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elTETRA TECH June 13,2014 Mr.James Kinzler, CPM,EA Director of Environmental Services City of Clermont - 3335 Hancock Road Clermont,FL 34711 Subject: City of Clermont Groundwater Modeling Impact Analysis Technical Memorandum Dear Mr.Kinzler Tetra Tech is pleased to furnish this proposal for professional engineering and hydrogeological services for simulation of water use permit pumping scenarios for the above-referenced project. The scope of services and compensation summary are detailed below. This letter outlines a scope of services for tasks related to evaluating the feasibility of increasing the yield of the City's existing facilities (wells) by redistributing pumpage to minimize apparent impacts to Minimum Flow and Level (MFL) water bodies Tasks proposed herein include • Meetings or discussions with District regulatory staff regarding evaluation of changes of pumpage distribution and source aquifer to benefit the City's total CUP allocation. Discussions will focus on establishing methodology for the feasibility study that will be acceptable to the District when later presented in support of a CUP application. We will collect information regarding permitting consideration and acceptable levels of drawdown impact on MFLs near Clermont. • Review and evaluation of a numerical model proposed by the St Johns River Water Management District (District) for use in review of consumptive use permit applications and impacts to MFL lakes and wetlands Tetra Tech will review the suitability of the model to simulate Upper and Lower Flondan aquifer pumping at the locations of the City's wells and suitability of the model to simulate groundwater flow conditions at potentially affected MFL lakes and wetlands near Clermont. • Simulation of pumping scenarios to evaluate different distributions of pumpage that may increase the City's total CUP allocation without an increase in apparent predicted impacts to MFL lakes and wetlands,existing users, and other natural systems • Preparation of a Technical Memorandum detailing the undertakings of the project The memorandum will document the assumptions made in conceptualizing redistribution of pumpage to reduce apparent impacts to MFL lakes and wetlands, data used in creating pumping scenarios, the results of scenario simulations, and based on impacts to MFL wetlands and lakes, recommendations regarding the feasibility of modifying the City's CUP to increase allocations • Meetings to discuss preliminary or final results with the City. Tetra Tech, Inc 201 E Pine Street,Suite 1000,Orlando,FL 32801 Tel 407 839 3955 Fax 407 839 3790 www tetratech corn N-i] TETRA TECH Mr.James r June 133, 201 2014 Page 2 In preparing this proposal, we reviewed the allocations by well and water distribution subsystem in the City's CUP and relied on other relevant information concerning hydrogeology and water use near the City, and numerical simulation of groundwater flow conditions in central Florida. We understand that time is of the essence and will provide you with a project schedule as quickly as possible after receipt of approval to begin work. We estimate that meetings, data collection, conceptualization of pumping scenarios, and completion of simulations will require approximately three to five weeks following approval of the proposed scope of work. A draft Technical Memo will be submitted to the City for review within 45 days from NTP. The proposed compensation for the Scope of Services described herein will be billed on a lump sum basis with an initial upset limit of$20,700.00, based on the attached compensation summary. SCOPE OF SERVICES Project Overview Population growth has increased in the City of Clermont, and consequently, water use is projected to exceed current District CUP allocation by 2017. Recent experience with the District suggests that the District views apparent(simulated)drawdown impacts to the Lake Apshawa MFL as the limiting factor in allocation of water from the Upper Floridan aquifer in south Lake County. Some of those apparent impacts may be reduced by moving pumpage from areas where pumpage is simulated as having a large effect at the Lake Apshawa MFL to areas where the apparent impact is less Because pumpage from deeper portions of the Floridan aquifer may have lower impacts on lakes and wetlands, it may also be possible to increase net pumpage by shifting withdrawals from Upper Floridan aquifer wells, such as at Grand Avenue, to Lower Floridan aquifer wells, such as at Greater Hills. These and other scenarios will be investigated to identify pumping scenarios that may allow the District to increase the City' CUP allocation Task 1-Model Inspection Tetra Tech will contact James Hollingshead, SJRWMD Supervising Hydrologist,to confirm which model or models are acceptable for assessing apparent impacts of proposed City groundwater pumpage. The most suitable model will be inspected to evaluate model calibration in the vicinity of City wells and nearby MFLs. The distribution and magnitude of aquifer hydraulic properties will be evaluated for consistency with current observations and hydrogeologic conditions. The depths to aquifers and confining beds as simulated in the model will be evaluated at each City well site. Based on these and other considerations, Tetra Tech will review the suitability of the model to simulate Upper and Lower Floridan aquifer pumping at the locations of the City's wells and suitability of the model to simulate groundwater flow conditions at potentially affected MFL lakes and wetlands near Clermont Task 2-Impact Analysis Tetra Tech will simulate several pumping scenarios to evaluate different distributions of pumpage that may increase the City's total CUP allocation, apparent predicted impacts to MFL lakes and wetlands, existing users, and other natural systems Simulations will include evaluation of the apparent impact of each well in the City's system on nearby MFLs, simulation of the apparent single-well impact of a well located in the LFA at each site except Greater Hills, and simulation UFA and LFA pumping scenarios to determine the apparent maximum pumpage that could be permitted, based on current District permitting criteria. TETRA TECH Mr.James r June 133,201 2014 Page 3 Task 3-Technical Memorandum Tetra Tech will prepare a Technical Memorandum detailing the assumptions, efforts, results, and recommendations of the project. The memorandum will document the assumption made in conceptualizing redistribution of pumpage to reduce apparent impacts to MFL lakes and wetlands, data used in creating pumping scenarios, the results of scenario simulations, and based on impacts to MFL wetlands and lakes, recommendations regarding the feasibility of modifying the City's CUP to increase allocation. Task 4-Meetings Tetra Tech will meet with the District to discuss models suitable for simulating apparent impacts of proposed City pumpage scenarios and possible CUP allocations. Meetings or discussions with District regulatory will also include discussions regarding evaluation of changes of pumpage distribution and source aquifer to benefit the City's total CUP allocation. We will try to establish methodology for the feasibility study that will be acceptable to the District when later presented in support of a CUP application. We will collect information regarding permitting consideration and acceptable levels of drawdown impact on MFLs near Clermont. Tetra Tech will meet with the City to discuss preliminary or final results,and to collect information needed for modeling Deliverables 1. Groundwater Modeling Impact Analysis Technical Memorandum ESTIMATED COSTS Task Fee Task 1 Model Inspection& Data Collection $2,660.00 Task 2 Impact Analysis 10,641.00 Task 3 Technical Memorandum 4,489.00 Task 4 Meetings 2,910.00 TOTAL Lump Sum(Task 1—4) $20,700.00 The estimated costs are provided in the above price summary table for your review. The scope of work detailed above will be completed within the deliverable due dates described above, and the work can begin within (3) days of approval of the scope of services. We appreciate the opportunity to continue to provide our services to the City,and look forward to working with you on this project. TETRA TECH Mr James r June 133,,201 2014 Page 4 Very truly yours, Authorized By Tetra Tech City of Clermont Jon Fox, PE By 4/3 ____ Vice President / Zr//r Date: 6 c JDF/sc/BP Proposals/Gen/Clermont/LFA Wellfield/Groundwater Modeling Impact Analysis TM Proposal wbl Cr 0 - bVI oo O .y 0 O 0 M t0 n a rn N .v C 0 ro ti a ri 0 CO •/` d ' N N 0 p U y c 120 L H a C 3 O a. ce _, 0 is; c a r C N w4 N CO(zuaJ;e� o N 0. N N 0 a 3 n J 8)A Isquau5 C - uco co co CL (iawnl L 0 O 0 8 gsa1)A.00UIZu3 fY1 W N V .D (xoj uo))Ja8euew)arwd A q d N N W N 4.0 40 W N o x N N L o 0 a CO J N 2 O H E C L 45 E rn co N a co 2 o TN oLI Q. �C O s v L H a u, • CI) m .i C C. V I RI Qa E co — E 0 N 0 E E 2 t 2 U vs vs m n U L 0. N oo ` ., o v U c co Y J \ G co z 4■0 cu us iv < 0 a H c Q C c 0 "YO H t v a t C o w W © 3 co 0 0 E 4, N N N M a L 0 0 'X' N N N N U) U VI U el- CO IV I- 0 m H