O-54-124 · .. ORDINANCE NO./~~ AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING A TAX LEVY ON ALL PROPERTY IN ThE CITY OF CLERwONT, LAKE COUNTY, F'WRIDA, FOR THE YEAR 1954; PROVIDING A BUDGET OF EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1954-1955 AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS THEREFOR: BE IT ORDAI1ŒD BY THE CITY COU¡,CIL OF THE CITY OF CIERMONT, F'WRIDA: SECTION 1: It is hereby found and determined by the 'City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following sums of money are required for the operation of the goverment of the City of Clermont for the fiscal year of 1 November 1954 to 31 October 1955, inclusive: BOND DEBT SERVICE GENERAL OPERATION EXPENSES: Street Department Water Department Parks & Cemetary Garbage Disposal Fire Department Police Department Administration Expenses General Expenses $28,595.36 25,950.00 19,090.00 5,900.00 12,732.00 4,440.00 13,:510.00 8,815.00 14,888.00 ESTIMA~ED REVENUES: Cigarette Tax $16,750.00 Water Revenue 28,750.00 Garbage 9,250.00 Water Installations 2,000.00 Building Permits 1,000.00 Occupational Licenses 5,100.00 Fines & Forfeitures 3,500.00 Cemetary Lot Sales 750.00 Road & Bridge Tax 1,000.00 Florida Power CArp. Tax 2,300.00 Miscellaneous 999.63 lei Mill Tax levy (operation 33,725.37 5i Mill tax Levy(debt) 28,595.36 $133,720.36 $133,720.36 as determined and based on a Budget for the Fiscal year 1954-1955 duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Clermont. SECTION 11: It is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont that the total Assessment Roll of the City of Clermont for 1954 as prepared by the Tax Assessor of said City and as equalized and confirmed by the City Council is $5,776,730.00; and, that the following deductions must be made from the Assessment Roll in order to arrive at the value of all property subject to Bond Debt Service of the City of Clermont: Deductions from total Assessment Roll: 4 Exempt property-Goverment owned, Church, Fraternal, Widows, Disability $304,510.00 thereby leaving an aasessment roll having a total of $5,472,220.00 subject to Bond Debt Service, and each mill levied thereon should produce, based on 95% collection, $5,198.61, if so collected; and The following further deductions from the Assessment Roll of $5,472.220.00 must be made in order to arrive at the true value of property subject to taxation for General Operating Expenses: Homestead Exemptions Excluded property $2,035,110.00 56,130.00 $2,091.240.00 therebybleaving a total Assessment Roll of $3,380,980.00 upon which a millage may be levied for General Operating Expenses of the City of Clermont; and, that each mill levied thereon should ~ produce, based on 95% collection, $3,211.94, if so collected. SECTION Ill: Itis hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont that to raise the sum of $28,592.36 required for Bond Debt Service, and the additional sum of $33,725.37 in addition to the estimated revenues as outlined in Section 1 hereinabove, and further considering and anticipating uncollected taxes, a tax levy of 16 Mills is required to be made as follows: For Interest & Sinking FUnd & Reserve for Bonded Indebtedness(Bond Debt Service) For General Operating Expenses 5.5 Mills 10.5 Mills ~ ,~ SECTION IV: There is hereby levied and shall be collected on each dollar of taxable property in the City of Clermont and in the area excluded from the City of Clermont by Chapter 21152, Acts of the Legislature, 1941, for Interest & Sinking Fund, and Reserve for Bonded Indebtedness, a tax of 5.5 Mills for the year 1954, and a tax of 10.5 Mills for General Operating Expenses on all property in the City of Clermont, save and except that property included in the area as excluded from the City of Clermont by Chapter 21152, Acts of the Legislature, 1941, to-wit: For General Fund(General Operating Expenses) For Interest & Sinking Fund & Reserve for Bonded Indebtedness 10.5 Mills 5.5 Mills trroH ~aemsaeasA La~o~ mo~1 aaot~oubøŒ ,bemro :tne~evoÐ-"(:t~eq~q ~qmex3 OO.OLõ,~~$ "(~lrtdsa~ ,awobtw ,L~e~s~ ,do~udD. oo.OSg,s~.,a. 10 !a:to~ s aalvsd !!o~ ~nemaaeaas na salvae! "(de~ad~ b!uods aoe~erl~ batve! LIlm rlose baa .eol~e8 :tdea bnoS o~ ~oetåue bas tbe~oe!!oo os 1t ~!ð.8Q!,a. ,ao1~oe!Loo ~aQ ~o beeså',eoDb~q 10 rLog ~namSBeBeA erl~ mo~1eao1~onbeb ~erl:t~uî BalwoLL?1 erlT euLsv e~~ erl~ ~s evh~s o;t ~eb-Ìo nl ebam eå ~aum OO.oss.sn"at :eeeaeqxg Ba1~s~eqO !~eaeÐ' ~o, aot~sxs~ o~ ~oetduB "(~~eq~q '0 90.0LL~a~0.s. OO.OtL..ðõ Oo.o.s.reO,S$' aoqu pO.08e,08t,t$ 10 ILoH ~aemBBeBeA !s~o:t s 8a1vse!d"(d~ed:t aaol:tqmex3 bae:taSl1loH . "(:t~eq~q bebu!ox~ erl:t '10 eeaaeqx8: BaUa~eqo Ls~el1eÐ 'o"be1vaL aå "(am a8a!Um s do1dw , , , , b!uoda ao~erl:t belva!, LHm rlose ~sd;t .bns t:tao~eIo. '0 "(:t10 '.be:toeL!oo oa ~ .~Q.LLS.tt ,ao1~oeLLoo ~aQ ao beaaå ,eoubo~q . , "(:t1o. ed~ 'td beal~e:teb :bas ,bnu01 "(å~erl aUI :!U HOITo.:1I8 'lo'mua erl:t eBIs~ ~~ ~4rl:t :tao~e!o. 10 "(~lo. ed:t '10 L~óßUOo. mua IsaoU1bbs ed~ bas ,eo~~~' :tåea baoS '10'1 bB'i1up~ at~SQõ,8St n1 beal!:tuo sa lISuaeve~ be:tsmUáe ed:t o:t aoU1bbs al "t'.as~ ,8t$ "10 . .' , I aat:taqtol;tas bns 8a1~ebIaaoo,'edj~u'1 bas ,&vodsate~ed L aot:toe8 ebam ed, o:t be~lupe~ a1 a!!lY 8L '10 "(Ve! xa;t a ,aexs:t ba:toe!!oonu : awoI!o"1 as ~01 e~eeeg ~ baaq 8a1~le ~ :tBe~e~aI ~O~ (eo1~e8 :tdea baoa)a8eabe~debaI bsbaoa aLUM a.a aLUM a.OL BeBneqxg Ba1:ta~eqO !s~eneÐ ~~ ao be,:toe!!oo ad Usde bas be1veL 'td~ed a1 ~e.dT cV! HOITo.:!l8 , "tf- al btta :tao~eLo. '10 "(:t1o. ed:t n1 "(:t~eq~q eIåsxa:t '10 "laLLob dose . e:toA ,seLLS ~e;tqsdt) 'td ¡tno~eLo. '10 "(:tIC ed:t mo~'lbebuLoxe s~s erl:t e~e.aeH bas ,btUR 8al1!.a18 08 :t8e~e:taI ~0'1 ,L~Q! ,~u:taLalaaI erl:t '10 bns ,.aQ! "l86't ed:t ~o~ aIIIM õ.a 10 xa:t s .aaeabe:tåebaI bebáoa ~o'l "(:t~eqo~q LLa no aeaaeqxg 8al:ts~eqO Is~eaeÐ '10' eLIIM a.O! 10 xs:t a bebuLoa1 "(:t'leqO~q :tsrl~ :tqeoxe bná evaa ·.:tao~$lo. '0 "(:t10. ad:t a1 ,SaL!S ~e:tqsd:> 'td ,~aome!o. '10 "(:t10 ed:t mo'l' bebuLoxe BS a~a erl~ at I ~lw..o:t .!.Q! ,e~u~sLal8e.I ed:t '0 a:toA (aeEI.II,sqxg BnUs~eqO' !a~eaeÐ)b1J.tR !a~eneÐ ~~ eLUM a.OL slUM a.a e~eaeH ~ b1JUq Ba1xn!8 08 :te~e~aI ~~ BBeabe:tåebaI bebaoa ~01 .. ~ l .. . SECTION. V: The Tax Assessor af the City of Clermont is hereby directed to extend the Assessment Roll of the City of Clermont, heretofere appraved'by the City Council; in accordance with the Millage provided in Section IV of this ordinance, and'tQ deliver, same to the Tax Collector and City Clerk, and the Tax Collector and City Clerk is hereby directed to collect the said taxes at the time and in the manner provided by law and the general or.dinances of tb. City of, Clermont, Florida. SECTION V1: The monies raised by this tax levy are hereby, apprap'1:ated 'far the purposes for which levied; apd'no ,monies callected for the Interest & Sinking Fund ari~Re~erv~ ,for Bonded Indebtedness shall be used t:0rany other purpose :t;han¡paying, first, the'intel'est on the bonded indebtednesli! of the Cit;r of.c~ermont falling due during the calendar, year of19s.S; and.", second" for the retirement of, the prinoipal indebtedne,ss in such manner as t~e City .council may hereinafter determine, or,as the City ,of Clermont is obligated to pay in accordance to, the tern¡s and conditions set forth in .its banda:.' SECTION, V'll: This ørdinance shall:, be effective, immediate ly upon 'its passage, and ,approval by the,Mayor., _ .. ',:- "!II' "-;. to. ~'.~-, ~ -, -!o - ~ ...- .'.- .. -.. '- ... .- - "," ,-., ---..-- PASS~D by the City Counoil øf the City of Clermont at its Adjo~rn~d;Regular meeting· held on the'H/'th ,day of October; A.D., 1954. I , , ~L~~~~~ .. .. .. .. - .. . .. - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - - 1954 , ~ \... ,', ... . ..... ~ . . . , - '- . , $' J ,- " " . - ~ . ~ J): f -! J'..r ~ - . t r , " t: ~ . ," .~ " "' . ' , ~' .' BUDGET CITY OF CLERMONT 1954-1955 .. ESTIMATED RECEIPTS: lei Mill Tax levy Cigarette Tax Water Revenue Garbage Water Installations Building Permits Occupational Licenses Fines & Forfeitures Cemetary Lot Sales Road & Bridge Tax Florida Power Corp. Tax Miscellaneous 5i Mill Tax levy ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: Bond Debt Service STREET DEPARTMENT: Cleaning Labar Repairs Labor SUpplies Truck Expenses Lighting Equipment Repairs Signs & Marking Sidewalk Repairs Drains New Equipment New Street Signs (names) Resurfacing Materials Miscellaneous WATER DEPARTMENT: Labor P0Wer for Pumping Pipe & Fittings New Mains New Meters Repairs to meters Truck Expenses Supplies Hydrants Miscellaneo.,s 'a -- PARKS & CEMETARY: Labor Building Repairs Lighting Truck Expenses New Truck Playground Supervision Library Building Repairs Library Operations Lighting Tennis Courts Miscellaneous ·28,595.36 4,400.00 2,700.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 300.00 200.00 300.00 750.00 500.00 5,000.00 && 300.00 25,950.00 5,000.00 2,800.00 1,800.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 500.00 500.00 750.00 440.00 300.00 19,090.00 2,800.00 100.00 100.00 250.00 1,250.00 500.00 100.00 400.00 300.00 100.00 5,900.00 33,725.37 16,750.00 28,750.00 9,250.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 5,100.00 3,500.00 750.00 1,000.00 2,300.00 999.63 105,125.00 28,595.36 133,720.36 .. GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Labor Truck Expense New Truck Other Equipment (dump) Miscellaneous FIRE DEPARTMENT: Salaries Truck Expenses Miscellaneous POLICE DEPARTMENT: Salaries Prisoner Expense Car Expense Traffic Light Lighting Traffic Light Maintenance Radio Maintenance Equipment New Car Miscellaneous ADMINISTRATION: Clerk & Help City Supt. Office Supplies & Expense Te lephone GENERAL EXPENSES: City Attorney Tax Assessor Treasurer Auditor FUel & Lights Building Repairs Insurance Election Expenses League of f~icipalities Chamber of,Commerce- South Lake Hospital Hospital Paving S. S. Tax County Taxes Mosquito Control Surveying New Whiteway Miscellaneous Total Budget . 6,100.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 3,532.00 100.00 12,732.00 4,040.00 100.00 300.00 4,440.00 9,560.00 375.00 900.00 225.00 100.00 400.00 150.00 1,300.00 300.00 13,310.00 4,700.00 3,380.00 600.00 135.00 8,815.00 600.00 1,500.00 50.00 600.00 500.00 500.00 2,700.00 50.00 100.00 1,763.00 500.00 1,500.00 800.00 75.00 1,150.00 .100.00 1,900.00 500.00 14,888.00 ¡~ . .,Ý $133,720.36