10-01-1999 Minutes a Clermont Main Street Meeting Minutes for October 1, 1999 The Mulberry Inn Board members present: Robert Porter,Jeff Biddle, Donna Covert,Sandy Lawson, Mary Jackson, Chris Giachetti, Micki Wolfe, Kathy Schlachter, Louise Stockton, Bill Thompson and Jim Simon. Others present: Gordon Hallgren, Barbara Hollerand and Russell Lawson. Robert Porter opened the meeting at 8:35 a.m. and asked for approval of the September 3, 1999 meeting minutes. The motion was made by Chris Giachetti and seconded by Jeff Biddle. Motion passed. Mr. Porter updated the board on Clermont Main Street's logo, handing out a draft he had re- ceived from Richard Formato of AppleTree,Ink. Mr. Porter said he was fairly happy with the first draft,but suggested some elements — such as the water— might need to be brought out a little stronger. He said Mr. Formato is charging Clermont Main Street$50 an hour for the design work. Mr. Formato usually spends only an hour or so on the initial design, and then modifies it based the client's comments Mr. Porter asked the board whether or not any members had been successful in securing spon- sorships. Several board members indicated they were in the process of making contacts, but were waiting until_the organization's bank account was established before collecting sponsorship checks. It was noted that Rotary has adopted Clermont Main Street as a recipient of some of its fundraising. Mr. Porter suggested a golf scramble might be a good fundraiser for Clermont Main Street. He said be recently participated in an event in Wildwood that charged $35 a person. Prizes were donated and the proceeds from the drinks were split. Mr. Biddle updated the board on the organization's 501(c)(3) status, saying the paperwork had been filed, but it would take some time before the process was completed. Sandy Lawson asked if the checking account was ready. Mr. Biddle said it had not been set up yet, since the$10,000 Community Redevelopment Agency check had not been issued. Apparently, there was some confusion as to whether the approved $10,000 was to be made available immediately to Cler- mont Main Street, or whether it was to be held, pending the program's official designation as a Florida Main Street community in August 2000. Mr. Biddle said the issue would be addressed at the next CRA meeting on October 12, and asked board members to attend and show their sup- port. Chris Giachetti asked whether Clermont Main Street had obtained a federal employer identifica- tion number. Mr. Porter said he would check with attorney Wade Boyette. Mr. Giachetti said the Elks had agreed to sponsor Clermont Main Street for$500/year for three years. Mr. Biddle said the South Lake County Community Foundation's grant recipients were to have • a been announced Sept. 30. He said he would find out Oct. 4 if Clermont Main Street had been successful in its request of$20,000. Unfortunately, the competition was very heavy and the foundation only had $70,000 to give out during this grant cycle. Gordon Hallgren circulated a draft of the sponsorship letter he had created. He will update it should any changes need to be made. Micki Wolfe, Louise Stockton and Jim Simon offered to staff a committee tasked with reviewing the logo draft from AppleTree,Ink. Mr. Simon moved approval of the committee an d Ms. Lawson seconded. Motion passed. Ms. Wolfe suggested each board member write out their comments on the logo and then get them back to the committee for consideration. Mr. Giachetti updated the board on the status of the Clermont Main Street sponsors sign. Both the city and the property owners have given their approval. The sign will be 8 feet x 12 feet and be 4 feet off the ground with lattice trimming the bottom. The cost will be about$1,200-$1,300. Ms.Wolfe suggested Mr. Giachetti approach Speedy Wolfe about donating some of the lumber. The firm Signs and Wonders can provide vinyl-cut lettenng in different sizes for displaying sponsors' names. It would be possible to have Clermont Main Street's logo extend above the top of the sign for effect. It would also be possible to include the logos of any $5,000 platinum spon- sors on the sign. Night lighting might also be possible. Mr. Porter said he would be speaking about Clermont Main Street to the Kiwanis the following Thursday morning at 7:30 a.m. at Quincy's. Ms. Wolfe encouraged the board to network with area Realtors and invite them to get involved in Clermont Main Street. Mr. Giachetti said the Brokers Council might be a speaking opportunity. Mr. Biddle volunteered to speak to the Real- tors. Mary Jackson asked if someone could speak before the South Lake Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Biddle said he would speak to Ann Dupee about scheduling a date and time for a presentation. The Lions have already been briefed by Mr. Biddle several months ago, but there may be an opportunity to return with an update. Mr. Simon said to let him know if the board decides it would like to make an updated presentation to the Rotary. Ms.Jackson said that she,Janet Beasley and Rose Biddle would be meeting immediately after the Clermont Main Street meeting to discuss December's Light Up Clermont activities. Clermont Main Street had already decided to sponsor the Friday night events. Ms.Jackson suggested that Clermont Main Street could provide the ambassadors to mix among the 1,500+ attendees. Am- bassadors would wear T-shirts and could give out flyers. Ms. Lawson suggested handing out Clermont Main Street information along with candy canes. Mr. Simon made the motion that Clermont Main Street sponsor Santa in the Saturday parade and provides the ambassadors for Friday night. Mr. Biddle seconded. Motion passed. Ms. Jackson said the lunch Kiwanis sponsor the lights at Center Lake. Mr. Porter suggested the handout say "Santa Claus is coming...and so is Clermont Main Street!" • Mr. Giachetti suggested Clermont Main Street might be able to sponsor a football party as a fundraiser,charging$10 a person and providing hors d'oeuvres. Past parties have drawn 150- /1' 250 people. Could be a college game or NFL,just need to choose one that would be a big draw. Clermont Main Street volunteers would organize and staff the event,and would wear "Event Staff" T-shirts available for$1.50 each. Mr. Porter brought up the golf scramble again as another possible fundraiser. Kathy Schlachter suggested the new Diamond Club course as a possible site. The consensus of the board was to hold off on doing any visioning or goal setting until after the holidays. Ms. Lawson suggested mid February. Bill Thompson offered to donate tiles that could be silk-screened with Clermont Main Street's logo as a gift to sponsors. The next meeting of Clermont Main Street was set for Friday, November 5 at 8:30 a.m. at The Mulberry Inn. Mr. Porter made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:42 a.m. Donna Covert seconded and the motion passed. T