2014-106 Agreement 4A3557
This Memorandum of Agreement ("Agreement") is between the Florida Department of Corrections
(DOC). and participating Lake County and State of Florida Law Enforcement Agencies("LE"). which arc
the parties hereto All participating Lake County and State of Florida Law Enforcement agencies are
indicated in Attachment A.
The purpose of the Agieement is to provide a mechanism for the DOC through its Community
Corrections Circuit Office (specifically the Circuit in Lake County). and LE to share investigative
information and collaborate on enforcement efforts with a goal of reducing criminal activity by
coordinating physical resources, manpower and criminal intelligence This may include, but is not
limited to offender visits, employees of DOC riding with LE, serving warrants and any other steps DOC
and LE deem necessary to facilitate reducing criminal activity in Lake County
DOC and LE agree that an intelligence-led, data-driven. multi agency response will greatly enhance the
effectiveness of DOC and LE in countering crime and criminal activity in Lake County DOC and LE
agree that reentry programs and assistance to offenders and probationers are an appropriate use of
resources and will enhance fighting crime and reduce criminal activity DOC and LE share the common
goal of promoting public safety in Lake County by reducing crime and recidivism among offenders under
community supervision through the efficient administration of policing and correctional sen ices
DOC and LE understand that DOC is a party to similar partnerships in other counties in Florida DOC
and LE belie\e that a coordinated response between those other partnerships will aid m the effectiveness
of DOC and LE as well as the efforts with those similar partnerships in other counties in providing
efficient policing and correctional services DOC and LE understand that every effort will be made to
schedule operations pertaining to this Agreement with the similar partnerships DOC and LE recognize
that the efficient interaction of this partnership depends upon efficient interaction of their respective
agencies and the sharing of information and records regarding the efficient providing of policing and
correctional services DOC and LE commit within the terms of this Agreement to a coordinated effort to
provide policing and correctional services where each will benefit from the other's resources abilities and
DOC and LE enter into this Agreement under the following terms
This Agreement will begin on the last date signed by the parties. This Agreement will expire three (3)
years from the last date on which a party signed it
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DOC and LE as partners in this Agreement agree that that they will carry out their respective duties and
responsibilities as outlined in this Agreement This will be subject to the laws of the United States. the
State or Florida, and the ordinances of Lake County. Florida DOC and LE understand that each agency
has its own policies and procedures that will further restrict the activities of each agency's personnel
A Overview
DOC and LE will work together in their goal of improving the administration of criminal
justice and reentry services in Lake County.Florida by
1 Improving the efficiency of interaction between their offices
2 Facilitating the exchange of information and records between the parties collected and
maintained by each
3 Using a team pioblent-solving approach to address challenges posed :n the
implementation of this Agreement and the criminal justice system
4 Conducting team initiatives targeted at offender contacts and enforcement of the
conditions of supervision
Each party retains responsibility for its personnel and any fiscal or general administrative
services each party incurs in support of this Agreement
Special operations. as it pertains to this Agreement involve teams of DOC and LE personnel
targeting offenders on probation for home or workplace visits Those offenders that will be
targeted include. but are not limited to those on probation for forcible felonies. those offenders
on probation with a history of gang related violence and registered sexual offenders under
supervision by DOC
B Joint Responsibilities
1 In order to enhance public safety, each party agrees to commit its resources as it deems
appropriate to apprehend offenders under supervision of the DOC or Parole Commission
who have violated supervision terms set forth by their sentencing authority
2 Each party agrees that a successful reentry strategy for offenders will lead to safe:Florida
communities Each party agrees to commit its resources as it deems appropriate in a
coordinated effort to provide offenders and former offenders the skills and support
systems needed to successfully reintegrate into Florida communities
3 Each party believes that some of the most pressing issues for offenders reentering into
society include, but are not limited to the following- housing (permanent or temporary),
employment, education, life skills, behavior management. substance abuse. mental health
treatment and transportation
4 DOC and LE agree to provide a designee to attend meetings and serve as a representative
of their particular agency Each party agrees to hold such meetings to discuss issues and
methods of implementing the partnership in the most effective manner possible Each
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Agreement 4A3557
party agrees that said meetings will be held on at least a biannual basis, but the parties
may agree to meet more frequently if in their judgment it would help fulfill the goals of
this Agreement
5 The parties understand that the exchange of information as to their specific
responsibilities,duties and roles within the criminal Justice system and regarding offender
reentry are vital to the efficient operation of this partnership. Such exchange will only he
limited by federal or state law and the policies and procedures of each agency
6 The parties agree to establish policies to implement the Agreement by pooling or sharing
resources or equipment where applicable to enhance the delivery of quality service
7. T he parties agree to create procedures for communicating the goals and ideas of the
partnership to their personnel for action and implementation
C Coalition Structure
1 The Sheriff of Lake County (Sheriff) is established as the Coordinator of Lake County
and will coordinate all compliance and enforcement initiatives with those agencies
identified as LE in Attachment A. The participation of specific agencies will be affirmed
by the signature of the agency head or authorized representative of same The Sheriff
will endeavor to ensure successful and timely completion of LE goals and objectives
2 The Sheriff will also function as the LE Agreement Manager as provided for in Section
IV of this Agreement and will serve as LE liaison/contact regarding issues that arise from
this Agreement
3 The parties will meet biannually to accomplish the follow mg
a Establish collaborative objectives,
b.Establish guidelines and procedures for joint initiatives;
c Share investigative information and data at biannual meetings,and
d Establish guidelines and procedures for the disposition of forfeited property
D Department of Corrections(DOC')Responsibilities
The Department of Corrections will perform the following duties in support of the Agreement
to the extent possible within those resources the DOC. in its own judgment, believes it can
commit to the Agreement
1 DOC will dedicate certain officers and resources to facilitate the identification of
dangerous,high risk offenders under supervision
2. DOC will provide current information to LE on those offenders under supervision of
DOC This will include, but not be limited to addresses, offenses, and conditions of
supervision and criminal histories
3 DOC will designate officers to participate in LE operations, in order to familiarize LE
with the location, desciiptions and conditions of supervision for offenders on community
control. sexual predators, sexual offenders and high risk offenders. Ali DOC officers
who participate in these operations will be current on use of force training in accordance
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Agreement A3557
with DOC's "Use-of-Force in Community Corrections" Procedure 302 313 DOC will
designate officers to participate in operations when, in its own judgment, DOC believes it
can commit resources to the Agreement
4 DOC will designate officers to conduct administrative searches in accordance with DOC
Procedure 302 311 to ensure that offenders are in compliance with their terms of
5 DOC will train LE officers in accordance with Rule 33-302 108 of the Florida
Administrative Code and with DOC Procedure 302 311 regarding participation in
warrantless arrests
6 DOC may be present. but will not participate in law enforcement activities when the
offender is not under the supervision of the DOC or the Florida Parole Commission
E Law Enforcement(LE) Responsibilities
Law Enforcement will perform the following duties in support of the Agreement to the extent
possible within those resources that LE. in its own judgment, believes it can commit to the
1. LE will piovide DOC with all current available information on absconders and offenders
under the supervision of DOC
2 LE will assist DOC officers on field visits to offender residences and places of
employment as deemed necessary by LE to execute a warrant or warrantless arrest
3 LE will task law enforcement officers of member agencies to provide security for
probation officers while conducting administrate%e searches to ensure the offender's
compliance with the terms of supervision Said LE officers w ill control the offender,any
individuals on site who attempt to interfere with the administrative search, and transport
the offender to the county jail if needed.
4 LE will provide assistance to identify, secure, piovide receipts for and properly store any
property seized during an administrative search conducted by DOC as the situation
5 LE will notify, DOC of any violations of supervis,on that an offender commits in the
presence of the LE officer, and conduct a warrantless arrest upon confirmation with DOC
that a violation has occurred
6 LE will assist DOC in transporting andlor arresting offenders within Lake County,
Florida, or as otherwise permitted by law if the offender is found to be in violation of
supervision LE will ensure that participating LE officers are aware of DOC Procedure
302 311 when participating in transporting/arresting aforementioned absconders or
7 LE will provide the opportunity for DOC to participate in nde along operations in order
for DOC officers to familianze LE with the whereabouts, descriptions, and specified
conditions of supervision of community control offenders. sexual predators, sexual
offenders and high risk offenders, and to ensure that all violations are communicated to
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the DOC officer supervising the offender for communication to the appropriate
sentencing authority
8 Any participating LE as indicated in Attachment A may terminate their individual
participation in this Agreement with no less than thirty (30) calendar days' of notice,
without requiring the termination of the overall Agreement
DOC and LE acknowledge that the Agreement is not intended to create financial obligations
between the parties If financial obligations are incurred as a result of the parties performing their
duties or responsibilities under the Agreement, it is understood that the parties will bear then own
A. Administrator of the Agreement for DOC
The Agreement Administrator for the DOC is responsible for maintaining the official
Agreement file, processing any amendments or termination of the Agreement, and for
maintaining records of all formal correspondence between the DOC and the LE regarding
administration of the Agreement
The title, address and telephone number of the DOC's Agreement Administrator is•
Operations Manager.Contract Administration
Bureau of Contract Management and Monitoring
Florida Department of Coi rections
501 South Calhoun Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500
Telephone. (850)717-3681
Fax (850)488-7189
B. Agreement Managers
The parties have identified the following individuals as Agreement Managers These
individuals are responsible for enforcing performance of the Agreement terms and conditions
and shall serve as liaison/agency contact regarding issues arising out of this Agreement
I Susan S Cizmadia Gary S Borders
Circuit Administrator.5`h Circuit Sheriff, Lake County Sheriffs Office
28402 C R 561 _ 360 \V Ruby Street
! Tal,ares, Florida 32778 i Tavares. Florida 32778
Telephone. (352)609-6107 Telephone (352)343-9501
Facsimile. (352)742-6014 ; Facsimile (352)343-9505
Email cizmadra.susan@mail dc state 11 us Email shcriff@lcso org
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Agreement idA3557
A Upon request of either party both parties will review this Agreement in order to determine
whether its terms and conditions are still appropriate The parties agree to renegotiate terms and
conditions hereof if it is mutually determined that significant changes in this Agreement are
necessary There are no obligations to agree by either party
B Modifications to the provisions of this Agreement,with the exception of Section IV. Agreement
Management. shall be valid only through execution of a formal written amendment to the
This Agreement may be terminated at any time upon the mutual consent of both parties or
unilaterally by either party upon no less than thirty (30) calendar days' notice Notice shall be
delivered by certified mail (return receipt requested), express mail or other method whereby a
receipt of delivery may be obtained
In addition, this Agreement may be terminated with 24 hours notice by the DOC for any failure of
the LE to comply with the terms of this Agreement or any applicable Florida law
A Indemnification
DOC and LE each agree that they are liable for the actions of their own personnel, employees
and agents when acting in furtherance of the Agreement DOC and LE each understand that
they are responsible for defending any and all claims whether brought in United States or
Florida courts,against their own personnel, employees and agents None of the parties agree to
indemnify the others in any way
B. Confidentiality
DOC and LE will ensure that their agents. personnel and employees assigned to implement or
support the Agreement will apply all appropriate statutes, rules and regulations with regards to
the confidentiality of individual participants ieceivtng services All information and records
obtained during the course of the Agreement will be handled with the maximum confidentiality
permitted by rule, regulation and statute Each pasty will endeavor to keep the other's
personnel information private, but each party understands that they are governed by Flonda
State Statutes, specifically Chapters 1 12 and 119
C Disputes
Any dispute concerning performance of the terms of the Agreement will be handled informally
by the Agreement Managers Failure to reach agreement on the performance of the terms of the
Agreement by the Agreement Managers will lead to an impasse No party is bound to agree to
any solution to any dispute An impasse declared by all Agreement Managers terminates the
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D Data Sharing
The DOC and the LE acknowledge their separate obligations to stole and disseminate data in
compliance with the requirements of Public Records Law. Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and
v ith other applicable statutes that constitute express exceptions to the requirements of Section
119 07(1), Florida Statutes, by making certain categories of records confidential, exempt from
disclosure, or accessible as prescribed by statute The LE acknowledges that the data
exchanged between them has been provided for official purposes and that public access to such
data is limited and prescribed by statute The LE therefore agrees. consistent with public
records law. to refer third parties requesting delivery of information to the originating party
LE further agrees to disseminate data only in compliance with confidentiality restrictions and in
recognition of the exemptions from disclosure provided by law and to provide advance copies
of documents involving the other party's data for review to determine if there has been an
inadvertent disclosure of confidential information as described herein prior to publication
E Notices
All notices required or permitted by this Agreement shall be given in writing and by hand-
delivery or email to the respective addresses of the parties as set forth in Section IV above All
notices by hand-delivery shall be deemed received on the date of delivery and all notices by
email shall be deemed received when they are transmitted and not returned as undelivered 01
undeliverable The parties may change the names, addresses, or telephone numbers set forth in
Section IV above by written notice given to the other parties as provided above
F. Health insurance Portability and Accountability Act
DOC and LE acknowledge that they are subject to and will comply with the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (42 U S C 1320d-8). and all applicable regulations
promulgated thereunder. The DOC and LE have the right to inspect each other's policies and
procedures to ensure that they comply with said act If one party believes the other's policies
and procedures do not comply with said act, the issue will be settled by the Agreement
G Prison Rape Elimination Act(PREA)
The LE will comply with the national standards to prevent. detect, and respond to prison tape
under the Prison Rape Elimination Act(PREA), Federal Rule 28 C F R Part 115 The LE will
also comply with all DOC policies and procedures that relate to PREA.
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Approved as to form and legality,
subject to execution
NAME. Michael D Crews NAME Jennifer A Parker
TITLE. Secretary TITLE- General Counsel
Department of Corrections Department of Corrections
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Attachment A
Law Enforcement Agencies (LE's)
Lake County
Astatula Police Department
Clermont Police Department
Eustis Police Department
Fruitland Police Department
Groveland Police Department
Howey in the Hills Police Department
Lady Lake Police Department
Lake County Sheriff's Office
Leesburg Police Department
Mascotte Police Department
Mount Dora Police Department
Tal ares Police Department
Umatilla Police Department
MOA CCA 06 20 I4
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Agreement #A3543
Tl'is Agreement is entered into on the date subscribed below, by and between the Department of
Corrections, ("Department"), and the Lake County Sheriffs Office ('`Agency"), located in Lake
County Florida which are the parties hereto
WHEREAS, the Depaitment and the Agency are governmental offices that will comprise a
Community Partnership ("Partnership") in Northern Region, Circuit 5. Community Corrections,
Lake County, Florida,
WHEREAS, the diverse responsibilities and services provided by the Department and the
Agency are integral to the administration of criminal Justice and offender reentry in Lake
County', Florida,
WHEREAS, the Department and the '\gency recognize that prcviding offenders with reentry
assistance, as appiopriate, is an anti-crime measure which reduces victimization, recidivism and
state spending on corrections,
WHEREAS, the Department and the Agency agree that offenders face many challenges to
suceessfial reentry, that most offenders have limited sk,lls and community contact and are unable
to identify support services available in their community prior to release,
WHEREAS, the Department and the Agency share the common goal of promoting public safety
for the citizens of Lake County, Florida, by reducing crime and recidivism by offenders under
community supeivisior. in the county through the efficient administration of policing and
correctional services,
WHEREAS, the Department and the Agency recognize that the effective performance of their
respective duties and the quality of the administration of the Partnership established by this
Agreement are dependent upon the efficient interaction of their offices and the mutual exchange
of.nformation end records, and
WHEREAS. the Department and the Agency recognize that a team pioblem-solving approach
will more effectively address the issues facing their respective offices and that each could benefit
from the other due to the variety of their collective perspectives, experiences. and available
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Model CC-CPA
Revised 11.04 I3
NOW THEREFORE, subject to controlling law, rules or regulations or to other governing
policies and/or procedures, and in consideration of the mutual interests aria understandings
expressed herein, the parties agree as follows
This Agi cement shall begin on January 3, 2015. of the date on which it is signed by both
parties, whichever is later,and shall end at midnight on January 2, 2018. in the event this
Agreement is signed by the parties on different dates, the latter date shall control
A. Overview
The parties shall work together in their goal of Improving the administration of
criminal justice and reentry services'n Lake County, Florida. by-
1. improv mfg the efficiency of the interaction of their offices.
2. Facilitating the exchange of information and records between the parties
collected and maintained by each, and
3 Wherever pertinent, utilizing a team problem-soh ing approach to address the
issues facing their respective offices and the criminal justice system
Each party will retain responsibility for its personnel and for any fiscal and/or
general admtnistratrvc services utilized n support of this Agreement.
The parties agree to support and participate in this partnership and its endeavors,
objectives, and goals winch are directed only towards offenders under the
supervision 01 the Department
B. Joint Responsibilities
1. To further enhance public safety, each party agrees to commit its available
resources to the Partnership to apprehend probationers, parolees, conditional
releasees, and any other offender(s) under the supervision of the Department
who have violated supervision terms established by the applicaole sentencing
2 Because a successful reentry strategy provides safer Florida communities,
each party agrees that its available resources must also be coordinated to
provide offenders and ex-offenders the skills and support systems needed to
successfully reintegrate into their communities
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Model CC-CPA
Revised 11 04.13
3. Each party recognizes that some of the most urgent issues to address for
successful reentry of 'nmates and offenders arc housing (temporary and
permanent), employment opportunities/job placement, life skills/lifestyle
interest and habits, educational/vocational, counseling (family, anger
management, parenting), mentoring, cognitive benavioral classes.
transportation, substance abuse treatment and mental health treatment/co-
occurring disorder s.
4 Each party agrees to provide a designee to attend and serve as its
representative at Partnership meetings and farther agrees that such meetings
will be regularly held to discuss issues and methods to better achieve the goals
of the Partnership
5. The parties agrea to exchange information as to their respective duties,
responsibilities. and roles within the criminal justice system and offender
reentry, their required interaction with, and reliance or, the other party, and
their goals and objectives in order to maximize the use of resources and
personnel and further the implementation of a successful offender reentry as a
crime reduction strategy with community support
6 The parties agree to the extent allowable by law. rule. or regulation, to provide
immediate exchange of information regarding offenders, including suspected
violations ofsupervision.
7 In order to maximize the use of resources and personnel, the oarties agree to
identify common, shared, or related duties, responsibilities, and goals and to
coordinate the delivery of services to eliminate duplicity of effort and
unnecessary cost
8. The parties agree to discuss and establish Partnership policies and procedures
for the sharing or pooling of resources and equipment to assist in improving
the delivery and quality of their services
9 The parties agree to review Partnership procedures for communicating the
initiatives and directives of the Partnership to their respective personnel for
action and implementation
10. The parties agree to discuss, formulate, and implement plans to educate the
public about the duties and responsibilities of their respective offices
C Responsibilities of the Department
I The Department shall dedicate certain officers and resources for the purposes
of identifying dangerous at-risk offenders under supervision
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Model CC-CPA
Revised 11.04.1 3
2 The Department shall exchange with the Agency the following current
information on absconders and offenders under the Department's supervision.:
addresses, offenses, conditions of supervision and criminal histories.
3. The Department shall make initial contact with supervised offenders unless
the situation dictates a warrantless arrest where the probation officer needs
assistance from the Agency's or other law enforcement agency's officers in
transporting the offender to the county jail.
4. Th'.. Department shall compile and disseminate to Partnership participants
pertinent reports on the status of targeted offenders
5 The Department shall participate in Ride-Alongs. in order to familiarize the
Agency with the whereabouts, desc:ipt;ons and conditions of supc"vision of
its community control offenders, sexual predators, sexual offenders and high
risk offenders, and to ensure that all violations are communicated to the
super\ising officers for notification to the applicable sentencing authority. All
Department officers who volunteer for Ride-Alongs must have received
current mandatory use-of-force training in accordance with the"Use-of-Force
in Community Corrections", Procedure 302 313 Probation officers with less
than six (6) month's experience will be accompanied by a supervisor, senior
officer or specialist.
6. The Department shall provide violation warrants or a probable cause affidavit
to the Agency to conduct a warrantless arrest or to expedite the arrest process
for an active warrant, and assist the Agency as necessary :r serving those
7. The Department shall conduct administrat.ve searches in accordance with
Department Procedure 302 311 to ensure that offenders a;a m compliance
with their terms of super vision.
8 The Department shall provide briefing to Agency's officers in accordance
with Rule 33-302 108, F A C and with Department Procedure 302.311, on
participation in warrantless arrests.
9 The Department shall not participate in law enforcement activities where a
non-Department offender is involved
D Responsibilities of the Agency
1 The Agency shall exchange with the Department current information and
documentation on absconaers and offenders under the supervision of the
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Agreement 7A3543
2. rhe Agency shall assist probation offiael s on field ='isits to offender
residences and places of employment as necessaiy to execute a U arrant or
warrantless wrest
3 The Agency shall assist probation officers in serving'Violation of Supervision
and absconder warrants
4. The Agency shall provide safety for probation officers while they conduct
administrative searches to ensure the offender's compliance with the terms of
supervision, by controlling the offender family members or others present
during the search, and shall transport the offender to the county jail, if
5 The Agency shall piovide assistance iridentify.ng, receipting and securing of
any property seized during a search conducted by the Department
6. The Agency shall advise the Department of any violations of supervision that
an offender commits in tie piesence of the Agency's officer(s), and shall
conduct a warrantless arrest upon confirmation with the Department that a
violation has occurred
7 The Agency shall assist the Department in transporting and/or arresting
absconders or offenders within the but isdiction of Lake County, Florida or as
otherwise permitted by law, if the offender :s found to be in violation of
8. The Agency shall conduct surveillance on high-risk offenders as permitted by
law for the purpose of locating an offender to conduct at.arrest.
9. The Agency shall provide the opportunity for participating in Ride-Alengs, in
order to become familiar with the whereabouts, descriptions and specified
conditions of supervision of community control offenders, sexual predators,
sexual offenders and high risk offenders, and to ensure that all violations are
communicated to the assigned supervising ofticer(s) for notification to the
appropriate sentencing authority
10 The Agency's officers may assist Department officers w:th monitoring
offender's compliance with supervision sanctions, by conducting a
warrantless arrest if an offender is observed violating the terms or conditions
of supervision in the community
The parties acknowledge that this Partnership is not Tntenaed to create financial
obligations as between the parties However, in the event that costs are incurred as a
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Revised_i 1 04 13
Agreement PA3543
result of either or both of the parties performing their duties or responsibilities under this
Agreement, each party agrees to be responsible for their owr costs incurred
A. Department's Agreement Administrator
The Agreement Administrator is responsible for maintaining an Agreement file
processing all amendments for changes to the agreement. processing termination
of the Agreement. and maintaining records of all fo!mal correspondence between
the Department and Agency regarding administration of this Agreement
The address,and telephone number of the Department's Agreement Administrator
Operations Manager,
s-OperationsManager, Contract Administration
Bureau of Contract Management and Monitoring
501 South CFaIhoun Street
Tallahassee,]Florida 32399-2500
(850) 717-3681 (telephone)
(850) 488-7189`(facsimile)
B. Agreement Managers
The parties have identified the following individuals as Agreemen' Managers
These individuals are responsible for enforcing performance of the Agreement
terms and conditions and shall serve as liaison/agency contact regarding issues
arising out of this Agreement
Susan Cizmadia Gary S Borders
Circuit Administrator Sheriff
28402 C.R 561 360 W Ruby Street
Tavares,Floiida 32778 Tavares, Florida 32778
(352) 609-6107 (telephone) (352) 343-9500 (telephone)
(352) 742-6014 (facsimile) (352) 343-9505 (facsimile)
Cizmadia.sus'an@mail.dc.state.f us (e-mail) sherifF lcso org (e-mail)
Modifications to the provisions of this Agreement, with the exception of Section IV..
Agreement Management, shall be valid only through execution of a formal Agreement
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Model CC-CPA
Revised 110413
This Agieement may be terminated at any time upon the mutual consent of both parties
dr unilaterally by either party upon no less than thirty (30) calendar days' notice Notice
shall be delivered!by certified mail (return receipt requested), express mail or other
method whereby a 'receipt of delivery may be obtained
In addition, this Agreement may be terminated with 24 hours notice by the Department
fox any failure of1the Agency to comply with the terms of this Agreement or any
applicable Florida law
A Public Records Law
The Agency!agrees Lo. (a) keep and maintain public records that would ordinarily
and necessarily he i equired by the Department to perform the contracted services,
(b) allow public access to records ir. accordance with the provisions of Chapter
119 and 945 10. Florida Statutes; (c) ensure that public records that are exempt or
confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not
disclosed except as authorized by law (d) meet all requirements for retaining
public records and transfer to the Department, at no cost, all public records in the
Agency's possession upon termination of the contract and destroy any duplicate
public records that are exempt of confidential and exempt from public records
disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must oe provided to the
Department m a format that is compatible with the Department's information
technology systems The Agency's failure :o comply with tips provision shall
constitute sufficient cause for termination of this Contract
B Waiver and Assumption of Risk
The Agency and the Department are state agencies or political subdivisions as
defined in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, and agree to be fully responsible for
acts arid omissions of their own agents or employees to me extent permitted by
law. Nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by
either party tb which sovereign immunity may be applicable Further, nothing
herein shall be construed as consent by a,state agency or pol:tical subdivision of
the State of Florida to be.sued by th.rd parties rn any matter arising out of this
Agreement or,any other contract.
C Appropriation
In the event that funds are to be expended by the Department in performing any of
its obligations under this Agieement, such funds are contingent upon an annual
appropriation by the Legislature The costs of services paid under any other
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Model CC-CPA
Revised 110413
Agreement or from any other source are not elig'ble for reimbursement under this
In the event that funds are to be expended by the Agency in performing any of its
obligations under this Agreement, such funds are contingent upon budgetary
approval bylthe Agency or its governing body and shall be lawfully expended for the
purposes of this Agreement for the current and future periods
D. Prison Rape Elimination Act(PREA)
The Agency will comply with the national standards to prevent, detect, and
respond to prison rape under the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), Federal
Rule 28 C F R. Part 115. The Agency will also comply with ail Department
policies and'iprocedures that relate to PREA.
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Model CC-CPA
Revised 11 0413
IN WITNESS THEREOF,the parties hereto have caused tis Agreement to be executed by then-
undersigned offkials as duly authonzed.
• CLCD S . L>Dr, rr5
T:TLE Sheriff
De TE ; L2. 1
FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Approved as to form and legality,
subject to execution.
� � SIG'vBD
BYE BYci "—f�a x•11- ;,
Mich. 1 P. p Jennifer A Parker
TITLE Secretary TITLE General Counsel
Department of Corrections Department of Corrections
DATE: - // .4' DATE l01 ZZI(�G
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Model CC-CPA
Revised 11 04 13