2015-33 Environmental CPWGCPWGLandscape Engineer/Archit ecture Parks&Trails May 31,2015 Pavement Management Suzanne O'Shea,Facility Manager City of Clermont Clermont Arts&Recreation Center Planning Interim Environmental Services Director 3700 S Hwy 27 Stormwater Clermont,Florida 34711 Transportation Utilities RE:Structural Evaluations at Arts and Recreation Center—Scope and Budget Water Resources Ms O'Shea, Please find below our proposal to provide engineering services to evaluation several structural components for the Arts and Recreation Center(ARC) PROJECT SCOPE AND DESCRIPTION: The City of Clermont intends to evaluate several structural components in prepanng for upcoming performances and improvements The scope of work is as follows Tasks' A Large Auditonum Curtain and Live Load Evaluation CPWG will evaluate the existing ceiling structure and provide the City with an allowable short-term live load that could be attached or swung from the ceiling Using the dead load (curtain weight) a design for hanging new curtains will be provided B Gym- Additional Side Basketball Hoops and Center Curtain A detail on how to add 4 new basketball hoops on the side of the existing gym will be provided A detail on how to attach a dividing curtain at mid court for the gym will be provided C Raise Door Heights for Access to Main Stage A detail to raise the door height at three doors will be provided. The doors include an outside door and two intenor doors 1318 Bowman Clermont,FL 34711 P:352-508-9245 F:352-742-5022 CPWG COMMIACIMILLIffill 010.11. SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Preliminary information will be provided within one week of the Notice to Proceed Final Design will be provided within one month of Notice to Proceed BASIS OF COMPENSATION _--(Field Code Changed Enalneerina Services: Professional fees are payable to the consultant on a lump sum basis based on the attached fee schedule Please review our proposal and make sure we are providing the services that you anticipated Please feel free to contact us for any clarifications We look forward to working with you on this project Very truly yours, CPWG, Inc Stephen R Tarte Senior Vice President steve tarte@cpwgengineering corn Table 1. Estimated Cost Breakdown by Task and Personnel Project Name: ARC Structural Evaluation $ 155.00 - $ 135.00 $ 115.00 Project Professional Task Description Manager Engineer Engineer Total Cost Kick Off Meeting 2 2 $ 580 00 Tasks Construction Manual Update $ - A Large Auditorium Curtain and Live Load Evaluation 2 2 12 $ 1,960 00 B Gym Additional Side Basketball Hoops and Center Curtain 2 2 12 $ 1,960 00 C Raise Door Heights for Access to Main Stage 2 8 $ 1,230 00 Total 8 6 32 $ 5,730 00 CPWG