O-52-112 . . ORDINANCE NO. / /.:< AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING A TAX LEVY ON ALL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CLERMONT I LAKE COUNTY I FLORIDA I FOR THE YEAR 1952; PROVIDING A BUDGET OF EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1952-1953 AND ~~KING APPROPRIATIONS THEREFOR. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CaJNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT I FLORIDA: SECTION I: I~ is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following sums of money are required for the Qperation of the government of the City of Clermont for the fiscal year of 1 November 1952 to 31 October 1953, inclusive: BOND DEBT SERVICE .GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES: Administration Street Department Water Department Fire Department Park Department Library Garbage Disposal Police Department General expenses $ 2ô.7.J!4i.4Q 6,250.00 24,650.00 14,150.00 3¡925.00 6,450.00 500.00 5,200.00 10,050.00 14,547.73 ESTIMATED REVENUES: Cigarette Tax Water Services Water Garbage Building Permits Licenses Fines & Forfeitures Cemetery Let Sales Road & Bridge Tax Florida Power Corp. Tax Miscellaneous 9.$ l~ll Tax Levy (operations 6 l~ll Levy-Debt Service $ 13,550.00 875.00 25,000.00 8 ,100 . 00 475.00 5,000.00 2,600.00 750.00 850.00 2,000.00 225.00 26,297.73 Z6.'l1?l.4ID $n2.~$..7 .1-$ $112/~31.:L$ as determined and based on a Budget for the Fiscal Year of 1952-1953 duly adopted by the City CQuncil of the City of Clermont. SECT ION II: It is hereby found and determined by the City . Council of the City of Clermont that the total of the Assessment Rell cf the City Qf Clermont fær 1952 as prepared by the Tax Assessor of said City and as equalized and confirmed by the City Council is $5,190,633.00; and, that the foll.wing deductions must be made from the Assessment Roll in order to arrive at the value of all property .- . . > . subject to Bond Debt Service of the City of Clermont: Deductions from total Assessment Roll: Government owned, Church, Fraternal, Household, Widows and Disability $503,898.00 thereby leaving an assessment roll having a total of $4,686,735.00 subject to Bond Debt Service, and each mill levied thereon should produce, based on 95% collection, $4,452.40, if so collected; and The following further deductions from the Assessment Roll of $4,686,735.00 must be made in order to arrive at the true value of property subject to taxation for General Operating Expenses: Homestead Exemptions and Excluded Property $1,862,140.00 thereby leaving a total Assessment Roll of $2,824.595.00 upon which a millage may be levied for General Operating Expenses of the City of Clermont; and, that each mill levied thereon should produce, based on 95% collection, $2,683.37, if so collected. SECTION III: It is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont that to raise the sum of $26,714.40 required for Bond Debt Service, and the additional sum of $26,297.73 in addition to the estimated revenues as outlined in Section I here- inabove, and further considering and anticipating uncollected taxes, a tax levy of 15.8 Mills is required to be made as follows: For Interest & Sin~ing Fund & Reserve for Bonded Indeb~edness (Bond Debt Service) 6 Mills For General Operating Expenses 9.8 Mills SECTION IV: There is hereby lev.ied and shall be collected on each dollar of taxable property in the City of Clermont and in the area excluded from the City of Clermont by Chapter 21152, Acts of the Legislature, 1941, for Interest and Sinking Fund, and Reserve for Bonded Indebtedness, a tax of 6 Mills for the year of 1952, and a tax of 9.8 Mills for General Operating Expenses on all property in the City of Clermont, save and except that property included in the area as excluded from the City of Clermont by Chapter 21152, Acts of ·the Legislature, 1941, to-wit: £er General Fund (General Operating Expenses) For Interest & Sinking Fund & Reserve for Bonded Indebtedness 9.8 Mills 6 Mills . SECTION V: The Tax Assessor of the CiV of Clermont is hereby directed to extend the Assessment Roll of the City of Clermont, here- t~fore approved by the City Council, in accordance with the millage ·provided in Section IV of this ordinance, and to deliver same to the Tax Collector and City Clerk, and the Tax Collector and City Clerk is hereby directed to collect the said taxes at the time and in the manner provided by law and the general ordinances of the City of Clerm0nt, Florida. SECTION VI: The monies raised by this tax levy are hereby appr0priated for the purposes for which levied; and no monies col- lected for the Interest and Sinking Fund and Reserve for Bonded In- debtedness shall be used for any other purpose than paying, first, the interest on the bonded indebtedness of the City of Clermont falling due during the calendar year of 1952; and, second, for the retirement of the principal indebtedness in such manner as the City Council may . hereafter determine, or as the City of Clermont is obligated to pay in accordance to the terms and conditions set forth in its bonds. SECTION VII: This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PASSED by the City Council of the City of Clermont at its Regular Meeting held on the 6th day of October, A.D., 1952. c2~ Attést: l~ </ - - - - ------- ---------- -------- - - - - APPROVED by me October 6, 1952. . ~f , , BUDGET CITY OF CLERl.10NT 1952-1953 . ESTIk~TED REVENUES: Cigarette Tax Water Services Water Garbage Building Permits Licenses . Fines & Forfeitures Cemetery Lot Sales Road & Bridge Tax Florida Power Corp. Tax Miscellaneous 9.8 Mill Tax Levy (Operations) 6 Mill Levy- Debt Service TOTAL ESTIA~TED EXPENDITURES: Bond Debt Service STREET DEPARTMENT Labor (Cleanin~: ) Labor (Repairs) Resurfacing Supplies Truck Expense Lighting Equipment Repairs Marking & Signs Sidewalk Repairs Drains Miscellaneous 5500.00 4000.00 7500.00 2000.00 600.00 3500.00 250.00 500.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 WATER DEPARTMENT . Labor Power for pumping Pipe & fitting s Mains Hydrants (fire) Meters Meter Repair s Truck Expense Pump Repairs Supplies Painting Miscellaneous 3000.00 3200.00 1000 .00 3500.00 450.00 1000.00 200.00 600.00 300.00 400.00 200.00 300.00 . FIRE DEPARTMENT Salaries Equipment Maintenance Truck Expense New Hose and Nozzles Supplies Miscellaneous 3300.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 25.00 100 . 00 PARK DEPARTMENT Salaries Playgr@und Supervision Baseball Stadium Building Repairs Lighting Truck Expense Miscellaneous cemetery Supplies 2300.00 300.00 3000.00 100 .00 200.00 350.00 100.00 lOO.OO $26,714.40 24,650.00 14,150.00 3,925.00 6,450.00 $ 13,550.00 '875.00 25,000.00 8,100.00 475.00 5,000.00 2,600.00 750.00 850.00 2,000.00 225.00 26,297.73 26.714.40 $112,437.13 LIDRARY Building Repair s 100.00 Operations 400.00 500.00 GARBAGE DISPOSAL . Labor 4500.00 Truck Expense 600.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 5,200.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT Salaries 8000.00 Prisoner Expense 200.00 Car Expense 900.00 Traffic Lights 300.00 Equipment 100.00 Radio Maintenance 300.00 Telephone & Misc. 250.00 10,050.00 ADlAI NI ST RAT ION Clerk & Help 4300.00 Attorney 600.00 Supplies 500.00 Audit 600.00 Telephone 150.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 6,250.00 GENERAL EXPENSES Tax Assessor 500.00 Fuel & Lights 750.00 Insurance & Bonds 2200.00 Election Expense 75.00 League of Municipalities 100.00 Chamber of Commerce 1763.00 Junior Chamber of Commerce 500.00 South Lake Memorial Hosp. 500.00 County & State Taxes 75.00 Mosquito Control 1100.00 Surveying 200.00 New City Map 150.00 Building Repairs 200.00 Supt. Salary 3380.00 Miscellaneous 500.00 Repay Reserve 2554.73 14.547.73 TOTAL $112,437.13 . -. ~ CITY OF CLERMONT NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF VOTERS NOTICE is hereby given that the Registration Books for /3 the City of Clermont will be open November 8, 1952, for the registration of voters who wish to participate in the general election of the City of Clermont to be held Tuesday, December ~, /) 1952, and such books will be open to and including 12 A.M., November 28, 1952, during the reasonable business hours of each business day. It is not necessary for persons who are already registered to register again, but attention is called to the fact that registration in the County Registration Books does not qualify a voter to participate in the City of Clermont general election. This 6th day of November, A.D., 1952. Iy November 6, 13, 20, 27, 1952 ~ ~