2014-005 mit TETRA TECH January 8,2014 Mr James Kinzler Environmental Services Director City of Clermont 685 W.Montrose Road Clermont,FL 34711 Subject: City of Clermont Water,Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Scope of Services Dear Mr. Kinzler Tetra Tech is pleased to provide this proposal to develop master plans for the City of Clermont Water, Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Systems. As part of the development of the master plans, we will be relying on much of the work Tetra Tech has performed for the City in the past. The scope of services is provided in Attachment A which includes a project schedule and details on compensation If this Scope of Services is acceptable to you,please execute in the designated area below. As always, we appreciate this opportunity to provide services to the City. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Andy Woodcock. Sincerely, Approval Tetra Tech City of Clermont s X-Fox, PE dx � e-/l�1 J Vice President D. -: I„e.,. . _ 3i>.�F r Er JDF/snrBPClermont/w-ww-r/Kmzler 01-08-14 C: Andrew Woodcock,P.E.,Tetra Tech Leslie Turner, P E.,Tetra Tech Tetra Tech 201 E Pine Street,Suite 1000,Orlando,FL 32801 Tel 407 839 3955 Fax 407 839 37901 www tetratech corn ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF SERVICES CITY OF CLERMONT,FLORIDA MASTER PLAN FOR WATER,WASTEWATER AND RECLAIMED WATER PHASE 1 —PROJECTIONS/EXISTING SYSTEMS The Projections/Existing System Phase will describe and evaluate the existing systems, and identify the quantity of service projected at build-out and the five (5) and ten (10) year planning horizons. 1.1. Data Collection Tetra Tech will collect, coordinate and organize data and various documents to develop the background information needed for the planning effort. To the extent Tetra Tech has already received this data in conjunction with other projects, additional copies will not be necessary. Data sources are expected to include: • Monthly operating reports, discharge monitoring reports and other operational data • Existing GIS shape files and data base of the Systems • Water and lift station pump curves • Selected SCADA data as available • Record drawings for recent projects not covered in the GIS information • Design reports and permitting documents pertaining to treatment facilities • Aerial photographs and tax maps • USDA SCS Soils Maps • FEMA Flood Maps • Existing hydraulic models and master plans • Comprehensive plans for Clermont and Lake County • Existing and future land use maps for Clermont and Lake County ATW/snr/corresp/City of Clermont_Scope of Services 010814 Q TETRATECH Tt#BP City of Clermont -1- 010814 • Current permits associated with the systems • Potable water, wastewater and reclaimed water customer data 1.2. Water 1.2.1. Potable Water Projections. Tetra Tech will update the previously generated build- out potable water demand projections. Additional projections will be determined for the 5-year and 10-year planning horizons. The analysis will also consider the limitations in the City's Water Use Permit and offsets in water usage through reclaimed water. 1.2.2. Capacity Analysis. Tetra Tech will review the existing potable water treatment and supply facilities and evaluate the ability of the system to meet the projected demands. 1.2.3. Regulatory Review. Tetra Tech will summarize existing and proposed regulatory requirements that will affect the water system. The regulations will be compared to the current water quality and any deficiencies or concerns will be identified and addressed in the capital program. 1.3. Wastewater 1.3.1. Wastewater Projections. Tetra Tech will develop build-out wastewater flow projections for the City service area. The projections will consider areas that currently receive wastewater service in addition to other areas that are not currently developed and developed areas anticipated to receive wastewater service. In addition projected flow from anticipated interconnects with known outside wastewater utilities will be included Additional projections will be determined for the 5-year and 10-year planning horizons for development of the CIP. 1.3.2. Capacity Analysis. Tetra Tech will compare the capacity of the existing wastewater treatment facilities to meet the projected demands. The current wastewater treatment plant site will be evaluated for the ability to accommodate expansions to meet the build-out wastewater flows. The capacity analysis for the lift stations and wastewater transmission system will be evaluated as part of the hydraulic modeling. ATW/snr/corresp/City of Clermont_Scope of Services 010814 TETRA TECH Tt#BP City of Clermont -2- 010814 1.3.3. Regulatory Analysis. Tetra Tech will summarize existing and proposed regulatory requirements that will affect the wastewater treatment plant, biosolids disposal and effluent disposal. Particular attention will be directed at the nutrient loading criteria currently being developed for the Upper Ocklawaha River Basin. The regulations will be compared to the wastewater system parameters and any deficiencies or concerns will be noted. 1.4. Reclaimed 1.4.1. Reclaimed Water Projections. Tetra Tech will develop build-out reclaimed water demand projections for the City service area. The projections will consider areas that currently receive reclaimed service in addition to other areas that are not currently developed and developed areas anticipated to receive reclaimed service. Additional projections will be determined for the 5-year and 10-year planning horizons for development of the CIP. 1.4.2. Reclaimed Water Opportunities. In a collaborative effort with the City, Tetra Tech will identify future large scale potential end users of the reclaimed water and estimate future residential reclaimed water demand. The nature of the existing reclaimed water service area will be analyzed to determine opportunities where reclaimed water service can be effectively extended along with infill for currently served areas. Other potential uses of reclaimed water are bulk sales and transfer to nearby utilities. The potential for alternative reclaimed water sources will also be evaluated to maximize the supply of reclaimed water to meet the City's projections. 1.4.3. Reclaimed Water Existing System. Tetra Tech will evaluate the extent of the infrastructure of the existing reclaimed water system and its ability to accept additional flows from outside sources for distribution. 1.5. Draft Submittal and Review Tetra Tech will prepare three draft Technical Memoranda (one for r each system) that presents the data analysis, maps, and projections and submit two (2) copies of the documents to the City for review and comment. The memoranda will take the form of sections that will ultimately be included in the Master Plans. This review will be used by the City to verify the completeness of the data and maps and to review the projections prior to any planning work. ATW/snr/corresp/City of Clermont_Scope of Services 010814 TETRA TECH Tt#BP City of Clermont -3- 010814 1.6. Review Meeting Tetra Tech will attend a review meeting addressing the draft submittal and will record and distribute meeting minutes of said meeting. 1.7. Draft Technical Memorandum Revisions Tetra Tech will incorporate the City's review comments into the maps and projections. PHASE 2 —HYDRAULIC MODELING 2.1 Water System 2.1.1. Existing Model Tetra Tech will review the City's existing GIS infrastructure data and develop a Steady State hydraulic model in Bentley WaterCAD software. The model will be updated by Tetra Tech with the current average day water demands (based on billing data provided by City). 2.1.2. Model Calibration Tetra Tech will work with the City to verify the potable water model input parameters with up to eight (8) hydrant flow tests. Tetra Tech will recommend the locations and dates for performing the hydrant tests. Tetra Tech will provide a staff member for one (1) day to oversee the field hydrant tests. The City will provide field staff to help perform hydrant testing and provide information from the water treatment facilities prior to and during the hydrant tests, including plant flows and pressures. The City will provide the data loggers to be installed throughout the distribution system as well as pressure gauges to be attached to the fire hydrants to calculate flow for each tested hydrant. 2.1.3. Model Scenarios After the model is calibrated, a hydraulic analysis will be performed to determine the system's ability to meet projected demands in the 5-year, 10-year and build- out scenario. Tetra Tech will discuss the predicted facility operation with City staff to determine the operating strategy of the facilities for the model simulations. ATW/snr/corresp/City of Clermont_Scope of Services 010814 TETRA TECH Tt#BP City of Clermont -4- 010814 For each of the applicable scenarios, Tetra Tech will provide two (2) analyses consisting of steady state simulations for maximum day demand plus fire flow and peak hour demand. Tetra Tech will also create one extended period simulation for average day demand using diurnal curve data from the City's SCADA system if available or AWWA standards to analyze water age in the system. 2.2 Wastewater System 2.2.1. Existing Model Tetra Tech will review the City's existing GIS infrastructure data and develop a Steady State hydraulic model in Bentley WaterCAD software. The model's flows will be determined by lift station pump capacities and run times provided by the City. It is anticipated that up to five manifolded lift station systems will be modeled with connection gravity piping. Hydraulic calculations of the connecting gravity piping will performed in Microsoft Excel and merged with the hydraulic model data to fully simulate the system. Minor lift stations and lift stations not part of a manifolded system will not be included in the hydraulic model. The model will be desktop verified using lift station capacities and run times. Wet weather/dry weather and inflow/infiltration analyses are not included in the modeling. 2.2.2. Model Scenarios A hydraulic analysis will be performed to determine the system's ability to meet projected demands in the 5-year, 10-year and build-out scenario. For each of the scenarios, Tetra Tech will provide an analysis with the firm capacities of all lift stations simultaneously to approximate a worst case condition. Additional adjustments may be made based on input from City staff regarding system operations. The model'scenarios will include an analysis of potential wastewater interconnects with utility systems that are anticipated to transfer wastewater to the City's system for treatment. ATW/snr/corresp/City of Clermont_Scope of Services 010814 TETRA TECH Tt#BP City f Clermont -5- 010814 2.3 Reclaimed Water System 2.3.1. Existing Model Tetra Tech will update the existing reclaimed water hydraulic model using updated GIS data from the City. Tetra Tech will reassign demands if an update is warranted based on a review of existing reclaimed demand patterns. 2.3.2. Model Verification Tetra Tech will work with the City to verify the reclaimed water model. Verification efforts will include obtaining input conditions (flow and pressure) in the City's system along with data at the extremities of the system. Tetra Tech will provide a staff member for one (1) day to oversee data collection. Data loggers, provided by the City, will be installed at various locations throughout the reclaimed water system. The City will provide field staff to assist in the data collection. 2.3.3. Model Scenarios A hydraulic analysis will be performed to determine the system's ability to meet projected demands in the 5-year, 10-year and build-out scenario. Tetra Tech will update the reclaimed water supply for each scenario to account for potential inputs from regional supply sources. The analysis will evaluate the system based on a peak hour demand case. 2.4 Draft Submittal and Review Tetra Tech will prepare three draft Technical Memoranda (one for each system) that presents the data analysis, maps, and projections and submit two (2) copies of the documents to the City for review and comment. The memoranda will take the form of sections that will ultimately be included in the Master Plans. 2.5 Review Meeting Tetra Tech will attend a review meeting addressing the draft submittal and will record and distribute meeting minutes of said meeting. 2.6 Draft Technical Memorandum Revisions Tetra Tech will incorporate the City's review comments into the draft Technical Memorandum. ATW/snr/corresp/City of Clermont_Scope of Services 010814 TETRA TECH Tt#BP City of Clermont -6- 010814 PHASE 3—CAPITAL PROGRAM The Capital Program will identify the projects required to meet the goals of the Master Plans. Tasks included in the Capital Program Phase include: 3.1. Identify Facility Requirements Facility requirements will include a detailed list of storage, treatment, pumping, transmission, and distribution facilities required to effectively convey service to end users previously identified as well as any requirements for interconnects with neighboring utilities. The facility requirements will be based on the results from the hydraulic modeling and the capacity evaluation. The requirements will be developed for the 5- year, 10-year, and build-out planning horizons and will include a description of each project and opinion of probable cost. 3.2. Prioritization of Improvements Tetra Tech will prioritize the identified improvements for both new and existing facilities and provide dates for improvements as necessary to meet system demand. The prioritization will develop a CIP for the 5-year and 10-year planning horizons. The prioritization will also include a ranking of projects based on identifying projects that will provide the greatest increase for the least amount of capital expenditure while also considering non-cost factors. The CIP for the 5-year and 10-year planning horizons will also include a set of events that will trigger the initiation of the projects. 3.3. Draft Submittal and Review Tetra Tech will prepare three (3) draft Technical Memoranda summarizing the Capital Program and submit two (2) copies of the document to the City for review and comment. The memoranda will take the form of the sections that will ultimately be included in the Master Plans. 3.4. Review Meeting Tetra Tech will attend a review meeting addressing the draft submittal and will record and distribute meeting minutes of said meeting. 3.5. Draft Technical Memorandum Revisions Tetra Tech will incorporate the City's review comments into the draft Technical Memoranda. ATW/snr/corresp/City of Clermont_Scope of Services 010814 0 TEranrecH Tt#BP City of Clermont -7- 010814 PHASE 4 —REPORT PREPARATION 4.1. Report Preparation Tetra Tech will submit two (2) copies of 3 draft reports (one for each system), combining the final Technical Memoranda for each Phase for review by the City and will subsequently meet with the Staff to discuss the documents. The report will be revised pursuant to the City's comments and two (2) copies of each of the final reports will be submitted to the City along with electronic versions of the various models and documents. OPTIONAL SERVICES • Asbestos Renewal and Replacement Program. Tetra Tech will utilize the City's GIS information to identify the areas of the water system containing asbestos cement piping. A desktop criticality analysis will be conducted to assist in identifying and prioritizing replacement segments in the pipe network. If an asset's consequence of failure will have a large impact on the community or environment, it will have a relatively high criticality ranking. Criticality factors include size,transportation impact, and environmental impact. • Extension of Wastewater Service. Tetra Tech will identify areas in the City's service area that are not on City wastewater and are not served by another utility system. A wastewater integration program will be developed for incorporation of these areas into the City's, wastewater system which will include primary infrastructure needs and generalized opinions of probable costs. • Enterprise System o Economic Feasibility of Capital Project Alternatives: Once the capital projects have been developed, a present worth analysis will be performed that evaluates both the capital and operational costs to determine the most economically feasible capital program. o Financial Impact Study: Tetra Tech will review the current budget, historical financial performance, and year-to-date financial data to determine the basis for projecting the financial performance of the utility. Based on this analysis, with input from the City, Tetra Tech will project the expenses of the utility. System revenues will be projected based on current rates and projected growth from other components of the Master Plan. Based on the results of the financial projections, Tetra Tech will assign net revenues to the recommended CIP to generate a preliminary ATW/snr/corresp/City of Clermont_Scope of Services 010814 TETRA TECH Tt#BP City of Clermont -8- 010814 capital funding plan. Tetra Tech will make recommendations based on the results of the funding plan regarding overall sufficiency of existing rates and charges and alternative funding sources. o Review of Ordinances: Tetra Tech will review the City's ordinances and will provide recommendations regarding a potable water service availability policy that will address the criteria for connection to the potable water system as well as a line extension policy. o Draft Submittal and Review: Tetra Tech will prepare a draft Technical Memorandum summarizing the results of the Enterprise Phase and submit two (2)copies of the document to the City for review and comment. o Review Meeting: Tetra Tech will attend a review meeting addressing the draft submittal and will record and distribute meeting minutes of said meeting. o Draft Technical Memorandum Revisions: Tetra Tech will incorporate the City's review comments into draft Technical Memorandum. SCHEDULE A tentative schedule for major milestones in the project is presented below: Task Days After Notice to Proceed 1. Projections/Existing System 60 2. Hydraulic Modeling 120 3. Capital Program 180 4. Enterprise Services 200 5. Submit Draft Reports 220 6. Submit Final Reports/Presentation 250 ATW/snr/corresp/City of Clermont_Scope of Services 010814 TETRA TECH Tt#BP City of Clermont -9- 010814 COMPENSATION The total lump sum fee for the services described above is $242,174, and is summarized in the Table below and in Exhibit A. The total lump sum fee for optional services is $40,291 also summarized below and in Exhibit A. Tetra Tech will invoice thetity monthly. Phase ; Compensation 1. Projections/Existing System $44,003 2. Hydraulic Modeling 141,680 3. Capital Program 37,588 4. Report Preparation 14,903 Other Direct Costs 4,000 TOTAL LUMP SUM. $ 242,174 0)tonal Services Asbestos R&R Program $4,657 Extension of Wastewater Service 6,775 Enterprise Services 28,859 TOTAL LUMP SUM (Optional Services) $ 40,291 TOTAL Services $282,456 ATW/snr/corresp/City of Clermont_Scope of Services 010814 TETRATECH Tt#BP City of Clermont -10- 010814 EXCLUSIONS The following tasks are specifically excluded from this Scope of Services: 1. Preparation of grant or loan applications. 2. Preparation of ordinances or resolutions and attendance at meetings or hearings other than those specifically,described herein. 3. Preparation of any groundwater models. 4. Evaluation of alternative water sources. 5. Expert witness testimony. 6. Land use planning and annexation analysis. 7. Budget preparation assistance. 8. Extended period simulations of the hydraulic models other than those specifically described herein. ATW/snr/corresp/City of Clermont_Scope of Services 010814 TETiu►TECH Tt#BP City of Clermont -11- 010814 E, a z a u . ,i g .r 9 42 2 " S A m Ss ° S m ,7 c(O m H °� J°9 m N N Y C N d I". F N . 3 d 0 8 c o ,0 as o EI- -. - o2 ro _= _ 0 w I- Q y 7 as d 0 n i d V - — Q M H C .0 - N , , , A O p $ a�y yN \ L < g fd ^ i, $ .y m i n b F. 4 4 4 s „ n $ JE $n „ ^ i n1 g m gi $ °l K co 3 g -r S H m g so " K T n M g A " e E N " n E 0 to y `o w d 9 s d " z J 8 =W..; T w N m ti . e e . . m . ° m m M (swoyyJ yaal J5 m m ; ss88. MFoH " s ° 5 (eoa)IJaa„fa3 „ F a . m v e . n m m m m W (aup)„WpynatOJd C u o N a N Z .. n v E p. 4 S § d 9 $ s ° m .. ° ,. s- C OMBa)n,aaupa3 0 O 0 12 F2 P. (aware)II 0u13a3 g - - - - ° A ° 2 ° 2 ' . 7, 2 R9 gg .4 .9 " :1 $ 9 9 4 0 " 4' '9 . - 9 9, m Q m Q m m m (Ja ml)AJaau)ia3 - n N n Jaieae4 nerOJJ J5 ° . sm m m ° 1. 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