O-42-55 --_... --.-- - .~~"" , .--.. . - L-J-. ORDI:-fAHCE ~¡O. ...:J.;,j AN ORDINANCE ~AKING IT AN OFFENSE TO. STEAL OR ATTEMPT TO STEAL, DESTROY OR ATTE!.:PT 'ro DESTROY, I.:1JTILATE 0;, ATTB.iPT TO EUTILATE, OR 'ro TA;.PEH ..ITH A ::OTon VEHICLE TIRE OR TIHES OH AÆY AC- CESSOHIES USED on OR IN CONNECTION ',IITH A;-¡Y LOTOH VEHICLE; PROVIDIHC PE;TALTIES FOR VIOLA- TION OF AHY OF TI;EPHOVISIONS OF THIS ORDDlANCE; AND PRESCRIBEJ FOR ITS 3ECO:Lf~ EFFECTIVE IH- ;.;EDIATELY UPON PASSAGE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CO.Ji:CIL OF THE CITY OF CLERI.]OiJT: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to steal or attempt to steal, destroy or attempt to destroy, mutilate or attempt to mutilate, or to tamper with a motor vehicle tire or tires or any accessories used on or in connection with a motor vehicle, beine: the property of another, TIithin the corporate limits of the City of Clermont, Florida. SECTION 2. Any person, firm or corporation violatinß any of tre provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction tJ:-_ereof in the ;.:ayor' s Court, be punished by a fine not to exceed ;;500.00 or by imprisonment for a period not to exceed 60 days or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the i:ayor. SECTION 3. It is hereby determined that the passase of this ordinance is essential for the imnlediate preservation of the public peace, health, prosperity and safety of the people of the City of Cle~ont anrt shall take effect immediately upon its passa~e and upon its being si~ned b~ the President of the City Council and upon approval by the Mayor. SECTION 4. This ordinance s~oll be published once after its final passage in the Clermont Press, a newspaper pub~ished in the City of Clermont, Florida. ----------------------------------------------------------------- PASSED by the City Council at its adjourned rc¡::ular meetlng, the J!.,/S-t; day of February, A. D. 1942. ATTEST: ~ ~7177'P # pr.eside~ity Council - City Clerk. - ------------------------------------------------------------------ RECEIVFD A::D hI'PROVED ;:'Y : L TEI3 ¡¿ISf; J.ÆY OF ;·'EBHUARY, .ii. .J. 1942. ~~~~~ ¡Iiayor