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El TETRA TECH March 10, 2014 Mr.James Kinzler Environmental Services Director City of Clermont 685 W.Montrose Road Clermont,FL 34711 Subject: City of Clermont East-West PRV Interconnection System & Supplement Supply Well Programming Services-Scope of Services Dear Mr. Kinzler: Tetra Tech is pleased to provide this proposal to the City in response to your request for modification of the City's existing Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to incorporate two (2) new Remote Telemetry Units (RTU's). Modification covered under this scope of services includes programming of the Hook and Pitt Street site Programmable Logic Controllers(PLC's) and modification of the WTP Wonderware Human Machine Interface(HMI) software to incorporate the operation of these two sites into the existing system. Also included in this scope is PLC programming modifications to the Grand Highway and 4th Street Well sites. In addition Tetra Tech will program the HMI and PLC of the new supplemental reuse supply well located at or near the Eastside Water Reclamation Facility(WRF). The scope of services is provided as Attachment A which includes a detailed breakdown of the estimated compensation. If this Scope of Services is acceptable to you, please execute in the designated area below. We appreciate this opportunity to provide services to the City. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact either me. Sincerely, Approval Tetra Tech City of Clermont Th);.0 n D. Fox, P.E. By: „/1I .. Vice President Date: / W ! L. JDF/sma/BPClermont/e-w PRV mterconnection/Kinzler 03-10-14 C: Leslie Turner,P.E.,Tetra Tech Tetra Tech 201 E Pine Street,Suite 1000,Orlando,FL 32801 Tel 407 839 3955 Fax 407 839 3790 www tetratech corn SCOPE OF SERVICES City of Clermont,Florida East-West PRV Interconnection System & Supplemental Supply Well Programming Services I. BACKGROUND The City has requested modification of the City's existing Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to incorporate two new Remote Telemetry Units (RTU's). Modification covered under this scope of services includes programming of the Hook and Pitt Street site Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC's) and modification of the WTP Wonderware Human Machine Interface (HMI) software to incorporate the operation of these two sites into the existing system. Also included in this scope is PLC programming modifications to the Grand Highway and 4th Street Well sites. In addition Tetra Tech will program the HMI and PLC of the new supplemental reuse supply well located at or near the Eastside Water Reclamation Facility(WRF). Services to be completed are further described herein and shall be performed in accordance with the City of Clermont/Tetra Tech, Inc. professional engineering services agreement dated October 13, 2009. II. SCOPE OF SERVICES INTERCONNECTION STATION PROGRAMMING A. PLC and HMI Control Programming Tetra Tech shall provide PLC and HMI programming to achieve the following overall system operation: Overall system operation is intended to maintain acceptable levels within the West Area Elevated Storage Tank(EST)as follows: 1. Establish a sequence for the four potential sources including only those currently in AUTO as follows: a Grand Highway Well. This will normally be the lead source. b Pitt Street and Hook Street Interconnects These will normally be the lagl and lag2 sources with automatic alternation between them c 4`" Street Well. At selected times of the day, this will be included © TETRA TECH Tt#BP Clermont/E-W PRV Interconnection -1- 022514 well and interconnection stations programming scope in the sequence as a fourth source positioned within the sequence as elected by the operator via a software switch. Provide an operator controllable time of day switch that defines when this source shall be included 2. Provide the following operator adjustable parameters associated with the EST level: a LSL1 —Level at which water is to be supplied b LSL2—Level at which the lagl source is to be called c LSLL—Level at which all available sources are to be called d LSH—Level at which the tank is full and all supply sources should be stopped 3. When the EST level falls to LSL1 for a preset time, call for the lead source to start. 4. If the level falls to LSL2 for a preset time, call for the lag source to start. 5. If the level falls to LSLL for a preset time, call for all available sources to start. 6. Stop all sources when the level reaches LSH for a preset time. B HMI Graphic Screen Modification 1. Modify the existing "Elevated Storage Tank and Wells" SCADA HMI graphic screen to incorporate the new supply sources. 2. The existing display contains, among other items, a panel for each of three wells. One of these, Seminole. Is being de-commissioned and shall be removed from the screen. 3. Two new panels shall be added to the screen for the two new PRV sites. These shall be similar to the existing well site panels except as follows: a. Indicate East and West pressure readings. b Indicate current position in the control sequence. c The H/O/A switches open and close the site's PRV rather than starting or stopping the well pump. d The well pump running or stopped indication is replaced with PRV opened and closed indication. e Delete non-applicable indications (e.g. run time ETM, Chlorine Leak, etc.). 4. Modify the 4th Street panel to incorporate indication and control functions © TETRA TECH Tt#BP Clermont/E-W PRV Interconnection -2- 022514 well and interconnection stations programming scope required by the new time of day operation control strategy. 5. Modify the alternation display panel to reflect the revised control sequence. 6. Delete portions of the leftmost panel that are no longer applicable. C System Training Training will include one eight hour day of onsite training on the following: 1. Use of the system, including the new graphic screens. 2. Specific training for the actual hardware configuration to provide a detailed understanding of how the equipment and components are arranged, connected, and set up. 3. Troubleshooting and diagnosis. 4. Component removal and replacement. 5. Periodic maintenance. D System Testing Tetra Tech will provide system testing as follows: 1. Field Acceptance Testing: a. Provide 5-days of onsite startup of PLC and HMI software. System will be tested to confirm compliance with the above described overall system operation. b After the system has been in service for several weeks Tetra Tech will provide 2-days of onsite system follow-up troubleshooting of system software. E. Assumptions 1. Proposed radio system shall be programmed and certified operational by contractor before onsite Field Acceptance Testing shall begin. 2. Tetra Tech services under this contract shall include PLC programming, Wonderware HMI programming, factory/field acceptance testing and training. WELL PROGRAMMING A. PLC and HMI Control Programming © TETRA TECH Tt#BP Clermont/E-W PRV Interconnection -3- 022514 well and interconnection stations programming scope i 1 1 Tetra Tech shall provide PLC and HMI programming to achieve the following system operation: Overall system operation is intended to maintain acceptable levels within the Eastside WRF Ground Storage Tank(GST) as follows: 1. Provide well manual mode start/stop capability from Eastside WRF. 2. Provide the automatic mode start/stop capability based on tank level. 3. Provide high level shutoff and motor fail to start alarms. B. HMI Graphic Screen Modification 1. Modify the existing SCADA HMI graphic screen to incorporate the new well source. 2. Incorporate any new pressure or flow sensors related to the well source. C. System Training Training will include two hours of onsite training on the following: 1. Use of the system, including the new graphic screens. 2. Specific training for the ac tual hardware configuration to provide a detailed understanding of how the equipment and components are arranged, connected, and set up. 3. Troubleshooting and diagnosis. 4. Component removal and replacement. 5. Periodic maintenance. D. System Testing Tetra Tech will provide system testing as follows: 1. Field Acceptance Testing: a Provide 2-days of onsite startup of PLC and HMI software. System will be tested to confirm compliance with the above described overall system operation. F. Assumptions 1. Proposed fiber communication shall be fully functional before onsite field acceptance testing. aTETRA TECH _ Tt#BP Clermont/E-W PRV Interconnection -4- 022514 well and interconnection stations programming scope 2. Tetra Tech services under this contract shall include PLC programming, Wonderware HMI programming and field acceptance testing. III. COMPENSATION SUMMARY The total lump sum compensation for the Scope of Services described is $32,768. Attachment B presents a detailed breakdown of the estimated compensation for the Scope of Services. IV. SCHEDULE The Work will be coordinated with the City to not delay the installing contractor. © TETRA TECH Tt#BP Clermont/E-W PRV Interconnection -5- 022514 well and interconnection stations programming scope 0 Price Proposal Labor Plan 3 Resource 32,768 Clermont Interconnection Station &Supplemental Supply Well Programming &IIRate> 19459 I too 93 1472° o I - PLC and HMI Programming of Hook,Pitt,4th street and Grants Hwy Well &m area> I Total Price 32,768 Submitted to City of Clermont 3 Pricing by Resource Contract Type LS E s s' 3 5 Total .g 7 :i Task Pricing Labor Hrs i fi 2 ?i Labor Subs Travel Totals Project Phases/Tasks 221 12 I en 121 29 028 I 3 740 32,768 Interconnection System Programming 173 a I 64 101 22 883 3,190 26,073 PM 8 8 1557 1557 PLC(Pin&Hook) 32 24 8 3600 3603 PLC(Grants Hwy&4th St Well e 6 1178 1178 HMI&Plant PLC 56 40 16 6392 639E System Testing 69 69 10157 3190 13 347 Field Testing&Training - 45 45 6 624 1980 6604 Follow up Debug _ 24 Y 3 533 1 210 4 743 Well Programming 48 4 24 20 6,145 550 6,695 PM 4 4 778 778 PLC 16 16 1615 1615 HMI - 6 8 807 807 Startup(assume combined w/other trip) 20 20 2944 550 3494 Totals 221 12 1 88 121 29,028 1 3,740 32,768 Tetra Tech•Confidential and Proprietary Page 1 oft - Pnnted 3/10/2014 t!