11-01-1999 Meeting e", PARK & RECREATION ADVISORY
7:00 P.M., MONDAY NOVEMBER 1, 1999
Basha Schlazer called the meeting to order The sign in sheet was passed around and
initialed by all attending members The minutes of July's meeting were not available for
Attending Guest Ben from South Lake Little League and Kirk Hall from Clermont Girls
Softball League were asked to sign in
Mckinney Park will be putting in their fitness trail
Hancock Park- Kirk Hall said that the Clermont Girls Softball League has cleared 4 field
sites The Grading and Excavation will be done next week
Amy Lesner brou g ht the updated plan on Hancock Park
Question came up on the
Softball fields not being tournament size Al Schlazer said The City of Clermont could
not Sponser any tournament unless the fields are regulated size according to the AAU and
the ASA These Tournaments bring in a lot of money Ben from the SLLL said that
Clermont needs to accommodate this in it growth MOTION: Jay Smith made a motion
to make fields regulated size according to the AAU and the ASA requirements Joe
Janusiak seconds the motion Motion Passed.
City Council Meeting will be on November 9h. Amy lesner will bring before the Council
the Park and Recreation fees All committee members please try to attend
New Business: Amy Lesner went over the new Recreational Activities Palatlakaha Park
concession stand will be left clean or a$50 00 clean up charge will be imposed on the
SLLL and the CGSL Amy will post a sign in the upstairs room over the concession
Next Meeting will be December 6th at 6.30 p.m having no more business Basha
motioned to adjourn the meeting Charles seconds the motion Meeting adjourned at 8 16