2014-004 10 TETRA TECH / January 16, 2014 Revised January 17, 2014 Ms. Terry L. Dykehouse, P.E. City Engineer City of Clermont 685 W Montrose Street— 1St floor Clermont, FL 34711 Subject: Professional Services Proposal for Lake Hiawatha Preserve Tt#: BP General/Clermont Dear Ms. Dykehouse: The Lake Hiawatha Preserve (formally the Inland Grove Property) was purchased by the City of Clermont in 2006. Enhancements for the development will include restrooms picnic pavilions, biking and hiking trails, a fishing pier and floating dock, a playground and volleyball courts. We understand that Phase 1 has been split into 2 Phases lA and 1B. Phase IA has bid and construction will begin shortly. Phase 1B will include development on the Lake Minneola shore. At a minimum the Phase 1B development will include a restroom facility, picnic pavilion, floating dock, fishing pier, three (3) volleyball courts, nature trails, walkways and associated parking. Attached for review are the proposals requested for professional services to assist the City with completion of this project. Attachment A—Lake Hiawatha Preserve—Phase 1B: Design, Permitting, Bidding and Construction Administration Tetra Tech, Inc. 201 E Pine Street,Suite 1000,Orlando,FL 32801 Tel 407 839 3955 Fax 407 839 3790 www tetratech corn 10 TETRA TECH Terry Dykehouse January, 16 2014 Revised January 17, 2014 Page 2 of 2 Tetra Tech looks forward to the opportunity to work with the City in providing these services. If you should have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, Authorized by: Tetra Tech City of Clermont 17/LM461 _ _ GAG_ Jon Fox,P.E. �►� ! _ f Sr- Project Manager Title: %/r i Attachments BP/Gen/Clermont/Lk Hlawatha/Ph1B/CC-Lake Hiawatha-park-cvr-lt-rev-stgblk doc C: James Kinzler, City of Clermont Jon Fox,P.E., Tetra Tech Rod Cashe, P.E., Tetra Tech Sally Alfieri, Tetra Tech Sandy Buchholz, Tetra Tech Tetra Tech, Inc. 201 E Pine Street,Suite 1000,Orlando,FL 32801 Tel 407 839 3955 Fax 407 839 3790 www tetratech corn ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF SERVICES CITY OF CLERMONT LAKE HIAWATHA PRESERVE—PHASE 1B (DESIGN,PERMITTING,BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION) A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The property for the City of Clermont's(City)first passive recreation park at Lake Hiawatha was purchased by the City in 2006 and 2007. The scenic 219 acre tract is located on both sides of County Road 561 bordered by Lake Hiawatha on the south and Lake Minneola on the east. Site improvements will include restrooms, picnic pavilions, biking and hiking trails, a fishing pier and floating dock, playground and volleyball courts. We understand that Phase 1 has been split into 2 sub-phases lA and Bb. Phase 1A is currently bid and construction will begin shortly. Phase 1B will include development on the Lake Minneola shore. At a minimum the Phase 1B development will include a restroom facility, picnic pavilion, floating dock, fishing pier, three (3) sand volleyball courts,nature trails,walkways and associated parking. Tasks to be completed for this project are further described herein and will be performed in accordance with the City/Tetra Tech Continuing Contract and Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for Public Works Projects dated October 13,2009. 1) Preliminary Planning 2) Limited Surveying 3) Geotechnical Investigation 4) Ecological Investigation, 7r) 6) Design 7) Permitting 8) Bidding and Award 9) Construction Administration B. SCOPE OF SERVICES Upon award of the project, Tetra Tech will assist the City with design, permitting and construction administration. 1) Preliminary Planning Tetra Tech will coordinate with the City for gathering information regarding the project site from and coordination with the regulatory agencies to determine the permitting requirements for the proposed improvements. Detailed descriptions of the tasks associated with the various aspects of this task are summarized below: JDF/CC-Lake Hiawatha-park-SOW(3)-rev.doc 0 TETRATECH Tt#BP/Clermont/Lake Hiawatha -1- 011714 o Attend a project kick-off meeting with City Staff to establish lines of communication,contract requirements,and schedule. o Collect and review available information on existing utilities maps, easements, aerials, soils publications, environmental, threatened and endangered species that affect the implementation of the proposed improvements Phase lA plans and specifications. o Prepare preliminary site plan. We have estimated that no more than two (2) layouts or revisions will be required for development of the preliminary planning including the parking, picnic pavilion, fishing pier, floating dock, restrooms canoe/kayak launch and natural trails. 2) Limited Survey: Additional survey information will need to be collected during the design process to complete the required tasks and to coordinate with reviewing agencies. Tetra Tech will coordinate for the limited additional surveying as described below: o Wetland flags will be surveyed and inserted into the base drawings for review and coordination with the SJRWMD. o Geotechnical boring locations will be established by the Geotechnical Engineer based on preliminary design concepts and locations of the boring will be inserted into the base drawing. 3) Geotechnical Investigation Tetra Tech will conduct a review of the existing subsurface conditions anticipated for the construction of the project. Information provided in the investigation will be provided to the contractor to support the construction and design of the project. Information will be gathered based on the following information: o Tetra Tech will provide a geotechnical evaluation as required for the preparation of the construction drawings within the limits of the project. Ardaman & Associates,Inc. is anticipated to be utilized as the geotechnical services provider. o The geotechnical services are anticipated to include a total of six (6) standard penetration tests (SPT), six (6) auger borings, and one (1) percolation tests. Accessibility of the boring location by the geotechnical equipment has assumed to be cleared and that equipment will be able to access the sites without cutting vegetation and/or stabilizing roads. Road SPTs will be to a depth of ten (10)feet and structural borings to 15 feet. All auger borings will be a maximum of 20 feet deep. Tt 71104 JDF/CC-Lake Hiawatha-park-SOW(3)-rev.doc TETRA Tt#BP/Clermont/Lake Hiawatha -2- 011714 o The geotechnical engineer will analyze all data obtained to evaluate general subsurface conditions and to develop recommendations to guide site preparation and design of building foundations and site improvements. o Additionally, an estimate of the normal seasonal high groundwater table at boring locations within the area of the proposed stormwater pond will be evaluated. 4) Ecological Investigation Tetra Tech will be reviewed and coordinated with the appropriate agencies to provide permitting and design of the park.Below are the biological and ecological investigations and design considerations that will be evaluated: o Jurisdictional Wetland Determination: Tetra Tech will field-delineate the jurisdictional wetlands limits of the Phase 1B limit pursuant to the current methodologies of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) [Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region, November, 2010], and St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) [Florida Unified Wetland Delineation Methodology,Chapter 62-340,F.A.C.]. o Ecological Assessment: Tetra Tech will prepare an Ecological Assessment (EA) report to include an assessment of the property to determine the presence of state and/or federally protected(listed)species and/or their associated habitats. Prepare a written EA report of findings which will also include discussion of development implications of any wetlands and listed species on-site, and any potential environmental permitting obligations. If state or federally listed species are identified on the property, additional species-specific surveys may be required. This can only be determined after the habitat has been assessed and/or listed species or evidence thereof is observed in the field during the assessment. If additional assessment work is required, a separate cost proposal will be provided for approval prior to commencement of any additional work. o Statewide Environmental Resource Permit (SWERP) Application Assistance: Tetra Tech will assist in the preparation and submittal of an Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) application for submittal to the SJRWMD. Prepare responses to the applicable ecological and environmental portions of application (specifically sections `A', `C' and `E' of the ERP application). This task includes response to Requests for Additional Information (RAI) relating to the original permit application. o Wetland Review: Upon submittal of the ERP application, Tetra Tech will coordinate with SJRWMD and USACE staff to field-verify the limits of the jurisdictional wetland boundary as established. This wetland review includes two (2) separate site visits with these specified agencies. This task includes response to Requests for Additional Information (RAI) relating to the original permit application. TECH JDF/CC-Lake Hiawatha-park-SOW(3)-rev.doc TEMA Tt#BP/Clermont/Lake Hiawatha -3- 011714 o U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Permitting: Tetra Tech will prepare a pre-construction notification package in accordance with USACE Nationwide Permit requirements, including site plans, a Nationwide Permit Checklist, and supporting documentation. If required, Tetra Tech will meet USACE staff onsite to review the property conditions and to conduct field-verification of the jurisdictional wetland boundary as established. 5) Design: Upon acceptance of the preliminary planning by the City, Tetra Tech will initiate the final design of the project. The final design will result in preparation of drawings, which will be submitted to the City for review at 60- and 90-percent completion level. A review meeting will be held following each submission with comments to incorporate into a final 100- percent submission or bid set of documents. Site furnishings and facilities will be designed based on the Phase la selections. Architectural design will be completed by GatorSktch Corp and follow the design provided for Phase la of the project. Site furnishing will be consistent with the equipment provided in phase la, information will be provided from City during Construction Administration of the first phase submittals and purchases. A preliminary set of drawings will include the following sheets: General Cover Sheet Index of Drawings,General Notes Civil Site Plan and Details(6 Sheets) Water&Sewer Plans(connection to existing)(2 sheets) Architectural Picnic Pavilion—(8 Sheets) Restroom Set(21 Sheets) Floating Dock(8 Sheets) Fishing Pier(8 Sheets) Canoe/Kayak Launch—(2 sheets) Landscape/lrriaation Landscape Plan and details(2 sheets) Irrigation Plan and details(2 sheets) Site Lighting Plan and details(2 sheets) The following items will be included in each the design: 1. Preliminary Site Plan(limit 2 designs) JDF/CC-Lake Hiawatha-park-SOW(3)-rev.doc Te ' ~ Tt#BP/Clermont/Lake Hiawatha -4- 011714 2. Final Site Plan 3. Construction Documents(60%) a. Locations of site improvements b. Preliminary site grading c. Estimated Stormwater Locations and Sizing d. Water and Sewer service locations e. Preliminary Landscape Plan 4. Construction and Permitting Document(90%) a. Locations of site improvements b. Site grading and Specifications c. Stormwater Locations and Sizing and Calculations d. SJRWMD Permitting Documents for review and signature e. Water and Sewer service locations and Calculations f. FDEP Permitting Documents for review and signature. g. Final landscape and irrigation plans 6) Permitting: Tetra Tech will prepare and submit the following permit applications and supporting documentation to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and the St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) as required to obtain permits for construction and operation the proposed facilities. Tetra Tech will also respond to requests for additional information (RAIs) from permitting agencies to clarify the original applications. All permit application fees will be paid by the City. o Prepare and submit an SWERP application, stormwater calculations and permit drawings for submittal to SJRWMD. o Prepare and submit application for authorization to use state-owned submerged lands. To be submitted with the SWERP application. o City of Clermont Architectural and Structural review will require permitting by the City's building department. The site improvements are anticipated to be reviewed by the City's plans review process. o Prepare and submit FDEP Notice of Intent to Use the General Permit for Construction of Water Main Extensions for PWSs, Form 62-555.900(7) and FDEP Notification/application for Constructing a Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System,Form 62-604.300(8)(a). 7) Bidding and Award: Upon advertisement of the project by the City,Tetra Tech will assist the City with bidding of the project and will complete the following tasks lb TETRAlECM JDF/CC-Lake Hiawatha-park-SOW(3)-rev.doc Tt#BP/Clermont/Lake Hiawatha -5- 011714 o Provide one (1) copy of the Contract Documents (engineering drawings and specifications) in PDF format for distribution to potential bidders by the City's Purchasing Department. o Respond to questions and prepare and issue addenda as required to interpret, clarify or expand the bidding documents. The City Purchasing Department will distribute all addenda. o Attend and conduct one (1) pre-bid meeting with representatives of the City and potential bidders. o Review and evaluate the apparent low bidder's qualifications for undertaking the work and make recommendation of the award of the contract. o Prepare two(2)copies of a conformed set of Contract Documents for the City and one(1)reproducible set for the recommended Contractor. 8) Construction Administration Upon award of the project, Tetra Tech will assist the City with construction administration and shall complete the following tasks based on estimated construction duration of 150 days. 1. Attend and conduct a preconstruction conference with the selected Contractor, subcontractors, regulatory agencies and City. Tetra Tech will prepare an agenda and record and distribute meeting minutes. 2. Attend periodic progress and specially scheduled meetings throughout progress of work. Progress meetings will be held monthly and additional meetings as needed to coordinate work in progress. It is anticipated that 6 meetings will be needed at an average duration of two (2) hours each, based on an anticipated construction duration of 150 calendar days. The Contractor will be responsible for recording and distributing meeting minutes. 3. Make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction in order to observe the progress and quality of the Work. It is anticipated that thirteen (13) site visits with an average visit duration of approximately two (2) hour will be required, based on an anticipated construction duration of 6 months and the various schedules of the participating disciplines. Representatives from the civil, architectural, structural, and electrical disciplines will visit the project site as outlined below: • Civil—Site Work and Landscaping: 8 Site Visits • Architectural/Structural/Electrical/MEP(Buildings): 3 Site Visits • Electrical—Site: 2 Site Visits • Structural—Site: 3 Site Visits JDF/CC-Lake Hiawatha-park-SOW(3)-rev.doc wtEcM Tt#BP/Clermont/Lake Hiawatha -6- 011714 5. Review shop drawings up to two (2) times per submittal and required testing results to determine compliance with the requirements provided in the contract documents. 6. Review requests for information(RFIs),provide interpretation of the construction documents,and issue written clarifications or interpretations. 7. Review the Contractor's application for payment and the accompanying data and schedules, determine the amounts owed to the Contractor, and advise City of the recommended payments to the Contractor. 8. Upon written request by the Contractor, conduct a substantial completion inspection of the Project with the City and distribute a punch list of observed deficiencies to be completed by the Contractor prior to the final completion date. The project will be certified substantially complete only if the work is sufficiently complete in accordance with the contract documents, so that the work can be utilized for the purposes for which it is intended. Upon written request by Contractor, conduct a re-inspection to confirm that substantial completion punch list items have been addressed and subsequently provide a substantial completion certification to the City. 9. Review the Contractor's as-built submittals monthly for adequacy and review listing of deviations from the construction permit and approved construction documents as prepared by the City's onsite inspection staff. Prepare record drawings for the City's use from information provided by the City inspection staff and the Contractor delineating the dimensions, location, and elevation of all facilities constructed (i.e. red lined drawings and as-built survey). Provide the City with one (1) CD-ROM electronic file of record drawings in AutoCAD current release, one (1) set of reproducible and two (2) sets of prints of the record drawings. 10.Prepare and submit certifications and required supporting documentation to regulatory agencies having jurisdiction (SJRWMD — Environmental Resource Permit; FDEP — Water & Wastewater Ext. Permits; Verify NOT submitted to FDEP for NPDES Permit. ASSUMPTIONS 1) City to provide site survey in electronic format(AutoCAD). Additionally,Tetra Tech shall be able to rely on the accuracy of the existing survey for design purposes. 2) City will provide grand documents for review and coordination 3) Other Permits - This proposal does not include permitting services for any permits that are normally obtained by the Contractor and permits not described above. cH JDF/CC-Lake Hiawatha-park-SOW(3)-rev.doc uvre Tt#BP/Clermont/L,ake Hiawatha -7- 011714 • 4) Any application for variances or special exceptions, zoning changes or comprehensive planning 5) Playground and park amenities will be pre-packaged facilities or City Standards and will be coordination for these facilities will be by the Cities Recreation Department. 6) Cost for permit application fees will be provided by the City. 7) Contractor will submit and update NPDES permitting for the development. 8) City will provide front end documents for project manual(Specifications) 9) The proposal has been based on the assumption that the site will be mowed and that excessive vegetation will be removed by the City prior to any surveying, Geotechnical and Ecological site visits. 10)Tetra Tech will be able to rely on existing survey prepared by BESH as provided in the Phase lA design documents for the Phase 113 site. SERVICES NOT INCLUDED • Other Permits - This proposal does not include permitting services for any permits that are normally obtained by the Contractor and permits not described above. • Any application for variances or special exceptions, zoning changes or comprehensive planning • Playground and park amenities will be pre-packaged facilities or City Standards and will be coordination for these facilities will be by the Cities Recreation Department. • Cost for permit application fees. JDF/CC-Lake Hiawatha-park-SOW(3)-rev.doc ®TETRA TECH Tt#BP/Clermont/Lake Hiawatha -8- 011714 C. COMPENSATION SUMMARY l leo!000 The total lump sum compensation for the Scope of Services is$166,300: Task# Description Compensation Task 1 Preliminary Planning $ 5,500 Task 2 Limited Survey $ 3,600 Tack 3 Geotechnical Investigation $ 5,600 Task 4 Ecological Investigation $ 11,500 Task 5 Design $ 48,300 Task 6 Permitting $ 14,700 Task 7 Bidding and Award $ 19,600 Task 8 Construction Administration $ 48,800 Reimbursable $ 2,400 (Travel,Copies,Plans and Mailing) Total(Lump Sum) $ 160,000 D. SCHEDULE The anticipated delivery schedule in weeks for the project is presented below: Time from NTP D Pti Task 1 Preliminary Planning 2 Weeks It Task 2 Limited Survey 2 Days Tack 3 Geotechnical Investigation 4 Weeks Task 4 Ecological Investigation 4 Weeks ZS Task 5 Design 8 Weeks µmck zS) Task 6 Permitting 26 Weeks Task 7 Bidding and Award 28 Weeks / 1-,11 " Task 8 Construction Administration 49 Weeks fD � '-1��1 t i<- Time estimates assume NTP no later than January 28,2014 Cerfi A C TurnAn JDF/CC-Lake Hiawatha-park-SOW(3)-rev.doc ai Tt#BP/Clermont/Lake Hiawatha -9- 011714 E3 TETRA TECH April 29, 2014 Rev. May 1, 2014 Ms. Terry L. Dykehouse, P.E. City Engineer City of Clermont 685 W Montrose Street— l$`floor Clermont, FL 34711 Subject: Additional Services Proposal for Lake Hiawatha Preserve Phase 1B (Mitigation Plan) Tt#: BP General/Clermont Dear Ms. Dykehouse: The Lake Hiawatha Preserve (formally the Inland Grove Property) was purchased by the City of Clermont in 2006. Enhancements for the development will include restrooms picnic pavilions, biking and hiking trails, a fishing pier, floating dock, and a playground. We understand that Phase 1 has been split into 1A and 1B. Phase lA bid and construction has already begun. Phase 1B will include development on the Lake Minneola shore. At a minimum, the Phase 1B development will include a restroom facility, picnic pavilion, floating dock, fishing pier,nature trails, walkways and associated parking. The City has selected on-site mitigation for the minor wetland impacts to the site, these mitigation efforts and planning will need to be designed and submitted to the SJRWMD. Attached for review are the proposals requested for professional services to assist the City with completion of this project. Tetra Tech looks forward to the opportunity to work with the City in providing these services. If you should have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. Tetra Tech, Inc. 201 E Pine Street.Suite 1000,Orlando.FL 32801 Tel 407.839.3955 Fax 407.839 3790 www ten atech corn El TETRA TECH Terry Dykehouse April 21, 2014 Rev May 1, 2014 Page 2 of 4 Very truly yours, Tetra Tech City o,Clermont kLa Fox,P.E. � r.zed Signature Project Manager C: James Kindler,City of Clermont Burl Reardon,P.E.,Tetra Tech Tetra Tech, Inc. 201 E Pine Street.Suite 1000,Orlando,FL 32801 Tel 407 839 3955 Fax 407 839 3790 www ten atech corn TETRA TECH Terry Dykehouse April 21, 2014 Rev May 1, 2014 Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT A ADDITIONAL SERVICES CITY OF CLERMONT LAKE HIAWATHA PRESERVE—PHASE 1B (Develop Construction Plans for Mitigation Design) A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The property for the City of Clermont's (City)recreation park at Lake Hiawatha was purchased by the City in 2006 and 2007. The scenic 219 acre tract is located on both sides of County Road 561 bordered by Lake Hiawatha on the south and Lake Minneola on the east. Tetra Tech was issued a contract to complete design services for the park based on specific requirements. The initial contact was for site improvements that will include restrooms, slab on grad picnic pavilion, a fishing pier and a floating dock. The Mitigation planting and enhancement areas will be established on the Phase 1B side of the Park. B. SCOPE OF SERVICES Upon authorization from the City, Tetra Tech will prepare additional design services related to the building placement and mitigation report. Additional design services (last task number was 11.1): Task 11.2 Mitigation Report Design services for on-site mitigation design for the wetland impacts proposed in Phase 1B, to include the following: • Mitigation coordination with the City and SJRWMD • Prepare Mitigation report for design and maintenance of the on-site mitigation system Tetra Tech, Inc. 201 E Pine Street.Suite 1000.Orlando.FL 32801 Tel 407 839.3955 Fax 407 839 3790 www tetratech corn El TETRA TECH Terry Dykehouse April 21, 2014 Rev May 1, 2014 Page 4 of 4 • Coordination with Contractor for installation and certification of the mitigation design. • Respond to RFI from the contractor for mitigation design�im P lementation. C. COMPENSATION SUMMARY The total lump sum compensation for the additional services described herein is an additional lump sum of$5,500 for an adjusted Project total of$177,300. Task# Description _ Compensation Task 11.2 Mitigation Report $ 5,500 Total $5,500.00 D. SCHEDULE Task# Description Weeks Task 11.2 Mitigation Report 3 Weeks O\Adnunistrative\WORDPROC\BP Proposals\Generai\Clennont\Lake HiawathaWhase 1B-Design-CMS\CC-Lake Hiawatha-park- cvr-It doc Tetra Tech, Inc. 201 E Pine Su eet,Suite 1000.Oi lando,FL 32801 Tel 407 839 3955 Fax 407 839 3790 www tetratech com