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Ezi TETRA TECH October 22,2012 Ms.Tamara Richardson, P.E. Director of Engineering City of Clermont 685 W.Montrose Street Clermont,Florida 34711 Subject: City of Clermont Professional Services Proposed for the SCADA Development Services Tt#: 200-08310-11001 Dear Ms. Richardson: Tetra Tech is pleased to furnish the revised proposal for professional services related to the SCADA Application Development services for the Westside WTP project. Additional details along with a task cost breakdown have been included in the detailed scope of services attached. Tetra Tech looks forward to serving the City of Clermont on this project. If you should have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact me at 4.07-839-3955. Very truly yours, Approved: Tetra Tech City of Clermont ----I—) V-1 l.r D.Fox,P,E. By: Vice President � Date: eAvio r 13, .2 012- Attachments BAF/sroaficd08310-110011proj mgnv/ccluespaiduardson_SCADA App C: Brian Foulkes,A.E.,Tetra Tech Sally Alfieri,Tetra Tech Tetra Tech, Inc. F P••-,i , • 1(•,'!",C. e FL 3'tt i Tel -V7}13C3n Fax 4i07E3::27'10 ,•z_.,,. ATTACHMENT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES Westside Water Treatment Plant SCADA Application Development Services A. BACKGROUND The City has requested control system application development services related to the new Westside W IP. In addition the City requested upgrades to the existing software and computer architecture related to the three (3) major systems that report to the three individual PC Workstations at the Eastside Water Reclamation Facility (WRF). This includes the recommendations. outlined in the Tetra Tech Control Assessment document dated February 2012. Application software development for the new Westside WTP includes producing an operations manual highlighting software operation and documentation of important system parameters and disaster recovery plan. Following approval of the operations manual a full application development process will begin culminating in an onsite factory test to be conducted at the control panel manufacture that allows preliminary system programming, fine tuning of control logic and testing of the control panels Following the factory test and coordinated with construction progress a full onsite software startup including placing control computers into service as well as full testing of software functionality will occur,including City training on use and troubleshooting of the completed system Tasks related to the Eastside WRF include producing a bill of material to procure system hardware and software (purchased through contract allowance), combining the three existing Wonderware applications into one application and full onsite startup services to fine tune the system and make sure the revised system architecture is operating correctly. Services to be completed are further described herein and shall be performed in accordance with the City of ClermonUTetra Tech,Inc.professional engineering services agreement dated October 13,2009 B. SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1—Control System,Application Development(Westside WTP) A. Coordinate with the City's project team and establish schedule and milestones. B. Produce a software operations manual detailing software operations, documenting important system parameters and disaster recovery plan. C. Configure network switches shown on contract drawings. D. Setup and deploy the Wonderware SCADA computers shown on contract drawings. E. Conduct software City review meetings,a total of three(3) phone conference meetings have been budgeted. BAF/slh/pm/contract/co/SCADA Develop Scope Oct 15 2012 TETRA TECH Tt#200-08310-11001 -1- 092612 F. Develop programmable logic and operator interface graphic programs to monitor and control the inputs/outputs outlined in the Westside WTP contract drawings Automatic logic sequences shall be discussed with City at one of the City review meetings before implementation. 1. Programmable Logic and HMI Graphics for the following • Two offsite wells • One onsite well • Wells and influent flow meters • pH adjustment with carbon dioxide • Tray aeration on top of storage tank • Disinfection with sodium hypochlorite • High Service Pumps • Effluent Flow Meter • Raw Chlorine Residual, Finish pH,Finish Chlorine and Temperature • Odor Control system G. Provide process statistics as follows. This data can be used by City staff for monthly operating reports. 1. Runtime statistics(Yesterday,Today,Month and Total) 2. Flow totalization(Yesterday,Today,Month and Total) 3. Motor starts(Yesterday,Today,Month and Total) Task 2—Factory Tesline(Westside WTP) Conduct a factory test to test the control system control panels at the panel manufactures site. The factory test will test control panel wiring, PLC logic, network communication, HMI graphics, data logging and shall be conducted over three(3)day duration. Total Onsite Time for Factory Testing — One programmer, assumes 1 three-day trip to Panel Manufactures site to complete Factory Testing. Task 3—Reporting(Westside WTP) Programing will include system reporting functionality for SJRWMD(EN-50)and FDEP reporting. System reporting will be discussed with City (staff) to establish implementation guidelines and to determine the range of needs fur the new water plant. A total of 48-hours have been budgeted for this task. This task budget may need to be revisited if it's determined that the reporting needs are highly complex. Task 4—Onsite Software Startup(Westside WTP) A. Coordinate with the City's project team and establish a startup schedule. B. Provide field startup services of software for PLC and HMI hardware associated with this contract. C. Configure(program)network switches shown on contract drawings. D Set-up,configure and deploy two(2)desktop computers shown on the contract drawings BAF/slh/pm/contract/co/SCADA Develop Scope Oct 15 2012 Q TETRA TECH Tt#200-08310-11001 -2- 092612 E. Install and configure remote access for remote computer access to Westside WTP from the Eastside WRF. F. Configure the Wonderware Historian server database and Active Factory trending graphics for each of the two desktop computers. G. Implement a disaster recovery plan using a commercial disk imaging program or Windows 7 disk irnaging software to image each control computer and historian for easier disaster recovery. H. Provide three (3) days of onsite software training to City's staff including troubleshooting techniques and overall system operation. I Provide one two day follow-up visit to correct problems that may occur after initial startup and to answer City questions. Total Onsite Time for Startup Services—One programmer, assumes a total of 10-onsite days at City's site to complete Startup Services. This includes all of the above startup services except the follow-up visit listed below. Note: We have included time for one programmer to make a post-construction follow-up visit consisting of 1 three day trip to City's site to finish any remaining work following commissioning of software. Task 5—Control System Application Unarrades,(Eastside WRF and Related Systems) Note: This task incorporates the recommendations presented in the Tetra Tech February 2012 control system assessment report and includes upgrading the software at the Eastside WRF Main &Operations buildings and Greater Hills WTP. When this task is completed the current(three) Wonderware applications will be one homogenous application with a single upgraded tag-count Wonderware Historian. A. Coordinate the reduction of hardware equipment by reducing the current computer node count from nine(9) computers to two (2) general PC computers, one(1) terminal server, one (I) Data Historian computer and three (3) terminal clients. This can be accomplished by combining WRF, WTP, and LS applications and installing a new Wonderware Terminal Server computer. This also reduces the software licensing requirements by reducing the overall number of computers as follows: 1. Simplify & lower costs for SCADA system support, maintenance, and new implementations by converting the current Lift Station Client node to Classic Intouch(No Managed Solution). 2. Upgrade current Intouch version nodes(WRF&WTP)to Intouch 2012 for multi monitor window enhancements and Windows 7 support. 3. Expand Tag Historian license count by Upgrading Historian license from 500 to 5000 tag. Implement the Historian client for trend display with tags groups for Ease of Use& expanded functionality. 4. Move IO Servers to the control nodes (one located in WRF main building and one in WRF operations building). Setup Intouch applications to poll a Primary IO Server. In the event that the Primary 10 Server is not available, a Secondary IO Server (Control BAFfslh/pm/contract/co/SCADA Develop Scope Oct 15 2012 © TETRA TECH Tt#200-08310-11001 -3- 092612 t Node)will take over. This maintains one connection to the PLC's at any given time for the 3 consolidated control nodes. B Coordinate the installation of,new updated WIN 911 software dialer software including system redundancy. C. Implement a disaster recovery plan using a commercial disk imaging program or Windows 7 disk imaging software to image each control computer and historian for easier disaster recovery. D. Review the current network and simplify the network IP address scheme by eliminating the 192.168.3.x subnet. E. Implement one computer workgroup name"Clermont"for all computers. F. Perform onsite hardware and software startup to implement the above stated scope. Total Onsite Time for Startup Services related to the existing,Wonderware system— One programmer, assumes a total of 5-onsite days at City's site to complete Startup Services. This includes all of the above startup services except the follow-up visit listed below. Note: We have included time for one programmer to make a post-startup follow-up visit consisting of l two day trip to City's site to finish any remaining work following commissioning of software. Task 6—Control,System Startup(Eastside Water Reclamation Facility and Related Systems) A. Coordinate with the City's project team and establish a startup schedule. D Set-up, configure and deploy computers shown in the Clermont Control System Assesment System one-line included in the Tetra Tech assessment report. E. Configure the Wonderware Historian server database and Active Factory trending graphics for each of the computers. G. Implement a disaster recovery plan using a commercial disk imaging program or Windows 7 disk imaging software to image each control computer and histonan for easier disaster recovery. H. Provide one (1),days of onsite software training to City's staff including troubleshooting techniques and overall system operation. T. Provide three(4)day follow-up visit to correct problems that may occur after initial startup and to answer City questions. Total Onsite Time for Startup Services— One programmer, assumes a total of l0-onsite days at City's site,to complete Startup Services. This includes all of the above startup services except the follow-up visit listed below. Note: We have included time for one programmer to make a post-installation follow-up visit consisting of 1 four-day trip to City's site to finish any remaining work following commissioning of software. RAF/slh/pm/contract/co/SCADA Develop Scope Oct 15 2012 D TETMTECH Tt#200.08310-11001 -4- 092612 C. ASSUMPTIONS The Westside WTP bid form will include a lump sum allowance for the contractor to purchase all system computer hardware and software or the City may elect to purchase these items directly. This includes control computers, historian server, terminal server and all Wonderware software for both the new Westside WTP and the existing Eastside plants. D. COMPENSATION SUMMARY The total Lump Sum compensation for the Scope of Services described above is: 11'cstsidc '\TI' Task 1 -A y.lication Devclo.ment $31,000 Task 2-Factory Testing $6,400 Task 3-Reporting $6,100 Task 4-Onsite Startup $19,600 Subtotal $63,100 I;astside 1VR1 and It elided S∎stems (Greater Hills \1"I'P & LS Appti) Task 5-Application Upgrades(W TP, WRF&LS Apps) $27,700 Task 6-Onsite Startup $21,000 Subtotal $48,700 Total $111,800 E. SCHEDULE We will start this work immediately upon the approval of this contract. Submittal of the software operations manual for the Westside WTP will occur with the 100% design documents. Programing efforts will be coordinated with the construction contractor to time software completion with the installation of equipment. BAF/slh/pm/contractko/SCADA Develop Scope Oct 15 2012 TETRATECH T1#200-08310-11001 -5- 092612