2015-89 TETRA TECH
Revised, October 2, 2015
Mr. James Kinzler, CPM, EA
Assistant City Manager
City of Clermont
685 W. Montrose St.
Clermont, FL 34711
Subject: City of Clermont
Professional Services Proposed for the
Sunburst Water Treatment Plant—Lower Floridan Aquifer Wells
Project#: 200-BPClermont
Dear Mr. Kinzler:
Tetra Tech is pleased to furnish this proposal for professional services associated with the above
referenced project. Additional details along with a cost breakdown have been included in the
detailed scope of services attached hereto.
Tetra Tech looks forward to serving the City of Clermont on this project. If you should have any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 407-839-3955.
Very truly yours, Approved:
Tetra Tech City of Clermont
s..... ..).:70
0. Fox, P.E. BY: I e•P( girelQ y�
ice President
Date: /�) ae/s
JDF/ab/Clermont/Sunburst WTP LFA Wells/Kmzler 100215
C: Miguel Garcia, PG, Tetra Tech
Tetra Tech, Inc.
201 E Pine Street,Suite 1000,Orlando,FL 32801
Tel 407 839 3955 Fax 407 839 3790 'www tetratechlcom
I t
The City of Clermont(City)currently holds consumptive use permit(CUP)#2478 which;
authorizes withdrawals from the Upper Floridan aquifer(UFA)from 11 wells'within their;
service area the eastern service area includes (Wells 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and the Middle
School Well); the western service area includes (Wells 1, 2, 3, and 5) The City's CUP
limits groundwater allocations from the existing wells to 7.91 million gallons per day,
(MGD) from 2013-2031 as part of the Central Florida Coordination Area (CFCA)rules!
Any demands above that allocation must he met by an alternative water supply.
The City has conducted water supply planning to identify long-term sources of supply andl
determined that an alternative water supply option available to the City is the Lower
Floridan aquifer(LFA) To predict whether the LFA will be a viable water supply source
for future water demands, Tetra Tech conducted a groundwater modeling'analysis of
drawdown from mixed UFA and LFA sources. Existing well sites were simulated at
existing and future demand levels and compared to similar simulations using LFA wells or
aa mix of UFA-and LFA wells. The objective of the modeling work was to identify a
possible LFA source area and possible pumping rates that would meet future needs while
reducing withdrawals from the UFA wells to help meet current MFLs at Lake Apshawa
and Apopka Spring.
The results of the modeling and MFL analysis indicates there would be a net benefit to the
lake and spring MFL if the City uses the LFA and reduces-withdrawals from the UFA.
Therefore, the City intends to construct and test two (2) new LFA production wells near';
the Sunburst Water Treatment Plant(WTP)to meet future demands and to reduce reliance
on existing UFA wells at the-Sunburst WTP. In addition, the City would likes to test two j
(2) existing Greater Hills_potable supply wells that are constructed into the LFA to
determine whether additional yield is available without causing adverse impacts. The
potable supply wells proposed for testing are the south and north Greater Hills wells(4E11
and#E2)that are located on the east side of the City's service area,north of State Road 50.
The work proposed in the second phase of the project will determine whether the LFA and
#E-1 and 4/E-2 wells at Greater Hills have sufficient additional yield to meet proposed
increased pumpage without modification of the existing LFA potable supply wells
Aquifer performance testing at the Greater Hills wells will require removal of the existing
pumps for geophysical and borehole video logging and may require installation of higher
capacity test pumps to conduct step drawdown tests and/or specific capacity tests at higher
rates than the pumps currently installed in these wells The data generated from ithe aquifer
performance tests will also be used to estimate local drawdown effects in the UFA.
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With respect to designing the new LFA potable supply wells and obtaining site specific
groundwater quality data, an exploratory test well program is proposed. Based on
conversations with the SJRWMD staff and well construction information from nearby LFA
wells, it is anticipated the depth to the top of the LFA is approximately 1,100 feet below
land surface(bls)and that a suitable production zone is anticipated in the interval between
1,100 feet bls and 1,500 feet bls. An initial meeting with SJRWMD staff and the City is
recommended to discuss the LFA exploratory testing program, and to confirm
requirements of LFA testing.
The construction and testing plan for the new LFA wells anticipates a production casing
diameter of approximately 24-inches, with estimated pumping capacities of up to 2,500
gallons per minute(gpm). Construction of the wells will include the installation of surface
and intermediate casings, followed by a 10- to 12-inch pilot borehole to an approximate
depth of up to 1,800 feet bls. The pilot borehole will be used for drill-stem water quality
testing to create a water quality profile, for geophysical and borehole video logging to
identify the top of the LFA and productive intervals within the LFA,to identify intervals
for packer testing to determine interval specific water quality,and for determination of the
final casing depth and total well depth. The pilot borehole will be grouted back to the
anticipated design depth of approximately I,500 feet bls after all testing and analysis has
been completed Step-drawdown testing and additional geophysical logging will be
performed on the test/production well.
After construction and testing of the exploratory test/production well is completed and a
suitable well design has been tested that confirms adequate water quality and yield are
available from the LFA near the Sunburst WTP, construction will proceed at the second
LFA potable supply well. The second LFA potable supply well will provide the City with
another source of water from the LFA and will also be used as an observation well in the
LFA to monitor water level impacts during the proposed 7-day constant rate discharge test.
The constant rate discharge test will be conducted to monitor the water level impacts in the
LFA and the impacts to nearby UFA wells at the proposed potable supply well design rate
(to 3 MGD). Data generated from the constant rate discharge test(CRDT)will be used to
provide site specific data to update the District's East Central Flonda(ECF) groundwater
model, which will be used to estimate drawdown impacts to nearby lakes, springs, and
wetlands with adopted and/or proposed MFL's. In addition, the hydrogeologic data
collected during the aquifer performance testing at the Greater Hills potable supply wells
will help determine if additional yield is available at these wells,and will also provide site
specific data from the LFA that will be incorporated into the ECF groundwater model.
Overall,the data collected during the exploratory well program will provide hydrogeologic
data to confirm the LFA as an alternative potable supply source and support the
modification of the City's CUP If the water quality and hydrogeologic data collected from
this program supports additional allocation from the LFA, the City will request a 20-year
permit modification that reduces pumpage from UFA potable supply wells on the west side
of the service area and shifts pumpage to the LFA east side wells. In the event that suitable
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water quality and yield are not identified during construction and testing at the exploratory
test/production well,we will recommend that the City not proceed with construction of the
second LFA potable supply well at the proposed site, and instead identify alternate sites
for construction of testing of another LFA well.
This proposal is for professional engineering services associated with final design,survey,
permitting, bidding, and construction administration services for the project described
above The services to be provided by Tetra Tech consist of the following work elements,
and will be performed in accordance with the Continuing Services and Agreement for On-
Call Civil Engineering Professional Services,Contract#2014-99,dated December 9,2014:
A Potable Well Sites Screening
B Greater Hills Potable Supply Well Aquifer Performance Testing
C. Final Design
D. Permitting
E. Bidding and Award
F. Construction Administration
G. Well Construction Observation
These phases are discussed in detail in the following sections
A. Potable Well Sites Screening
1. Tetra Tech will perform preliminary screening of the proposed well sites on
or near the Sunburst WTP for siting of the new LFA wells. This will include
a field visit to physically observe the two (2) proposed well sites to
determine if there are any visible sanitary hazards and regulatory setback or
construction related constraints.
2. Perform planning-level site selection based on location of raw water lines,
utilities corridors or utilities zoned parcels, setback requirements from
known sanitary hazards based on State and local setbacks, predicted or
estimated locations to minimize impacts on existing wells, and locations
deemed convenient for future utilities operation and for drilling and testing
3. Tetra Tech will review published reports and database information from the
United States Geological Survey (USGS), St Johns River Water
Management District (SJRWMD), and Florida Geological Survey (FGS),
to identify any surface expressions of subsurface dissolution or subsurface
collapse near the proposed well sites.
4 Upon completion of the potable well site screening and planning level site
selection evaluation, Tetra Tech will compile the data obtained and prepare
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a memorandum summarizing the findings and recommendations for siting
of the LFA wells on the proposed sites
B Greater Hills Potable Supply Well Aquifer Performance Testing
Tetra Tech will evaluate the two(2)existing Greater Hills potable supply wells that,
are constructed into the LFA to determine whether additional yield is available from.
these wells. The work proposed in this phase of the project will determine whether,
the existing potable water supply wells at Greater Hills have sufficient additional
yield to meet proposed increased pumpage without modification of the existing
wells. The tasks to be completed during this phase are summarized below:
1 Review,geophysical and borehole video logs and APT setup.
2 Observe aquifer performance testing(APT) Design,observe, and conduct
two(2) 8-hour step drawdown tests at the Greater Hills well sites after the
existing pumps have been removed and higher capacity test pumps have:
been installed, and analyze data to determine the specific capacity at each
3. For each of the APTs (specific capacity and step drawdown tests), a Tetra
Tech geologist will be onsite to collect additional background water level
data prior to initiating the APT, to oversee the APT for the full 8-hour
pumping duration, and to coordinate collection of recovery data after the
APT has been completed.
4 Prepare a memorandum summarizing the results of the aquifer performance;
testing. The memorandum shall include the well efficiency and specific,
capacity results; sand and turbidity concentrations at maximum pumping
C Final Design
The final design will result in preparation of bid documents, engineering drawings,
and technical specifications, which will be reviewed two (2) times (90 and 1001
percent stages)by the City staff prior to bidding. Design review meetings will be
held following each submittal. The 90 percent submittal will include the bidding
and contract requirements, technical specifications, and construction details or
drawings,as required of the project. The 100 percent submittal will include updated
documents from the 90 percent submittal and an opinion of construction cost.!
Three(3)sets of documents will be provided to City for each review The tasks to
be completed during this phase are summarized below.
1 Tetra Tech will attend and conduct a project kick-off meeting with the City
to establish lines of communication, contract requirements and schedule.,
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Tetra Tech will be responsible for preparing meeting minutes for
2 The final design documents for construction and testing of one (1) LFA;
exploratory test/production well and one(1) LFA potable supply well, and'
aquifer performance testing of two (2) existing potable supply wells will,
include, at a minimum, drill-stem water quality sampling and analysis,;
geophysical and video logging,aquifer performance testing, packer testing,;
and other miscellaneous items required to determine the water quality and
capacity of the wells.
3 Setback Survey
a. Establish all honzontal and vertical control for a topographical
survey of each proposed well site based on Lake County datum and'
State Plane Feet East NAD83 Horizontal baseline control points.
b. Perform a visual inspection and topographic survey within a 200 feet;
radius beyond the staked location of each proposed well for.
identification of sanitary hazards that can impact placement of the
well. The topographic survey shall consist of the honzontal location
of all visible above-ground improvements and the above-ground
location of markings indicating underground utilities as placed by,
the various utility companies and onsite sewage disposal systems as
flagged by private property, owners In general, the following,
entities shall be shown and identified existing manholes with
inverts, existing property boundary/right-of-way limits, existing
recorded easements, swales, utilities, structures, tree trunk and ,
foliage outline for trees 4" in diameter and larger, foliage outlines,;
sidewalks, culverts,curbing, fences, driveways,valve boxes,utility
poles, fire hydrants, utility boxes, utility markers, roadway (paved
or unpaved), and any other structures within the survey limits
defined previously.
4 Prepare construction drawings/details and specifications for the facilities
described herein previously. Documents shall include drawings and
specifications covenng:
a. Cover sheet, index, general notes and project location map.
b. Standard and special construction details sheets and other required
c Prepare a comprehensive project manual that contains bidding,
contract, and general requirements (Divisions 0 and 1) and to
contain applicable technical specifications (Divisions 2-16) for
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competitive bidding The project manual and its contents will be,
formatted in accordance with the Construction Specification
Institute(CSI)and will be prepared using Microsoft® Word
d Prepare a final opinion of construction cost based on previous bid
tabulations, vender quotes and estimates provided by contractors.
e Provide the Owner three (3) complete sets of final contract,
D. Permitting
Tetra Tech will prepare an application for a temporary consumptive use permit,
(TCUP)with supporting documentation for submittal to the St Johns River Water;
Management District (SJRWMD), coordinate and attend meetings necessary to
obtain'permits required for the project.Meetings between the City,Tetra Tech,and
the SJRWMD, to expedite the permitting of the construction and testing of the
wells Tetra Tech will also assist the Contractor with permit applications and',
supporting documentation to the SJRWMD and/or Lake County Health'
Department, and Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) as
required to secure the well construction and generic discharge permits for
construction of the exploratory test/production well and potable supply well The
City will be responsible for payment of all application fees. The following
meetingsandpermit applications are anticipated:
1. Schedule and attend an initial meeting with SJRWMD and City,to discuss
the permitting process, the information that the SJRWMD will require for
permitting approval,and to discuss the design and testing of the LFA wells
2. Follow-up meeting with SJRWMD, City, and Tetra Tech to submit and ,
review required permitting information to SJRWMD for construction and
testing of the exploratory test/production well.
3. SJRWMD Well Construction Permit A Well Construction Permit must be
obtained for well construction by the licensed well driller. Tetra Tech will
assist by providing the well driller information needed to complete the
4. FDEP Generic Discharge Permit. A Generic Discharge Permit(GDP)may
be required for the discharge of water during construction and testing of the ,
exploratory test/production well and potable supply well. Tetra Tech will
assist bypreparing p eparing a letter request and supporting documentation for the
GDP from the FDEP.
E Bidding and Award
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Upon advertisement of the project by the City, Tetra Tech will assist the City with
bidding of the project and will complete the following tasks
1 Provide one(1)copy of the Contract Documents(engineering drawings
and specifications)in PDF format for distnbution to potential bidders by
the City's Purchasing department.
2. Respond to questions and prepare and issue addenda as required to interpret,
clarify or expand the bidding documents The City Purchasing department
will distribute all addenda to bidders
3 Attend and conduct one(1)pre-bid meeting with representatives of the City,
and potential bidders
4. Review and evaluate the apparent low bidder's qualifications for
undertaking the work
5 Consult with and advise the City as to the acceptability of subcontractors
and other persons and organizations proposed by the prime contractor.
6 Consult with and advise the City as to the acceptability of substitute
matenals and equipment proposed by Contractor when substitution prior to
the award of contracts is allowed by the bidding documents
7. Assist the City in evaluating bids and make recommendation of the award
of the contract.
8 Prepare three(3)copies of a conformed set of Contract Documents and one
(1)electronic set in a PDF format for the City the recommended Contractor.'
F Construction Administration
Upon award of the contract, Tetra Tech will assist the City with construction,
administration and shall complete the following tasks based on a construction,;
duration of 270 calendar days(to final).
] Prepare for and administer one (1) preconstruction meeting and prepare
written minutes of the meeting for distribution to attendees.
2. Attend periodic progress and specially scheduled meetings throughout,
progress of work. Progress meetings will be held monthly and additional
meetings as needed to coordinate work in progress It is anticipated that;
eight (8) meetings will be needed at an average duration of one (1) hours ,
each, followed by a site visit at an average duration of one (1) hour each.,
These site visits will be conducted following each progress meeting The
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construction is anticipated to take 240 calendar days from notice to proceed
until substantial completion.
3 Provide interpretation or clarification of the design documents when
requested, review/evaluate and prepare change orders required for
clarification or minor modification of the contract documents
4. Review Contractor's testing plan for general conformance with the Contract;
5 Review shop drawings to determine conformance with the design concepts j
of the project and compliance with the requirements provided in the contract j
6 Review requests for information (RFIs), provide interpretation of
construction documents,and issue written clarifications or interpretations.
7. Review the Contractor's application for payment and the accompanying j
data and schedules, determine the amounts owed to the Contractor, and l
advise the City of the recommended payments to the Contractor.
8. Prepare weekly summary reports for submittal to the SJRWMD for funding;
of LFA well construction. Weekly reports will include summary of all
construction and testing activities during work week,and will include onsite
field geologist logs, daily photos, and preparation of pilot borehole j
lithologic log in SJRWMD format.
9 After successful demonstration tests and upon written request by the
Contractor,conduct a substantial completion inspection of the project with
the City and distribute a punch list of observed deficiencies to be completed
by the Contractor prior to the final completion date. The project will be,
certified substantially complete only if the work is sufficiently complete in
accordance with the contract documents,so that the work can be utilized for
the purposes for which it is intended.
10 Review the Contractor's as-built submittal for adequacy and review listing
of deviations from the construction permit and approved construction
documents. Prepare record drawings for City's use from information:
provided by the Contractor delineating the dimensions, location, and
elevation of all facilities constructed. Provide the City with one (1)
electronic file of record drawings in PDF format and three(3)sets of prints
of the record drawings.
11 Prepare a report summanzing the construction and results of the testing each
well. The report shall include an as-built well drawings; well completion
reports, lithologic log, well efficiency and specific capacity results; sand
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and turbidity concentrations at design rate, transmissivity calculated from
the APT, and the water quality results
12 Prepare and submit certifications and required supporting documentation
to regulatory agencies having jurisdiction
G Well Construction Observation
Prosect assumptions. Tetra Tech has assumed that one (1) exploratory
test/production well followed by one(1)potable supply well,will be constructed in
series. Tetra Tech will provide a well site geologist for observation of the well
construction at all critical stages of the construction and testing. Critical tasks
include initial staking of each well, venfying prior to commencement of
construction that the driller is at the staked location, setting and grouting of each
casing string, drilling of pilot borehole to total depth, collecting drill-stem water
quality samples, review but not observation of geophysical and borehole video i
logging, well development, aquifer performance testing, and coordinating site;
activities. The onsite construction observation will provide the City with assurance
that the wells are constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. The
well-site geologist will provide well construction observation services for a total of
up to 864 hours or 9 hours/day for the construction and testing of the wells listed
above. The number of hours is based upon our well-site construction observation
expenence at similar programs with one(1)geologist at the well site. If the level
of effort varies significantly from that which we have assumed, we will notify the
City in writing and request direction before proceeding with additional services
Tetra Tech staff (well-site geologist) will perform the following tasks during j
1. Inspect casing and other construction materials and confirm compliance
with specifications.
2. Observe pilot borehole drilling, casing installation,and grouting of all well
3. Observe the Contractor collecting lithologic samples, logging samples and
analyzing samples
4. Observe the Contractor collecting dnll-stem water quality samples for
submittal to a certified laboratory by the Contractor. Tetra Tech staff will
collect duplicate samples for in-field analysis to expedite results
5 Inspect testing equipment and observe installation of testing equipment
(inflatable packer assembly,test pumps, pressure transducers, flow meters,
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6 Observe up to four (4) packer tests at the exploratory test/production well
and analyze data to determine water quality at discreet(isolated)intervals ,
7 Observe well development and record rates and water quality sampling for
well acceptance.
8 Observe specific capacity tests and step drawdown tests and analyze data to
determine the yield of the proposed production zone at each well
9 Observe aquifer performance testing
a. One (I) aquifer performance test is proposed in order to fully
evaluate the raw water supply sources A 7-day APT will be
conducted at the test/production well site after construction of the
exploratory test/production well and potable supply well have been
completed.The APT will be conducted to confirm aquifer responses
to pumping, to observe drawdown impacts at nearby and distant
monitoring locations, to collect sufficient data to calculate aquifer
parameters to assist with model development or refinement,to allow
more precise simulation of wellfield operation, and to evaluate the
potential for water quality degradation.
b. Tetra Tech staff will be onsite to collect additional background I
water quality testing data prior to initiating the APT, to oversee the I
APT for up to 10 hours per day,to collect water quality samples for,
analysis by a state approved laboratory,and to coordinate collection'I
of recovery data after the 7 day APT has been completed.
10 Testing and Data Analysis/Project Reporting
a. Analyze data collected from water quality testing, geophysical and
video logging, and aquifer performance testing for the purpose of
determining onsite aquifer and water quality parameters.
b. Prepare one (1) report summarizing the construction and results of I
the testing of the exploratory test/production well, the second LFA;
potable supply well, and the aquifer performance testing at the two's
(2) existing Greater Hills potable supply wells. The report shall
include,as-built well drawings, well completion reports; lithologic
logs;well efficiency and specific capacity results;sand and turbidity
concentrations at design rate; and all laboratory and field water
quality results
c Meet with City to present results after completion of the summary
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The total lump sum compensation for the Scope of Services described in Section 11 isj
summarized below
A Potable Well Site Screening $ 4,539 00
B Greater Hills Potable Supply Well Aquifer Performance Testing $ 5,235 00
C. Final Design $ 25,260.00
D. Permitting $ 4,310.00'
E. Bidding and Award $ 5,970.00
F Construction Administration $ 43,965.00
G. Well Construction Observation* $ 129,958 00
H. Reimbursables $ 14,447.00
Total Lump Sum Fee $233,684.00
*To be billed on a time and materials basis
The proposed project schedule for completion of the Scope of Services described in Section
II is anticipated to be as follows:
Calendar Days
Task Notice to Proceed
A. Potable Well Site Screening/SJRWMD Permitting 30
B. 90%Design Submittal 75
C. City Review 90
D 100%Design Submittal/Setback Survey 125
E. City Review 140
F. Bid and Award 185
G Construction 455
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