O-30-07 "~. >,. .-" : t ' Ii, ~l ~' t 'II ~ ... J~ ' 01, ".. t ':~: .' 'I. ,i' , ;:t 'I ,~ I. , , . ' i.. I . I e'''i~''::~' ! .,:\.' ,~~ f, ~' ': J, : ::;. :"'.:' j , AN ORDDfANCE ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL' OF THE CIT.1' OF CLERMONT FOR THE 'YEAR 1930 ; PRO- VIDlliG A TAX' LEVY ON PROPERTY 111 THE C'ITY OF' CLERMONT FOR THE 1.~AR 1930, AND APPROPRIATING.· MONEiS FOR THE CONDUCT AND OPERATION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR THE Y'EAR 1'9310 ,Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Clermont : 'r ," " , . SEG.T ¡ON .1. ,That the ass,essn¡.ent, rol]. of property in the City . ' i. ,; I i~ I ofålermont, prepared by the Tax Assessor of the City of' Cler- morit, and which has been eq~ali~edand approved by the City Council, an,d shows real property having an ass'essed va1uè of . . ! "~~. ·Ii'": . t ì: , , t ' ~ $2,P06,214eQO and personal property having an as~éssed value I, . of :$73,596o,?0, and a total assessed value of property amount- ing'to $2,079,810.00', be and is hereby adopted as the assess- 01 ment roll of the City of Clermont for the year 1930. I ~: ....' I .' ~., ., ;' " ,', ,I S~CTION 2. For the operation of and government of the City of Clermont for the calendar year 1931 it is hereby found and determined that the following sums are necessary : For Sinking Fund $ ·~.159.62 ~ '~~ , I I~· J ,I,' : .. J:! For ~terest Fund $.LO.399.05 For, General Fun9: $ 8 1~J.£,,24 ¡ '. ,~ l " i .. ~:.\. f :--í .- , Sce:CTI.ON 5. For the purpose of raising money with which to ; ¡; ¡ ,i; , conduct and.operate the government of the City of Clermont for th~, calenda~ year 1931, a tax of 11 mills on each doliar 'of as~essed, va~ue of property within the City of Clermont, be and. is 'hereby !levied for the year 1930 ; and said millage shall be distributed as follows, towit : , ,~ 1 . I~'"' ·,1 I :~ i . L~ l :~ f " For Sinking Fund 2 mills 'I . ;! For Interest Fund 5 Mills " For General Fund 4 mills ~, ,. 1 I' "" . ';" :¡ ~ECTION 4. There is hereby appropriated from the General . . Fu9d the foiiowing sums for conducting and operating the sev- eräl departments of tne City government for the year 1931 : Ii: ' . (V':,:":'. , " ;' ,.:. '.: . o ,.. .,' , ¡'I·l·' j " , Police Department $ I' .1: ' Fire Department :$ Park Department $ ~ ! street Department $ General Department $' .. ~I. ' : I!: . " ·1' O~ so ~eh oZ said sums ~s b~ ~~~~onably required for the prope~ conduct mnd operßtic~ of eaCh or the said Departmentso ~ECTION 50 At the end o~ the yam'} 1931p all ~f)xpanded bQlmneem ot the foregoing 2ppropriation~ shall revert to the Gan@r~l FUnd for re=diGt~ibutiono SECTIQN 60 ThiÐ Ordinance ehall become effactiwe upon it~ pa~smga mnd app~oval by the Mayoro ~~~þ~~þ~~~~~~~~~~~þ--~~~~~~~~---- Passed by the Council at a regular moeting held at the City Hal1g 01armontp Florida~ on Tuesday~ ~eptembar 2p 1930p and cGrtiiied to the Mayoro J.\ttO£Jt g ~~~ÞÞ~Þø~~~~ÞÞÞ~~Þ~=bÞ~~~=~~~~~~~~~ Recei~ed ønd ~pprovad by me thi$~day of Septembarg 19300 L