O-53-119 ORDINANCE NO. 119 .. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 48 OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT RELATING TO THE ZONING OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT; CHANGING THE ZONES OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF CLERMONT; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont did, in accordance with Sections 20 and 21 of Ordinance No. 48, the Zoning Ordinance, cause a notice to be published in The Clermont Press, a newspaper published in the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, in the issuæof August 13 and 20, 1953, which read as follows: II NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT , FLORIDA, THE SMIE BEING ŒDINANCE NO. 48 OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: YOU, and each of you, are hereby notified that on '! September 1953 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall in the City of Clermont, the City Council of the City of Clermont will consider and act upon a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Clermont, the same being Ordinance No. 48, changing the Zone of the following described property in the City of Clermont, Florida, to-wit: (a) From a R-IA Single Family District to a R-2 Multiple Family District: All lots in Oak View Subdivision, a subdivision in the City of Clermont, according to plat thereof duly filed for record on June 4, 1953, and recorded in Plat Book 12, page 59, public records of Lake County, Florida. (b) To amend paragraph 15 of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 48 to read as follows: 15. Laundry or Launderettes (employing more than five people on premises). (c) To amend Section 3 of Ordinance No. 48 by adding an additional paragraph thereto, to be numbered 14 and to read as follows: .. 14. Funeral Homes. ALL PERSONS interested will be heard. /s/ A. M. Johnson Clerk, City of Clermont II. I and, . . WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont did, in accordance with the foregoing notice, meet in the City Hall of the City of Clermont at 7 :00 P.M. on the '1--t:4. day of September, A.D., 1953, and duly considered the propõsed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Clermont, the same being Ordinance No. 48, and heard all those present, if any there were; and, the said City Council of the City of Clermont did, at its adjourned regular meeting on Tuesday, September l5th, further consider said proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Clermont; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont is of the unanimous opinion that such amendments to said Zoning Ordinance should be made; therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE CCXJNTY I FLORIDA: Section 1: That all lands lying within the following described premises, being within the city limits of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, and shown on the Zoning Map of the City of Clermont to be located in R-IA Single Family District be re-zoned, re-districted and placed in a R-2 Multiple Family District, to~wit: All lots in Oak View Subdivision, a subdivision in the City of Clermont, according to plat thereof duly filed for record on June 4, 1953, and recorded in Plat Book l2, page 59, public records of Lake County, Florida. Section 2: That paragraph 15 of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 48 be amended to read as follows: 15. Laundry or Launderettes (employing more than five people on premises). Section 3: That ßect;on 3 of Ordinance No. 48 be amended by adding an additional paragraph thereto to be numbered 14 and to read a s follows: 14. Funeral Homes. Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith or inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5: This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and appro~ by the Mayor. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. . PASSED by the City Council of the City of Clermont at i~ adjourned Regular Meeting held on September 15, 1953. Attest: ~ pfZ4!· Of~~il- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RECEIVED AND APPROVED by me, this September 15, 1953. ~1S~ /-i-'-'J . b NOTICE OF PPOPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT I nOR mA, THE SAME BEING OBDTNANCE NO. 48 OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT. .. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: YOU and each of you, are hE'reby noti.fied that on Wednesday, SE'otemb~r 9th 1953 at 8 o'clock P. M. in the City Hall in the City of Clerm~nt, the City Council of the City of ClE'rmont will consider and act upon the following proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Clermont, the same bei~g Ordinance No. 48, to-wit: by increasing A.. To change/the number of Districts (Zones). as provided for in Section 2 of said Ordinance from seven (7) to Eight (8)Districts (Zones); and, to further amend and change said Section 2 thereof by adding therein to the names of the Districts (Zones) the following District, (Zone), which shall follow the name of the C-2 Commercial Districts, to-wit: Transit Commercial Districts. B. T 0 add to said Zoning Ordinance No. 48 of the said City of Clermont the following new Section to be designated as SECfION 6~, which shall read as follows: SECfraN 6~. USE REGULATIONS I TRANSIT COMMERCIAL DISTRICfS. In the Transit Commercial Districts all buildings and land, except as otherwise ~rofided in this Ordinance, may be used for any of the principal uses permitted in the C-l Commercial Districts, and in addition therE'to the followina use s. 1. Filling stations; Auto Repair Shops; Trailer Parks; Drive-In Diners and TheatrE's; Observation Towers; Out-door amusements such as driving ranges, minature golf, tennis c"'urts, s"/i.mming pools; stands for sale of fruit and produce; stands for sale of handicrafts and souveniers; light manufacturing of nroducts for sale on the premises; and, othex lenitimate uses approrriate to serving the travelling public. 2. All uses orohibited in the C-J. and C-2 Commercial Distxicts are hereby prohibited in this Transit Commercial District. C. To add to said Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 48, of the City of Clermont, the following new Section to be desiqnated as SECTIO~I 1312, which shall read a s follows: SECfrON 1312. HEIGHT AND AREA ,REGULATIONS OF TRANSIT OOhwœRCIAL DISTRICTS. l. The required minimun first (1st) floor area of resident buildings measured in square feet shall be the same as for an R-2 Multiple Family District. . 2. The minimun size of lot axea measured in Sauare feet shall be 5000; and, the minimun size of lot width . in feet shall be 50. 3. The maximun coverage of lot by all buildings she]l be 50%. 4. Th,e minimun yard dimensions, subj~ct Iberein to the provisions of sub-paraqraphs a to j, 1ncl., shall.be: Front (death) for Dwellings, 25 feet, and for Commerc1al, 35 feet. Side (width) for Dwellinos, 7 feet, and for Commercial, 15 feet. Rear (depth) for Dwellings, 20 feet, and for Commercial, None. (~) Permissable ~ToiE'ctions on aE'rmitted buildings, etc: (a) Steps OT stoops not exceeding 24 Sa. ft. in area, eaves, cornices, window sills, lintels and belt coarces may project into any reouired yard. (b) On lots occupied by dwellings, not more than 30% of the rear yard may be occupied by buildings of accessory uses, nor shall any accessory building be higher than the main building. (c) 1n any district (zone), where lots are less than 100ft. "'f'~,dè'ep,fthefront ~md rear yards may each be reduced l~ for each foot that the depth of the lot is less than 100 ft. (d) Where the dedicated street or right of way is less than 50 ft., the depth of the front yard shall be mpasured from a point 25 ft. from the center of the stEeet to the front buiJ.ding Une. (e) For eachfðJot by which a lot o~ official record at the time of the enactment hereof is less than the minimun width reQuired under this orrlinance, 2 inches may be deducted from each side yard, provided( however, that no side yard shall be loss than 4 ft. (f¡ No building need be set back more than the average set backs of the buildings within lOO feet on either side. (0) No dwelling shall be erected on a lot which does not abut on at least one street for at least ?5 feet. (h) Residential lot widths shall be measured on 'tre front building line. (i) One buildinQ and its accessory MKKK structures may be erected on any lot of seperate recorded ownership prior to the adoption hereof. (j) No minimun lot sizes are prescribed for C-l and C-2 Commercial Districts (zones), but must be 1~r0e enouah to provide parking and loading areas for the normal oneration of the enterprise. .( .I. , 'ì. 5:. -The 'ma x.imùn l1~igth of structures, subject herein to sub-~Aragraphs a, b, and c, shall be: 35 feet or 2~ stories. Permissable Heights of Structures: . (a) In measureing heiqth a habitable basement or attic shall be counted as a half (~) story. (b) Chimneys, elevators, poles, spires, tanks, towers, and other projections not used for hgman occupancy may extend above the height limit. (c) Churches, schools, hospitals, sanitariums, and other public and seim-public buildings may be built to a height of 55 feet or 4 stories, if the minimun deDth of front and rear vards and the minimun width of side yarås reQuired in the district (zone) are increa~ed one foot for each two feet by which the height of such bUilding excees the height limit in feet prescribed for other structures in that district (zone). D. That all lands lying within one-half (~) block, but not in excess of 250 feet, on either side of the Right-of-Way .'''''''' ,> ;. .. of State Road No. 50, beginning in the center of said road or highway at a point of the intersection of the East boundary~f Lot 18, Block 7, and the East boundary of Lot 2, Block 8 (otherwise described as Lot 2 of Block . B Ella Vista Heights) if projected Southerly and Northerly, r~spectively, to the center of said road or highway, and ending at a point of the intersection of the East boundary of Lot 17, Block 99 and the East boundary of Lot 7, Block lOO, if projected Southerly and Northerly, respectively, to the center of said road or highway, as represented on the Official Map of the City of Clermont filed for record on 2/4/26 and recorded in Plat Book 8, pages 17 to 23, both in~., public records of Lake County, Florida, shall be changed and removed from the district or zone' in which said lands are now located and defined to be within, in accordance with said Zoning Ordinance No. 48 and all of the amendments made thereto, to a Transit Commercial District (Zone). \tl persons will be heard. 1s/ A. M. JOHNSON Clerk, City of Clermont, Florida. To be published on: August 20th, 27th & Sept. 3rd, 1953~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of the foregoing Notice was published in the Clermont Press, a newspaper of general circulation and published in Clermont, Florida, in the issues of August 20th, 2ryth and September 3rd, 1953;~and, that a copy of this notice was also posted on the Bulletin Bard in the City Hall in the City of Clermont; and, that I haveocaused two (2) copies of this notice to ~e posted on different places on property within the district (zone) to be changed from the present districts to a Transit Commercial District. DATED, August 19th, 1953. /s/ A. M. Johnson City Clerk. .