O-29-04 , 91 . \f,:_ , -:~~j~';i ...i,,~ O~DINA~!CE NG. 4 h,.· -t AJ1 ORDI~ANCE PROVIDI~G FOR THE ADJUST~rnNT OF D~LIl\íqUi::;NT TAX~S DuB TEE CITY OF CLEL"1Ii.ONT; AUTHOIlIZI1\¡G TEE CANCELLATION OF TAX SALE CERTIFICATES HELD BY THE CITY OF CLERMONT UPON THE P Ayr.lliNT 07 THE ADJUST~'D Al.10Ul'lT BY THE O.:NER OR' OTHE1{ PERSON IN:i1J~~{ESTEr PRIOR TO JMiUARY 1, 1930. RHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida, . at its Extraordinary Session held in the year 1929, did pass and enact into la'lll a measure providing for the adjust- ment of delinquent taxes due the state of Florida, an. under the terms of vhich measure a property ovmer may apply for .. m1 adjustment of delinquent taxes upon a basis of fairness and equality; and ~ . ! ·\'F:&1.EAS, many citizens of the City of Clel"'mont .. have requested that the said œity do li'}:::evlfise provide some means whereby the property orrners may have an adjustment of delin~¡ent taxes due the said City; and ~~~EREAS, it appears to the City Council that it is in the best intc~ests of the said City tl~at opportunity be given the citizens and property owners to apply for an adjustment of delinquent taxes rn¡e the said City, therefore ,. . BE IT ORDi1.INED 'BY TEE CI1'Y COUNCIL OF TEE CITY' OF CL7.'UWNT: SECTION I. That after the passage of this Ordinance the City Council of tre City of Cle~~ont shall sit as a Board '1 / of Tax Adjustme~t on the third Tuesday of each month, be- ginninG with the month of October, 1929, and ending with the monttt of DeceIilber, 1929', for the purpose of hearing and acting upon any petition of any person owning or ~avinB an interest in property within the City, for an adjustment of delinquent ~axes due the Ci~y of Clermont upon such ~~: .' ~ I'~ , .~~ :; ...... ..,..... ~.->..I·-.':::· .. .~::~;.:>. ;~.y I property, The said City Council may adjourn its meeting . ;1" held for this purpose to such other day or days during the month as may be found necessary. " I '.' .;. I '..i!· ~t. _ .~~. . ....4. ._~ -.C"\ ~ ~, --&(J SECTION 2. Any person o~ming or having an interest . in property within the City of Clermont upon which taxos du.e the said City are delin~¡ent, may apply in writing to the City council, requesting the City Cou~cil to adjust the delinquent taxes upon such property; such petition shall describe the property, and shall state the amount of delinquent tax against same for each year separately, ar:d ..hall shoY! the to tal amolmt of delinquent taxes against such prop:: rty, including interest to the end of the month in which the petition is presented. &¡ch petition shall further stàte ~~ether or not the taxes due the State and county have been paid, and shall státe the amount of incumbrance, if any, on the property, and shall also sta.te rkat the applicant considers the fair cash value' of the said property; and, if not the owner, shall state wha~ interest the applicant ~as in the pro~rty. S~CTION 3. The City Council, sitting as a Board of Tax Adjustment, shall consider carefully all petitions presented them, and shall decide upon a basis of fairness and equality ~hether or not the ap~licant is entit).ed to an ~djustment, aud if, after consideration, the Council shall decide that the applicant is not entitled to an adjustment, the applicant shall be so notified; and if, after consideration, the Ccuncil shall decide that the applicant is entitled to an adjustment, the Council shall decide and dr.:termine what am01)n t t ~e applicant shall pay the Ci ty of Clermont for the cancellation of all the. outstanding tax sale certificates held by the City against the property ~escribÐd in the petition; and such decision shall be at once connnurñcated to the applicant, by either handing him personally a letter to that effect, or by mail- ing such lettcro If the Council shall decide that the applicant <) is entitleå. to an adjus tment , the notice to the applic[.nt shall st£:.te the amount that is to be paid for thG cancella- - tion of the tax sale certificates held by the City, and shall furtheI' state that the adjusted amount 1:1uSt be paid to t~e City ~lerk uithin ten days from the date of the . :\otice, other,lise the adjl¡stment shall stand cancelled, and the tax rev~rt to its former status, ~~d no second application for adjustment on the same property shall be considered. S~C'l'IC}l 4. If the ap!Jlicant shall be granted an adjustment, the City Clerk shall mail or deliver the notice mentioned in Section 3, and shall keep a copy thereof, ~.nd upon receipt of the amount specified in sai d notice, the City CIerI: is hereby authorized and cdrectcd to cancel ~ll tax sale certificates held by the C~ty of ~lcrmont against tne props rty doscribç;d in the petj.tion, aï}d shall make such notation on ::is records as may be necessary; anti the ~~nds received by the Clerk under tÞis Ordinance shall be Qisposcd of as are other delin~uent tax Doneys receiv,=:Clo If the applicant sball fail to pay the adjusted amount vlithin ten da~;rs from the date of the :!otice, the, tax shall revert to its forDor status, and thc'adjustment shall be of no effect ~ atevor, save that no second adjust- ment à,all 'be made upon the same pro~ rty. The Clerk shall not make any chanße in ~is books, or any notation therein, until payment of the adjusteQ an1Œ:nt has been received by him. :D B:":"CTIOl'1 5. No ap)lic:.;.tion fOI' adjustment shall be received after December 31, 19290 SECTIon 6. After the 1929 tax roll has been placÐd in tDe hands of the Tax Collector, no adjustment of Qelinquent tax shall be made except upon the paJ~cnt at the ;:- '-.j... ..... ....:-t".-;; , " '.-:> ';,;'. f;~:J~ -.::},:::~~~~: ';,'::;; . ....... , .:' sam.e tilile of the taxes asses sed for the :re:.l.j," lÐ29; no -- ,t· adjustment of 1£189 'cu.x(:;s shall be :::acle. " ":;' ~ B~C~IO~ 7. All ordinances and pa~ts of orQi~arces uhich are in confl:1.ct \lith this ordinance aI'e he,1:"eby :....cpeal(;d so far C.S sucj: cor,flict e;dsts. tr.2CT I 01'- 8. This ordinance shall ÌJo eff:.;ctivc fro!!': i ts passa~e :::.r.cl approval b.:- the 1.1ayor. ------------------------------------------------------- Pass cd by t;,.; Council on the 8th day of OCtOb81"', lC29. A-d-iff~ President City Council Attest~4~ C i t:,r G 1 C 1'lc . Heceivcd and a:Jprov"d by ¡TIO tl:is ~dllY of . ~". Octo"¡Jer, 1929. ~tðJl.Qo~ ------------------------------------------------------------ Advertised as follovs: Pos ted two weeks in the 61 ty Hall rO