O-32-11 ORDUJANCE NO. 1:L ,. AN ORDINANCE REQ.UIRING DOGS WHICH RUN AT LARGE IN THE CITY OF CLERMONT TO BE -J!NOCULATED WITH ANTI -RABIES SERU1\!I. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT: SECTION 1. That from and after the passage of this ðrdinance, it shall be unlawful for any dog to run at large within the City Limits of the Ci~ of Clermont, unless the same shall be inoculated within the past twelve months with a serum prescribed by the State Board of Health for the pre- vention of rabies. SECTION 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and di- rected to obtain a sufficient supply of serum, vaccine, or viras, such as is prescribed by the State Board of Health, together with the proper instrument :for using same, and shall, ei ther by himself, or under his direction, ,inoculate or cause to be inoculated, all dogs for which licenses for the year 1932 have been issued, or for which licenses may hereafter be requested. SECTION 3. No dog license shall hereafter'be issued un- less the applicant for same shall produce the dog and permit the ai ty Clerk to have same ~:inoculated, or unless the appli- cant shall produce certificate from some competent authority that the said do-g has been inoculated with anti-rabies serum within six months from the date application for license is made. SECTION 4. The Ci~ Marshal is directed to enforce the provisions of Chapter XXIII, Revised General Ordinances of the City of Clermont, with reference to the impounding and destruction of dogs for which no dog license has been pro- .. cured. SECTION 5. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are bereby repealed so tar as such con- flict exists. ---------------------------------------------------------- ·. --- ..e Passed by the City Council at its regular meeting, held at the aity Hall, Clermont, Florida, an Tuesday, July 5, 1932. ~o .... 0' ~ ,~ ~ç;-[6'~ _ " ...... .;:>....~~--=~~ò"=',... o¿. I.,~ ~~ "';:::. ce ~ ~ ,..,'" ~~ ~ f(,~~~! ~,i~i~~øJ L,~/.. j - ~~~,. ~ ; = Oi ty éJ;;k~V~( -~ .~ '"~ ~~f/ ~ f";"". ~ ," ,A"''>''''.~ : :",~-"'''-'._-.-;~ ------- ------ - --- - --- - --------- ------ ----- ...------------ --- ,.::- :-i., ~ Received and approved by me this ~ ~ day of July, 1932. -~~~.¡:/ Vice President City coun~. Mayor pro tem of the Clermont. .