O-33-15 Received and approved by me th!s ------------------------------------ , ,-. 'j".. '" ,~.- ~ 2 '.~ , .:-' IL- .. ;TTESTJ~~i Y Clerk , c; c, \~,,_ ~' .' . , .' (, .".... v - .:.' Passed by the C3ity Council at its regular meeting, held '1. . ~ln.:;;the City Hall Tuesday June 6th, 1933 --------------------------~---------- Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately, and all ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed so far as such contlicj exists. Section 4. All sales must be màde in a room open to þublic view añd inspedtion àndno drinking will be allowed in any back' room, basement'or another place hidden from public view. Sales shall not be made to any person under 18 years ?f age. Section 5. . Any person, firm or corporation who shall sell beer with 3.2 per èent alcoholic content and 3.2 alcoholic fruit j.ices, without hàviñg first obtained the license provided by thiš ordlnance,shall be deemèd gUilty of doing busines: withoút having obtained a proper license, and upon conviction thereof in the Municipal Court, shall be fined an amount not less thän thé amount of the license, nor more than double the amount of such license, to which shall be added the costs in the case. n n fl It tt If tr Shops, stores and similar businessés 2222------$7.50 resùurants and eating p1880S accomodating less than fiftéenpersons ------------------- $10.00 from fifteen tç 49 persons -----------~------ $17.50 Fifty, to 99 persons ------------------------- 637.50 One hundred persons or more ----------------- ß50.00 Hotels with less that 30 rooms -------------- 510.00 Thirty to 99 rooms --------------------~----- 617.50 Wholesalers -------------------------------- $100.00 Resturants or dining rooms operated jointly with a 'hotel may sëll beverages with only one license but that one is thå higher applicable to either the resturant or the hotel. Auunal Section 1. That 'from ànd after the'passage of this ordinance, it shall be'unlawf'Ul'forafty'persón, firm or corporation to sell ,beer with 3.2 percent alcoholic content, and 3.2 per cent , alcoholié fruit juices, within the city limits of the City of Clermont, unless such person, firm or corporation shall have first obtained from the City Clerk a license for such purposes. Section 2 Every license by the City shall contain the following provision written or printed upon the face thereof; "The City of Clermont expressly reserves the right to revoke or cancel this license in casethé licensee or any person doing business hereunde so conduëts such business that it becomes a nuisance or annoys and disturbs the peace of the citizens of the communityrr~ Sec1;;;on 3. The license, year She all 'beg~dn the /-1 day of {9..¿j-. each year and end on the :; (J day òt ~~ the ollowing year. The fees shall be as follows; I AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PERSONS, 'FIRMS OR CORPORATIONS SELLING 3.2 PER CENT BEER and 3.2 PERCENT ALCOHOLIC FRUIT JUICES IN THE CITY OF CLERMONT TO OBTAIN A LICENSE, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOlATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. ~)a\r).,.l".t:-;!' ,,' -" ,----- NO./.r \\ ' ~ ~ ... I I .-e