03-10-2015 CRA Meeting City of Clermont
Community Redevelopment Agency
March 10,2015
The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) met on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 in the
Council Chambers at City Hall. Community Redevelopment Agency Chairman Ash
called the meeting to order at 6:00pm with the following members present: Mary Jo
Pfeiffer, Timothy Bates, Keith Mullins, Diane Travis, and Ray Goodgame. Other City
officials present were: City Manager Gray and City Clerk Ackroyd.
Roger Pierce was absent.
New Business
Item No. 1 -Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency minutes of January 27, 2015.
CRA Member Mullins moved to approve minutes, seconded by CRA Member
Goodgame The motion passed with all members voting aye.
The next two items were heard concurrently and voted on separately.
Item No. 2 -Facade Improvement Grant Program— Trish Lessner—Real Team Realty
Economic Development Director Hitt presented the grant request for the Facade Improvement
Grant Program. Applicants are eligible for up to$5,000 per storefront or street side with at least a
25 percent match. The CRA criterion requires no physical renovation or work be done until
approved'by the CRA, a contract was completed and Notice to Proceed was issued The business
is 826 W. Desoto Street. The request is for stucco existing block walls and new parapet walls.
Three quotes have been attained for the requested items as required by the criteria. The total low
bid is $8,625. The request is for$5,000 and the applicant cost/match is $3,625 which equals 42.2
percent. Staff recommended approval
The applicant was not present.
CRA Member Mullins moved to approve application 2015-25; seconded by CRA
Member Goodgame The motion passed with all members present voting aye.
Item No. 3—Building Code Assistance Program— Trish Lessner—Real Team Realty
Economic Development Director Hitt presented the grant request for the Building Code
Assistance Program. The business is located at 826 West Desoto Street. The criterion requires no
physical renovation or work be done until approved by the CRA, a contract was completed and
Notice to Proceed was issued. The request is an air conditioning 3.5 ton unit with all materials,
electrical and conduit as applicable Three quotes have been attained for the requested items as
required by the criteria. The total low bid is $8,625. The total request is $5,000 and the applicant
cost/match is $3,325 which equals 42.2 percent. Staff recommended approval. All permits for'
installation must be applied for and granted for the project
The applicant was not present.
CRA Member Mullins moved to approve application 2015-7, seconded by CRA
Member Goodgame The motion passed with all members present voting aye.
Item No. 4—Building Code Assistance Program —Chris Garcia— YUMMI'S Frozen Yogurt &
Economic Development Director Hitt presented the grant request for the Building Code
Assistance Program. The business is located at 650 8th Street. The criterion requires no physical
renovation or work be done until approved by the CRA, a contract was completed and Notice to
Proceed was issued The request is installation of 3 phase electrical and panel for ice cream
machines and install new pipes, lavatory and toilet system. Three quotes have been attained for
the requested items as required by the criteria. The total low bid is $7,487.42. The total request is
$5,000 and the applicant cost/match is $2,487.42 which equals 33.2 percent Staff recommended
approval.All permits for installation must be applied for and granted for the project.
The applicant, Chris Garcia, was present expressing excitement to bringing this business
to downtown.
CRA Member Mullins moved to approve application 2015-08; seconded
by CRA Member Goodgame. The motion passed,with all members present
voting aye.
Item No. 5 — Community Redevelopment Agency changes to the Incentive application
and approval process
Economic Development Director Hitt requested amending the application process for
staff to expedite approval of the grant requests. Staff suggested meeting quarterly to
provide quarterly reports. Any large developments requiring impact fees would be brough
before the CRA Board for consideration.
City Manager Gray noted he could approve the grants or continue to have the CRA
Council Member Mullins supported the process to expedite the approvals.
City Manager Gray stated there will be quarterly meetings to provide an update. A
meeting can be called at any time.
Mayor Ash requested staff forward the applications as they are approved by staff.
CRA Member Mullins moved to approve the application process as
amended by Mayor Ash; seconded by CRA Member Bates. The motion
passed with all members present voting aye.
Adjourn: With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:17pm.
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