O-54-127 ORDINANCE NO. 127 -- AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN OCCUPATION LICENSE TAX FOR ALL ELECTRICIANS OR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS; REQUIRING EXAMINATION AND PAYMENT OF ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AS A CONDITION PRECEDENT TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE LICENSE; REPEALING PARAGRAPH 109 OF SECTION 7, CHAPTER XI OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDIN- ANCES OF THIIi CITY OF CLERMONT RELATING TO OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAXES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT; PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS RELATING HERETO, INCLUDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION HEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED AND ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Hereafter all electricians or electrical con- tractors performing any labor and/or furnishing any material in the original installing, altering or repairing of any electrical wiring, circuits or upon any part of a system of electrical wir- ing or circuits in any structure or upon any property within the limits of the City of Clermont, Florida, is hereby required to first obtain an occupational license tax of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) before performing any labor upon, or furnishing any material for any electrical wiring or circuits, which said electrician or con- tractor will install in or cause said material to become a part of the electrical wiring or circuits in any building or upon any property in said City. Provided further said electrician or electrical contractor may have as many apprentice electricians, journeymen electri.cians or helpers as desire which the City will include under the foregoing license tax fee. The licensed electrician or elec- trical contractor will be solely responsible for all work performed by said apprentice electricians, journeymen electricians, helpers or any other person or group of persons employed by him and working on any premises in the City of Clermont in which the electrical wiring, circuits or materials are being inserted in electrical wiring or circuits or shall become a part of electrical wiring of circuits in any building or upon any property in the aforesaid City. SECTION 2. All electricians or electrical contractors making application for an occupational license under this ordinance as a condition precedent to the issuance of said license under this ordinance, each are hereby required to undergo an examination based upon the National Electric Code and any amendments thereto, then in full force and effect in the City of Clermont, as provided by an examination ordinance of said City, and shall also have paid to the Tax Collector of this City all personal property taxes duly levied and assessed by said City and then delinquent or then due and payable to said City. . SECTION 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and not less than double the amount of the license required herein, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for not less than three (3) nor more than sixty (60) days, or by both such fine aqè imprisonment. Provided further that each day said violation is continued by operating as an electrician or elec- trical contractor without an occupational license as required here- in shall be a separate offense. SECTION 4. Each of the provisions of this ordinance are severable, and if any provision herein shall be declared to be invalid the remaining provision shall not be affected but shall -- Ja . remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval; and, all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed particularly paragraph l09 of Section 7, of Chapter XI, as amended of the Revised General Ordinance of the City of Clermont relating to Occupational License taxes in the City of Clermont. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PASSED by the City Council of the City of Clermont at a Special Meeting held on December 30, 1954. ~/! , President of the ~ .. (CITY SEAL) . , , , , '. / - :::.,.~- ".'''0:. . . ~~ . ~g ~. : ," $ ~ - - ...-., " " .....-,... - - - - ------- ------ ----- RECEIVED and approved by me this December 30, 1954. ~ ß). !ÝJ___I Mayor ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CERTIFICA~E OF RESULT OF SPECIAL ELECTION DECEMBER 28, 1954 CLERMONT, FLORIDA . We, the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors of Election do hereby certify the result of the Special Élection held this day to be as follows: Total number counted 77 I 76 Total Number of ballots cast Number of ballots rejec~ed of which the following received the number of votes setforth opposite their names: FOR COUNCILMAN: JAMES ELLIS KONSLER 11 f; 6llt is It , ." r;/~I '1 41,''/''/ /.¿ /r., 7"3 I 2- . We certify the above to be correct. dP"'~' 2u/.d~~/ vð--........:...~~ CP~or?c· ~- ft1t:h'7 . -- OATH OF INSPECTORS ÀND CLERK STATE OF FIORIDA COUNTY OF LAKE CITY OF CLERMONT . We, the undersigned Inspectors and Clerk of Election, each for himself (herself) take and subscribe to the following oath: That we will well and truly perform our duties as Inspectors and Clerk of Election to be held this date, and we will endeavor to prevent all fraud and abuse. So say we all. This 28th day of December A. D. 1954 r;/~ Ú/~_ /" ~~ 0" -.'. . 71. ~ f~tors' ~ ~r '~ - .. , ,. ì ~ 11 .' J . ~,~ CERTIFICATE OP RESUL'!' OF EIECTION DFCEMBER 14. 1964 CLERMONT. FLORIDA We, the underl1gned InspecterlJ and Olerk or Election, de hereb7 certlfy the result &t the elecUGn held this date to be as tellowe: -- Total number or ballete cast HUmber ef ballots rejected Total number cGunted . ~3 fr 4 '::<'$ r st Which the fallowing received the number or 'votes aetrorth .p~.lte their names: ~R IIA'roR: H /3tEfJrI- 'lIILLIAH BOYD /'Joe.1t' ~Þ...v..-( ¡j., "".kl" IA.J A-~".# ~I#'.II:"_ ;LF/-ÞJ1 z'o ¡PIIJ'JO,;¡.. t.¡YI'f'N¡ FOR TREASURER~ )¡j!! ¡/'.v,fQ ,./ / ?--;I þ--- 7 , , ROSS C. CA!i"J.'WELL ?--/ r (Jf1HL.7.f¡;ff¡/EI'r FOR COUJfCILJmN: BARt.EY BEALES RUSSELL GRANT WIn. H. MCQUISTIOH OlEN MIDDlETON RALPH SNYDER E. O. WINSTON .I / ..=)'1 /ït./ /0/ /3 '7-- 7f) /IVY . . We certU'7 the abQve tG be C.·'Not. ~'1{<~ _0;-"-,,-,,, ?;OLA~ ¿;/~"'"~~ . Inepec~Ðrs ffl;-/~/~-/- ~~t'aene~~~ OATH OF INSPECTORS AND CLERK . STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF' LAKE CITY OF CLERMONT We the undersigned Inspectors and Clerk et Eleotiøn. eaoh for himselt (herselt) take and subscribe te the fø110wing 9ath: That we will well and truly perførm eur dutiea as Inspeotors and Clerk ef E1ectiøn tÐ be held this date, and we will endeavor t. prevent all flfwd and abuse. So say we all. This 14th. day et December A. D. 1954 /l,J~ ':z{? -r,{ / ~ë/./ /17 þ4t"-Cck ,/ /' ~~~ -ß,~ ~nBpeoterB ty/- . / L / / ~·7 ./~V//V'/~ Ydlerk' / . , I 1