10-22-2013 CRA Meeting City of Clermont Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting October 22,2013 The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) met on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Community Redevelopment Agency Chairman Turville called the meeting to order at 6:15pm with the following CRA board members present: Pfeiffer, Goodgame, Mullins, Bates and Van Wagner. Other City officials present were: City Manager Gray and City Clerk Ackroyd. Absent: Board Member Bowman. Item No. 1—Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency meeting minutes of September 24, 2013 Board Member Goodgame remarked his name was omitted from being present at the meeting. Board Member Mullins moved to approve the minutes as amended; seconded by Board Member Van Wagner. The motion passed 4 to l with Board Member Goodgame opposing. Item No. 2—Building Code Assistance Program Application 2013-1 Economic Development Director Hitt presented the request for the Building Code Assistance Program. The business is located at 713 W. Montrose Street. The criterion requires no physical renovation or work be done until approved by the CRA is granted, a contract was completed and Notice to Proceed was issued. The applicant is requesting approving of a 4 ton Air Conditioning unit and associated wiring and duct work. Three quotes have been attained for the requested items as required. The low bid was$8,800 however the applicant is going with the high bid of$11,775. The funding request is $5,000 and the applicant cost/match is $6,775. Staff recommended approval. The Building Division will determine if any permits are required for this project. Anna Territo was present on behalf of the applicant. She thanked the board for the previous grant and requested approval of this request Chairman Turville opened the public hearing. There were no comments. Chairman Turville closed the public hearing. Community Redevelopment Agency Board Member Mullins moved to approve, seconded by Community Redevelopment Agency Member Goodgame. The motion passed with all members present voting aye Item No. 3—Building Code Assistance Program Application 2013-2 Economic Development Director Hitt presented the grant request for the Building Code Assistance Program. The business is located at 1166 Short Street. The criterion requires no physical renovation or work be done until approved by the CRA, a contract was completed and Notice to Proceed was issued. The request is for one 4 ton and one 5 ton, 13 SEER Air Conditioning units, associated wiring and duct work. Three quotes have been attained for the requested items as required by the criteria. The total low bid is $17,602. The total request is $5,000 and the applicant cost/match is $12,602 which equals 71.5 percent. Staff recommended approval. The Building Division will determine if any permits are required for this project. Applicant, Brian Hess,was present to request approval. Chairman Turville opened the public hearing There were no comments. Chairman Turville closed the public hearing. Board Member Goodgame moved to approve the grant; seconded by Board Member Mullins. The motion passed with all members present voting aye. Item No. 4—Façade Improvement Grant Application 2013-15 Economic Development Director Hitt presented the grant request for the Façade Improvement Grant Program. The CRA criterion requires no physical renovation or work be done until approved-by the CRA, a contract was completed and Notice to Proceed was issued. The business is 801 City Grille located at 801 W. Montrose Street. Alan Pool is the applicant The request is for 5 roll shade curtains, for the outside porch area of the restaurant only adjacent to W. Montrose Street. Three quotes have been attained for the requested items as required by the criteria. The total low bid is $7,900. The request is for $5,000 and the applicant cost/match is $2,900 which equals 36.7 percent. The applicant has previously been approved for and received a grant for the exterior on November 30, 2010. The cap of grants is limited to one every 3 years unless the maximum amount was not issued, which is not the case. Staff recommended approval because this request is approximately one month from the 3 year limit. Permitting cannot be included in the grant. Alan Pool was present to request approval Chairman Turville opened the public hearing. There were no comments. Chairman Turville closed the public hearing. Board Member Goodgame moved to approve; seconded by Board Member Mullins.The motion passed with all members present voting aye. Item No.5—Downtown Gateway City Manager Gray commented this is a continuation of the Downtown Gateway signage proposal. The City Council requested to reduce the total amount to$150,000. Economic Development Director Hitt reported in recent years the Council, CRA, the Clermont Downtown Partnership and the downtown merchants have proposed designing a new entrance feature that would be more of a showcase to better identify and highlight the entrance to the downtown. The corner of State Road 50 and 8`h Street has been identified as the primary corner for this new entrance feature, which will replace the existing ground monument sign. Various designs have been produced which ran from a new ground monument sign to the requested arch. An arch design has been completed and presented to the Downtown Partnership and has gained favorable review. Staff recommended the Land Development Code be amended to allow for a sign with a digital reader board for City operated signage. This would further allow the associated sign for this arch feature to be equipped with a digital reader board that would be used for city related/approved functions which would be more easily noticed when displayed. Furthermore, city staff will complete permitting through the Florida Department of Transportation as needed for the arch, along with any roadwork and landscape improvements The designs range in price from$148,686 for the angled steel structure to$172,346 for the curved steel arch. Staff requested a structure be approved to bid. The bid will be for final design, engineering,permitting,construction,and installation of the new arch and signage. Mayor Turville expressed safety concerns related to a digital sign at that location He recommended other locations within the city for a digital sign. The Council agreed. Board Member Pfeiffer favored the curved arch structure. City Manager Gray commented staff is working on the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the downtown Master Plan and recommended including the gateway into that plan. The Council agreed with the recommendation made by City Manager Gray. Board Member Goodgame moved to postpone until after the city branding is completed to be included in the Master Plan; seconded by Council Member Mullins.The motion passed with all members present voting aye. Adjourn: With no further business,the meeting adjourned at 6:50pm. APPROVED: irr ONIN P : S. Tu ite, C airm. ATTEST- • Tracy Ackro id,City Cler. - <