O-37-34 1\3' . \ ~~----._-- - -~--~. - . &, I \ ., . ,-:' .' \ ,-_.~. _ _ h \ ' \.., ":': -~=---~-~~~ --+'-;'4"- . . - . . \ -'V) Z Ii ',,- \ I( £: { AN æ I][ NANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XXII OF THE REVr'SED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CI'l'Y OF CLERMONT, PERTAINING TO THE NUMBERING OF HOUSES. , N \.. _______. \ - .~_... -_.~- - -:.. y - ç.-'J~'~ ç~ vJ~ cd\:'. ... ~_--____..x~. ~--, I : ., IS \ II ORDINANCE:l NO>. 3T \ ! BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT:- That Chapter XXII of the Revised General Ordinances of the City of Clermont be, and the same is hereby amended so that the same, as amended shall read as follows: """ SECTION I. AII·houses within the corporate limits of the City of Clermont are hereby required t'o be numbered, and to habe legible numbers not less than three inches high, so placed on or over the ~ front doors of such houses as to be readily seen. .... - SECTION 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and dir- ec~ed to assmgn to each house a designated number, and it 'shall be unlawful for any property owner or occupant to place or cause to placed on any house any number other tha,n that designated by the City Clerk. SECTION 3~ The City Clerk shall begin with the streets running east and west at East Ave, and shall assign the ev~n numbers ,to the north side of such streets, and the odd numbers to the south side, and each block shall have assigned thereto one number for every ten XääX lineal f'ee,t on each side of the street; so that the houses on thei south side of the street in the first block west of East Av~nue numbered shall have nubers from 101 to 199, using odd numbers only; and the north side, numbers 100:, to 198, using even numbers only; and:~in the next block wes't the numbers shall run from 200 to 299, and so on indefinitely, jumping to the next hundred in each block. Str,eets running east from East Avenue shall be numbered in 'the same manne~a:âding the word "East" after each number. ~ . Upon th(~'completion of the numbering on the str,eets eas't and west, the City Clerk shall begin at the northern boundary of the City, and in like manner numbe:,," . ,I, houses on the streets running north and south, using the Same method, 'assigning odd nUIbers to the houses on the east side of tIT; street and even numbers on the wes:t side; and shall thereafter number any other streets than those running as herein mentioned. : The 0i ty Clerk sha 11 first make out a plan of numbering and' submit it to the Street Committee of the City CŒW1Cil, and receive approval of such Committee befpre assigning any numbers. I I /-: ~)~.., '.. ," I :,',,' 1," ~;, , , /1.'.'," , ..¡. . ',' , . ~ . SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall notify the propert~ owner or occupant of any house to which a number is ass~gne,d, of, the n~er assigned to that particular house Jò and it shall be the duty of such ~lner or occupant to provide metalic numerals not less than three inches high, and place such numbers in a conspicuous place on or over thei,door of "stl1ch house which is nearest the street upon which the number is asffigned; and such property owner or occupant shall provide and place such numbers within thirty days from, receipt of' notiçe, given by the City. C~_er2t; provided, however, that the City of Cler~ont will furnish such numbers as may be nec~ssary at a prèfe of twenty- five cents for each house, to be paid by the property owner or occupant; . property owners are not required to use' the numbers furnished by the City, but may furnish th~ir own numbers provided they are the size provided by ~his ordinance. \, ORDINANCE NO. page 28 ... SECTION 5. Any person who shall fail to provide and place the numbe~s as designated by the City Clerk with- in thirty days after receipt of such notice, shall, upon conviction in the Mayor's Court, be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period of not more than thirty days. SECTION 6:. Any person who aha 11 place or causes! to be placed or erected on any house in the City of Clermpnt, any number or numbers, other than those assigned thereto by the City Clerk, shall, upon conviction in the Mayor's Court, be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars or imprisonment in the City Jail for a period of ~ not more than sixty days; and the improper numbers shall be removed by the City Marshall. SEC~ION 78 This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council and its approval by the Mayor. - - -- .. ____III;III'''='~ Passed by the City Council at its regular meeting held on December 7, 1937. (jØ~ - City Clerk (;11:11-< h ð - pr~ident ~~ Recèived and approved by me this l-ti.- era.y of December, 1937. // 1'7 '- ~(Z·::J)4~.J r I Mayor ..