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Section 1:
That Ordinance No. 126 of the Code of Ordinances of the CITY OF
CLERMONT, FLORIDA, is hereby amended as follows:
Provision "A":
thereof, is hereby deleted and in its place shall appear the following as definition \
lB. Dwelling, Townhouses: A single-family attached living
unit of from five units upward, with party walls, situated
on its own lot or parcel no less than eighteen {lB) feet
in width, having no side yards or setbacks from adjacent
townhouses in the group and no opening in side walls; being
physically separated by rated fire wall and structurally
independent·from adjoining townhouses.
Provision "B":
and in its place shall appear the following as SECTION 26-1 under ARTICLE IV of
For the purpose of this ordinance, the City of Clermont is
divided into eleven (11) districts designated as follows:
RIAA Residential Estates District
R1A Urban Residential District
Rl Urban Residential District
R2 Medium Density Residential District
R3A Townhouse Residential District
R3 Residential Professional District
Cl Neighborhood Commercial District
C2 General Commercial District
Ml Light Industrial District
M2 Medium Industrial District
TZ Transition Zones
The boundaries of these districts are hereby established as shown on the map entitled
"Official Zoning Map of the City of Clermont, Florida; dated 1970 and certified by
the City Clerk". Said map is hereby made a part of this ordinance and shall be on
file in the office of the City Clerk.
Provision "C":
ARTICLE VI, USE PROVISIONS, is hereby amended to insert the following as SECTION 26-19
SECTION 26-19: RIAA Residential Estates
A. Purpose This district is intended for single-family structures requiring
large lots to establish a diversity of housing selections, to maintain a
low density of population, and to provide increased open space.
B. Permitted Uses .
1. Single family dwelling units having a minimum living area of 1500 square
feet, exclusive of garages, carports and screened area.
2. Customary accessory buildings and structures including private
garages, non-commercial greenhouses and workshops; provided they are
located in the rear yard and maintain the same yard requirements as
dwelling units. In no case shall an accessory building be constructed
prior to the principal building. A site plan shall be required
for non-commercial greenhouses and workshops. Utility buildings
of 150 square feet or less shall have a minimum rear yard equal to
the minimum side yard requirement for the zone.
3. Buildings, structures or uses maintained or operated by a body
having the right of eminent domain.
C. General Requirements
1. Lot Size - A minimum usable land area of not less than 15,000 square
2. Lot Width':. - A minimum width of lots, parcels or tracts, however designated,
shall be 100 feet measured at the building setback line and 50 feet
measured along the property line or lines contiguous to any street,
road or highway.
3. Lot Area Per Family - The lot area per family shall be a minimum of
15,000 square feet
4. The maximum ,lot coverage shall be thirty (30) percent.
5. The maximum height shall be thirty-five (35) feet.
D. Signs
1. The following signs are permitted:
a. Signs not exceeding four (4) square feet in area of the total of
all signs offering the specific property for sale, rent or lease,
by the owner or his agent, located on the property offered.
b. Political signs not over four (4) square feet in area of the total
of all signs
c. Temporary construction or temporary future improvement signs.
d. Churches and similar places of worship, and their attendant educational
and recreational buildings, may have on-site signs upon approval
of the City Manager
e. Off site signs upon approval of the City Manager
2. The following signs are prohibited
a. Ma rquee
b. Roof
c. Projecting
d. Shi ng1 e
e. Wa 11
f. Spectacu1 ar
g. Vehicle/Portable
h. III umi nated
ï ~
i. Outdoor Advertising (billboards)
E. Setbacks
1. Property adjacent to SR 50 and US 27 shall maintain a fifty (50) foot
setback line from the highway right-of-way. The setback on all
other streets shall be thirty-five (35) feet. (See Sign Ordinance
for sign setback requirements).
2. The building line from any side yard property line shall be ten (10) feet.
3. The building line from any rear yard property line shall be twenty-five
(25) feet. The rear building line on 1akefront property shall be
measured from the established high water mark.
F. Conditional Uses. The following uses may be permitted within this district
only after review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and also the approval
of the City Council in accordance with provisions of this ordinance. The
Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council utilizing the guide lines
estab1 ished under Article XI"may place reasonable requirements upon the
use prior to granting approval to insure that such a use will not have a
detrimental effect on the surrounding area in which it may be located.
1. Churches, provided that:
a. They are located on a public right-of-way.
b. The buildings are placed not less than twenty five (25) feet from
any property line.
c. There is a landscape buffer strip at least five (5) feet wide
planted along the ës1de and rear property lines. It shall be planted
with trees and/or shrubs in such a manner as to provide opaque
screening and shall be properly maintained at a minimum beight
of six (6) feet. The height of six (6) feet shall normally be
reached within two (2) years from planting.
d. Off street parking shall be provided for church use at a ratio not
less than fourteen (14) square feet of parking space for each square
foot of floor space provided for worshippers within the church
sanctuary. Such off street parking shall be provided contiguous
to an integral part of the property whereon the church is located.
2. Public and priviate schools offering general education courses.
3. Public and semi-public recreation facilities and grounds.
4. Electric transformer or gas regulator stations, if essential for service
to the zoning district in which it is proposed they be located,
provided that:
a. Except for pad mounted transformer, the structures are not placed
less than fifty (50) feet from any property line and are enclosed
by a woven-wire fence at least eight (B) feet hight.
b. No vehicles or equipment are stored on the premises.
c. The lot is suitably landscaped, including a buffer strip at least ten
(10) feet wide planted along the side· and rear property lines. It
shå11 be planted with trees and/or shrubs in such a manner as to
provide opaque screening and shall be properly maintained at a minimum
height of eight (B) feet. The height of eight (B) feet shall
normally be reached within two (2) years from planting.
NQ 202
5. Boathouses, provided no living quarters are included.
G. Off Street Parking
1. Each dwelling unit shall have two (2) parking spaces.
2. Schools shall have one (1) parking space for each 200 square feet
of floor space
H. Classification of Uses
1. Other similar enterprises or business may be permitted which, after
consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved
by the City Council, are not more ObAOX ious or detrimental to
the district than the uses herein provided, however, the City Council
may make such finding, which finding shall be conclusive.
Provision "D:
ARTICLE VI, USE PROVISIONS, SECTION 26-20 thereof, is hereby deleted and in its
place shall appear the following as SECTION 26-20 under ARTICLE VI of ORDINANCE NO. 126.
SECTION 26-20: RIA Urban Residential District
pur~ose This district is intended for single family structures to be
use in such a manner as to preserve and enchance low density neighborhood
Permitted Uses
1. Those uses permitted in R1AA Residential Estate(§ District
2. Single family dwelling units having a minimum living area of 1200
square feet, exclusive of garages, carports and screened area.
C. GeneraPReql!irements
1. Lot Size - A minimum usable land area of not less than 10,000 square
2. Lot Width - A minimum width of lots, parcels or tracts, however
designated, shall be 100 feet measured at the building setback line
and 50 feet measured along the property line or lines contiguous to any
street, road or highway.
3. Lot Area per Family - The lot area per family shall be a minimum
of 10,000 square feet.
4. The maximum lot coverage shall be thirty (30) percent.
5. The maximum height shall be thirty-five (35) feet.
D. Signs
1. The following signs are permitted.
a. Those signs permitted in the RIAA Residential Estates District
E. Setbac ks
1. Property adjacent to SR 50 and US 27 shall maintain a fifty (50) foot
setback line from the highway right~of-way. The setback on all other
streets shall be thirty-five (35) feet. (See Sign Ordinance for sign
setback requirements).
2. The building line from any side yard property line shall be nine (9)
3. The building line from any rear yard property line shall be
twenty-five (25) feet. The rear building line on 1akefront property
shall be measured from the established high water mark.
F. Conditional Uses. The following uses may be permitted within this
district only after review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and also
the approval of the City Council in accordance with provisions of this
ordinance. The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council
utilizing the guide lines established under Article XI may place
reasonable requirements upon the use prior to granting approval to insure
that such a use will not have a detrimental effect on the surrounding
area in which it may be located.
1. Those conditional uses permitted in the RIAA Residential Estates District.
G. Off Street Parking
1. Each dwelling unit shall have two (2) parking spaces
2. Schools shall have one (1) parking space for each 200 square feet of
floor space.
H. Classification of Uses
1. Other similar enterprises or business may be permitted which after
consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by
City Council, are not more òbnoxious or detrimental to the district
than the uses herein provided, however, the City Council may make
such finding, which finding shall be conclusive.
Provision "E"
ARTICLE VI, USE PROVISIONS, SECTION 26-21 thereof, is hereby deleted and in its
place shall appear the following as SECTION 26-21 under ARTICLE VI of ORDINANCE NO. 126:
SECTIe~,26~21: RI Urban Residential District
A. Purpose. This district is intended for single family structures to be
used so as to provide for a medium density single family residential usage.
B. Permitted Uses
1. Those uses permitted in R[A Urban Residential District
2. Single family dwelling units having a-nlillimum-lì\/ing area of 1000
square feet, exclusive of garages, carports and screened areas.
C. General Requirements
1. Lot Size - A minimum usable land area of not less than 7,500 square feet.
2. Lot Width - A minim~m width of lots, parcels or tracts, however
designated, shall be 75 feet measured at the building setback line and
50 measured along the property line or lines contiguous to any street,
road or highway.
3. Lot area Per Family - The lot area per family shall be a minimum of
7,500 square feet.
4. The maximum lot coverage shall be forty (40) percent.
5. The maximum height shall be thirty-five (35) feet
D. Signs
1. The following signs are permitted:
a. Those signs permitted in the RFA Urban Residential District
2. The following signs are prohibited
a. Those signs prohibited in the RIA Urban Residential District
E. Setbacks
1. Property adjacent to SR 50 and US 27 shall maintain a fifty (50) foot
setback line from the hi~hway right-of-way. The setback on all other
streets shall be thirty (30) feet. (See Sign Ordinance for sign
setback requirements).
~. The building line from any side yard property line shall be seven and
a half (7.5) feet.
3. The building line from any rear yard property line shall be twenty-
five (25) feet. The rear building line on 1akefront property shall
be measured from the established high water mark.
F. Conditional Uses The following uses may be permitted within this district
only after review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and also the
approval of the City Council in accordance with provisions of this
ordinance. The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council
utilizing the guide lines established under Article XI my place reasonable
requirements upon the use prior to granting approval to insure that
such a use will not have a detrimental effect on the surrounding
area in which it may be located.
1. Those conditional uses permitted in the RIA Urban Residential
G. Off Street Parking
1. Each dwelling unit shall have two (2) parking spaces.
2. Schools shall have one (1) parking space for each 200 square feet of
floor space.
H. Classification of Uses
1. Other similar enterprises or business may be permitted which, after
consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approval by
the City Council, are not more obnoxious or detrimental to the district
than the uses herein provided, however, the City Council may make such
finding, which finding shall be conclusive.
Provision "F"
ARTICLE VI, USE PROVISIONS, SECTION 26-22 thereof, is hereby deleted and in its
place shall appear the following as SECTION 26-22 under ARTICLE VI of ORDINANCE NO.
SECTION 26-22-R-2 - Medium Density Residential District
A. Purpose This district is intended for medium density residential
structures recognizing the accessi,bi1ity of public streets and the
proximity of community facilities.
B. Permitted Uses
1. Those uses permitted in R1 Urban Residential District
2. Single family dwelling units having a minimum living area of 900
square feet, exclusive of garages, carports and screened areas.
3. Two family dwelling units having a minimum of 700 square feet per
dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, carports and screened areas.
C. General Requirements
1. Lot Size - A minimum usable land area of not less than 6,000 square
2. Lot Width - A minimum width of lots, parcels or tracts, however,
designated, shall be 60 feet measured at the building setback line
and 50 feet measured along the property line or lines contiguous to
any street, road or highway.
3. Lot Area Per Family - The lot area per family shall be a minimum of
6,000 square feet for single family and 5,000 square feet each for
two famil ies.
4. The maximum lot coverage shall be forty (40) per cent.
5. The maximum height shall be thirty-five (35) feet.
D. Signs
1. The following signs are permitted:
a. Those signs permitted in the RI Urban Residential District
2. The following signs are prohibited
a. Those signs prohibited in the R1 Urban Residential District
E. Setbacks
1. Property adjacent to SR 50 and US 27 sha11maintain a fifty (50) foot
setback line from the highway right-of-way. The setback on all other
streets shall be twenty-five (25) feet. (See Sign Ordinance for sign
setback requirements).
2. The building line from any side yard property line shall be seven (7)
3. The building line from any rear yard property line shall be twenty-five
(25) feet. The rear building line on 1akefront property shall be
measured from the established high water mark.
F. Conditional Uses The following uses may be permitted within this district
only after review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and also the
approval of the City Council in accordance with provisions of this
ordinance. The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council
utilizing the guide lines established under Article XI may place
reasonable requirements upon the use prior to granting approval to insure
that such a use will not have a detrimental effect on the surrounding
area in which it may be located.
1. Those conditional uses permitted in the RI Urban Residential District.
2. Cemeteries.
G. Off Street Parking
1. Each dwelling unit shall have two (2) parking spaces.
2. Schools shall have one (1) parking space for each 300 square feet
of floor space.
H. Classification of Uses
1. Other similar enterprises or business may be permitted which, after
considerat10n by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved
~y the City Council, are not more obnoxious or detrimental to the
District than the uses herein provided, however, the City Council
may make such finding, which shall be conclusive.
Provision "G"
ARTICLE VI, USE PROVISIONS, is hereby amended to insert the following as SECTION
26-22A under ARTICLE VI of ORDINANCE NO. 126.
SECTION 26-22A-R3A Townhouse Residential District
A. Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide housing having both
single and multi-family characteristics and to encourage housing
innovationsin the grouping of separate one family dwelling units, so as
to make efficient, economical and esthetically pleasing use of land so
restricted that the same will be continually well maintained in order
to preserve the health, welfare, safety, morals and convenience of the
neighborhood and surrounding areas.
B. Permitted Uses
1. Those uses permitted in the R2 Medium Density Residential District
2. Single family dwelling units having a minimum living area of BOO square
feet, exclusive of garages, carports and screened areas.
3. Two family dwelling units having a minimum of 600 square feet per
dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, carports and screened areas.
4. Townhouses and multiple family dwellings provided that no dwelling
unit thereon contains less than BOO square feet of living area
and the total ground area of all structures does not exceed 35%
of said lot 'area and the special requirements of Article lX are met.
a. Recreation buildings or structures, playground or parks, when
accessory to and clearly subordinate in use to the townhouse
or multiple family dwelling complex
b. Private boat piers or slips for use of the residents of the
townhouse or multiple family complex
c. One common television antenna per townhouse or multiple family
dwelling group.
C. General Requirements
1. Lot Size - A minimum usable land area of not less than 6,000 square
2. Lot Width - A minimum width of lots, parcels or tracts, however
designated, shall be '60 feet measured at the building setback line
and 50 feet measured along the property line or lines contiguous to
to any street, road or highway.
3. Lot area Per Family - The lot area per family shall be a minimum
of 6,000 square feet for single family and 5,000 square feet each
for two families. Townhouses and multiple family dwellings shall
not be in excess of 35% of lot area.
4. The maximum lot coverage shall be Forty (40) per cent.
5. The maximum height shall be Thirty-five (35) feet.
6. The maximum density for townhouses and multiple family dwellings
shall be fifteen (15) per acre.
D. Signs
1. The following signs are permitted
a. Those signs permitted in the R2 Medium Density Residential
b. Townhouses, multiple family dwellings, cluster developments and
group projects may have one (1) ground sign on each street with
an entrance. The maximum size for each sign shall be thirty-two (32)
square feet.
2. The following signs are prohibited.
a. Those signs prohibited in the R2 Medium Density Residential District.
E. Setbacks
1. Property adjacent to SR 50 and US 27 shall maintain a 'fifty::;(·50).~feet
setback line from the highway right?of-way. The setback on all other
streets shall be twenty-five (25) feet. (See Sign Ordinance for sign
setback requirements)
2. The building line from any side yard property line shall be sevem.(7)
feet. When a multiple family use abuts a single family use, the
multiple family use shall provide a landscape buffer strip at least
five (5) feet wide planted along the side property line. It shall be
planted with treES and/or shrubs in such a manner as to provide opaque
screening and shall be properly maintained at a minimum height of
six (6) feet. The height of six (6) feet shall normally be reached
within two (2) years from planting.
3. The building line from any rear yard p-rop-erty line shall be twenty~five__(g5)
'feet. The rear building 1 ine on. lAke frontproperty shall bE! measured .
from the established high water mark. When a multiple family use abüts a
single family use, the multiple family use shall provide a landscape
buffer strip at least five (5) feet wide planted along the side
property line. It shall be planted with trees and/or shrubs in such
a manner as to provide opaque screening and shall be properly maintained
at a minimum height of six (6) feet. The height of six (6) feet shall
normally be reached within two (2) years from planting.
F. Conditional Uses The following uses may be permitted within this district
only after review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and also the
approval of the City Council in accordance with provisions of this ordinance.
The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council utilizing the guidelines
established under Article XI may place reasonable requirements upon the
C 0 D,E 0 R DIN A N C E S
NO 208
use prior to granting approval to insure that such a use will not
have a detrimental effect on the surrounding area in which it may be
1. Those conditional uses permitted in the R2 Medium Density Residential
2. Cluster developments and group projects; under the special requirements
of Article IX
3. Planned Unit Development
G. Off Street Parking
1. Single and two-family dwelling units shall have two (2) parking
spaces per dwelling unit.
2. Townhouses shall have two (2) parking spaces per dwelling unit.
3. Schools shall have one (1) parking space for each 200 square feet of
H. Classification of Uses
1. Other similar enterprises or business may be permitted which, after
consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by
the City Council, are not more obnoxious or detrimental to the district
than the uses herein provided, however, the City Council may make such
finding, which finding shall be conclusive.
Provision "8"
ARTICLE VI, USE PROVISIONS, SECTION 26-23 thereof is hereby deleted and in its place
shall appear the following as SECTION 26-23 under ARTICLE VI of ORDINANCE NO. 126:
SECTION 26-23-R3 - Residential Professional District
A. Púrpose The purpose of this district is to provide multiple family housing
in an urban area where needed and where urban conveniences and facilities
can be provided, also to provide for those professional services not in
direct conflict with the residential usage and which do not generate
traffic of such a nature as to require comm~a1 or industrial zoning.
B. Permitted Uses
1. Those uses permitted in R3A Townshouse Residential District
2. Two family dwelling units having a minimum living area of 500 square
feet per dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, carports and screened
3. Townhouses provided that no dwelling unit therein contains less than
700 square feet of living area and the total ground area of all
structures does not exceed 35% of said lot area and the special requirements
of Article IX are met.
4. Multiple family dwellings provided that no dwelling unit therein contains
less than 500 square feet of living area and the total ground area of
all structures does not exceed 35% of said lot area.
C. General Requirements
1. Lot Size - A minimum usable land area of not less than 6,000 square
2. Lot Width - A minimum width of lots, parcels or tracts, however
designated, shall be 60 feet measured at the building setback line and 50
feet measured along the property 1 ine or 1 ines contiguous to any street,..
road or highway.
3. Lot area Per Family - The lot area per family shall be a minimum of
6,000 sqaure feet for single family and 5,000 square feet each for two
families. Multi-family and townhouses shall not be in excess of 35%
of lot area.
4. The maximum lot coverage shall be forty (40) percent.
5. The maximum height shall be Fifty-five (55) feet.
D. Signs
1. The following signs are permitted:
a. Those signs permitted in the R3A Townhouse Residential District
b. Shingle
c. Boarding houses, rooming houses, professional offices, hospitals,
clinics, nursing homes, nursery schools, kindergartens, mobile home
parks and public buildings may have one (1) ground sign on each
street with an entrance. The maximum size for each sign shall be
thrity-two (32) square feet.
2. The following signs are prohibited.
a. Those signs poohibited in the R3A Townhouse Residential District.
E. Setbacks
1. Property adjacent to SR 50 and US 27 shall maiatain a fifty (50) foot set
back line from the hi~hway right-of-way. The setback on all other streets
shall be twenty-five (25) feet. (See Sign Ordinance for sign setback
2. The building line from any side yard property line shall be seven (7) feet.
When a multiple family use abuts a single family use, the multiple family
use shall provide a landscape buffer strip' at least five (5) feet wide
planted along the side property line. It shall be planted with trees
and/or shrubs in such a manner as to provide opaque screening and shall
b e properly maintained at a minimum height of six (6) feet. The height
of six (6) feet shall normally be reached within two (2) years from
3. The building line from any rear yard property line shall be twenty-five (25)
feet. The rear building line on lake front property shall be measured
from the established high water mark. When a multiple family use abuts
a single family use the multiple family use shall provide a 1andcape buffer
strip at least five (5) feet wide planted along the rear property line.
It shall be planted with trees and/or shrubs in such a manner as to provide
opaque screening and shall be properly maintained at a minimum height of
six (6) feet. The height of six (6) feet shall normally be reached within
two (2) years of planting.
F. Conditional Uses The following uses may be permitted within this district
only after review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and also the approval of
the City Council in accordance with provisions of this ordinance. The Planning
and Zoning Commission and the City Council utilizing the guide lines established
under Aric1e XI may place reasonable requirements upon the use prior to
granting approval to insure that such a· use will not have a detrimental effect
on the surrounding area in which it may be located.
1. Those conditional uses permitted in the R3A Townhouse Residential District
2. Boarding and Rooming houses
3. Home Occupations
4. Professional Offices
5. Hospitals, clinics and nursing homes for the treatment of human ailments.
6. Nursery school or kindergartens provided the outdoor play area is enclosed
by a fence at least four feet high. The School or Kindergarten must meet
all state requirements.
7. Mobile home parks, under the special requirements of Article IX
8. Municipal, county, state or federal buildings or land uses
9. Boathouses provided no living quarters are included and boat-oriented
activities such as mari~as or boat ramps. Not to include customary
accessory uses such as concessions, services and storage.
G. Off-Street Parking
1. Single, two-family and townhouse dwelling units shall have two (2) parking
spaces per dwelling unit.
2. Multiple family dwellings shall have two (2) parking spaces per dwelling
3. Hospita~and nursing homes shall have one (1) space for each staff or
visiting doctor plus one (1) space for each four (4) employees, including
4. -Rooming anô-¡¡oarôlñgnouses snall nave one (1') space for each bedroom.
5. Schools shall have one (1) parking space for each 200 square feet of floor space.
6. Mobile home parks shall have one (1) parking space for each trailer space.
7. Offices shall have one (1) parking space for each 200 square feet of floor
H. Classification of Uses
1. Other similar enterprises or business may be permitted which, after consideration
by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the City Council,
are not more obnoxious or detrimental to the district than the uses herein
provided, however, the City Council may make such finding, which finding shall
be con~lusive.
Provision ;;1"
ARTICLE VI, USE PROVISIONS, SECTION 26-24 thereof, is hereby deleted and in its
place shall appear the following as SECTION 26-24 under ARTICLE VI of ORDINANCE NO. 126:
SECTION 26-24 CI Neighborhood Commercial District
A. Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide light retail services
for the' normal convenience needs of nearby residences. These districts
should allow for concentrations located at intersections of major streets or
thoroughfares and are intended to prevent strip zoning by meeting the
commercial needs of surrounding neighborhoods in compact, centralized facilities.
A site plan is required and must be approved by the City Manager.
B. Permitted Uses
1. Convenience food and beverage establishments, including drive in
2. Variety stores
3. Drug stores and pharmacies
4. Delicatessen stores
5. Bakery shops where products are sold for retail only
6. Beauty shops and barber shops
7. Interior decorators, tailors and seamstresses.
B. Studios of art, crafts, music, dancing and photography
9. Shoe repair shops
10. Laundromats and/or self service dry cleaning establishments, laundry and/or
dry cleaning delivery and pick up establishments, where the services are
performed elsewhere.
11. Professional offices
12. Buildings, structures or uses maintained or operated by a body having the
right of eminent domain.
~.C. General Requirements
1. The maximum lot coverage shall be eighty (80) per cent
2. The maximum height shall be thirty-five (35) feet.
'). Signs
1. The following signs are permitted:
a. One (1) sign listing the property for sale, lease or rent; not
exceeding twelve (12) square feet per lot or parcel or a maximum
of two (2) signs of twelve (12) square feet each for lots and parcels
with over two hundred fifty (250) feet of frontage.
b. Political signs not over twelve (12) square feet in area of the total
of all signs
c. Temporary construction and temporary future improvement signs
d. Point of sale signs shall not exceed three (3) in number with a
maximum of one hundred twenty (120) square feet per sign and a
maximum of two hundred (200) square feet in area of the total of all
e. One (1) vehicle/portable sign not exceeding seventy-two (72) square
f. Off site signs with approval of City Manager
2. The following signs are prohibited
a. Spectacular
b. Outdoor Advertising (Billboards)
E. Setbacks
1. Property adjacent to SR 50 and US 27 shall maintain a fifty (50) foot'
setback line from the highway right-of-way. The setback on all other
streets shall be twenty-five (25) feet. (See Sign Ordinance for sign
setback requirements)
2. The building line from any side yard property line shall be twelve (12) feet.
When a commercial establishment is provided with rear access by a
public right-of-way, no side yard is required except corner lots
wherein a side yard setback of twelve (12) feet on the side street shall
be maintained. When a commercial use abuts a residential use, the
commercial use shall provide a landscape buffer strip at least five (5)
feet wide planted along the side yard property line. It shall be
planted with trees and/or shrubs in such a manner as to provide opaque
screening and shall be properly maintained at a minimum height of
six (6) feet. The height of six (6) feet shall normally be reached
within two (2) years of planting.
3. The building line from any rear yard property line shall be twenty-five
(25) feet. The rear building line on lake front property shall be meas-
ured·,·', from the establ ished high water mark. When a commercial use
abuts a residential use the commercial use shall provide a landscape
buffer strip at least five (5) feet wide along the rear property line.
It shall be planted with trees and/or shrubs in such a manner as to
provide opaque screening and shall be properly maintained at a minimum
height of six (6) feet. The height of six (6) feet shall normally be
reached within two (2) years of planting.
F. Conditional Uses The following uses may be permitted within this district after
review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and also approval of the City
Council in accordance with provisions of this Ordinance. The Planning and
Zoning Commission and the City Council utilizing the guide lines established
under Article Xl may place reasonable requirements upon the use prior to
granting approval to insure that such a use will not have a detrimental
effect on the surrounding area in which it may be located.
1. Any permitted use in this section for which site plan approval and
building permit have been denied by the City Manager.
2. Electric transformer or gas regulator stations, if essential or service
to the zoning district in which it is proposed they be located, provided
that :
a. Except for pad mounted transformer, the structures are not placed
less than fifty (5) feet from any property line and are enclosed
by a woven-wire fence at least eight (8) feet high.
b. No vehicles or equipment are stored on the premises.
c. The lot is suitably landscaped, including a buffer strip at least
ten (10) feet wide planted along the side and rear property lines.
It shall be planted with trees and/or shrubs in such a manner as
to provide opaque screening and shall be properly maintained at
a minimum height of eight (8) feet. The height of eight (B) feet
shall normally be reached within two (2) years from planting.
3. Hospitals, clinics and nursing homes for the treatment of human ailments
4. Mobile home parks, under the special requirements of Article lX.
5. Municipal, county, state or federal buildings or/and uses
6. Marinas and customary accessory uses such as concessions, services and
7. Planned Unit Developments.
G. Off:Street ,l'atking.....C'··.,
1. A retail business shall have one (1) parking space for each 250 square
feet of floor space occupied by such establishment plus one (1) space per
2. Offices shall have one (1) parking space for each 200 square feet of
floor space
3. Mobile home parks shall have one (1) parking space for each trailer space
4. Hospitals, clinics and nursing homes shall have one (1) space for each
four (4) beds plus one (1) space for each staff or visiting doctor plus
one (1) space for each four (4) employees, including nurses
5. Loading platform and storage areas shall be screened on all sides fronting
on streets, roads and highways, however stated; parking lots for
automotive vehicles other than passenger cars utilized in the operation of
the enterprise located thereon shall be screened in a like manner.
6. All parking lots, loading platforms and storage areas shall be screened
on any side abutting zoning districts other than C-1, C-2, M-1 or M-2.
7 Such screening shall be continuous and consistent fence of a substantial
and durable material or a vegetative screen, such as but not limited to;
concrete blocks or redwood, to a height and construction necessary to
hide from view any materials or vehicles stored behind such fence or
enclosure; except that such view shall not be consiEiered as applying
to the overview portions of elevated highways or view from airplanes,
helicopters, etc.
H. Classification of Uses
1. Other similar enterprises or business may be permitted which, after
consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approval by
the City Council, are not more obnoxious or detrimental to the district
than the uses herein provided, however, the City Council may make such
finding, which finding shall be conclusive.
Provision "J"
ARTICLE V1, USE PROVISIONS, SECTION 26-25 thereof, is hereby deleted and in its
place shall appear the following as SECTION 26-25 under ARTICLE Vl of ORDINANCE NO. 126
SECTION 26~25: C2 General Commercial District
A. Purpose - . The purpose of this district is to provide full scale retail
and service needs of the total community. A site plan is required and
must be approved by the City Manager.
B. Permitted Uses
1. Those uses permitted in C 1 Neighborhood Commercial District
2. Any retail business or service, including the making of products sold at
retail on the premises, providing such manufacturing is incidental to
the retail business or service, occupies less than forty (40) per cent
of the floor area, and employs not more than five (5) operators
3. Automotive centers and sal, esrooms which may include accessory uses thereto
of; Used car sales; paint, body and fender shops for incidental repair
of vehicles.
4. Bus Terminals and taxicab stands
5. Dry cleaning and laundry establishments
6. Theatres, to include drive-ins; bowling alleys; skating and roller rinks;
bi11ard halls, minature golf courses and driving ranges
7. Financial institutions
8 Newspaper and printing plants
9 Hotels and motels and related services
10. Used Car Sales
11. Drive-in restaurants or other restaurants
12. Gasoline Service Stations, provided that
a. All structures, including underground storage tanks and pumps, are
placed not less than thirty (30) feet from any property line but in
no case less than the required set back
b. The number of curb breaks for an establishment shall not exceed two
for each 100 feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, each having
a width of not more than 50 feet and located not closer than 20 feet
to the street intersection
c Two or more curb breaks on the same street shall be separated by an
area of not less than 10 feet
d No gasoline service station shall be located closer than 330 feet to
any church or public school
e. Conduct repair services in an area screened from view of any public street
or road, and from property owned by others
f. Not more than two (2) vehicles not in operable condition may be stored
on the property at anyone time and such inoperable vehicles shall be
located within the screened area
13. Automatic car washes"except self service; A minimum of 16 spaces. Self
service; 5 parking spaces for each two (2) stalls
14. Commercial kennels and/or veterinary clinics, provided that
a. All animal service and confinement areas shall be in air-conditioned
and sound-attenuated building
b. Air-conditioning shall be sound-attenuated so as to minimize noise from
within the building
c. Facilities for housing of not less than five (5) animals shall be
maintained on the premises
d. Runs shall be in an air conditioned and sound-attenuated building
15. Off street parking lots and parking garages
16. Outdoor amusements
17. Public Utility structures, including telephone exchanges
18. Radio stations and transmission towers
19. Shopping center developments
20. Hospitals, clinics and nursing homes for the treatment of human ailments;
Funeral Homes
21. Mobile home parks, under the special requirements of Article 1X
22. Municipal, county, state or federal buildings or land uses
23. Lodges and Clubs
C. General Requirements
1. The maximum lot coverage shall be one hundred (100) per cent. The
Central Business District as herein defined is excepted from yard
requirements; The area bounded by Lake Avenue, West Avenue, DeSoto Street,
and Minneo1a Avenue and the Lots fronting on these streets in this
D. Signs
1. The following signs are permitted:
a. One sign listing the property for sale. lease or rent. Twelve (12)
square feet per lot or parcel with a maximum of two (2) signs of
twelve (12) square feet each for lots or parcels in excess of two
hundred fifty (250) foot frontage.
b. Political signs not over twelve (12) square feet in area of the total of
all signs
c. Off site signs
d. Temporary construction and temporary future improvement signs
e. Three (3) of the following signs:
(1) One (1) ground or projecting sign per building or on each street
frontage thirty-two (32) square feet for the first twenty-five
(25) feet of frontage, thereafter on a one to one ratio not
exceeding three hundred (300) square feet, a maximum height of
thirty (30) feet, a maximum width of thirty (30) feet. Where two
(2) ground or projecting signs are used on a lot the area of both
signs shall not exceed the area allowed for the total frontage.
The total frontage may be counted for a single sign. Outdoor
advertising or billboard signs shall be distributed a minimum of
1000 feet apart, lineally along the highways and right-of-ways.
(2) One (1) wall sign on each end of the building perpendicular to
the road or street, thirty-two (32) square feet per fifty (50)
feet of frontage, not exceeding one hundred twenty eight (128)
square feet.
(3) One (1) wall sign parallel to the road or street, thirty-two (32)
square feet per fifty (50) foot frontage, a maximum of one hundred
sixty (160) square feet
(4) One (1) marguee sign parallel to the road or street, not exceeding
thirty-two (32) square feet per fifty (50) feet frontage, a maximum
of ninety-six (96) square feet.
(5) One (1) marquee sign perpendicular to the road or street not
exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet per fifty (50) square feet
of frontage, a maximum of ninety-six (96) 54uare feet
(6) One (1) roof sign not exceeding ninety-six (96) square feet per
forty-five (45) feet of building height, plus an additional
twenty (20) square feet for each ten (10) feet of height above
forty-five (45) feet. .
(7) One (1) vehicle/portable sign, not exceeding seventy-two (72)
square feet
2. The following signs are permitted in a shopping center:
a. One (1) sign listing the property 'for sale, lease or rent not over
thirty-two (32) square feet in area, per lot or parcel or a maximum
of two (2) signs of thirty-two (32) square feet each for lots and
parcels over two hundred fifty (250) feet of frontage
b. Political signs
c. Off site signs
d. Temporary construction and temporary future improvement signs
e. One (1) ground sign for each separate building or on each street
frontage, except where two (2) ground or projecting signs are used
the area of both signs shall not exceed the area allowed for the
total frontage, thirty-two (32) square feet for the first twenty five
(25) feet of frontage, thereafter on a one to one ratio a maximum area
of three hundred (300) square feet, maximum height of twenty-eight (28)
feet and width of twenty-two (22) feet.
f. One (1) wall sign on each end of the building thirty-two (32) square
feet per fifty (50) feet of frontage, a maximum of one hundred twenty-
~èight (128) square feet.
g.:.One (1) wall or marquee sign not exceèding an area equal to fifteen
(15) per cent of the front wall face height multiplied by the business
frontage, including window and door area.
One (1) projectin~ sign per business, below a marquee or canopy, a
minimum of eight (8) feet above and not projecting beyond the side walk.
One (1) vehicle/portable sign per shopping center, seventy-two (72)
square feet maximum
3. The following signs are prohibited.
a. Roof signs and projecting signs, except as above
E. Setbacks
1. Property adjacent to SR 50 and US 27 shall maintain a fifty (50) foot setback
line from the highway right-of-way. The setback on all other stree~ shall
be twenty-five (25) feet. (See Sign Ordinance for sign setback requirements).
2. The building line from any side yard property line shall be twelve (12)
feet. The Central Business District as defined herein is excepted from
yard requirements: The area bounded by Lake Avenue; West Avenue, DeSoto
Street and Minneola Avenue and the lots fronting on these streets in this
area. When a commercial use abuts a residential use, the commercial use
shall provide a landscape buffer strip at least five (5) feet wide planted
along the side property 1 ine. It shall be planted with trees and/or shrubs
in such a manner as to provide opaque screening and shall be properly
maintained at a minimum height of six (6) feet. The height of six (6)
feet shall normally be reached within two (2) years of planting.
3. The building line from any rear yard property line shall be twenty-five·
(25) feet. The rear building line on lake front property shall be measured
from the established high water mark. When a commercial use abuts a
residential use, the commercial use shall provide a landscape buffer strip
at least five (5) feet wide planted along the rear property line. It shãl1
be planted with trees and/or shrubs in such a manner as to provide opague
screening and shall be properly maintained at a minimum height of six (6)
feet. The height of six (6) feet shall be normally reached within two (2)
years of planting
F. Conditional Uses The following uses may be permitted within this district only
af~er. review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and also approval of the City
Council in accordance with provisions of this Ordinance. The Planning and Zoning
Commission and the City Council utilizing the guide lines established under
Article Xl may place reasonable requirements upon the use prior to granting
approval to insure that such a use will not have a detrimental effect on the
surrounding area in which it may be located.
1. Any permitted use in this section for which site plan approval and building
permit has been denied by the City Manager
2. Planned Unit Development
3. Mobile Home or Travel Trailer Sales
G. Off Street Parking
1. A retail business shall have one (1) parking space for each 250 square feet
of floor space occupied by such establishment plus one (1) space per
emp 1 oyee"
2. Offices shall have one (1) parking space for each 200 square feet of
floor space
3. Mobile home parks shall have one (1) parking space for each trailer
4. Places of Public Assembly shall have one (1) space for each four (4)
seats in the principal assembly room.
5. Hotels and motels shall have one (1) space for each accommodation plus
one (1) space for each three (3) employees
6. Restaurants shall have one (1) space for each fifty (50) square feet
of floor area devoted to patron use plus one (1) space for each four (4)
7. Gasoline Service Stations shall have four (4) spaces for each grease
rack or similar facility plus one (1) space for each employee.
8. Places of amusement or assembly without fixed seats shall have one (1)
space for each 200 square feet of floor space devoted to patron use
9. Hospitals, clinics and nursing homes shall have one (1) space for
each four (4) beds plus one (1) space for each staff or visiting doctor
plus one (1) space for each four (4) employees, including nurses.
10. Mobile home parks shall have one (1) parking space for each trailer
11. Lodges and clubs shall have one (1) space for each fifty (50) square
feet of floor space.
12. Funeral parlors shall have one (1) parking space for each four (4)
seats in the chapel.
13. Loading platform and storage areas shall be screened on all sides fronting
on streets, roads and highways, however stated; parking lots for
automotive vehicles other than passenger cars utilized in the
operation of the enterprise located thereon shall be screened in a like
14. All parking lots, loading platforms and storage areas shall be screened
on any side abutting zoning districts other than C-1, C-2, M-1, or M-2
15. Such screening shall be a continuous and consistent fence of a
substantial and durable material or a vegetative screen, such as but
not limited to; concrete blocks or redwood, to a height and construction
necessary to hide from view any materials or vehicles stored behind
such fence or enclosure; except that such view shall not be considered
as applying to the overview portions of elevated highways or view
from airplanes, helicopters, etc.
H. C1assificatiónl of Uses
1. Other similar enterprises or business may be permitted which, àfter
consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by
the City Council, are not more obnoxious or detrimental to the district
than the uses herein provided, however, the City Council may make such
finding, which finding shall be conclusive.
Provision "K"
ARTICLE V1, USE PROVISIONS, SECTION 26-26 thereof, is hereby deleted and in its place
shall appear the following as SECTION 26-26 under ARTICLE V1 of ORDINANCE NO. 126:
SECTION 26-26: M1 Light Industrial District
A. Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide a method whereby industries
engaged in the manufacturing and/or sale of products may locate in a clean
environment; the regulations of this district are intended to encourage the
betterment of industrial development and effect a greater degree of compatibility
with more restrictive districts. A site plan is required and must be approved
by the City Manager.
B. Permitted Uses
1. The manufacture or assembly of electronic or related products
2. Data processing or research oriented industry
3. The manufacture, processing, packing or treatment of such products as
cosmetics, drugs, perfumes, pharmaceuticals
4. Estab1 i shments primarilyyengaged in who1 esa le enterpri ses or warehousing,
with or without retail sales, such as but not limited to:
a. Bakeries
b. Ice production plants
c. Plumbing Supplies
d. Electrical supplies
e. Lumber yards
f. Contractors or building material yards
5. Establishments engaged primarily in transportation and distributive enterprises,
such as but not limited to:
a. Parcel delivery services
b. Railroad and bus line depots
c. Moving and van lines
d. Airports
C. General Requirements
1. The maximum lot coverage shall be eighty (80) per cent
D. Signs
1. The following signs are permitted:
a. One sign listing the property for sale, lease or rent. Twelve (12) square
feet per lot or parcel with a maximum of two (2) signs of twelve (12)
square feet each for lots or parcels in excess of two hundred fifty (250)
foot frontage
b. Political signs not over twelve (12) square feet in area of the total of
all signs.
c. Off site signs
d. Temporary construction and temporary future improvement signs
e. Three (3) of the following signs:
(1) One (1) ground or projecting sign per building or on each street
frontage thirty-two (32) square feet for the first twenty-five (25)
feet of frontage, thereafter on a one to one ratio not exceeding three
hundred (300) square feet, a maximum height of thirty (30) feet, a
maximum width' of thirty (30) feet. Where two (2) ground or projecting
signs are used on a lot the area of both signs shall not exceed the
area allowed for the total frontage. The total frontage may be
counted for a single sign. Outdoor advertising or billboard signs
shall be distributed a minimum of 1000 feet apart, lineally along the
highways and rights-of-way.
(2) One (1) wall sign on each end of the building perpendicular to
the road or street, thirty-two (32) square feet per fifty (50) feet
of frontage, not exceeding one hundred twenty eight (128) square
(3) One (1) wall sign parallel to the road or street, thirty-two (32)
. square feet per fifty (50) foot frontage, a maximum of one hundred
sixty (160) square feet.
(4) One (1) marguee sign parallel to the road or street, not exceeding
thirty-two (32) square feet per fifty (50) feet frontage, a maximum
of ninety-six (96) square feet.
(5) One (1) marquee sign perpendicular to the road or street not exceeding
thirty-two (32) square feet per fifty (50) square feet of frontage,
a maximum of ninety-six (96) square feet.
(6) One (1) roof sign not exceeding ninety-six (96) square feet per
fortY-five', (45) feet of building height, plus an additional twenty (20)
square feet for each ten (1~) feet of height above forty-five (45)
(7) One (1) vehicle/portable sign, not exceeding seventy-two (72)
square feet.
2. The following signs are prohibited
a. Roof signs and projecting signs, except above.
E. Setbacks
1. Property adjacent to SR 50 and US 27 shall maintain a fifty (50) foot setback
line from the highway right-of-way. The setback on all other streets shall be
twenty-five feet. (See Sign Ordinance for sign setback requirements).
2. The building line from any side yard property line shall be twelve (12) feet.
When an industrial establishment is provided with rear access by a public
right-of-way, no side yard is required except corner lots wherein a side yard
setback of twelve (12) feet on the side street shall be maintained.
3. The building line from any rear yard property line shall be twenty-five (25)
F. Conditional Uses The following uses may be permitted within this district only
after review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and also approval of the City
Council in accordance with provisions of this ordinance. The Planning and Zoning
Commission and the City Council utilizing the guide lines established under
Article Xl may place reasonable requirements upon the use prior to granting
approval to insure that such a use will not have a detrimental effect on the
surrounding area in which it is located.
1. Any permitted use in this section for which site plan approval and building
permit have been denied by the City Manager
2. Planned Unit Development
G. Off Street Parking
1. The industrial establishment shall provide one (1) parking space for each
two hundred (200) square feet of floor space occupied by the business located
thereon, or
2. One (1) space per employee of their largest working shift plus one (1) space
per anticipated client at peak period of operation, whichever is the greater.
3. Free and easy access for fire fighting apparatus shall be provided
4. Loading platform and storage areas shall be screened on all sides fronting
on streets, roads and highways, however stated; parking lots for automotive
vehicles other than passenger cars utilized in the operation of the enterprise
located thereon shall be screened in a like manner.
5. All parking lots, loading platforms and storage areas shall be screened,J/!!n any
side abutting zoning districts other than C-1, C-2, M-1, or M-2.
6. Such screening shall be a continuous and consistent fence of a substantial
and durable material, or a vegetative screen, such as but not limited to:
Concrete blocks or redwood, to a height and construction necessary to
hide from view any materials or vehicles stored behind such fence or
enclosure; except that such view shall not be considered as applying to the
overview portions of elevated highways or view from airplanes, -nellcopters, etc.
H. Classification of Uses
1. Other similar enterprises or business may be permitted which, after
consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the City
Council, are not more obnoxious or detrimental to the district than the
uses herein provided, however, the City Council may make such finding, which
finding shall be conclusive.
Provision "LII
ARTICLE V1, USE PROVISIONS, SECTION 26-27 thereof, is hereby deleted and in its place
shall appear the following as SECTION 26-27. under ARTICLE Vl of ORDINANCE NO. 126:
SECTION 26-21: M2 Medium Industrial District
A. Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide a method whereby industries
necessary to the area, but with inherent characteristics which could prove
obnoxious to detrimental to a different type industrial operation, may locate
in the most suitable and advantageous spots to minimize inconvenience to the
general public. This district also offers greater economy and freedom to the
industrial developer by the relaxation of certain standard;:and screening
requirements within the district itself.
B. Permitted Uses
1. Those uses permitted in Ml Light Industrial District
2. Building materials yards, including facilities for mixing and molding
cement or concrete products
3. Wholesale and storage business, including bulk petroleum storage
4. Agricultural equipment sales and storage
5. Equipment fabrication
6. Bottling and distribution plans
7. Automobile repair and body shops
C. General Requirements
1. The maximum lot coverage shall be eight y (80) per cent
D. Signs
1. The following signs are permitted:
a. One sign listing the property for sale, lease or rent. Twelve (12) square
feet per lot or parcel with a maximum of two (2) signs of twelve (12)
square feet each for lots or parcels in excess of two hundred fifty
(250) foot frontage.
b. Political signs not over twelve (12) square feet in area of the total
of all signs.
c. Off Site Signs
d. Temporary construction and temporary future improvement signs
e. Three (3) of the following signs:
(1) One (1) ground or projecting sign per building or on each street
frontage thirty-two (32) square feet for the first twenty-five (25)
feet of frontage, thereafter on a one to one ratio not exceeding
three hundred (300) square feet, a maximum height of thirty (30) feet,
a maximum width of thirty (30) feet. Where two (2) ground or
projecting signs are used on a lot the area of both signs shall not exceed
the area allowed for the total frontage. The total frontage may be
counted for a single sign. Outdoor advertising or billboard signs shall
be distributed a minimum of 1000 feet apart, lineally along the highways
or rights-of-way.
(2) One (1) wall sign on each end of the building perpendicular to the
road or street, thirty-two (32) square feet per fifty (50) feet of
frontage, not exceeding one hundred twenty eight (128) square feet.
(3) One (1) wall sign parallel to the road or street, thirty-two (32)
square feet per fifty (50) foot frontage, a maximum of one hundred
sixty (160) square feet
One (1) marguee sign parallel to the road or street, not exceeding
thirty-two (32) square feet per fifty (50) feet frontage, a
maximum of,ninety-six (96) square feet.
One (1) marquee sign perpendicular to the road or street not
exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet per fifty (50) square
feet of frontage, a maximum of ninety-six (96) square feet.
One (1) roof sign not exceeding ninety-six (96) square feet per
forty-five (45) feet of building height, plus an additional
twenty (20) square feet for each ten (10) feet of height above
forty five (45) feet.
(7) One (1) vehicle/portable sign, not exceeding seventy-two square
2. The following signs are prohibited.
a. Roòf signs and projecting signs, except above.
E. Setbacks
1. Property adjacent to Sr 50 and US 27 shall maintain a fifty (50) foot
setback line from the highway right-of-way. The setback on all other
streets shall be twenty-five feet. (See Sign Ordinance for sign setback
2. The building line from any side yard property line shall be twelve (12)
feet. When an industrial establishment is provided with rear access by a
cpublt right-of-way, no side yard is required except corner lots wherein
a side yard setback of twelve (12) feet on the side street shall be
3. The building line from any rear yard property line shall be twenty-five (25)
F. Conditional Uses The following uses may be permitted within this district only
after review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and also approval of the
City Council in accordance with provisions of this Ordinance. The Planning
and Zoning Commission and the City Council utilizing the guidelines established
under Article Xl may place reasonable requirements upon the use prior to
granting approval to insure that such a use will not have a detrimental effect
on the surrounding area in which it is located.
1. The same conditional uses which apply in the M1 District
2. Any permitted use in this section for which site plan approval and
building permit have been denied by the City Manager
3. Automobile graveyards and junk yards.
G. Off Street Parking
1. The industrial establishment shall provide one (1) parking space for each
two hundred (200) square feet of floor space occupied by the business
located thereon, or
No. 224
2. One (1) space per employee of their largest working shift plus one (1)
space per anticipated client at peak period of operation, whichever is
the greater.
3. Wholesale business shall provide two (2) spaces for each employee.
4. Free and easy access for fire fighting apparatus shall be provided.
5. Loading platform and storage areas shall be screened on all sides fronting
on streets, roads and highways, however stated; parking lots for automotive
vehicles other than passenger cars utilized in the operation of the
enterprise located thereon shall be screened in a like manner.
6. All parking lots, loading platforms and storage areas shall be screened
on any side abutting zoning districts other than C-1, C-2, M-1, or M-2.
7. Such screening shall be a continuous and consistent fence of a substantial
and durable material or a vegetative screen such as but not limited to:
Concrete blocks or redwood, to a height and construction necessary to hide
from view any materials or vehicles stored behind such fence or enclosure;
except that such view shall not be considered as applying to the overview
portions of elevated highways or view from airplanes, helicopters, etc.
H. Classification of Uses
1. Other similar enterprises or business may be permitted which, after considera-
tion by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the City Council,
are not more obnoxious or detrimental to the district than the uses herein
provided, however, the City Council may make such finding, which finding
shall be conclusive.
Provision "M"
ARTICLE VIII, GENERAL PROVISIONS, is hereby amended to insert the following as SECTION 26-50
A. Where site plans are called for, the following shall be furnished:
1. A reproducible, sheet size plot plan (22-1/2" x 27"), reservi,ng 3" on
the left margin on the 22-1/2 side for binding and 1" on all remaining
sides;, drawn to scale.
2. Name, address and telephone number
3. Dimensions and location of all existing and proposed building, signs,
driveways, off-street parking areas, loading and unloading, highways,
watercourses and other topographic features of the site.
4 Architectural plans and specifications for all proposed buildings, signs
exterior walls and fences.
5 A description of the proposed operation in sufficiènt detail to set forth
its nature and extent.
6. Plans or reports describing method of handling any traffic condition
created by the proposed use.
7. Plans or reports showing proposed treatment and disposal of sewage and
waste; treatment of glare, handling of hazardous gasses, liquids and other
material s
8. Approval by the Lake County Pollution Control Board and the Florida State
Pollution Control Board of any plans, devices or facilities for the control
of any pollutants which may be generated.
9. Topographical map showing provisions for drainage, specifications for paving
of streets, parking areas and walks, provisions for parallel service road.
10. Landcape architectural plans
11. Complete legal description of property involved (preferably an up-to-date
survey, or from a deed or tax receipt which accurately described said
property) .
A site-check fee in the amount of $25.00 shall be paid at the time of requesting a permit
and filing of site plan where called for under these regulations. In the event of denial
of building permit based on the site plans submitted to the Building Official, this fee
shall be applied against the fee for filing of an application for a Conditional Use
Permit. In the event the project is developed insstages, a site-check fee shall be
required at each stage of development.
Provisions "N"
ARTICLE IX, EXCEPTIONS AND MODIFICATIONS, SECTION 26-67 thereof is hereby deleted and in
its place shall appear the following as SECTION ~ô=67;under ARTICLE IX of ORDINANCE NO.
'SECTIUN-Z6~67=Townnouses All townhouse developments shall make efficient, economical,
comfortable and convenient use of land and open space and serve the public purpose of
zoning by means alternative to conventional arrangements of yards and building areas.
All townhouse developments shall meet the following minimum requirements:
1. No side or rear yard is required for structures on the interior of the development
except that the side yard setback on an exterior street shall be the same
as required in the district.
2. A minimum of 5 dwelling units must be contained in each group of structures
3. A minimum front yard of 25 feet is required. Each townhouse shall have one
yard private and reasonably secluded from view of streets or neighboring
4. Each townhouse shall have a direct vehicular access from the off-street
parking space to a public street.
5. No portion of a group of contiguous townhouses shall be closer than twenty
(20) feet to any portion of a townhouse in another group or exterior property
6. All outdoor, rear yard areas used for drying of clothes shall be screened
from view from the street and from adjoining yards and lots.
7. Parking space shall be provided for at least two automobiles for each such
dwell ing.
8. A group of townhouse structures shall not exceed 200 feet in length.
Provi sdon "0"
ARTICLE IX, EXCEPTIONS AND MODIFICATIONS, is hereby amended to insert the following as
SECTION 26-68: Planned Unit Developments
D. Development of the project shall be in accordance with detailed and comprehensive
plans for phases as follows:
Phase 1 - Clearing and filling of the land, digging of canals, etc.
Phase 2 - Engineering plans submitted for the complete development.
Phase 3 - Actual beginning of construction of the buildings, etc., after
necessary permits have been secured.
Phase 4 - Final clearance by the Building Official, City Manager, City
Engineer, City Council and any other government agencies having
jurisdiction thereon prior to any public ópening or activities.
E. Building permits shall be obtained for each and every structure erected, and
construction and operation of the proposed use shall comply at all times
with the regulations of this and other governmental agencies. Prior to the
issuance of any building permits, complete building plans shall be submitted
to the Building Official for approval. Said plans shall be in substantial
conformity with plans submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission with
the Conditional Use Permit application, on file in the office of the
Building Official. Separate and detailed plans shall be filed in conjunction
with these facilities deemed possible sources of pollutants, and shall
have received approval from the City Manager and the Lake County Pollution
Control Board prior to construction.
F. A performance bond (or bonds) as set by the City Council shall be posted
to assure that no ecological damage is done to surrounding properties or
waters; and to assure the restoration of the subject land to a state that would
permit no ecological damage in the event the project shall fail, be abandoned
or work stop (prior to Phase 4) for any reason for a period of more than
eighteen (18) months, and said bond shall be utilized by the City Council in
the restoration, as nearly as possible, of the land to a state equivalent
to the natural ecological conditions prevailing at the time of the issuance
of this permit. Said bond or bonds shall terminate upon completion of Phase
4 of any project phase of Permittees stages or phases. Said bond may be a
surtety bond, a cash bond, or an unencumbered Certificate of Deposit, Bank
Savings account or Government Security, assigned to the City of Clermont for
the purpose of these requirements.
Provision "P"
to insert the following as SECTION 26087 under ARTICLE XI of ORDINANCE NO. 126:
SECTION 26-87: Conditional Use Permits
A. Any person requesting a Conditional Use Permit shall file an application
and pay a fee of $50.00.
B. The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend and the City Council may,
by resolution, grant a Conditional Use Permit if it is found, from the evidence
presented at Public Hearings, that: The proposed use is desirable at the
particular location; that such use will not be detrimental to the health,
safety or general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity; that
the proposed use will comply with the regulations and conditions specified
in the codes for such use; and that the granting of the conditional use will
not adversely affect the officially adopted Comprehensive Plan of the City.
C. In granting such conditional Use Permit, the City Council may impose such
conditions as it deems necessary and desirable to protect the public health,
safety or general welfare in accordance with the purpose and intent
of the Zoning Ordinance.
A. A final development plan shall be submitted and recorded within a twelve (12)
months period from date of approval of the Conditional Use Permit by the
City Council.
B. The final development plan for the Planned Unit Development shall include
the following:
1. A preliminary plat. It is the intent that the subdivision review under
the subdivision regulations be carried out simultaneously with the
review of the Planned Unit Development. This review is intended to include
a conceptual plan for the provision of water, sewer and drainage
2. The location and dimensions of all streets, pedestrian ways, and water
3. A typical site plan shall be provided, showing the relationships of
building locations, arrangements, uses, and height to open areas,
streets, pedestrian ways, landscaping features and property lines.
4. Easements for public utilities and required covenants, conditions,
restrictions, agreements and grants which govern the use, maintenance
and continued protection of the planned development and any of its
common areas.
5. Areas proposed to be conveyed, dedicated or reserved for parks, parkways,
playgrounds, school sites, public buildings and similar public
or semi-public uses.
6. The final approved Planned Development Unit will be recorded as required
by the subdivision regulations. '
7. Roads will be constructed as set forth in the subdivision regulations
and parking areas will be surfaced to meet such specifications as set
forth by the City Engineer.
8. Wherever practicable, vehicular and pedestrian passageways should he
9. A system of walkways between buildings, common open spaces, recreation
9, areas, community facilities and parking areas should be distinctively
designed and adequately lighted where appropriate for night-time use.
10. All utilities should be supplied through underground networks.
C. The following guidelines shall serve as site development standardš for Planned
Unit Development:
1. The natural topography, soils, natural vegetation and surface water
should be preserved and utilized through the careful location and design
of circulation ways, buildings and structures, parking areas, recretation
areas, open space and drainage facilities.
2. Buildings and recreation areas should be situated to take full advantage
of natural air flow, sun angle and views.
3. Provision should be made for the continuation of all arterial streets
and highways where applicable.
4. The entrances to parking areas should be easily accessible and identifiable
from public streets and should not interfere with traffic movement on
adjoining streets and drives.
D. In granting or denying a Conditional Use Permit, the Planning and Zoning
Commission shall make a written finding which shall specify facts relied upon
by said Planning and Zoning Commission in rendering its decision and in
attaching conditions and safeguards, and shall fully set forth wherein the
facts and circumstances fulfill or fail to fulfill the requirements of this
E. A copy of this written Finding of Facts shall be filed with the City Clerk
and in the office of the City Manager
F. The decision of the City Council shall be final.
G. The effectiveness of the Conditional Use Permit is expressly conditional upon,
and said Conditional Use Permit shall not become effective for any reason
unless and until the following events have occurred:
1. Permittees shall have agreed to each and every condition by properly
executing and signing the Conditional Use Permit.
2. Such Conditional Use Permit executed as indicated shall have been filed
in the office of the City Clerk within three (3) months of its approval
by the City Council. Upon expiration of this period, the Permit shall
become null and void and the Permittee or Permittees must apply for re-
3. In the event of failure of the Permittee to: Fu11fi11 deveJopment in
substantial accordance with the plans as submitted to the Planning and
Zoning Commission and the City Council; comply with the codes of the
governmental agencies having lawful and appropriate jurisdiction thereon;
or violate any of the terms of the Conditional Use Permit, the permit
may be revoked after due public hearings before the Planning and Zoning
Commission and the City Council.
Provi sion "Q"
ARTICLE XIII, AMENDMENTS, SECTION 26-100 thereof, is hereby deleted and in its place
shall appear the following as SECTION 26-100 under ARTICLE XIII of ORDINANCE NO. 126:
SECTION 26-100: Amendments to Zoning Regulations and District Boundaries
A. Amendments to Zoning Regulations - No amendments shall be enacted or reviewed
that would be contrary to the general purpose and intent of these regulations.
Any amendment shall adhere to the following provisions.
1. Commission Action Amendments to these regulations shall be proposed by
the Planning and Zoning Commission or shall be submitted for approval,
disapproval or suggestions of the Planning and Zoning Commission before
being enacted.
2. Council Action The City Council may adopt amendments to these
regulations, providing that it shall hold a public hearing thereon, notice
of which shall be given in at least two weekly publications in a newspaper
of general circulation in the City.
3. Failure of Passage. No amendment, failing of passage at its first
proposal, shall be resubmitted in the same 12-month period.
B. Amendments to District Boundaries - The District Boundaries may be amended on
motion of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the City Councilor on petition
of the owners of the property in the area involved. Any person desiring a change
or amendment to the District Boundaries shall submit the same. in writing,
giving the following information:
1. Legal description of property (as shown on an up-to-date survey, deed
or tax receipt).
2. General property location (which would enable anyone reasonably
acquainted with the City to pinpoint it exactly).
3. A plot plan on a sheet of paper at least 8-1/2" x 11" in size, drawn
to scale and including the following information:
à. Name, address and telephone number of the applicant.
b. North arrow, date and scale
c. Property lines, existing structures, proposed structures and
contiguous streets
d. A short description of proposed structural usage.
4. Approximaie acreage (estimate number of acres in property, as well as
estimate of physical features - 1/3 swamp, 1/2 groves, etc)
5. Present zoning
6. Requested action
7. Names and mailing addresses of abutting property owners (owners of any
property lying within 150 feet of the outside perimeter of the property
being considered under the application, including acr.oss any street or
8. Applicant's signature, if different from owner of record.
9. Owner's signature (owner of record) unless a Power of Attorney or letter
authorizing the applicant to act as the duly authorized agent for the
owner is submitted with the application.
C. A filing fee, which is not refundable, shall be paid at the time of filing.
D. The application shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk on or before
5:00 P.M. on the second Friday of the month, shall be duly advertised for
public hearing and'schedu1ed for hearing at the Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting on the first Tuesday of the following month, unless such date falls
on a holiday. The recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission will
be forwarded to the City Council for their consideration on the fourth Tuesday
of the month. Hearings may be postponed from time to time as found necessary;
provided, however, that unless a specific time anddate for re-hearing is
scheduled at the public hearings involved, the time and date of the re-hearing
shall be re-advertised.
E. Applications which have been denied without prejudice may be refi1ed after
three (3) months. Other applications may not be refi1ed for a period of
one (1) year.
F. When the proposed amendment involves a change of zone, all property owners
abutting the affected property shall be individually notified by official
letter from the City, stating the conditions of the amendment.
Section 2
This Ordinance shall be posted by law and it shall become law and shall take
effect immediately upon its being posted as provided by Law.
First reading this 14th day of March, 1972
Second reading this 28th day of March, 1972
ATTEST: LQjßM",) '0- (;A,(,il/
City C1 erk
APPROVED By me thi s c2.-P t;! day of
CIT~ ' .
By: rAud
President of Council
)/7/UlA.-r 1 ./ , 1 972.
'~ rA#jC("
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of the foregoing Ordinance was posted on
the Public Municipal bulletin board for a period of not less than onefl(l) week, as required
under the charter of the City of Clermont, Florida, beginning /M.t!.ÆÅ'J'd ;¿ 9 J9 7µ,
1972. I
lillAOA) 0~CA~~f ~
~ City Clerk