THIS AMENDMENT is entered into as of this 1 6 T� day of March 2015 and is to
that certain Agreement dated February 26, 2014, hereinafter "the Agreement", by and between
the CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of
Florida whose address is: 685 W. Montrose Street, Clermont, Florida, hereinafter referred to as
"CITY" and SOUTH LAKE HOSPITAL, INC., a Florida Not for Profit Corporation, 1900 Don
Wickham Drive, Clermont, FL 34711 hereinafter referred to as "ADMINISTRATOR" The
parties, in exchange for the mutual covenants contained herein and in the Agreement, agree as
1. This Amendment expressly modifies the Agreement and in the event of a
conflict, the terms and conditions of this Amendment shall prevail.
2. The Scope of Services, Exhibit A, referred to and incorporated into the
Agreement is hereby amended to include revised Exhibit A for the wellness program
administrator as more particularly descnbed in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated
3. All other terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement shall remain in
full force and effect and unchanged as agreed to by the parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment as of the dates set
forth below.
City of Clermont Attes .
C. ay, City Manager Tracy Ac oyd, City Cle la
Date: 3—l b- /S
South Lake Hospital, Inc. Attest:
John A oore, President Corporate Secretary
Exhibit A
Below is a list of items to be provided to each City of Clermont Employee The package price of$2,000 00 per
month and $20.00 per employee per health screening is contingent upon the City agreeing to fund the
program This will allow all employees access to the information needed to make the lifestyle changes
necessary to achieve wellness, resulting in reduced health care costs for the City Additionally,the LiveWell
Fitness Center Membership is offered to City employees at$15 a month thru payroll deduction Employees
are eligible to loin the fitness center at any time while the program is in place, at the reduced cost.
SCREENINGS:—2 times annually, each event consists of 2 days of screenings, held generally in the spring and
the fall each calendar year
• Blood Work—Full Lipid Panel
-Total Cholesterol (HDL& LDL),Triglycerides, and Glucose
• Biometrics/Health Screening
- Height&Weight, Body Composition, Blood Pressure, Resting Heart Rate, and Circumference
• Functional Movement Screens
- Deep Squat, Shoulder Mobility, and Rotary Mobility
Nutritional Workshops(Hands On-3 times annually held at 4 city locations)
• Timeframes of 2015• April,August, December*
Movement-Exercise Sessions(Occupation Specific—5 sessions annually)
• Timeframes of 2015. April-City Hall,June-Environmental Services,August-Fire Department,
October-Police Department, and December-Parks& Recreation/Public Works*
• Develop print campaign for distribution, 5 designated department visits/lectures on specific
exercise education.
Educational Lectures
Lunch&Learn(4 sessions annually)
• Timeframes for 2015: March,July,September, November*
• Lecture on current health educational topics
Direct Departmental Education(15 sessions annually)
• Option B
o 1 lecture provided per department staff meeting location (annually)
o Locations defined as Parks& Recreation Department Arts and Recreation Center,
Public Works& Environmental Services/Sanitation: Community Center;
Environmental Services: Hancock Rd/400 12th Street; Police Department: Police
station; Fire Department: LiveWell/Stations; Development Services City Hall
Employee Corporate Challenge (1 challenge annually)
• Generally held mid-year*
• Fun employee team building activities designed to keep everyone engaged, active and
progressing toward their wellness goals (may include: 5k(s), obstacle course and team relays
at the track and pool)
Online Health Assessment—City use of, LiveWell maintenance and entry of screening data, communications
with participating employees
Development of Wellness Activities-Assist the City in the development of employee wellness activities and
serve as a resource for employees (e g., walking program)
Quarterly Tracking and Annual Reporting-of participation, aggregate trends and progress,gym
memberships and usage
*Timeframes and locations may deviate based on City scheduling and location availability.
Eligibility All employees of City of Clermont and their spouse and/or dependent children, ages 13-21,
may be considered for membership under these terms
II Additional memberships available (see below). Spouses and dependents, age 13-21, can tom without the
eligible employee joining;given proper employee venfication is provided
III Compensation The initiation fee of$50 per person will be waived Each City of Clermont employee's
LIVEWELL account shall be charged a rate of$15 00 as a monthly membership fee. Each eligible family
member's LIVEWELL account shall be charged a rate of$26 00 as a monthly membership fee Additional
plans and fees available(see below).
Payments shall be assessed against City of Clermont for each employee,eligible spouse/dependent,family,
or other memberships through payroll deduction, and remitted to LIVEWELL for the above rendered
services by the 15th of each month for the current month's membership
Requirements. There is no minimum number of employees required for this agreement. City of Clermont
shall provide LIVEWELL with a complete listing of all eligible employees and provide updates to
LIVEWELL bi-monthly,or as necessary
'Membership Plans Membership Fee
Employee(EE) $15 each
Employee Spouse/Dependents $26 each
Family Membership $75 ($15 for EE and$60
4 or more;Spouse and dependent children ages 13-21 only for family members)
Minor Child Membership—POOL ONLY n
4— 12 years of age,only available with an adult(EE or Spouse) $15 (1 child)
membership $18 (2 or more children)
7-Day Trial Pass
Available for EE,Spouses/Dependents age 13-21 No charge
Under 18 must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian
Hours of Operation Facility Pool
Monday-Thursday 5 a m — 10 p.m. 5.30 a m —8 p.m
Friday 5 a m.—9 p.m. 5:30 a.m.—8 p.m.
Saturday lam —5 p.m 7 a.m —4 p.m.
Sunday 8 a.m.—5 p m. S am —4 p m
IV Term City of Clermont employee fitness center memberships will run concurrent with the City of
Clermont's agreement with LIVEWELL Employees may,loan at any time, monthly memberships will be
prorated. Employees who are currently members of the fitness center can receive these rates. The terms
and rates of the employee's current membership agreement will be frozen and the discounted rate will be
offered. When the contract with the City and LIVEWELL concludes, LIVEWELL will honor the
employee's previous membership agreement.
V Equipment and Facilities The LIVEWELL shall provide all facilities and equipment for the assessments
and memberships
VI Medical Records For a penod of not less than seven(7) years all individual records shall be mamtamed by
and be considered the property of South Lake Hospital. Said records shall remain confidential and at no
time will the results of any tests be released without the written consent of the individual
Choice of Champions MEMORANDUM
Date. March 12, 2015
To. Darren Gray,City Manager
—/g...........„...From: Susan Dauderis, Human Resources Director
Re. LiveWell First Amendment to Agreement for Wellness Program Administrator
The purpose of this memorandum is to outline the changes made to the agreement with LiveWell the
City's Wellness Program Administrator.These changes were made through the annual renewal process
and resulted in an amended agreement for your review and signature.
• Fees—The fee arrangement of the previous agreement, effective February 26, 2015,was$8.10 per
employee per month.The cost covered all services, such as screening, education, onsite services, and
discounted fitness membership rates for employees Effective March 1, 2015,the proposed/new fee
structure is a flat rate of$2,000 per month for all services other than the employee screenings, and
the$20 per individual health screening actually conducted.
• Services—The services have been realigned to best fit the City's needs, departments'operational
requirements,and updating services going into the second year of the wellness program
2014 2015
Blood work, biometrics,functional movement Blood work, biometrics,functional movement
(biometrics included resting metabolic rate) (resting metabolic rate removed due to lack of
Nutritional Lectures-3x annual,4 locations Nutritional Lectures-3x annual,4 locations
"Lunch& Learn" Exercise Sessions held in Combined and updated to—Movement-
occupation specific locations AND Movement Exercise Sessions,occupation specific, 5
Analysis, work site analysis(no specifics) sessions annually
"Quarterly" Education Sessions held at 4 Lunch & Learns(4 sessions annually)AND
locations Direct Departmental Education (15 sessions)
Employee Corporate Challenge Employee Corporate Challenge
Provided, but revisited and specifically listed Online health assessment
Provided, but revisited and specifically listed Development of wellness activities
Revisited and specifically listed Quarterly tracking and annual reporting
The changes to the agreement provide for clarification for both parties as to the expectations, services
and timeframes, as well as provide cost containment measures (see attachment). Let me know if you have
any questions.
685 W Montrose Street • Clermont, FL 34711 • www ClermontFL.gov
12 A
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