O-45-C e ,e" CODE ORDINANCES N~ 107 ORDINANCE NO. 45-C / AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY 6FCLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE ZONING REGULATIONS!B~REDEFINING THE OEFINIT'IONS- OF THE USES PERMITTED IN TRANSITION (TZ) ZONES: PROVIDING THE PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING VARIANCES OR USE CHANGE~: ~IMITING THE l'RANSHR OF VARIANCES, LIMITING THE COMMENCEMENT OFf GRIÅNTED VARIANCES, pROVIDI'NG -: AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ,/ / THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA, HEREBY ORDAINS THA~:/ ) ! Section1=1. ¡ I /' ¡ Section 26-28 of the Zoning Regulations is hereby' repleaded, and the ::::~::~~:s::::8b~r:::~:i:: :::e:l:~:)as S:;'i;;V26-28: The following restrictions shall apply tO~h~use of buildings, structures and land within those areas marked as Tr,nsi¡ion Zones (TZ) on the Official Zoning Map: l' i (a) TRANSITION ZONE #1 - '" I V The existing uses may be expande~ ¡new uses may be originated during this fifteen (15) years þe 6d so long as these expansions or new uses comply with the re,qui i'tes set forth for C-2 uses in that part of this zone tha~ in the South one-half (S 1/2) vf of Block 120, Johnson's Replat; ~xpansions or new uses in the remaind~pr of this zone mustfcomply with the requisites set forth for M=2 zones. jif I (b) TRANSITION ZONE #2 1/ The existing uses may beí~xpa;,(ded or new uses may be originated during this 15 years period ¡so long as these expansions or original uses in that part of this zone which lies in the South one half ~S 1/2) of Block 93 an,d Loes 4, 5 and 6 of Block 94 comply with the requisites of C-l;as ~~t forth herein; such expansion or new uses in the remain,in9'¡ortion of this zone must comply with the requisites of M-2 a~ set forth herein. I (c) TRANSITION ZONE '3/ The existing use~in ¡he zone may be expanded or new uses originated during this 15 ~éar geriod so long as the same comply with the requisites of 72 Z?~ing as set forth herein. (d) PHASE OUT OF }XIST~NG USES As of a date/fifteen (15) years from the date this Ordinance becomes law, alY uses construction, extension or expansion of land, buildings, structures within all of the above mentioned transition- zones shall comply with the requirements and restrictions of R-3 zones as set forth herein . . CODE ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 45-C 1 7' ! N~ 108 Section 2: Variances ' A Whenever anyone who is an owner of affected by this zoning code shall desire a shall file a petition at the office of the the following information: 1. The Petitioner's full name and mailin 2. The legal description of the propert 3. A plot plan (schematic drawing) of e roperty involved showing the location, existing buildings or st,uctures and the location of proposed buildings or structure. 4. A floor plan of or addition. 5. The purpose for '11 be used. 6. A concise statement as to w~~À e hardship to the petitioners~ When a petition containing t~ o~ said information is filed with the City Clerk along with a filing ee f TEN DOLLARS ($10.00), the Clerk shall forthwith cause notice of th same to be published as a legal notice in a local newspaper, n 1 ss than five (5) days prior to the date set for hearing the same, an shall enter the matter on the agenda of the next regular meeting 0 t e Zoning Board of Adjustment if said meeting is five (5) or mor d s orthcoming. (otherwise the matter shall be advertised and set for he ri g at the following regular meeting wherein five (5) days nQbic co 1d be given; provided, however, if said petition requests a zoning se change then the City Council of the City of Clermont shall hold a p 1i hearing thereon, at least fifteen (15) days' notice of the t me and place of which shall be published in a newspaper of general ci u1ation in the City of Clermont at least fifteen (15) days prior t e earing. When the proposed amendment involves a change of zone, all pr pe y owners abutting the affected property shall be individually no if ed by official letter from the City, stating the conditions of the a en ent. esent regulations create a C When any variance is ra ted construction of the structure must be completed within one (1) year from date of grant. It shall be the obligation of the ower to file written notice with the City Clerk that he has begun the pr po ed construction. If no such notice is filed the variance shall auto at cally lapse. D. A variance in th zing regulations may be transferred along with the transfer of he property ownership but only for the specific use and floor plan origina ly granted. . . CODE ORDINANCES NO. 107 e ORDINANCE NO. 45 - C AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, lake eounty, florida, amending the zoning regulations by redefining the definitions of the uses permitted i~ Transition (TZ) lones: Providing the procedure for obtaining variances or use changes: Limiting the transfer of variances, Limiting the commencement of granted variances, providing an effective date. THE CITY DF CLERMONT, FLORIDA, HEREBY ORDAINS THAT: Section 1 Section 26-28 of the Zoning Regulations is hereby repealed, and the following shall be added in its place as Section 26-28: Section 1: 26-28 Transition Zones (TZ) The following restrictions shall apply to the use of buildings, structures and land within those areas marked as Transition Zones (TZ) on the Official Zoning Map: (a) TRANSITION ZONE # 1 The existing uses may be expanded or new uses may be originated during this fifteen (15) year period so long as these expansions or new uses comply with the requisites set forth for C-2 uses in that part of this zone that is in the South one-half (S~) of Block 120, Johnson's Replat; expansions or new uses in the remainder of this zone must comply with the requisites set forth for M-2 zones. (b) TRANSITION ZONE # 2 The existing uses may be expanded or new uses may be originated during this 15 year ~eriod so long as these expansions or original uses in that part of this zone which lies in the South one-half (S~) of Block 93 and Lots 4, 5, and 6 of Block 94 comply with the requisites of C-l as set forth herein; such expansion or new uses in the remaining portion of this zone must comply with the re- quisites of M-2 as set forth herein. (c) TRANSITION ZONE # 3 The existing uses in the zone may be expanded or new uses originated during this 15 year period so long as the same comply with the requisites of M-2 zoning as set forth herein. PHASE OUT OF EXISTING USES (d) e As of a date fifteen (15) years from the date this Ordinance becomes law, all uses construction, extension or expansion of land, buildings, structures within all of the above mentioned transition zones shall comply with bhe requirements and restrictions of R-3 zones as set forth herein. . . CODE ORDINANCES NO. 108 e ORDINANCE NO. 45 - C Section 2: Variances A Whenever anyone who is an owner of or has any legal interest in property affected by this zoning code shall desire a variance in the same, he shall file a petition at the office of the City Clerk setting forth the following information: 1. The Petitioner's full name and mailing address. 2. The legal description of the property involved. 3. A plot plan (schematic drawing) of the property involved showing the location, existing buildings or structures and the location of proposed buildings or structures. 4. A floor plan of any proposed extension or addition. 5. The purpose for which the property will be used. 6. A concise statement as to why the present regulations create a hardship to the petitioners. B When a petition containing the aforesaid information is filed with the City Clerk along with a filing fee of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00), the Clerk shall forwith cause notice of the same to be published as a legal notice in a local newspaper, no less than five (5) days prior to the date set for hearing the same, and shall enter the matter on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Ad- justment if said meeting is five (5) or more days forthcoming, otherwise the matter shall be advertised and set for hearing at the following regular meeting wherein five (5) days notice could be given; provided, however, if said petition requests a zoning use change then the City Council of the City of Clermont shall hold a public hearing thereon, at least fifteen (15) days notice of the time and place of which shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Clermont at least fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. When the proposed amendment involves a change of zone, all property owners abutting the affected property shall be individually notified by official letter from the City, stating the conditions of the amend- ment. C e When any variance is 9ranted construction of the structure must be completed within one (1) year from date of grant. It shall be the obligation of the owner to file written notice with the City Clerk that he has begun the proposed construction. If no such notice is filed the variance shall automatically lapse. D A variance in the zoning regulations may be transferred along with the transfer of the property ownership but only for the specific use and floor plan originally granted. e e . . CODE ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 45-C NO. 109 E Notice of commencement of the construction requested in all variances granted by this Council prior to the date of the enactment of this Ordinance must be filed with the City Clerk within one (1) year of the date of enactment of this Ordinance. Section 3: This Ordinance shall be posted by law and it shall become law and shall take effect immediately upon its being posted as pro- vided by law. First reading this 27th day of May, 1969 PASSED AND ORDAINED BY THE CITY CO~CIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY. FLORIDA, THIS /11- DAY OF~. ,1969. CITY OF CLERMONT BY, ~. t of C""" ATTEST: O~ 2í.Cu~_ City Clerk APPROVED by me this /ð4day of ~<A.NIR_ ,1969 gð-., éL Mayor CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of t~e foregoing Ordinance was posted on the Public Municipal bulletin board for a period of not less than one (1) week, as required under the Charter of the City of Cl ermont, Flori da, begi nn i ng t-AAAU /3 , 1969. Gak.J t/. euJ_ City Clerk