O-28-01 ,', ,;jI" ,.. , .; , , J!o'~~ ., ~t..... .. ~ " j!, , ~" t:; , ~"':' *" . -;¡ ~ j:, ,¡ , ,... ,~ ~2 ~"': .. .. TO i .... ~ . ,( !' .. ." . .,- ~..~~'" {ì ,~ , , " ORDINAlTCE NOo.J_ ; . ORDIl~ÄNCE Prl.OVIDTIW A TAX LEVY ON PROP'¿RTY IN TIlE CITY OF CL..:.rlMONT, FLORIDA PŒ IJ.'>E YEAR 1928; AND APPROPRIArI.'ING NOl\[EYS:Œ 'l'Þ.E OPERA').1ION Ql~' TilE GOV,;j,RNMENT 0:.... 'fiiE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR THE YEAR 19290 Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Cl ar:>mont: Section 1: For the operation of and .overnment of the City of Clermont for the c'alendar yea.r 1929, it 1s hereby found and determined tþat the following sums For sinking fund ~~...__çd./f? , b Ý For Interest fund ~; /;< ((;3 7,,3 r For General Fund ~~ I ¿ æ4~, 7.:2.- Section 2: For the purpose of raising money with are necessary: " which to conduct and operate the goverhment of the City of Clermont for the calendar ','ear 1929, a tax of 11 mills on each dollar of assessed value of property within the City of Cler.mont, be and the same is hereby levied for tl~ :..ïear 1928; and said millage is to ï:>e distributed as follo\ilS: For Sinking Fund ~ l.íills For IntErest Fund q- Mills ¡. For General Fund _£ Mill~o Section 3: There 1s hereby appropriated from the ! General Fund, the following sums ,for the conducting and oyeration of the several departments of t:"e Oi ty Government for the year 1929: Police Department ~;..--Lk.~!:L.~j' ___ Fire Departmenti.?_ ___-L~~,,3 j / pa.rk Departmen t Ü~--Lf?-E-L/ t? Publicit:T De~,iartrc.ont :'j /b{)d~ 7 ¥ ,.'--'_ 7, street Department ::t_- f!!¿:J.¡.,3.L__.__ General Department t$ ;Z ¥ () ~ ~ () r·,',.,',·,·,··,·· ~ ,'.'" ..'. ".·,1 , .. , ," f .&:' L'i ':' .~: Æ~" ì:;' ,if':, ~F ' t~· r'; ..,. ..;'i, ,". "'.. ,~~., &. ,. . "'-tlil' or so much of said sums as may be reasonably required for the proper conduct and operation thereof. Section 4: At the end of the ~ear 1929, all un- spent balances of túe foregoing appropriations, shall re- vert to the General Fund far re-distrioution. Section 5: This ordinance shall become effective i~~ediately upon its passaGe and approval by the Mayor. \ ---------------------------------------------------------- Passed ·oy the Council at a regular meeting held in the City hall, Clermont, Florida, on Tuesday, Octol)er 2nd 1928, and certified to t~e Mayor. A.A. flt/~ PresJ.Ci ent City Council. A'.1.''1'E31~/0¿~ __~ cit;(dîerk. ---------------------------------------------------------- Receivéd and approved by me this ~~ day of October, A. D., 1928. W·"'1\"~<.Ô .1 __. - V\A.. -, Y ÁA. .A.A. -tV- riiayor. A AdveÐtised as follo~~: ,