O-35-25 .J ---.--.- ."-.--".".'-..;..--.,..--.-.--" . - ding feature, although at intervals indicate that patron is entitled to receive premiums. Uereinafter this type will be designate the value of the premium or premiums or may be in- dicated by a score card attached to the machine. Hereinafter r this type shall be referred to as skil1 machines. (3) Trade machines. These machines have no automatic ven- I; I: .~ (2) Coin-operated sk111 machines (commonly referøed to as Pin-Games., Marble Tables., and similar devices of this type which may have a skill feature) which mayor may not pay a re~ard for skillful operation or upon which operation., pre- miums mayor may not be given for high score or making certain combinations. Such premiums may be awarded either automatically by the maChine in the form of checks, tokens or orders., which ~ ! ferred to as automatic vendors. (1) Automatic coin-operating vending and amusement ma- chines with premium features., which mayor may nc:it vend for each coin deposited a standard article of merchandise having a recognized retail value., and Which at intervals vend checks., tokens., coins or orders which mayor may net be exchanged for additional merchandise. Hereinafter this type will be re- devices are defined and classified as follows: For the purpose of this Ordinance., coin-operated Section 2. salesmen and agents for sales purposes. corporation or corporations to set up for operation, ~perate, lease., or distribute for the purpose of operating., any coin- operated device as defined in Section Two of this Ordinance., w1thou~ first having obtained a license therefor. This Ordinance., however., does not apply to machines or devices being displayed or demonstrated by manufacturers., distributors., It shall be mlawful for any person or persons., Section 1. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI TY OF CLERMONT; AN ORDmANCE REGULATING THE OPERATION OF COIN-OPERATED MACHINES OR DEVICES AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE LICENSING OF THE OPERATION OF SUCH MACHINES; AND PROVIDmG PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. I / ...,,<"'./ ~.:;;.)- ...~)..A' Lj - ORDINANCE NO. 1::li. o ~ e . " . . - -'-- -,.--.-- I '-"-','--- ~~--- __n_.._______·___.___··_ ~ I~ " :," .. {' ~ ~ Section 4. All licenses shall be due and payable on or be- fore the first day of Ootober of each year, and no license &hall be issued for any fraotional portion of a year, exoept as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, and except that any lioense for a 10oation tax may be issued after the first br ~ ~n~d~^~_ð~ ~_ 3;ï~_ ~. of~~~ ~~_._____..., ever, with any other person, or a location operator, any ooin-operated devioe or devioes, as herein defined, shall pay an ocoupational tax and shall be known as an "Operator." Any person, firm or corporation who displays my coin-operated devioe or devioes, as herein defined, to the public to be played or operated by the pub¡ic shall be mown as a "location operator" and ahAll pay an occupational license tax as provided in Section 5. Section 3. Any person, firm or corporation who leases or rents out or places, 'W'lder any kind of arrangement whatso- Florida. cations ephones nor to U. S. Stamp machines. or a combination of the above, 'W'lifor.mly as to quantity and quality, upon each insertion of a coin into the same, nor to any coin-operated telephone. (4) "Other Machines." All other ooin-operated maChines or slot machines not covered by any of the above definitions, classifications or descriptions, shall be classified as "other machines" and shall be subject to an occupational license tax as hereinafter provided. (5) This Ordinance shall not apply to coin-operated tel- referred to as trade maohines. Only suoh types of machines as are hereinabove described and referred to as automatic vendors, skill machines and/or trade machines are oovered by this Ordinanoe. Nothing herein contained shall be oonstrued to apply to any ooin-operated maohine or devioe Which returns amusement, enterta1nment or some service or article of value ,. -- >,..----,,_.._.~_._~.""- -"-"--,."~.._--..,-.. L No laws or parts of laws which have for their Section 8. convicted in the nnmicipal court of the violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be fined not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than tine Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or imprisloned in the common jail for not to exceed thirty days at the discretion of the Mayor. Each day of operation in violation of any provision of this Ordinance Whall constitute a separate offense. Any person, fir.m, or corporation w~ch may be Section 7. Section 6. AnT and aJ.l machines licensed under this Or- dinance shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. No person in direct charge or supervision of such machine shall. knowingly permit any person under 21 years of age to engage in the play of such machine s. 2. All machines licensed by this Ardinance, must be op- erated and maintained at all t~es in an orderly manner, and the operation thereof shall be conducted with the same dignity a8 any other well regulated busines.. 3. Provided that no automatic vending machine shall at any time be "plugged" or changed in any manner so as to alter its ratio of premiums. Automatic vendors-----------------------$lS.OO Skill machines--------~----------------- S.OO Trade mac~e8~-~--------------------- 5.00 Other machines------------------------ 250.00 Seotion 5. The tees for such licenses shall be as follows: Each "Operator" of automatic vendors, and/or skill machines, and/or trade machines, shall pay to the City Clerk an occupational tax of Seventy-five Dollars; and in addition thereto eaoh "location opepator" as det~ed in Section 3 hereof', shall pay an occupational license tax on each machine to the City Tax Collector as follows: the same year, upon the pa-yment of one-half of the emo1mt fixed-as the price ot such license for one year. L~· ! ! J I ....,_. ''''. ,., ""n ,"" """.."..,.".._., ,_",.,,,,,,...,,,,,...,,..,,,,____ . . j¡ . ¿,. ~ð.~J', yor day of R~ and approved by me this J J/~ ,Ji1J....r, 1935. --~-~----~---------~------------ ~ ë y ler Passed and adopted by the City CO'tmcil at its regular /ð-dv 1~ meeting held on the 1BS day of _l¿l_~, 1935. -------------------------------- upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. This Ordinance shall take effect ~ediate17 Section 10. exists. flict herewith are hereby repealed so far as such conflict All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in con- Section 9. ~ - . of each machine" L .. purpose the prohibition of gambling devices shall be cons- trued to apply to licensed coin-controlled machines, as defined and permitted under this Ordinance. Provided, further, that nothing herein shall be construed to mean that more than one occupational tax may be required from anyone operator, and not more than one location tax may be required - ----~_._~-_.