O-18-C . . ORDINANCE NO. 18-C N~ 39 CODE ORDINANCES AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF. THE FOLLOWING COUNCIL COMMITTEES: PROVIDING FOR THE DUTIES THEREOF: PROVIDING FOR THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS THEREOF, AND REPEALING ALL SEC IONS OF THE FORMER ORDINANCE IN CONFLICT THEREWITH: BE IT ORDAINED AND ESTABLISHED BY CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Committees of Council_- Appointments, noti cation of members. The mayor shall appoint from its memb rs before the second, regular meeting in each year the followi g Council Committees: Finance, Laws and Personnel Public Works and Planning Public Safety Building and Zoning Parks, Cemetery and Recreation The mayor shall notify each me er of the committee or r committees to which he is appoint d and shall report all his appoint-., ments to the next regular meetin of the council and the same shall be written into the minutes of s ch meeting. Finance Committee: duties~ Through the Director o~ nance shall have control and super- vision over all city finance : shall examine or cause to be examined, and have charge over al 0 ks and records of the city: shall pro- vide for an annual~di 0 city books and shall meet with the City Manager and Fin cial Director and approve the operating budget before presentation t h City Council. Laws Committee: duties. Shall direct and a of such Ordinances an of them by Council C Charter amendments meetings for passa sist the City Attorney in the preparation Charter amendments as may be requested ittees: shall present such Ordinances and/or the City Council at regular or adjourned or rejection. Personnel duties. Shall make a study of and recommendations to the City Council on such personn I policies as may be recommended to them by the City Manager. Public Works nd Planning Committee: duties. e a study of all expansion and improvement programs to them by the City Manager, or as may be referred to tþem by th City Council, and report their findings and recommenda- he City Council. I work with the City representatives to Lake Apopka Natural Gas Di trict and shall report quarterly to the Committee concerned the p ogress and financial condition of said Lake Apopka Natural Gas istrict. . . CODE ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. l8-C Continued N~ 40 Shall recommend to and work with the City on current and long range planning. Commission Shall work with the Board of Directors Commerce of the City of Clermont and shal progress and financial condition of said f the Chamber of report quarterly on hamber of Commerce. the Public Safety; duties. Police Departmen , Fire Department, Health Department . Shall make a study of all expansi n and improvement programs recommended to them by the City Mana er, or as may be referred to them by the City Council, and repor their findings and recommenda- tions to the City Council. Building and Zoning; duties. Buildings: Make a study of such 0 nce amendments and rule and regula- tion change, pertaining to bIding permits and building codes, as may be recommended to t~ by the City Manager, and report their findings and recommendati~n~ to the City Council for final action. Shall have charg~f '1 City owned buildings and shall consider and examine all plan~~'d specifications for new municipal buildings and after each study and examination shall report to the City Council with their reco endations. Zoning: 0, and work with, the Zoning Board on all Zoning. Shall recommend matters pertaining Parks, Cemetery, and Library; duties. Shall make study of all expansion and improvement programs recommended to them by the City Manager, or referred to them by the City Coun iI, and report their findings and recommendations to the City ouncil. Recreation: Shall/&ake a study of all recreational programs recommended to them b1 the City Manager. They shall either authorize or reject such rec mmendations or where and when they deem necessary, they may rep rt to the City Council with recommendations. hall work with the Board of Directors of the Cooper Memorial ary of the City of C~mont and shall report quarterly on progress and financial condition of such library. The membership of the above named Committees shall consist of . . CODE ORDINANCES N~ 41 ORDINANCE NO. lac Continued three City Councilmen who shall work together an~ake at least monthly reports on the progress and/or other ac¿ions of their Committees. PASSED AND ADOPTED on the 1st day of THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE IMMED ATELY UPON BECOMING A LAW. Council of Florida ATTEST: City Clerk RECEIVED AND APPROVED this 1st day of February, 1966. Mayor of City of Clermont, Florida POSTING I HEREBY CERTIFY a certified copy of the foregoing Ordinance was -the public municipal bulletin board for a period of not less (1) week, as required under the Charter of the City of Cle February 2, 1966. Clerk, City of Clermont,Florida CERTIFICATE I that the foregoing is a true copy of the fore- going PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of Clermont, lorida, on February 1, 1966, the original of which is books of this City in my office. DATED: February 1, 1966 "'Clêrk;" City of Clermont, Florida (SEAL) · e, CODE ORDINANCES N~ 42 ORDINANCE NO. l8-C AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES: PROVIDING FOR THE DUTIES THEREOF: PROVIDING FOR THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS THEREOF, AND ;,REBEALING ALL SECTIONS OF THE FORMER ORDINANCE IN CONFLICT THEREWITH: BE IT ORDAINED AND ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: 1. (1) The mayor shall appoint from its members before the second regular meeting in each year the following council committees: Finance, Laws and Personnel Public Works and Planning Public Safety Building and Zoning Parks, Cemetery and Recreation (2) The mayor shall notify each member of the comm~ee or committees to which he is appointed and shall report all his appointments to the next regular meeting of the council and the same shall be written into the minutes of such meeting. II. The Respective Duties of each Committee Shall be: A. Finan~e, Laws and Personnel Committee: (1) Through the Director of Finance shall have control and supervision over all city finances; shall examine or cause to be examined, and have charge over all books and records of the city; shall provide for an annual audit of city books and shall meet with the City Manager and Financial Director and approve the operating budget before presentation to the City Council. (2) Shall direct and assist the City Attorney in the preparation of such Ordinances and Charter amendments as may be requested of them by Council Committees; shall present such Ordinances and/or Charter amendments to the City Council at regular or adjourned meetings for passage or rejection. (3) Shall make a study of and recommendations to the City Council on such personnel policies as may be recommended to them by the City Manager. B. Public Works and Planning Committee: (1) Shall make a study of all expansion and improvement programs recommended to them by the City Manager, or as may be referred to them by the City Council, and report their findings and recommendations to the City Council. Shall work with the City representatives to Lake Apopka Natural Gas District and shall report quarterly to the Committee concerned the progress and financial condition of said Lake Apopka Natural Gas District. (2) Shall recommend to and work with the City Planning Commission onwrrent and long range planning. e e , CODE ORDINANCES. N~ 43 , ORDINANCE NO 18-C (3) Shall work with the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce or the City of Clermont and shall report quarterly on the progress and financial condition of said Chamber of Commerce. C. Public Safety, Police Department, Fire Department, Health Department Committees: (1) Shall make a study of all expansion and improvement programs recommended to them by the City Manager, or as may be referred to them by the City Council, and report their findings and recommendations to the City Council. D. Building and Zoning Committee: (1) Shall make a study of such Ordinance amendments and rule and regulation change, pertaining to building codes, as may be recommended to them by the City Manager, and report their findings and recommendations to the City Council for final action. (2) Shall have charge of all City owned buildings and shall consider and examine all plans and specifications for new municipal buildings and after each study and examination shall report to the City Council with their recommendation. (3) Shall recommend to, and work with, the Zoning Board on all matters pertaining to Zoning. E. Parks, Cemetery, Recreation and Library Committees: (1) Shall make a study of all expansion and improvement programs recommended to them by the City Manager, or referred to them by the City Council, and report their findings and recommendations to the City Council. (2) Shall make a study of all recreational programs recommended to them by the City Manager. They shall either authorize or reject· such recommendations or where and when they deem necessary, they may report to the City Council with recommendations. (3) Shall work with the Board of Directors of the Cooper Memorial Library of the City of Clermont and shall report quarterly on the progress and financial condition of such library. III. Committee Membership: The membership of the above named Committees shall consist of three City Councilmen who shall work together and make at least monthly reports of the progress and/or other actions of their Committees. THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY UPON BECOMING ^,-"DAW. ALL OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH ARE HEREBY REPEALED. PASSED AND ADOPTED on the 1st day of February 1966. e -- CODE ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 18-C N~ 44 ~~-, ---.J ~;;t,je~t of City council of City of Clermont, Florida by me -this '"ër::b;?~ 1966. ~ŸOr~f ·cifrtrc'le . . . CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of the foregoing Ordinance was posted on the public municipal bulletin board for a period of not lessthan one (1) week, as required under the Charter of the City of Clermont, beginning February 2, 1966. nt, Florida I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of the foregoing Ordinance duly PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of Clermgnt, Florida;~: on February 1, 1966, the original of which is filed in the Ordinance Books of this City in my office. DATED: February 1, 1966 (SEAL) , Florida -. -....... .............. --.