O-52-105 Ci¥y . Crerk-- PASSED by the City Council at its Rf'gular ileeting held in ~:he Ci t~, Hal! of the City of Clermont, Florida, on Tuesrlay, Zebr ary 5, 19~? é':'~-4<~ ---~-~'--_. -»:tes~dent of( City(Co iL-' I ~' o ----- - - ~ .~-... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /. .~ <J,i'" "'" its passage and approval by the Mayor. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be effective i~edtately upon . . '. ; re~ain in full force and effect. mDII'!ANCE JI!O. .J.!.~ AN ORDII'IAJI'CE REGU!..'.TI!,:~ '!1:E USE CF !'.'.FATPIOÌ'! SPRW :In DUSTING :.t'\TE:1IALS I-'.1\VIJI'G PP.RATI:ro¡..' THEREnJ j"N '\I"Y Af.:CUNT WITHIN TI-Œ TERRTTOHL&.L BOUNDARIES OF 1H~ CITY CF C:.ERFCÌ''T; PROVIDII'1(; FOR PENALTIES Fm VIOL '\TION OF THIS CR:JIi·:~\j\:~. BE IT ORDAWED BY THE CITY CC"JNCIL OF TEE C::TY OF CLERi.:ONT, FLC£¡IDA: SECTION 1. Hereafter the use of Parathion spray, or any spray or dusting material having Parathion therein, within the territoriel boundaries of the City of Clermont, Florida, by any person, firm or corporation shall be prohibited until the written consent of aU property o~mers lying within 500 feet of the boundaries of the ~ro- perty upon which said Parathion spray or dusting materials r.aving Parathion therein has ~een obtained and presented to th~ City Council of the City of Clermont. SECTION 2. Upon their cO"plying with Section 1. hereinabove, the City Council shall authorize the person, firm or corpor~tion so applying for the use of Parathion spray or dustin~ materi~ls having Parathion therein to use said Parathion spray or dustin~ ~aterials having Parathion therein upon said propertYi provided,furthcr, th~t said person, firm or corporation so using said Parathion spray ox dusting materials containing Parathion shall post said property in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida in effect at thr time of the consent fox the use thereof. SECTION 3. If any section, part of section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be ñeld to be unconstitutional or invalid, the remaining provisions hereof shall, nevertheless, =0 3 J .. 7~;6/~ayor February 4, 1952. RECEIVED AND APPROVED by me, this Tuesday, .. - - - - - - - -