1951; and, second, for the retirement of the principal indebtedness in such manner as the City Council may hereafter determine, or as the City of Clermont is obligated to pay in accordance to the terms and conditions set forth in its bonds. SECTION VII: This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PASSED by the City Council of the City of Clermont at its Regular Meeting held on the 6th day of November, A.D" 1951. President of v·. /. _ .~ City-Council Z%. -{J .. . - (f.. : ..£/. ;:. f..'" "i .; ': /. , ,$~ ~,- - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- APPROVED by me November 6, 195.~ rzY-tMtU »v _ 90'8Gv'~TT$ TS·869'S OO·OOO'T OO·OÇL OO·OOç OO'OOO'T OO·OOç;'p OO·OOT OO'OOÇ'L OO·OOO'çG OO'OOP 8p·Ç£S'ZG 00·S98'L OO'89£'L GS·GTV' çG$ OO·OOç'v OO·OOT sa1~ua6u1+uo~ ~ ~srw . OO·Oçç T!O 'se6'sI1edar ~~nr1 00·OÇS8 roqe1 1N3W1HVd3a 3ÐVgHV8 00·090'IG OO·OOtOT syor+uo~ pue saATeA'dwnd'TyaM MaN 00·00£ sa1~ua6u1+UO~ ~ ~S1W OO·Ooc; 6u1Arasard ~ 6u1+u1ed OO·Ooc; aup:opp 6u1pny~u1'sa1Tddns 00·00£ a~ueua+u1ew ~ sr1edar dwnd OO·OOp T10'se6'sr!edar ~~nr1 OO·Ooc; sra+aw's6u1++1J'ad1d'sI1edaH 00·008 sIa+atll MaN OO·OYG s+ueIph4 MaN OO'OO<;;G s6U1++1J ~ sU1ew MaN OO'OOOI s6U1++1J ~ ad!d a~1AIas MaN OO'OÇSG raMOd OO·OOÇG :roqe1 LN3W1HVd3a H31VM OO·OOO'g 00'00£ sa!~ua6u1+uo~ ~ ~s!W 00·00£ sU1erp +aar+s oo·ooc; su01+~asra+u1 +e s~IeMap1s MaN 00·006 +uawd1nba MaN OO·OçG su61s pue 6u1~rew +aar+s OO'Oçt +uawd1nba 0+ sr1edaH 00'OÇY8 s+sa:r+s 6U1+4611 OO·OOç T10 ~ se6'sI1edar ~~nr1 00·009 saHddns OO·OOÇL su01sua+xa pue s+uawaAed PTo 6u1~eJInsaH OO'OçtG (Sr1edar rOJ) roqe1 OO·OOOç '~+a's+aar+s 6u1ueaT~ rOJ)Ioqe1 1N3W1HVd3G 133H~S 90· Svv' 9G$ a~1AIas puog a+aydwo~ :S3HnIIGN3dX3 a31VWI1S3 1Vl01 sreah 6u1pa~ard JO su01+erado a+atdwo~u1 WOIJ pa+eynwn~~e +~~V snTdrns WOId snoaueYta~s1W xe1 a6p1rg pue peOH saTes +01 hra+awa8 sarn+1aJrod pue sau1d< sasua~rI s+ 'j:Wrad QU1PHng +uaw+:redaa a6eqIeÐ +uaw+r~daa ra+eM sa1+Ieuad x~l (·tO~ %Ç6 pa+ew1+sa)su01+eIado IOJ hAaT Tt!W 6 £O'OYG sasodrnd rOJ'x~l a++are618 pa+ew1+sa JO %OÇ ·+saAuI ye+1de8 rOJ'xe1 a++are618 pa+ew!+sa JO %OÇ ('yo~ %Ç6 pa+~w1+sa) a~1Aras +qaa ~oJ hAaT ITrw 9 :3ON3A3H G31~I1S3 ~ ~Ç6T-TÇ6T LNOWH318 dO A1I8 l3Ð<Il1g Page 2. BUDGET 1951-1952 ~ FIRE DEPARTMENT -Š-a lar ie s Equipment maintenance Gas & oil for trucks Fire Hose Booster Pump for lake connect- ions Supplies 24 Hour 6 day per week fireman Living quarters in City Hall Pioto Gauge Misc. PARK DEPARTMENT - satâ"ries --- Playground supervision Improvements to baseball stadium Building and other repairs Lighting Truck repairs, gas & oil /I:!isc. CEMETERY V/ag,es Supplies LIBRARY - ÕpeIãtions Repairs & upkeep POLIC~'= DEPARTMENT - Salaiie·s - n' New car trade-in Prisoners expense Car expense Lighting Unifo!ms and equipment Iv!isc. ADMINISTRATION -- Salãry ofclerk and assists. Attorney Supplies Audit Telephone Misc. ~ GENERAL - Taxãssessor ¡;. appraisers Fuol and ligh~ Insurance and bonds Election expense League of Municipalities Chamber of Commerce JayCee Pa~k improvements So, Lake '~morial Hospital County and State taxes Building repairs Mosquito control Surveying Misc. & contingencies includ- ing heating plant TOTAL $1200000 200.00 50.00 800.00 400000 25000 2000.00 1000.00 40.00 50.00. 5,765.00 2500.00 300.00 1000.00 100,00 70.00 250.00 _100000 4,320000 450.00 75.QO 525.00 400000 _.100._00 500.00 7500.00 1000.0') 100.00 550.00 250,00 150.00 _100.00 9650000 4000.00 600.00 400.00 500.00 100000 _ 75000 5675,00 800.00 300.00 2000000 60.00 100 .00 2250000 500.00 500.00 75.00 200000 2500000 200000 3500.00 $12.985.00 J $112,428006