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O-38-36 --. ,'\ '" ... .' i ORDINANCE NUMBER Jh , 0 , , AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE CONDUCTING OF AJ:.1Y LOTTERY FOR rmJlTEY OR A~TYTHI:r:.TG OF VALUF, OR SELLING OR OFFERING FOR SALE ANY LOTTEH~- TICKET, COUPON, OR FRACTIONAL. PART THEREOF, OR POSSESSING OF ANY LOTrERY TICYET OR EVI- DENCE OF ANY SHARE OR RIGFT I}lT ANY Lf)TTERY TICKFT OR Al\1Y LOTTERY SCHEME, APPARATUS OR DEVICE, OR HAVING IN POSSESSION ANY LOT- TERY AÐVEF.TIS~IENT, CIRCULAR, POSTER, BOOK OR PAMPHLET OR SCHEDULE OF ANY LOTTERY PRIZES, GIFTS OR DRAWINGS, EITHER BY WRIT- ING, PRI1~ING OR OTHERWISE, WITHIN THE Ln~ITS OF THE C[TY OF CLERM011T AND PRES- CRIBING THE PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAME. ·BE IT ORDAI~ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF :CLEID!.ONT, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation within the limits of the City of Clermont, to set up, promote or conduct any lottery for mOf.1.ey 'or anything, of value; or by means of any lottery " to dispose of any monèy or other property of any kind whatsoever; or to conduct any lottery,drawin~ for the I , distribution of prizes by lot or chance, or to advertise a any such lottery scheme or device in any newspaper' or by. :circular, poster, pamphlet or otherwise; or to .sell, or offer for sale, or to transmit, 'by mail or otherwise, .;1 any lo~tery tickets, coupons or share in or fractional part of any lottery ticket, share or coupó.n; or to attempt to operate , conduct or advertise an:r lottery wheel, imple- ment or device whatsoever for conductin~ any lottery scheme for the disposal by lot or chance of anythinB of value; or to, have in his, their or its possession any lotter:r ticket, or evidence of any share or ric:ht in any , , lottery ticket, or in any lottérv scheme or devide; or to '" Ìlave in his, their or its possession anJT lottery ad~Tertise- ment, circular, poster, book or pamphlet, or any list or schedule of any lottery prizes, gifts or drawings, or to aid or assist in the settine up or conrolcting of any lot- I tery, either by wr~tin7, printin~ or otherwise; or to be interested in, or connected in any way with any 'lotte~y: drawing; or t'o aid or assist in the sale, disposal or .'.-ro- cnre'l'f1ent of anJT lottery ticket, coupon, share or ric;ht to any; drawint therein. b~SO day of ¡"prll, /\.(/~ .J m:ayor Received "and apDroved ... 1938. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . 0 . . . . . o· . . Cit~T Clerk c .. Passed by the City Council of the City of Clermont at its Regular meet inc' held on April 5, 1938. p~(~boü~;h .................0.0 a 0... 0.. ment not to exceed ninety days. SECTION 3. Any violation of thls ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not more than ~!:500. 00 or ""y irr,rison- ment,' circ111ar, poster, book or ~arophlet, or any listin~ or schedule of any lotter prizes, ~ifts or drawinEs for any lottery, in violation of this ordinance. or its possession, or bein~ advertised i~ said advertise- for sale such ticket, coupon or share, as in his, their p~.rson, firm or corporation, shall be prlroa facie evidence that said person, firm, or corporation, is sellin£ or offerinc for sale, or assistin2 in sellin? or offerin~ or drawine;s for anJT lottery, in the possessiOn of aYl~T or any listing or scherolle of any lottery p~izes, ~ifts or any advertisement, circular, poster, book or pam:?hlet, any lottery shall be prima facie evidence t~at the said lottery wheel, or other apparatus, is beine used QY the person, firm or corporation in violation of thi9 0~- dinance, and that said lottery ticket, coupon or share, schedule of any lottery ~rizes, ~ifts or drawings ~or circu.lar, :'1oster, book or pa.mDhlet, or 9.n~r l:tstinc or ~ lotter~r ticket, c0l1Y.'0n or sÌ1.are, or an~T a'Ì~TArttSp.""p.nt, possession of any person, firm or corporation, of any The havine u~on the ,erson of or in the SECTION 2. on 0 . 3 (., . ..-r'/ /'"