O-42-56 , '~ -,,=- . . .1\ . :i[¡l:~~ " ORDINA~!CE :iO. 0- t: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR BLACKOOTS AND OTHER ]~EANS OF PROTECTION AGAINST ATTACKS UPON TdIS MUNICIPALITY BY ENEMIES OF THE mUTED STATES AND THEIR AGENTS: PROVIDING THE POaERS, DUTIES A~D OBLIGATIONS OF ~UNICIPAL OFFICERS, AGENT~, AND EMPLOYEES DURING BLACKOUTS AND OTHER PROTECT- TIONARY MEASURES; 1ffiKING ALL AIR RAID WARDENS AND OTHER AGENTS AND APPOHTEES OF TH:". STATE AJ:D COU'fTY DEFF.;'SF. COm,CILS EX-OFFICIO Mm~ICIPAL OFfICERS AND AGENTS; PRESCRIB- ING PENALTIES ..fOR VIOLATIONS OF CER'rAIN ORDERS, RULES AND RE3-UVnO'!S AD]TED OR APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA STATE DEFENSE COUNC IL, AND DECLARIXG AN E!{¡ERGEi,rCY. \VHEREAS, in modern warfare no municipality, however distant 1\'- from the enemy, if free from4ilitary attacks from air, land, or sea; blackouts, when ordered by the armed forces, are essential to the preservation of the life and property in tbis municipality and failure to extinguish lights when so ordered may result in loss of life and property to residents of this municipality as well as residents of other localities; and WHEREAS, failure to comply with orders, rules and regulations governing evacuations, traffic movements, congestion of persons in streets and other public places will result in confusion and unnecessary loss of life both durinG blackouts and during attacks by the enemy; Now, Therefore. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT: Section 1. Whenever any official signal shall be given warn- ing of an attack, or the possibility of an attack, by enemies of the United States from the air, land or sea, or to carry out black- outs or air raid protection measures, and until a subsequent sig- nal be given indicating the passing of the danger from such attack: (a) All person~ firms and corporations within this municipality shall comply promptly with all orders given b~ persons duly author- ized to give such orders, wb-ich persons shall be furnished by the municipality with and shall wear a distinguishing uniform, badge or other insignia indicating such authority; (b) All persons except duly authorized person1 shall leave all streets, parks and open spaces and shall proceed to the near- est cover; -1- . ."'."'~." '. ~ Page two of Ordinance :~o. .)"" . (c) All vehicles except duly authorized vehicles, within or enterins this municipality shall avoid areas of traffic con¿;6stion and shall park imme'ìiately and the passengers therc- in shall proceed to the nearest cover; (d) If the signal be given between sundown and sunup all lizhts visible from the outside or frorr, the air, except such subdued and r6~ulated lights as may be hercafter authorized pursuant to t~is ordinance shall be i~~ediately extintuished by the person, firm or corporation havinG c"arge or control thereof; (e) If any light desi2,nated under subparagraph (d) ,is not extinL,uished as therein r:1quired, any duly authorized person wearing a distinguishin~ uniform, bad~e or other insignia as aforesaid, may enter upon the premises where such light is located and take such measures as may be necessary to extinc;- uish such light and to make effective any other order, rule or re3ulation promulgated for protection against attacks by enemies of the United States. Duly authorized persons as aforesaid shall have power to enter any buildins or place and extinGuish any lights left burning in violation of this ordinance. Section 2. The Vayor shall adopt an official warning signal of attacks, or the possibility of an attack, by enemies of the United states, which si[nal shall be identical witt any uniform signal adopted or that nay be adopted by the state or county defense councilor by the armed forces, and all persons . . except those dulJc authorized, shall refrain from uttering, publishing, sounding or otherwise simulatinc such official signal or warning. Section 3. The Mayor may appoint, for a specified time, as many special police, without pay, as may be deemed necessary for services in connection with blackouts, air raids or other enemy attacks. During the term of office of such special police, they shall possess all the powers and privileges and perform --- " . Pa8c trree of Ordinance No. .:{(p all the duties of ordinary patrolmen. Such special police shall wear such identifyin[ uniforms or emblems not in conflict with state and federal resulations as may be adopted by the MaJor' and it shall be unlawful for any such special police to carry out or attempt to carry out any ordinance, order, ör regulation, while not wearinL such identifJint uniform or emblem. Section 4. All air raid wardens and other aLents and appoin- tees of the state and county defense councils shall be ex-officio municipal officers and agents and shall have the sa~~ po~ers and privileges as are conferred upon the special police above men-- tioned; provided however, that such wardens, aeents and appoin- tees shall not carry firearms while on duty unless specifically aut~orized in writing by the sheriff, cb-ief of police or mayor. Section 5. The ThTayor may promulc;ate or adopt by proclam- ation any orders, rules or regulations, including those hereto- fore or hereafter adopted by the Florida or Lake County Defense Council, for the conduct of persons, firms or corporations during blackouts, air raids and other emergencies or may promulsate' and ado~t any other rules and regulations for said purposes as may be approved in writing by the Florida or Lake County Defense Council. The violation of any such order, rule or regulation shall be held a violation of this ordinance. Section 6. This ordinance is adopted in conformity with the police powers of this municipality for the protection of the public peace, health and safety o~ its people, and neither the municipal- ity nor any individual subject to regulations lawfully included herein shall be liable for any damage sustained to person or property during or as the result of the measures authorized by tr.is ordinance. Section 7. It shall be unlawful for any person to imperson- ate any n1ember of the Florida Defense Council, Lake COQnty Defense Council, or City of Clermont, or any authorized representative thereof, or to represent himself as being connected with the . . Page four of Ordinance No. Florida Defense Council, Lake CountJ Defense Councilor City of Clermont when, as a matter of fact, he is not so connected. Section 8. An emercency is declared to exist in this munici- pelity durine the existence of the state of war between the United states and certain foreign powers. Section 9. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or any order, rule or reg- ulations mentioned herein shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof in ¡'.:ayor's Court shall be punished by a fine not exceedin2; five hundred dollars (~!i500.00) or imprison- mÐnt for not more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the lI"ayor. Section 10. It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Clermont that each separate provision of the ordinance shall be deemed independent of any other provision, and invalidity of any provision shall not affect the others. Section 11. This oròinance shall take effect immediately upon being signed by the President of the City Council and the Mayor and shall continue in effect during the period of the emer- gency herein declared. Section 12. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PASSED by the City Council at its adjourned rec;ular meetin[, the 2,,/ ~ day of February, A. D. 1942. ATTEST: ~l~ '7-h? 7./~ PréÅ¡ldent of City Council ------------------------------------------------------------------ RECEIVED AND APPROVED BY lirE THIS ~/~ DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D. 1942. ~~~~r.--/ tMayor ------------------------------------------------------------------