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"Section 70 In all cases where the applicant f'or a license or his duly au~horized agent has not been residing within the ~ Clermont-lliinneola School District for at least 90 days just preceeding the First day of October of the current license year, the license shall be as follows; to which shall be added 25 cents for cost of collection. ..~""'-"~-' , A:· !!' ~!; I I ~ ---.v' Cr; ~ Þ1 :,.þ 1"8- ORDINANCE NO. 1~. ~ AN ORDIl'!JHWE At-ImmING SECIJ.1IOJ.\! fl OF ARTICLE !l:i OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERr_:OHTj . RELATING TO OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAXESo Be it ordained by the 0i ty CotU1cil of' the Clt:}'" of' Clermont; Section 1., That Section 7 of Article Xl of' the Revised General urdinance of the City of Clermont, relating to Occupation~l License Taxes, be the same and is-herwby amended, and as amended shall l"ead as follows: II 1',',' j 11 !III] I, I~ I~ I! if Ii .,' ~ 1 Auctioneers-------------------------------------$50oo fn .' ~/' 2.Abstractors of Title----------------------------20000 ~I> 3 Agents, Brokers or dealers in futures , ;. and bonds; foreign-----------------------------12.50" 4 Agentsj in~igrant; soliciting or hiring labor IGi)? to leave----------------------------------------50000 ~~ M I {) ~, 5 Agents; ~otorcyc1es----------------------------- 5000 v If'"u,,, 6 Agents; Automobiles---~-~-------------~--~------12050 J 7 Agents for Tailors and clothiers not taxed :', "p' as merchants------------------------------------ 5.00 'v 8 Agents; Automobile accessories not in connection with garage------------------------------------- 9 Agents; ~onuments and tombstones (travelling)--- ...-.gents; Rentals 0 See Heal Estate ._ l<!K~ Saf'e or vaults, ,sale of exchange--------------- 5000 ,,,: 11 Agents; Typewriters----------------------------- 5000 ID'~ 12 Agents; Sewing Machine excepting merchants carrying stock---------------------------------- 13 Agents; Real Estate----------------------------- Salesmen-------------------------------- 14 Agents; Employment------------------------------ 15 Architects-------------------------------------- 16 Advertising; Agents,firms persons distributing Q~ circulars ( this does not apply to merchants1---- 5000 - 17 Automobj_les,· trucks for hire--------------------- 2..50 ~(~ l8Automobiles hauling for hire--------------------- 2.50 5~~ 19 Any vehicle attached to motor vehicle as trai1- .~ ers for hire------------------------------------ 1.00 Þ ~ 20,Automobilesj Delivery ~ruck small--------------- 2.00 ~o~ ... tl° 21 AutoMobiles· Delivery ruck large--------------- 2.50 s- , Q P 22 Automobile .oepail" ...hop~--------\----------------- ·5000 If)..,. 23 Artificial êtone Works-------------------------- 5.00'/~~ 24 Astrologists-~-(per day)------------------------lOoOO'~S 25 Banko Bankers------'----------------------------- 7.50 If ~ 26 Bakers· See Ordinance No. 13 (Steam)------------ 5000 I;. 0' , ~ Other than Steam---------,------.----------------- 3.00 "r~. 27 Barbers· Up to 2 chairs------------------------- 2øOO ¥ ~ , - ,. II each additional chair--------------------------- 05_01 \ 0 Beauty Parlors~------------------------------------ 2000 o/~ 29 Dicyc1es; Agents for, except Derchants carry- ing re;ular stock--------------------~---------- 30 Bicycles Repair Shop---------------------------- 31 Bill Posters------------------------------------ 32 Birds; ì;)ong or Plur.1e.ge; ------.-----------Dealers- 11 Ii i! ,,0 I () .., 5000 , .. \5~~ 7050 " 5000 5000 2050 5.00 2050 . I () t,' 1~ ::;. ,r"" :;. . /0;-: 5 - 3.00 1025 2050 5000 t rJ: ~1J ..t, 1/1< t~ç,.: Ordinance ~o. 19 Sheet. No. 2 33 ~illiard,or pool tables each---------------------------- 34 Bowling Alley; each alley------------------~------------ 35 Boiler vvorks----------------------~-----_--------------- 36 Bottling Works--------------------------------------____ 37 Brokers; Stocks and Bonds--------------------------_____ 38 Building and Loan hssns. Local-------------------------_ 39 Buildins & Loan Assnts Foreign-------------------------- 40 Boflrding Houses, rlooming-house8·ep-Hetels~ ~..,--.-._--_______ (A) one to 10 lodgers------------------------------_____ (B) 10 to 15 lodgers--------------------------__________ (C) 15 to 20 lodgers------------------------------______ (D) 25 to 50 lodgers-----------------------------_______ (E) 50 to 75 10dgGrs---------------------------_~_______ (F) 75 to 100 lodgers-------------------------__________ 41 Collection Agents---------------------__________________ 42 C8.'1.!ling <:: ~~a:tWl8.1F1.de Fac tories (noes ~ot ap,ly to f'RF!21erS packing ovm products-------------------_________________ 43 Candy Stands; Chewing Gltm etc.each stand---------------- 44 Card writing; See Sign Paintêr: 45 Carnivals; each tent or Cbooth per day-------------------., 3.00~~ Merry go rou-'1d, Holler oaster etc. ------------------20.00~' Cane racks or any other gaining co~trivance operating ~ independent of' the carnival; each contrivance per day 5.00'0 47 Chirppractors ----------------------------------- 5.00)0' 48 Christian Science Practitioners ------------~--------- 5.00~~ I' 49 Chirposdists -----...------- --------------------------- .5 .OOlb: 50 Civil ~ngineers Surveyors ---------------------------_ 2.50;u. ~~ , () i 51 Cider Dealers Not Intoxicating ------------------- 5.00~: 52 COffe~~Roasttng and spices --------------------------- 3.00~ 53 Cold torage Plant not connected with ice f'actory --- 2.50~~ 54 Contractors or builders ----".---------------------.------ 5.00\o~ I, 55 6ircuses per day ----.--------------------------------- 20.0~~ 56 Each Parade when show is gdven outside of to\"m ------- 25.00Sd~ 57 Dance; Instruction or halls -------------------------- lO.OO~, 58 Dealers in Dynamite --------------------..--~...-----..--- 5.00Il' 59 Dealers in fresh or preserved meats (not merchants) . at retail ------ 60 Dealers in illtunina ting and lubricHting oils; Retail . Wholesale 62 Dealers in pistols, Sling shots, brass knuck1.es, ð.:trk knives, (provided not sold to ~inors) 63 Dealers in second hand clothing -----------_________ 64 Dentists ------- ---------------------________-___..___ 65 Doctors or Pþ:þ:sicians ------------------...---__________ 66 Dog and Pony Show (to be classed as a dog and pony show no performance or exhibit other th~n trained abimals must be given; per day ___.·w___ 67 Electric Light Plant ----------------------_.___________ 68 Electric Contractors ---------_____________________.___ 69 Express ComDanies --------------------_______-___.._____ J; , 70 Employment Agencies ---..----------------____...__________ 71 Enm:igration ~'8encies --------------------______________ 72 Fertilizer and Insectici~e Manvf.Rcturers ---~-__~_____ 73 Fruits, wholesale dealers including Orange Packing Houses ----- \ , '¡'1' ~r~:-: 20 0 Q..Ioi'j . . 5.00Il~ 2.505; 5.00J~ 5.005: 50.00J¡µ~ '.I lO.OOþ l. 5.00/11 I" 25 .0(j6 ,: 5.00J\: 5 .00/° ~ !!.- 5 .00 }o ~; 2.505· .... 5.00tI , )1'1. ..2 .50N ? . OÛ\~ 2 . .5()Ç~ 5 . 0()rJ'~ '7 . 50~ 1? . 50¡~ 2 G . OO~ .Il .OO\Q 1. 25Â~ 2.505. 1/ ~~ 5 .0010, 5.00\ð, 7.50~ 5 . 0011~ 1~.50J.~ 5.00b' 25.00St ~ I , I -e ~ I I -e ·}oo 10~ 102 10::' lO{ 105 :!06 J.07 lce ., ~C.1 ._ J.. , Ii 71. Ordlnc:lJ.ce 110. 19. 3h'_,,-d, ¡To. ?'. ~7~lts ßnd v~gotA~lcs ~ s7illin~ f:r-O!n 1'8 111'0'31 I'}w["--p~r r:F 1.'-- ----------..------- -~!). 00 lú'" '?I'Utts £<nd ,.regr3"ts'l,los reÞ,ll rwt ":)r.prinç; ¡" rn~rcbants license-----------------:-:--:------------___ 3.00 ~~~ Flc~i~ts------------------------------------------____- ?50 f¿~ }'crhme Tcll~!'a----..-------..----------Þ ----- --~gp-èsv--10 .00 ,(1 ~ Ù tI . " Gas Pl~nt----------------------------------____________l0.00 ~ . EEt.t ChH~!l1ne; ß::1d Bloo1rin!'~------------------------------ g .50 f~ GaI'Hges, 3torin3, ÐC'lJ.~ .,~, l·~pl=J.i.t·:1.n.::;, ~_f1clud5.!1g sc.1~ of f¡~ oil, gasoline li:I:1.d r.tccesso:(·i~r. .for Butomobiles---------- 5.00 16 ' Hswkers find. vondors of r....edic~.ne a.nd d.rugs s'311ing Or .u advertiRing---------------- ---..-..-- --------------------12.50 Â.'S -: (, Hors9 a::iJ rr..ule der:,ls2,'s 8311int:; fIt auction per dr-y------2¡').00 )'0;... Ho_t'se B.l1Q mule d.:alars not covered by liver-y licnr.l.se---l~. úO 1.. 'S I.:" Hy~i··.c,tists------------------------------------PepÞ-Gay--l0 .00 ;1:. þ'" ICA Pl~nt---------------------------------------------- 5.00 ,~.~ Ice Crawn '!T8óOn, oach '.'.rt:?gon---------------------------- 1.50 )¡", Ice Cr9~r:! l:a~~.ú':;_ctu.,.,-~r--------------------------- ------ 5.00 IØ ....u ~ 0 Ice Cr'Jf.F.. J:!s_ctoJ'"J, iY1.cJuñ~~ng cold ~tc::"~'~e plE.nt-------- 5.00 l0ë." In'1o~ticide l~nn.f£'ctut'ors---------------------- - ------- 5.00 ¡O,.. I~sura!)ce JÞgents '3R_ch Com~t'-ny------------------------- 5.00' /ð;.. Jt~~k D~~l~rs-------------------------------------------JO.O0 )С~ Jcb Prirt!~g-------------.------------------------------ 5.00 ~~ LRnd D~vH1opmcnt Co~pani~n-----------------------------lO.OO ~~ L~md D,e'1010pr"9nt COlT:'PR~:'h~ B.~snt;l for, ~10t ~I),v:t:o...~ off:i..~'J ~ C· t;ü 1;.::., in ity-----------25.00 , J LaV.,..'9I'S-------------.--------------------------- -------- [j .00 I 0 ~- L.;.1J.ndp1ee, 5teHT/l-- ------------------ ------------------- :1.00 ¡ð "-.~ Let-,..1'1~..~'y '::~lßO~ OJ or truck, ph, at) of bus:L",esf:: outs~.d(} Ci t;- 5.0': 'jc'A" L~ '.T;} ':"1, F'Jocl and St,¡los r:! tohlca 109s t~lan 5 hOI'IH.':] ------ :3. 50 íò~, Live:c'y,FI)Q(1 al'1(l 3Etl-.1s :=.;;L:.~le9 rnOl'e l.Ì'L':1l 5 horfH)I-~------- 5.0r) '\)~.:. L,_:~vi.ch stsndà seatir..e; lc~~ thf:l-Y". 15 perf:o-r..fJ-·······- .,.- - -- .-- 2.f30 r~~.. Lur.ch ~t.~'~Jd:1 WH·. tin;~ lr:ore thÐt1 15 psrsons------- ------- 5.00' 10 ~ Lung tcst~rB----. -each r'¡Hchlnr;, or c'I~r'Jtcc---····-..··-··-·, -.' ,- 2.50 r.~crc'h8o.ts anrl t1_~E1'~I.'S, '-"j~lcles~~13 aud pot8~1,GeY"_=!'~1 lI9rc'ha:!1ðlse, ':rearing F.l.P!)!?_"'~l, foodstuffs, drugs, jc··."91J'-y confectionery, tobaccos I ha rd1;:r!ll'e, fur'1"_i taI'e, "'1'!fJ.c:hin.ruay, l€)~_t~'):r' .::;oods, feed and ~;I·I·d.n, feL'til:tzer, insec1::tcld'9A Jll'::;f}13e, bail~.l!lZ J1'J~ tor:i.e_1, lU".1'bop, ele·~tr:'_c!il [Scot s ~::l.1.~ical 11"~tl'UTt~(mts, plu":1b:tu:::; .;,;;oc(ls,mctot' ·¡,")'I1icl:Js and 7" ù} '!')J"t'?tf:; a:r:r3 CUl'"'lo9-o,-':'-=o·';'--- .-.-. ------.. ______.4______.___.,.__ 5.00;10' (StcC~{ to ;~2,OCO.' ~~ .0,') ftn-' tJfloh nd,.Utlonnl ;.:l,aOO :::'tocl~) j'; ilarcr.ant ~'ailer----------.- .--..------- ------..,. -. --....-----..-- ~ .50 lJ v: ~':~ch:i_"1.~ ~~_op'J and Ff'unG.ry----,.·.-----·---------.---,------- 2.30 J;-¡;J ì',:!.r'.s t!''3ls, t9T.lt 01' cth JPr,r:i.f:o---------,--- u_____...:e!l'. cI.a:' ·-10 .nf) 1-a .. I·""....i.pl ~T',Dl"'rs 0)-' "'1' .....e...so...s (!'~ir...t(..· to 'h'i·~' 'I,~... , c;';~;~!'.t.·:t +"~~~t"'·l'1t:~nt--:~~:-:-~-.:~-.. :~.~~~=-~,.-- -~~--~::_.~-i~,j.u..-100.OO·;; .j' ". C" ~. ,þ _ ...' _"j ..J "'." ::f:'.rufa.cturers of' l\i/3r' lc-:!.r··J----- -------..--.-,-.. --.--.- .----- J o. on ~. i 2~F.:!1\.'I!.'~\~tur9rr. of ci~~.NI F;1Jrl t:':1hncc(')--,··· .--..---------- 10.~O ;.~ "- I" r ,.,:: , ., '7P: 77 7P. "C r .. RO ~ ~ '" 81 ~ "' 8~~ ~ .- Ð:'j e[!: 85 Sf? f!'7 80 89 PO 91 9~ 9:") 94 95 9C 9'7 9P OQ .. . "_" _.~:ii¡¡';.~~Ji.2_'!..: . .. . ::1~1:·~~.:~__~·. . ,:.. ... ~ . ,._..:_ L·_.' ! .; Marble Yards ---------------------------$5.oo \Ò~ Mattress Factories --------------------- 5.00 !~~ , (J Milk pepot --------------------------- 5.00 10' Milk from trucks See Ordinance No. 14 1/ Money Lenders, other than bankers -____ 5.00 IO~ Moss Factories ------------------------ 5.00 IQ Moving picture shows any building Q~ having seating capacity less than 300 5.00 10 , '~ Moving Picture Shows having seating 8-0 ". capacity over 1000--------------------- 10.00 Moving Picture Shows having seating capacity less than 1000. more that 300-:--- Musicians pla:\ting on street's other than shows havð1ng l~cense ___,___-:____1___ Musicians; Organ ürinders ------------- News Agent or stand not having merchant's License ------- Nursery stock or forest trees agents f'or or dealer ~------- Opticians, Permanent ----------------- Opticiwms, Travelling ----------------- Oculists, Travelling ----------------- Oculists, Permanent -------------- Ostopath --------------~~~------------ Oriental Merchants --$arQG-pep-àay-Qp- Plating,' Gold or silver ute. -------- Painters, Contractor ------------------ PaHft Brokers, each place ------------ Phrenologists 'per day ------------~--- Plunfuers, each,{ to be iss~ed only by approval Sanita7Y committee and city engineer -----'- Peddlers, Ice Cream, each cart ------ Peddlers, peanuts and pop corn each --- Peddlers, not enumerated per day ------ Piano tUIlers -------.--------.;.---------- Planing mills, n,ovelty mills, saw mills ~~ including lumber yards ---- 5.00 1~~ Picture Agents, Enlarging ------------- 5.00 1(),;.~ Photographers ------------------------- 2.50 ç. Pressing Clubs, not classed as ~ Merchant Tailors ---- 2.50 ~ Railroads, whose tracks enter the .~ Corporate Limits of the c~ty 12.50 15; Repair Shops, not automobiles ------;--- 24150 ~,ò Resturants seating 15 or less -----..¡-- ~.I,50) ~ Resturants seating more than 15 ---~--- 5.00 IQ : Rubber Balloon Dealel's each per day ____ 1.00 ;.. CI.. Sheet Metal Works and Tinsmith -------- 5.00:., ",~ Street Doctor or and ininerant vendort:. Þf12 .50 "l r;:' Skating Rinks --------'----------------- 5.00 /6- Sign writing or lettering with paint or metal letter other than local painters paying license --- 'oJ'} jfJù-: s '51J v 1~ r,'" .:; 10.00 2.50 7.50 2.50 flU 'S~ !() ~.. ,}AJ -:. ;~G ., 2.50 5.00 10.00 10.00 day !~ 2.50 per 2.50 ¡-u,.;; 1.25 J-ftJ o 50¢' J '-.... 5 . 00 7 0 ~- o'.J 2.50 'f; u llt50 J "0 1 " .00 J-... IIV 2 . 00 ~.... 3.00.} \.p~ <L. 5.00 \b 0" 5.00 I 0 ~ 12 .50 Â~;" 12 . 50 1...-; 5 0 00 . II) "....: 5 0 00 l!t' 12.50 ;Per year . - ~ tJ 5.00 ,i);o 2 , 50 f-¡;h 25.00 fJ~. 10.00 ?.¢- )fJ 7 .50 \~/ OC- 1.001)rer day , .OO-¡.:-" 1/ Þ /JU 2. 50 ~.;' , " Shoe Repair Shop -.-------------------- Shoe Shine one chair except in barber shop or hotel --------------.,.----------- each additional chair -------- Shooting Gallery ---------------------- Soft Drinks not connècted with other> business !--- Storage Warehouse -----------------~-- Telegraph Companies ------------------ Telephone Companies ------------------ Theatres, same as moving pictures Undertakers and embalmers ------------ Watch Repairing ----------------------- Water Companies ----------------------- Wood Yards -----------------~---------- Ordinance No. 19 Sheet Number 4 " 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 V162 163 =0, , I ' . ~ . ;1 .... , v 152 153 n 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 - 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 v f"""'t 118 119 .=0-- , . 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 , , =0 r"\ v ~ v =0 1,1 Ordinance No. 19 Sheet No. 5 Section 7A. In all cases where the applicant for a license or his duly authorized agent has been residing within the Clermont- Minneola School District tor at least 90 days just preceeding the First day of' October, and ähal1 have been duly license4 by the City of Clermont during that period to engage in or manage the business, profession or occupation for which the license is requested, the fee ! tor said licen,e shall be one halt the foregoing ascribed ~e~ pZ:Ú-V:lded",nol11o'en.se ..shall' be- 1sB.ued¢' ffJr. 1e:&8 It~h .......--ðl'Qø. Dollar-.." Twenty five cents sahl1 ùe added tor cost ot // ;:~::t~on the City -::::::-~:-::~:-::::::-~eting. held ~ ".. on Tuesday October .3rd, 1933 r :.\. ~~ , ~ ,,- ~ 49 " , .. ~ t' '~' ,.,; .~ ~ ~~~ / . 9:~·.-"t'.. :';":'·A~~!=l'11 ~ty lerk City Council ~ .,-.. hd i., ~~..... ~.. <> J~ ,. ':. ¿.'.~"'''' .,. " ~~ t..... '.:I·t - ç-;!Ii .~ þ '.' 1'_ '.... . , ------------------------- ({ ~,.~...~ ..)eceived and' approved by me this lOth day ot October 1933. ~~ II ~! ¡Ii I ¡¡ I~ ~ ., ~' ~ & F; oJ Mayor. "