O-49-90 "·"·";"If". 't.. ! I I . ) . ¡ I I ì ORDINANCE NO. 90 ...'.... "' . AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING ALL NON-RESIDENT AGEHrS, REPRESENT~TIVES, CA~~ASSERS, PETITIONERS A~~ SOLICITORS OF NON-RESIDENT RELIGIOUS OR CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS, ORG4NIZ~TIONS, AND SOCIETIES TO REG- ISTER VlITH THE CITY CLETlK OF TEE CITY OF CLERMOi')T; DEFINIi'G NON-RESIDENT AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES, C.^NVASSEW', PETITIONERS, SOLICITORS A!\:D NON- RESIDENT RELIGIOUS AÏ"D CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIOi"S, ORGANIZf.TIONS AND SOCIETIES; PROVIDING OTHFR /vi.r,TIERS RELATING HERETO; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINMCES IN COi"FLICT HEREWITH. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERì,íOn, FLORIDA: PURPOSE OR ORDINANCE. It is the intent of this ordinance to recognize the righx of any bona fide n~n-resident religious or charitable association, organization or society through its au- thorized agents, represent2tives, canvassers, petitioners and solicitors to seek, petition and solicit money or any thing of value of any person, firm or corporation within the territorial boundaries of the City of Clerc.ont, Florida. The unauthorized soliciting of money and any other thing of value in the City of Clermont for the benefit of associations, organization or societies as herein defined, having caused considerable loss in the past to those in the City of Clermont, has made it necessary that the City Council of the City of Cler~ont pass such ordinances as they deem necessary and expeèient for the protection of those within its cor- porcte limits, their property and the general public's welfare. ~ ,SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS . , The following words and phrases when used in this ordi- nance shall, for the purpose of this ordinance, have the ~eaning res::e ctively ascribed 'to them in this section, except in those in- stances where the context clearly 5ndicates a different meaning. (a) Non-resident religious or charitable associations, organizations and societies shall include any association or group of persons uniting together for religious or charitable purposes; shall include those generally defined as being domestic or foreign, :ncor~orated or not incorporated. Any association, organization or society, as herein defined which shall not have its principal office or branch office or resident representative within the territorial limits of the City of Clermont shall be classed as foreign. (b) Non-resident agents, rcpresentatives, canvasscrs, petitioners and solicitors shall include any person, or group of persons, their agents and representatives, who shell solicit, seek, entreat, implore, importune, or request money or 2ny thing of value, of ,my person, firm or corporation \'!ithin the territorial boundaries of the City of Clermont, Florida, for the use and benfit of any association, organization or society, or for the use and benefit of any person or persons for whose benefit said association, org- anization or society is organized or operating for the specific purpose of aiding or assisting in any manner. . (c) Registrant shall mean anyone registering as a non- resident agent, representative, canvasser, petitioner or solicitor as defined hereinabove. .' W··'''.· ~ . SECTION 3. REGISTRATION ~a) Hereafter all non-resident agents, representatives, canvassers, petitioners or solicitors desiring to solicit or other- \'!ise obt"in any money or any thing of velue of 2ny porson, firm or corporation wi thin the City of Clerm'mt shall first register with the City Clerk of the City of Clermont in a book provided for th~t purpose. (b) Each registrant shall be furnished with a separate page in said book on vlhich he must give all information requested by the City Clerk, including the registr2nt's name, age, and resi- dence; name and aò(ress of the non-resident religious or charitable association, organization or sodiety for vlhom he will solicit money or any thing of value; name, age and resiòence of ûny and all per- sons v!ho will compose his crew or te?m of solicitors, or those who will 2Ct as solicitors in this city under his direction, inde~enò- ently or otherwise. The City Clerk may require the separete regis- tration of each crew or teem member or those who viÌIl act as sol- icitors under the direction, inòepen(ently or otherwise, of the person desiring to register. (c) Before any person shall be 2llowed to register the registrant shall furnish the City Clerk with satisfactory evidence of the registrant's authority to act as said non-resident agent, representative, canvasser, petitioner or solicitor; if the City Clerk be not satisfied with the evidence of authority, the regis- trant shall furnish at his or her expense current evidence of authority. A wire from the non-resident Teligious or charitable association, organization or society adòressed to the City Clerk shall then only be accertable, provided it is received within 12 hours, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays. (d) The Marshal or Police of the City of Clermont may before or after registration require the fingerprints of the reg- istrant, inc·uding those of his or her tecm or crew, on the regis- tration page or on separate c2rds used by the Marshal or police of the City of Clermont in fingerprinting anyone coming undOl' their authority. (e) The registrant shall set out in his registration the dates between which he or she will solicit in the City of Clermont; these dates shall not exceed 10 days, exclusive of Sun- days and legal holidays. To solicit beyond said date the regis- trant shall re-register with the City Clerk by requesting an ex- tension of time which will be set out on the original registration, initialed by the registrant, City Clerk and dated. As long as a registrant solicits for the same non-resident religous or charitable association, organization or society he shall not be required to re-register with the City Clerk, exce!)t as otherwise provided herein for an extension of original soliciting. No registrant shall be allowed to register for more than one non-resident religious or charitable association, organization or society at 2ny time. When registering under a second non-resident religious or charitable association, organization or saeity, it shall void all prior reg- istrations. " (f) The Marshal or police of the City of Clermont shall be notified of the registering of such person, and identified by the City Clerk. (g) Th~re shall be no fee charged for registering nor shall any permit or license be issued to any registrant. SECTION 4. REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCE OR ORDINANCES (a) All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. . . SECTION 5. PASSAGE AND APPROVAL (a) This ordinance shall take effect imTIediately u~on its pass2Qe by the City Council and aprroval by the Mayor of the City of Clermont. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - PASSED by the City Council of the City of Clerm0nt at its Regular Adjourned Meeting held in the City Hall in the City of Clermont, Florida, the 18th day of July, A.D., 1949. City Council ATTEST; lCL:~L- J , -,:) '" ...':" \~ ---- - -'" "'. '; J - 1r] ~~ City Clerk ". \ ,- ¡~ ~ /, ~-'.£~ : :, : ~- '-~ -. ..,) ~ ..., ~\ ;.r..... " ~, ...... _.' ro- ".{' ~ ::".-- .- ~ ,'^' .._'. ". - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- 'c APPROVED by me this 18th dûy of July, A.D., 1949. May01~ ~~~rmont - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .