2016-15 I,I
,' Public Resources Management Group, Inc.
Utility, Rate, Financial and Management Consultants
February 26, 2016
Mr Freddy Suarez
Administrative Services Director
City of Clermont
685 W Montrose Street
Clermont, Florida 34711
Subject Agreement to Provide a Water, Wastewater, Stormwater and Sanitation Utility
Rate Study
Dear Mr Suarez
Public Resources Management Group, Inc (PRMG) is pleased to submit this agreement to
provide professional consulting services to the City of Clermont, Florida (the "City" or "Client")
associated with the preparation of a utility rate study(the "Rate Study") The purpose of the Rate
Study is to assist the City with its review and update of Water, Wastewater, Stormwater and
Sanitation Utility Rates
With respect to the performance of this engagement, Mr Henry L Thomas will be the pnncipal
in charge, project manager and primary contact with the City Other staff consultants, analysts
and administrative personnel will be utilized during the course of the engagement as needed
The services covered by this Agreement shall be billed based on the direct labor rates set out in
Attachment A which is made a part of this proposal
The scope of services to be performed by PRMG is included on Attachment B, which is made a
part of this proposal
Based on the Scope of Services as summarized herein in Attachment B and the direct hourly
labor billing rates as identified on Attachment A, we propose to establish a not-to-exceed
contract budget to provide consulting services associated with the performance of the Rate Study
This project budget amount includes the direct cost of personnel anticipated to be assigned to the
project as well as any other direct costs such as travel, telephone, and copying, pnntmg and
shipping charges The costs incurred by PRMG for such other direct costs, if any, will be billed
to the City based on the Standard Unit Costs or reimbursement schedule as reflected on
Attachment A It is proposed that PRMG will bill monthly for services relative to this
engagement based on the hourly amount of time spent by the project team members, the other
G Tending Agreements\Clermont\ClermontL.etterAgreement docx
TELEPHONE(407)628-2600- FAX (407)628-2610 EMAIL prmg@prmglnc corn
Mr Freddy Suarez
City of Clermont
February 26, 2016
Page 2
direct costs incurred and the pass-through of any sub-consultmg costs that may be required for
the engagement No additional services above the cost estimate will be performed without the
prior written authorization of the City
The terms of this proposed agreement and the associated direct hourly labor billing rates for
PRMG personnel shall be in effect and contmue through the completion of the project or
December 31, 2016, or some other contract period as mutually agreed to between the City and
PRMG It is anticipated that the project will be submitted to the City within 150 days after being
given authorization to proceed
Additional standard terms and conditions, that are made part of this proposed agreement, are set
forth in Attachment C which is made a part of this proposal
We appreciate the opportunity to submit this agreement to provide rate consulting services to the
City If this agreement is acceptable,please execute both copies and return one copy to PRMG
Very truly yours,
Public Resources Management Group,Inc.
Henry L Thomas
Vice President
City of Clermont
N. il
GI-M PA 9er g (o
Title ate
G\Pending Agreements\Clermont\ClermontLetterAgreement docx
Direct Labor
Project Team Title Hourly Rates[*]
Principal $185 00
Associate $150 00
Managing Consultant $135 00
Supervising Consultant $120 00
Senior Consultant $115 00
Rate Consultant $105 00
Consultant $ 95 00
Senior Rate Analyst $ 85 00
Rate Analyst $ 75 00
Analyst $ 65 00
Assistant Analyst $ 55 00
Administrative $ 52 00
[*] Direct labor hourly rates effective twelve months after the date of execution of the Agreement,rates
will be adjusted by not more than the net percentage change(but not less than 0%)in the Consumer
Pnce Index—Urban Consumers per annum(rounded to the nearest dollar) or as mutually agreed
between parties for invoices rendered after each anmversaty date of each year thereafter until project
completion or ternunation of the Agreement between the parties
Expense Description Standard Rates[*]
Mileage Allowance—Personal Car Use Only $0 485 per Mile
Reproduction(Black and White)(In-house) $0 05 per Page
Reproduction(Color)(In-house) $0 25 per Page
Reproduction(Contracted) Actual Cost
Computer Time $0 00 per Hour
Telephone Charges Actual Cost
Delivery Charges Actual Cost
Lodging/Other Travel Costs Actual Cost
Meals Not-to-exceed per PRMG Employee
$8 00—Breakfast
$12 00—Lunch
$25 00—Dinner
Subconsultant Services Actual Cost plus 5 0%
Other Costs for Services Rendered Actual Cost
[*] Standard cost rates effective twelve months after the date of execution of the Agreement, where
applicable,rates will be adjusted by not more than the net percentage change(but not less than 0%)in
the Consumer Pnce Index — Urban Consumers per annum (rounded to the nearest dollar) or as
mutually agreed between parties for invoices rendered after each anniversary date of each year
thereafter until project completion or termination of the Agreement between the parties Any Standard
Rate adopted by policy by Client will supersede rates shown above
G\Pending Agreements\Clermont\ClermontLetterAgreement docx A-1
The following is a description of the Scope of Services for the engagement, schedule of
deliverables and projected schedule relative to the update of the Water, Wastewater, Stormwater
and Sanitation Utility Rate Study
The Scope of Services to be performed by the personnel of Public Resources Management
Group,Inc relative to this engagement is summarized below by task
Task 1 —Kick-off Meeting
This task will involve attendance of an on-site project kick-off meeting to review and confirm
the study goals and objectives, finalize the project work plan and project schedule and review
information required to prepare the rate study
Task 2—Prepare Data Request
A detailed data request will be prepared to assist the City staff with compiling specific
information about the operations of the respective systems The data requested will include
budgetary, accounting and financial data, customer billing profiles and statistical information,
service area agreements and historical and projected utility system demand requirements The
data needed for the study will include the following types of information
• System Operating Data - This data will include any available operating reports delineating
water and wastewater flows, tons of waste collected, etc Also any planned changes in
staffing and other operational changes that will affect the cost of providing water,
wastewater,and sanitation and stormwater services
• Economic Data - Statistical and demographic data for the utility service area, including
population estimates and projections, persons per household by type of residence, anticipated
new development, building permit activity by land use, and any current developer's
• Financial Planning Data - Data regarding the finances of the water, wastewater sanitation
and stormwater systems will be requested, including the adopted operating budget for Fiscal
Year 2016, detailed histoncal information presented on a budget line-item basis to identify
expenditure trends, capital improvement program costs, annual financial reports and financial
statements (comprehensive annual financial reports), information regardmg administrative
G\Pending Agreements\Clermont\ClermontLetterAgreement docx B-1
fund transfers, and cash account balances for unrestricted operating and reserve funds, and
restricted funds such as impact fee funds and debt service reserve funds
• Customer/Billing Data - Customer and billing data for the water, wastewater, sanitation and
stormwater utilities by class of customer and service area designation (e g , inside versus
outside City) will be requested, anticipated major customer additions or changes in customer
use, detailed customer usage profiles, number of units for master metered multi-family
• Financing Data — This data includes current governing bond resolution or financing
documents, including current rate covenants and additional bonds tests, official statements or
loan documents associated with any outstanding indebtedness for the utility systems,
schedules of both existing and future indebtedness, grant agreements, loan agreements,
capital lease and other subordinated debt schedules, and interest earnings rates for debt
service smkmg funds, reserve funds, and other fund balances
• Rate Administrative Data- A complete copy of the City's Water, Wastewater, Sanitation and
Stormwater Utility Rate Ordinances and Resolutions, copies of other policies not codified
such as the methodology of charging for vacation or seasonal service, policies regarding
initiation of service costs, and rates of other neighboring utilities for rate comparison
Task 3 —Institutional Background Review
This task will include review all budget documents, ordinances, resolutions, loan agreements,
wholesale agreements and any available financial policies to identify appropriate financial
requirements and criteria including fmancial performance measurements to track compliance
with such requirements In addition, as appropriate, any formal management objectives
including rate administrative issues, pricing philosophy, operating criteria and internal financial
policies related to general fund transfers, reserve and cash fund balance targets will be identified
in this task The purpose of the institutional background review is to ensure that the utility rate
and financial plan addresses the City's key policy issues and objectives The identification of
key issues and financial objectives will help establish the basis for the final study
Task 4 — Review of the City's Projection of New Development and Preparation of Utility
Customer, Sales and Usage Forecasts
4 1 Review of the City's Development Projections This task will involve reviewing the City's
projection of new development to assess utility service area requirements for the water,
wastewater, sanitation and stormwater systems
4 2 Development of Customer and Service Forecast Based on trends in customer growth,
discussions with the City staff about potential development within the service area and usage
levels specific to the water and wastewater systems, a customer and sales forecast will be
developed for each utility system For purposes of this study a range of alternative growth
G\Pending Agreements\Clermont\ClerrnontLetterAgreement docx B-2
forecasts will be prepared to help examine the impact on capital funding needs, revenues, and
revenue requirements The forecast will be prepared on a basis consistent with the City's service
area designations and existing and proposed customer classes since i) each class of customer
may have different service requirements and rates of growth which helps identify sales trends
and changes in the customer base on a per class basis, and ii) the forecast will be used in the
overall design of rates, including any rate structure adjustments that could affect cost recovery
Task 5—Development of Utility Systems Revenue Forecast
This task involves the development of utility system rate revenues from existing rates
recognizing i) the results of the customer and sales forecasts conducted in Task 4, and ii) the
City's existing rates for service The revenue forecast will separately consider sales to customers
located inside and outside the City limits to recognize the application of any outside City
surcharge The development of the rate revenue projections will also recognize the appropnate
customer classes A rate revenue "reasonableness test"will also be prepared to test the results of
the customer billing data against the most recent historical rate revenues shown in the
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and other miscellaneous financial information
provided by the City This task will also involve the projection of other operating revenues, such
as i) initiation of service charges and other miscellaneous charges, ii) interest income earned on
unrestricted fund balances, and in)other available revenue sources
Task 6—Revenue Requirements Analysis
This task estimates the amount of revenues to be recovered individually from water, wastewater,
sanitation and stormwater rates and fees Specifically, this'component of the study will include
an estimate of net revenue requirements of each utility This task also includes the development
of detailed projections of operating costs, capital improvements and associated funding sources
including debt service requirements, and reserve fund requirements A five-year financial
forecast will be the basis for the development of the net revenue requirements from rates, capital
improvement funding, and cost recovery strategies Based on the rate and financial model
developed for the City, alternative scenarios will be developed to examine the effect of projected
growth and funding alternatives and a cost recovery strategy will be developed to identify the
proposed overall rate adjustments for each fiscal year of the forecast The following is a
discussion of the major subtasks anticipated for this phase
61 — Review of Utility Operations and Development of Operating Expense Projections The
pnmary purpose of this task is to develop the level of operating expenses required to be
recovered from rates This task will be done in sufficient detail m order to i)recognize the
types of expenses incurred by the system, ii)assist in the projection of total expenditures for the
study penod, in)recognize changes in certain costs consistent with changes in utility operations,
including the implementation of the Capital Improvement Program, iv)recognize changes in
operating costs due to changes in regulatory requirements, and v)have sufficient detail to
properly allocate the costs among the rate classes, as well as rate structure attributes Included in
this analysis will be a detailed projection of operating expenses based upon the City's line-item
operating budgets and a review of trends in histoncal expenses, recognition of changes in
staffing levels including additional staffing requirements for future facilities, an analysis of
G\Pending Agreements\Clermont\ClennontLetterAgreement docx B-3
power and chemical costs for existing and future facilities, and the development of cost
escalation factors Finally, to the extent the City plans to incorporate any other changes in
operations, which could matenally affect expenses, these changes will be recognized in this
analysis Examples might include new automated meter reading systems or new sludge hauling
methods Other operating expenses, such as mterfund transfers, administrative allocations,
operating contingencies, insurance needs, and other expenses, will also be evaluated to ensure
that rates are designed to recover the full cost of providing service As part of this task PRMG
will identify key utility system characteristics and current and future operations and maintenance
needs,proposed system expansions and other issues facing the utility system
6 2 — Review of Capital Improvement Program Needs and Capital Funding Alternatives This
task involves a detailed review of the City's capital improvement program for each utility system
and an analysis to identify all sources of funds applicable to the capital improvement program
An important goal of the study is to structure the funding of such improvements in order to
produce the lowest impact on utility rates This task will also involve a review of all restricted/
unrestricted fund balances available for funding the capital improvement program, identification
of the timing of when funds will be expended for the capital facilities, assistance in determining
the need for external funding sources, such as long term debt, to limit rate impacts, and the
identification of capital needs to serve existing, as well as future customer growth
6 3- Other Revenue Requirement Identification In order to meet the financial obligations of the
City's individual utility systems, PRMG will recognize other revenue requirements that need to
be included m the analysis A major component of other revenue requirements is scheduled debt
service pnncipal and interest payments associated with outstanding and anticipated debt This
task will also incorporate fiscal policies identified in Task 3 and funding requirements regarding
the capital costs' funded from revenues identified in the capital funding plan, as well as any
required cash reserve requirements, and the recognition of any other transfer requirements,
including general fund transfers Other revenue requirements which may be reflected in this task
deal with certain financial and accounting issues, such as i) establishment and maintenance of
adequate working capital balances, ii) funding or utilization of rate stabilization reserves, if
appropriate, to phase-in rate adjustments, iii) identification of proper renewal and replacement
funding allowances, and iv) recognition of other financial policies (e g , funding of fleet
maintenance reserves, depreciation equivalence funding, intrafund cost allocations, etc )
6 4 - Development of Net Revenue Requirements Based on the above-mentioned
subcomponents for this phase of the project, we will prepare a summary of the total net revenue
requirements of each utility system and the accompanying revenues and revenue deficiencies for
each fiscal year of the forecast period This analysis will be performed in order to work with the
City staff to develop cost recovery strategies or rate phasing alternatives
6 5 —Bond Compliance Analysis A major component in the development of the rate planning
process is to ascertain that all'financial requirements are met This compliance requirement deals
primarily with satisfying the rate covenant requirements and the flow of fund requirements, as
defined in any governing bond resolution or loan agreement,which authorizes the issuance of the
outstanding utility system debt This is necessary to ensure that the proposed rates, fees and
G\Pending Agreements\Clermont\ClertnontLetterAgteement docx B-4
charges will be adequate to meet any compliance requirements of the utility systems for the
forecast period
6 6—Meeting to Review Revenue Requirements with City Staff This task will involve a meeting
to review the study results with City staff Upon completion of Task 6, a status report will be
prepared to summanze the results of the study efforts at this stage of the project Deliverables
will mclude a financial forecast summarizing projected revenue requirements and the adequacy
of existing rates, and a preliminary cost recovery plan for the water, wastewater and sanitation
utility systems
Task 7—Design of Utility Rates and Charges
This phase of the project will include the development of the monthly rates and charges for each
utility service based on the revenue requirements and customer forecast developed in previous
activities This phase will include the classification and allocation of costs to the associated
customer types and rate structure components This task will also include the presentation of the
effects of proposed rates 'on the existing customers of the respective utility systems and
comparisons of the proposed rates and charges with those of other neighbonng utilities The
following is the discussion of the major tasks anticipated for this phase of the project
71 - Development of Equivalent Billing Units and Bill Frequency Analysis This task involves
the determination of the equivalent billing units based on i)the number of customers served, ii)
an analysis of usage and level of service factors, including a bill frequency analysis for the water
and wastewater systems, in) the development of certain weighted customer allocation factors,
and iv) other rate design parameters The purpose of this task is to develop the number of billing
units necessary to achieve a"uniform"basis for the rate structure components and'to evaluate the
effect of alternative pricing methods
7 2 — Allocation of Net Revenue Requirements This item involves the classification and
allocation of the net revenue requirements for each respective utility system and/or customer
class to the specific rate structure components (e g , base versus usage charge) in order to design
cost-based rates The costs will be allocated based on the nature of the expenditure (e g ,
variable costs such as treatment chemicals and pumping are typically allocated on the volume of
water use) or services provided For water and wastewater rates, costs will generally be allocated
to rate structure components using the Amencan Water Works Association's base/extra capacity
allocation method based on average and peak demand relationships
7 3 — Design of Utility Rates Based on the'allocated costs developed during this phase of the
study, the customer forecast and the rate policies of the City, the project team will design
proposed utility rates for the City's consideration The rates will be designed to recover the costs
of the respective utility systems to meet the financial requirements of the utility, and promote the
rate and fiscal policy goals of the City The design of the water rates will include the evaluation
of conservation incentive rate structures that are based on inverted pricing tiers to reflect typical
usage levels associated with essential indoor use, and discretionary and excessive irrigation
watenng practices The rate design model will also account for potential pnce elasticity affects
G\Pending Agreements\Clermont\ClennontLetterAgreement docx B-5
upon customer usage profiles associated with typical bill increases due to the implementation
changes to conservation rate structures
7 4 - Rate Comparisons To assist in the evaluation of the proposed rate designs, PRMG will
prepare compansons of the existing rates and proposed rates as well as rates charged by other
neighbonng or similar utilities This will provide an indication to the City of the rate and charge
levels and billing methods used by others in relation to the existing and proposed rate structures
of the City At the completion of Task 7 a meeting will be held with the appropnate City staff to
review the proposed utility rate designs
Task 8—Prepare Rate Study Report and Presentation Bnefing Documents
The results of the various rate study phases will be summarized in a rate study report for
presentation to the City The report will document the study's assumptions and considerations,
a summary of the methodologies relied upon in developing the proposed rate and fee structures,
and findings and conclusions The study report will include i) an executive summary, ii)
sections highlighting industry practices and methods used to prepare the study as well as the
study assumptions and analytical results for capital fundmg needs, revenue requirements, cost of
service and rate design, in) schedules setting forth the proposed rates and fees as well as rate
comparisons between existing and proposed rates and rates, and iv) study findings and
Task 9—Present Study Results
A number of informal presentations will be made to the City staff throughout the course of the
rate study The activities will include presentations to staff throughout the term of the rate study
consistent with the project tasks outlined above In addition to four (4) meetings with City staff
to review and confirm the results of the study, presentations will also be made to the public
These presentations include presentation of study results to the City Council in a workshop
session and public hearing for the adoption of the rates The project team will also assist the City
g P P J
attorney, as required, in reviewing the City's draft of the rate ordinance, or resolution which sets
forth the proposed utility rates and fees
List of Anticipated Deliverables
The deliverables to be provided with respect to the preparation of the Water, Wastewater,
Stormwater and Sanitation Utility Rate Study shall include the following items
• Initial Data Request
• Capital Funding Plan
• Revenue Requirements Analysis
• Proposed Utility Rates
• Proposed Miscellaneous Charges
• Draft Rate Study Report and Beefing Documents
• Final Rate Study Report
• Final Bnefing Document for Public Heanng Process
G Wending Agreements\Clermont\ClennontLetterAgreement docx B-6
As with any major study performed for a public utility, the City staff will be called upon to
provide assistance to PRMG in order to complete the engagement on a timely basis The
following is a list of the activities anticipated to be performed by the staff of the City
1 The gathenng of specific customer, operational and facility data and information to be used
in the project,
2 Compiling certain data and assistance in allocation of costs,
3 Development of a customer and sales/bill frequency report delineating billed water and
wastewater statistics based on customer billing data maintained in the utility billing system,
4 Assistance in the formulation of policy decisions for cost allocation and rate design An
example would include rate phasing alternatives, capital improvements project priontization
and proposed rate structure relationships,
5 Providing review and comments on the results of our analyses and draft reports,
6 Assistance in public relations program, scheduling of public meetings, and communication
of the results of the project, and
7 Development of the draft rate ordmances/resolutions by the City attorney
During the course of the study, the City may request additional services from PRMG Such
services will not be conducted until authorized by the City as mutually agreed between the City
and PRMG The City will be billed for such additional services based on the hourly rate
schedule of PRMG's employees as shown m this agreement or some other basis as mutually
agreed between the City and PRMG Although no additional services are anticipated for this
engagement, examples of additional services may include the following
1 Attendance of additional meetings above what is contemplated in the scope of services
2 Performance of other rate analyses m addition to those being reviewed pursuant to the scope
of services for this engagement
3 Providing general consultmg services relating to meeting with third parties regarding the
derivation of the fees, providing litigation support services in the event of a challenge of the
fees, and other related issues not contemplated m the above scope of services
4 Delays in the project schedule that would affect the budget for the scope of services
reflected herein
G\Pending Agreements\Clermont\ClermontLenerAgreement docx B-7
Public Resources Management Group, Inc (PRMG) PRMG agrees to mdemnify, defend, and hold Client
agrees to perform the professional consulting services harmless from and agamst any liability arising out of
descnbed in the agreement (the "Work") that the negligent errors or negligent omissions of PRMG,
incorporates these standard terms and conditions its agents, employees, or representatives, in the
Unless modified in writing by the parties hereto, the performance of duties set forth in Article I Regardless
duties of PRMG shall not be construed to exceed of any other term of this Agreement,in no event shall
those services specifically set forth,in the agreement PRMG be responsible or liable to Client for any
These terms and conditions and the agreement, when incidental,consequential,or other indirect damages
executed by the Client, shall constitute a bmdmg
agreement on both parties (hereinafter after the Client agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold PRMG
"Agreement") harmless from and against any liability ansmg out of
the negligent errors or negligent omissions of Client,
its agents, employees, or representatives, in the
II COMPENSATION performance of duties set forth in Article I
The Client,as defined in the agreement,agrees to pay
for the services as billed within thirty (30) days of This indemnification provision shall apply as provided
receiving the invoice Amounts paid after thirty (30) by applicable law Nothing herein shall be construed
days may be subject to interest charges,not to exceed as or act as a waiver of any sovereign immunity that
a monthly compound rate of one percent (1 0%) Client may enjoy
applied to the delinquent unpaid balance
Time-related charges will be made in accordance with VI INSURANCE
the billing rate referenced m the-agreement Other PRMG shall maintain during the life of the agreement
indirect expenses and subcontractor services, if any, the following minimum insurance
will be billed in accordance with the standard unit cost
rates as referenced in the agreement or if no reference 1 Commercial general liability insurance, including
is provided,at the actual cost as incurred by PRMG hired and non-owned automobiles, with the
following limits
III RESPONSIBILITY Each Occurrence $1,000,000
PRMG is employed to render a professional service Damage to Rented Premises
only, and any payments made by Client are (Each Occurrence) $300,000
compensation solely for such services rendered and Medical Expense(Any one person)
Personal and Advertising Injury $1,000,000,000
recommendations made in carrying out the Work General Aggregate $2,000,000
PRMG shall perform analyses, provide opinions,
make factual presentations, and provide professional General Aggregate $2,000,000
advice and recommendations PRMG does not
expressly warrant or guarantee its services 2 Statutory worker's compensation and employers'
liability insurance as required by state law
IV RELIANCE UPON INFORMATION 3 Professional liability insurance at a limit of
PROVIDED BY OTHERS liability of not less than$2,000,000 aggregate
If PRMG's performance of services hereunder requires
PRMG to rely on information provided by other
parties (excepting PRMG's subcontractors), PRMG VII SUBCONTRACTS
shall not independently verify the validity, Unless specifically specified in the Agreement,
completeness or accuracy of such information unless PRMG shall be entitled,to the extent determined to be
otherwise expressly engaged to do so in writing by appropnate by PRMG, to subcontract any portion of
Client the Work to be performed under this Agreement
G Wending Agreements\Clermont\ClermontLetterAgreement docx C-I
These terms and conditions and the agreement to PRMG and Client recognize that PRMG's Work
which they are attached are binding on the heirs, product submitted in performance of this Agreement
successors, and assigns of the parties hereto This is intended only for the Client's benefit and use
agreement may not be assigned by Client or PRMG Change, alteration, or reuse on another project by
without prior,written consent of the other Client shall be at Client's sole risk, and Client shall
hold harmless and indemnify PRMG against all losses,
damaes costs, and expenses, includingattorneys'
gP �
IX INTEGRATION fees,ansmg out of or related to any such unauthorized
These terms and conditions and the agreement to change,alteration,or reuse
which they are attached represent the entire
understandingof Client and PRMG as to those matters
contained herein No prior oral or written
understanding shall be of any force or effect with Client may,suspend, in writing, all or a portion of the
respect to those matters covered herein The Work under the agreement in the event unforeseen
agreement may not be modified or altered except in circumstances beyond Client's control make normal
writing signed by both parties progress of the Work impossible PRMG may request
that the Work be suspended by notifying Client, in
writing, of circumstances that are interfering with the
X JURISDICTION normal progress of Work PRMG may suspend Work
This agreement shall be administered and interpreted on the project in the event Client does not pay
under the laws of the State of Florida Jurisdiction of invoices when due PRMG shall be compensated for
litigation arising from the agreement shall be in that its reasonable expenses resulting from such
state suspension including mobilization and de-
mobilization The time for completion of the Work
shall be extended by the number of days Work is
XI SEVERABILITY suspended In the event that the period of suspension
exceeds 90 days, the terms of the agreement are
If any part of the Agreement is found unenforceable subject to renegotiation and both parties are granted
under applicable laws, such part shall be inoperative, the option to terminate Work on the suspended portion
null and voice insofar as it is m conflict with said of the project
laws, but the remainder of the Agreement shall be in
full force and effect
XII FORCE MAJEURE Client may terminate all or a portion of the Work
covered by the agreement for its convenience Either
PRMG shall not be responsible for delays m party may terminate Work if the other party fails to
performing the scope of services that may result from perform in accordance with the provisions of the
causes beyond the reasonable control or contemplation agreement Termination of the agreement is
of PRMG PRMG will take reasonable steps to accomplished by 15 days pnor written notice from the
mitigate the impact of any force majeure party initiating termination to the other Notice of
termination shall be delivered by certified mail with
receipt for delivery returned to the sender
The services to be performed by PRMG hereunder are This agreement may be terminated by PRMG a)for
intended solely for the benefit of Client, and neither cause, if Client breaches this Agreement through no
right nor benefit is conferred on, nor any contractual fault of PRMG and Client neither cures such material
relationship intended or established with any person or breach nor makes reasonable progress toward cure
entity not a party to this Agreement No such person within 15 days after PRMG has given written notice
of the alleged breach to Client, or b)upon five days'
or entity shall be entitled to rely on PRMG's notice if Work under this Agreement has been
performance of its services hereunder suspended by either Client or PRMG in the aggregate
for more than ninety(90)days
G\Pending Agreements\Clermont\ClerrnontLeuerAgreement docx C-2
In the event of termination,PRMG shall perform such
additional Work as is necessary for the orderly filing
of documents and closing of the project The time
spent on such additional Work shall not exceed five
percent (5%) of the time expended on the terminated
portion of the project prior to the effective date of
termination PRMG shall be compensated by the
client for Work actually performed prior to the
effective date of termination plus the Work required
for filing and closing as descnbed in this Article
In the event of a dispute arising out of the terms of this
Agreement, the parties agree that prior to either party
initiating.any law suit or action of any kind to enforce
any of the terms or conditions in this Agreement, the
parties shall submit the dispute to mediation to occur
in Clermont,Florida,by a mediator acceptable to both
parties The cost of the mediation shall be borne
equally by both parties
All notices required under this Agreement shall be by
personal delivery, facsimile or mail to the PRMG
Project Manager and to the person signmg the
Agreement on behalf of the Client, and shall be
effective upon delivery to the address stated in the
Pursuant to applicable Florida law, PRMG's records
associated with this Agreement may be subject to
Flonda's public records laws,Florida Statutes 119 01,
et seq, as amended from time to time PRMG shall
comply with all public records obligations set for in
such laws, including those obligations to keep,
mamtam, provide access to, and maintain any
applicable exemptions to public records, and transfer
all such public records to the Client at the conclusion
of this Agreement, as provided for in Florida Statutes
119 0701 (2013)
G Tending Agreements\Clermont\ClennontLetterAgreement docx C-3