O-33-16 :;;..r .",1 ~ ORDINANCE NO. 16 0;, .. .. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE KEEPING OF RUBBISH, JUNK: AND UNSIGHTLY ARTICLES, IN- CLUDmG JUNKED AUTOMOBILES, OR PERMITTING TEE SAME TO BE KEPT WITHIN THREE HUNDRED FEET OF ANY PAVED STBEET IN THE CITY OF CLERMONT, AND PRO:iIDING PENALTIES FOR VI- OLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. í: I II I BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITI' OF CLE1UI40NT: Section 1. That from and atter the passage ot this ordin- ance , it shan be unlawful tor any person, firm or corpora- tion to keep or maintain, or permit to aceumulate, or per- mi. t to be kept and maintained, any pile 01' rubbish, w;eed!! ........ tree p1'llnings, ·junk or other unsight~y articles, including junked automobiles, wi thin three hundred feet 01' any paved street or avenue within the City Limits 01' the City ot Clermont. I Section 2. Upon complaint 01' any citizen that any per- son, firm or corporation is violating any 01' the provisions 01' this ordinance, the Mayor shall forthwith cause notice to Qe served upon the owner or the occupant 01' the premisen or in case the person owning or occupying the premises is . not responsible for the collection of rubbish, junk: or other unsightly articles, then such notice shan be served upon the person or persons responsible for keeping or permitting to be kept the same, to f'orthwi th remove said rubbish, junk or other unsightl.y artic·les. It shall be the duty of' the person, 1'ir.m or corporation responsible for the collection of' SQch rUbþish, junk or other unsightly articles, to re- move the same wi thin í'I1ED days after notice to do so. lil notices provided for by this ordinance shall be served by tb.E;l. City Marsha].. ~. . . II !i Ii II II II ïl II ,. ~j I Section 3. Any person, firm or corporation who shall fail after notice as provided in the preceding section, to remove any collection of rubbish, junk or other un- Sightly articles, including junked automobiles, shall be deemed guilty of maintaining 'a. pubðl.ic nuisance, and upon conviction thereof in the Mayor's court, shall be fined not less than one dollar or more than fifty dollars', or imprisoned for not more th~ ten days, or be punished by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion o~ -" -e the Court. Section 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed so far as such con- flict exists, and this ordinance shall take effect immed- iately upon its passage and publication. ----..- -- - --.--..--....-----.---------.-.------.--- ------ -- _._-_.- --- -...- Passed by the City Council at its regular meeting date, held on July 4, 1.933 .. ATTESrr-:----Ø-.-d~ C1 ty Clerk , City Counoil -..-..-....-- - _. --_. -- - -- _.- -- --- ----.-....-.- ...-- -,------- - -.----.---... -_._---- -------- Becei ved and appro ved by me th is day of ~'\Ì1Ý" 1933. I Mayor Y~A---d~ ..