O-54-121 .. ORDINANCE NO. 11. / AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE SEIZURE OF ANY VEHICLE, VESSEL, OR OTHER CONVEYANCE USED WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OR REMOVAL OF OR FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONCEALMENT OF ANY STILL AND STILLING APPARATUS OR RAW MATERIAL USED IN THE IMNUFACTURE OF ILLICIT AND ILLEGAL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, OR OF ANY ILLICIT AND ILLEGAL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR LIQUORS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE FORFEITURE THEREOF UNDER THE GENERAL STATE LAW. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA: Section 1: Any vehicle, vessel, aircraft or any animal used in the transportation or removal of, or for the deposit or con- cealment of any illicit liquor still or stilling apparatus or any mash, wart, wash, or other fermented liquids capable of being dis- tilled or manufactured into an alcoholic beverage containing more than 1% of a lcohol by weight, or any alcoholic beverage, comrnonl y /7 known and referred to as "moonshine whiskey", where seized by a municipal police officer within the çorporate limits of the City of Clermont, shall be forfeited, as provided for by the general State law, and all sums received therefrom shall go into the general operating fund of the City. Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage. A copy thereof shall be posted in the City Hall as required under the Charter of the City of Clermont. Section 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith or inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . PASSED by the Cit~ Council meeting held on the L/;&it da y of of the City of Clermont at ±s YrLt1A.~ ,A.D., 1954. pr&&~f C~~il .. . RECEIVED AND APPROVED by me this 4-day of ~- , 1954. .AÁ~ ø, t<- \();>-....v '\~ . NanCE OF EOUAT.IZATION OF TAXES CLERMONT I FLORIDA. NOTICE is hf'reby given that the Preliminary Assessment Roll of the City of Clermont for the year 1953 has be~n completed by the Tax Assessor of the City of Clermont, and has been filed hV her with the City Clerk. NOTICE is further oiven that the C1ty Council of the city of C~ermont will meet in the City Hall in Cl~rmont on ~Ðdnesday, September 9th, 1953 at 7:30 P. M. for the purpose of hearing complaints from owners or agents of any real estate or oersonal property, the value of which has been fix~~ by the Ass0ssor of said city or changed by s?id City Council, and will make such corrections ar.d adjustments as may be proner. At the conclusion of said meetin2, or some adjournment thereof, the City Cnuncil w'l] confirm and adopt said Assessment Rol], as equali?~d and adjusted, as the official. Assessment Roll of the City of Clermont for the year of 1953. The Preliminary Æssessment Roll may be examinpd by any tax payer durinc: reasonable.bllsiness hours of each business rl2Y prior to or during the meeting above mentioned. All complaints and reouests for equalization an0 adjustment are required to be in writing and filed with the City Clerk; but, any taxpayer may be heard, either in person or by an attorney or aoent at said meeting. " DATED this August 20th, 1953, at Clermont, FJorida. /5/ A. M. JCHNSON City Clerk To be published on: August 20th, 27th & September 3rd, 1953. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- I PERFBY CERTIFY that a cony of the foregoing Notice was published in the Clermont Press, a newspaper of general circlJlP-t:ion ;:,ublished in Clermont.( Florida in the iSS\leS of AU']u st '20, 27, & September 3, 195;:s; and, a copy of thJ" not:ice was nosted on the Bulletin Board in the City Hall in Clermont, Florida from 8ate to and incluèing September 9, 19~:<. Dated this 19th day of Auglls~J:3'~~~ ~ê;~~7·- . j-' - -d'¡ r" ~:7 ~ , - ~<::