09-09-2014 Meeting City of Clermont Community Redevelopment Agency September 9, 2014 The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) met on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Community Redevelopment Agency Chairman Turville called the meeting to order at 6:30pm with the following members present: Mary Jo Pfeiffer, Roger Pierce, Timothy Bates, Keith Mullins, and Ray Goodgame. Other City officials present were: City Manager Gray and City Clerk Ackroyd. The Board welcomed Mr. Pierce to his first CRA meeting. New Business Item No. 1 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency meeting minutes of July 8, 2014. Board Member Mullins moved to approve the minutes; seconded by Board Member Goodgame. The motion passed with all members present voting aye. Item No. 2 Facade Improvement Grant Ballard Financial Group Economic Development Director Hitt presented the grant request for the Facade Improvement Grant Program. Applicants are eligible for up to $5,000 per storefront or street side with at least a 25 percent match. The CRA cntenon requires no physical renovation or work be done until approved by the CRA, a contract was completed and Notice to Proceed was issued. The business is 773 W. Montrose Street. The request is for upper fabric awning and logo and new lights and electric. Three quotes have been attained for the requested items as required by the criteria. The total low bid is $2,292. The request is for $1,719 and the applicant cost/match is $573 which equals 25 percent. Staff recommended approval. Mr. Ballard was present requesting approval. Board Member Mullins moved to grant the grant; seconded by Board Member Goodgame. The motion passed with all members present voting aye. Item No. 3 CRA Incentives Summary Economic Development Director Hitt reported on the four programs in the Downtown and Waterfront area. Since the beginning of the incentive programs, there have been 28 applications processed for 19 participants and buildings with 33 businesses benefitting. It has been a successful program. Furthermore, he commented grants are available on the rear of the buildings. Board Member Goodgame questioned the next step. Economic Development Director Hitt stated he would like to develop a program to work with residential units to include landscaping. City Manager Gray stated there will be an opportunity to work with the Downtown through the Master Plan process. ,Adjourn: With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:42pm. P. � rytiottipg np r'� ,it APPROVED: I'�ylr' �["'fff, l d'yy11 � r, ''1:;61'114IYi Gail L. Ash, C' Chairman ATTEST: Tracy Ackroyd, City Jerk