08-28-2012 CRA Special MeetingFr—
City of Clermont
Community Redevelopment Agency
Special Meeting
August 28, 2012
The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) met on Tuesday, August 28, 2012 in the
Council Chambers at City Hall Mayor Turville called the meeting to order at 6 30pm
with the following CRA members present Mary Jo Pfeiffer, Bob Bowman, Keith
Mullins, Jack Hogan, Ray Goodgame and Rick Van Wagner Other City officials present
were City Manager Saunders, Assistant to the City Manager Hollerand and City Clerk
Approval of Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency meeting minutes of September 27, 2011
Council Member Goodgame moved for the approval of the CRA minutes
of September 27, 2011 as written, seconded by Council Member Mullins
The motion passed with all members present voting"ave"
Facade Improvement Grant
Clermont Office Suites
Planning and Zoning Director Hitt presented the grant request for the Façade
Improvement Grant Program Clermont Office Suites is located at 836 W Montrose
Street The CRA criterion requires no physical renovation or work be done until approved
by the CRA, a contract was completed and Notice to Proceed was issued The request is
for painting the building and metal flashing trim Three quotes have been attained for the
requested item as required by the criteria The low bid cost is $1,900 for painting the
building The total request is $1,425 and the 25 percent applicant cost/match is $475
Staff recommended approval There are no permits required for this project
The applicant was not present
Mayor Turville opened the public hearing There were no comments
Mayor Turville closed the public hearing
Council Member Mullins moved to recommend approval, seconded by
Council Member Goodgame The motion passed with all members voting
Assistant to the City Manager, Barbara Hollerand, provided an update on the kiosk
project In last year's budget, $20,000 was allocated to design and build several
informational kiosks The purpose of the kiosks was to direct visitors and residents to
downtown shops and restaurants and to advertise upcoming downtown events The kiosks
would include both a map of Clermont and of downtown, as well as a calendar of
upcoming events and related event posters No advertising would be included
A small committee has been meeting over the last year to move the kiosk project forward
The committee proposed to install the kiosks at four locations along or near the South
Lake Trail Two additional locations within the downtown have also been identified as
future locations
The four initial locations are Waterfront Park, the 8th Street pier area, Histonc
Village/boat ramp area and the trailhead at 8ih Street and Minneola Avenue The two
additional locations are the future plaza at the Jenkins Audrtonum site and the Clermont
Community Center Inland Groves Property Park was also considered for a kiosk
After consideration of several designs and their costs, the committee and City staff
developed a sketch of a proposed design
The size, number of panels and the displayed information would vary by the kiosk
location A typical vertical display case would be 3'x4', and approximately 30 inches off
the ground Depending on the location, the proposed kiosks will feature either single- or
double-sided display case, mounted on decorative poles For the trailhead site, the display
case would be wall mounted Kiosks would include a roof overhang and locking
Plexiglas cabinets for secunty
The City plans to advertise for bids within the next two weeks and should have them by
mid-October, at the latest The agenda item could come back to the CRA board for
approval in the fall
In regards to the downtown entry feature, staff will refine the scope of services with the
consultant before seeking approval The disbanded Clermont Main Street organization
donated $11,179 in 2008 to be used for the entryway
Adjourn: With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6 42pm
arold S Turville, Mayo
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Tracy Ackro i, City Cler -
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