O-35-24 it ~.. -- ORDINANCE N0.1.4 AN ORDmANCE REGULATING AND LICENSING THE MANUFACTURE, DISTRIBUTION AND SALE <OJF BEVERAGES CONTAINING MORE THAN ONE PER CENTUM OF ALe OHOL BY \I1JEIGHT; PROVIDING PENALTIES - FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREVÅ’TH. BE rr ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT; Section 1. Tba t from and after the passage of this Ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of manufacturing, distr~buting or selling any alcohol by weight unless the vendor, distributor or manufacturer shall have first obtained a license so to do from the City Clerk of the -City ~r Cler.mont. Section 2. The fees for such licenses shall be as follows: (a) Vendors operating places of business Where nothing is sold except beverages containing less than 14~ alcohol by " weight, and wines regardless of. alcoholic content~------$7.50 (b) Vendors operating places of business Where spiritous liquors are sold in seared containers, f'or consumption off the premises------------~------------------------______$ll2.50 (c) Vendors operating places of business where spiritous beverages are sold for consumption either on or off the premises~~---_N------~M-~-____~___.-----~-______~~___~~15o.om , Provided; vendors obtaining a license under sub-sections (0) , \~, ~r (c) shall have the privilege of selling the beverages described in sUb-·~tion (a) without any additional license. (d) Chartered or iÍlcorporated clubs qualifying for the sale of intoxicating beverages under the provisions of sub- section X of' Section 5 of' the law passed by the Legis~ature of Florida at its 1935 session known as House Bill No. 496 .-r" ,,/ ./ shall pay a license fee òf-~---------------------------$62.50 Provided, however, no such club shall dlsp\se of' any liquors in ény other manner save as is provid~d in \aid ) sub-section X of Section 5 of said House Bill 496. (e) Distributors selling beverages containing not more than 14% alcohol by weight, aM wines rêgardless of alcoholic content, shall pay a license fee of--------------------$lOO.OO " // "" (t) All other distributors licensed to do business by the laws o£ the State of Florida shall pay a license fee - O£~~~~~~~~-~~~-~~~~~~=~~~~~~d~~~Ø~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~-~~~oo~?625000 .. (g) Manuf'actUX'ersp if engaged in the manufactuDe of wines and nothing elsep Shall pay a license fee ofQ=====~=====$25000 (h) Manuf'acturers.ø if engagød in the rm.nufacture of wineB &nd cordials and nothing else=====~=====================$50000 (1) Manui'actUX"ers" if engaged in the brewing of malt li9-uors and nothing else~~~~~~~~-~~-~~-~~=~~-~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$375000 (j) Manufact~ersp if engaged in the business of distilling spiritous liquors" or rectifying and/o~ blanding samep o~ all of such buainesses=====================-===========$375000 Section 30 All of the reguJ.ations provided by the Ac~ of' too Legislature at its 19~session known as House Bill Noo 496 a~ to the handling and sale of beverages containing more than oniSJ per centum of alcohol by waight ~e hereby adopted as part of this Ordinanc6.ø and in addition thereto the following regula= tions are providedg (a) No beverages containing more than 1<£% alcohol by weight except '\tvineso shall be sold between the ho'tWs of midnight on Saturday nights and midnight on Sunday 1?-ightsp nor shall such beverages be sold to minors at any timeo Section 40 No license shall be granted any person to act as vendor until such person presents a request for such license to the City Clerks which ~ll designate the specific -e location of the proposed place of business.ø the name of tha applicant for licensep the n~e of thw o~mner of the buildîng in which the business is proposed to be carried anD the n~e~ of the other occupants of the building» if anyo and the nature og the business such other occupants are engaged ino Su~h ~pplication must also be accompanied by the ~itten consent of the ovnler of the prope~ty@ Such a.pplication shaJ.l be held by the Clerk until th~ next regular or special maeting of the City Council and p~~~ent= ad to the Council for considerationo The Council may delay the issuance of the license for not more th~ thirty daysp if it be nøcessary to verify the facts set forth in the applicationv or if in the judgment of the Council the ¡applicant is 0ntitled to D o upon x»sceipt of the faso The Council ma:yv if after full m= vsstigation they find the applicant not entitled to a licensev ~Gject an.applicationo Se©tlon 50 The license year shall begin on Octobe~ 1st and ~ end on Septembexo 30th following$ after April 1st of any YSSXJD a license may be issued for theramaindexo of the license ye~ fo~ ona~half the annual rateo No licenses to sell beverages containing more than 14% alcohol by weight~ except winesf) shall be issued pX"ior to October Ist~ 19350 The holder of any licen~~ heretofore issued shall apply for a new license on October lstv 1935» and if theX"s b~ any unexpired period on the old licenseD I , such holder shall be entitled to credit on the new license fo~ the unused portion of the old onef) but such unused.portion must be figure~ at the rates provided in this Ox»dinance 0 Section 60 Penalties 0 my person convicted in ths Mayorga Court of the violation of any of the provisions of this Ordi= nance 'shall be punished as rollow~g (a) If such conviction be tor: angaging in the businesl51 of manufacturing» diatribtlting or selling any of the beverages . described in this Ordinancef) without having first obtained the nacess~y licensef) such offender shall be fined not less than the amount of the license fee!) nor more than doubJe the amount of the license feef) in addition to which all cost of the arrestf) trial and cammitmentf) if any!) shall likewise be assessed against the offender$ or în lieu of such fine be punished by tmpxoisonment for not less than ten days nor mor~ than thirty days» at the discretion of the Mayoro (b) If such conviction be for the violation of any of the . ~egulations provided în sub=section (a)~ Section 3 of this Or:dinance f) then such offender ahall be punished by a :fine o~ not less than $25000 nor more than $100000 or by imprisonment for not less than ten days nor more than thirty days» or by both such. fine and ,imprisonment!) at the discretion of the Mayo~o Section 70n All ordinance and parts of ordinances in conf'lict herewith are hereby repealed$ but such repeal shall be l~ited :-,-,--,,-,,"~ ~- ~ , ~ .. -e to such ordinances and parts of ordinances as are in con~þ!~ct herewith, and no part of any ordinance which is not in con- flict with this Ordinance is repealed. Section 8. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. -----------~-~------~--~--~------ on Passed by the ~ ,1935. Couno-il at its regular n;teeting held /0 d < .~ AJ;J;~~t_~~ , -~- President City Counc1~ 'L .. . ~/ ~ ~.. :1IÞt. ,,~ ~. 4~ .~ --~---~-----~-~--~-~-~-~------- o ~ c ~";'ê . ~ ¡ '-...... ¡fÞ$daY Of~ ,1935. . ""'- _R~ceived and approved by me, this ~·r::, "",{ ; 15 ~rOL~ -P .IYla yora ..,..-- -