May Griffith 100 Birthday City of Clermont
Whereas, May Griffith was born on March 18, 1913 and will be honored by
friends and relatives in recognition of her 100`h birthday, and
'Whereas, she has been an active member of South Lake County through
serving on the Minneola City Council in 1986 and serving as the Mayor of
Minneola for two consecutive two-year terms, and
'Whereas, we are pleased to join with her many good friends and relatives in
extending our best wishes on this happy occasion,
No-w, Therefore, I, Harold S Turville, Jr , by virtue of the authonty vested
in me as Mayor of the City of Clermont in the State of Flonda, I do hereby deem it
an honor and pleasure to extend this recognition to May Griffith on the occasion of
her 100th birthday, with sincere congratulations and best wishes for many more
happy, productive years in the future
In 'Witness 'Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of
the City of Clermont to be affixed this 12th day of March in the year of our Lord
two thousand thirteen
Harold S Turville, Jr , Mayor
Tracy Ackroyd, City Cle