O-248-C 6 I CODE ORDINANCES CITY OF CLERMONT NO.248-C AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING APPENDIX A, ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT HEREBY ORDAINS THAT: Section 1. Zoning Ordinance No. 245-C is hereby amended as follows: 1. Eliminate definition (15) Dwelling, Triplex; and change the definition (16) Dwelling, Multi-family; to read "A building designed for or occupied exclusively by three (3) or more families, with separate housekeeping and cooking facilities for each family." 2. Eliminate the word TRIPL EX and THREE-FAMILY throughout the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Add under Article V Section 26-9 Water Retention: A topographical map showing provisions for drainage and compliance with flood control and water retention regulations shall be required for all new developments except Single-family dwelling units built upon a slope of 7% or less. 4. Change Definition (1) Accessory use or building to read: "A use or building customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal use or building and must be located on the same lot with such principal use or building, and constructed simultaneously with or after construction of principle building." (eg. private garages, non-commercial greenhouses, workshops) 5. Section 26-27 ¡18 page 16 Change ¡I 8 to read "Approval by appropriate regulatory agencies of any plans, devices or facilities for the control of any pollutants which may be generated. 6. Section 26-28 (C) Open Air Sales Permit Change EXCEPTIONS to read: 1.) Open storage for the sale of automobiles, farm implements, trailers, boats and gasoline are exempt from the provisions of this section, but all such open storage is prohibited on the City right-of-way; 2.) Open Air Sales Permit for greater than thirty (30) days may be issued upon approval of the City Manager in the Central Business District and shopping centers located in C-2 Zoning Districts. 7. Article XII Section 26-41, Amendments to Zonin~ Re~ulations and Districts Boundaries #7 Pa~e 31. Add the following sentence. "Property owners will be notified at least 30 days prior to the publ ic meeting." , I CODE ORDINANCES CITY OF CLERMONT NO.248-C 8. Chan~e Section 26-39 Front yard setback to read: If fifty (50) percent or more of the frontage on one side of the street between two (2) intersecting streets is improved with buildiings that observe a front yard setback forward of the required front yard setback established by this ordinance, the minimum front ~ard setback on the lot shall be the average setback of all the buildings on that side of the block. 9. Chan~e Article XIV R- R and Article XV R-I-A ColumQ E. #2 Side Yard Setbacks on corner Lots require "A setback of thirty-five (35) feet." 10. Change Article XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII; Column E. /12 Side Yard Setback on Corner Lots to read: On corner lots, the side yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet (35 ft. in R-I-A and R.R.) on the side adjacent to a publ ic street and seven and one half (7.5) feet( 9 ft. in R-I-A and R-R) on the interior side yard, except on the lots where the rear yard abuts only another rear yard, twel ve (12) feet on the side adjacent to a public street shall be required. 11. Article XVII, Column E, #4 Requirements-Buffer Strips sha 11 read: "When a conditional or multiple family use abuts a single family use, the conditional or multiple family use shall provide a landscape buffer strip between the uses per Section 26-18." 12. Article XVIII, Column D. //1, ,R-3 Minimum Multi- family Lot Size chan~e to read: Multi-family 3500 Sq.Ft. 13. Article XVIII, Column B, #3 R-3 Permitted Uses Three family, townhouses and multi-family dwelling units, delete "to 5,000 Sq. Ft." 14. Article XVIII, Column C, #8 R-3 Multi-family Development: Conditional Use /18- Delete the phrase "and/or have a density between 3,000 and 3,500 sq.ft. per dwelling unit." 15. Church Parking in all areas change to read :"One parking space for each four (4) permanent seats in the sanctuary. Churches must submit seating capacity when applying for permits." 16. Add to all Zoning Districts under minimum yard requirements: "All yard setbacks for principal buildings shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from established high water marks." 17. Change Laundries from Permitted Uses to in C-l Light Commercial District Commercial/CBD. a Conditional Use and C-2 General " '. CITY OF CLERMONT . CODE ORDINANCES NO.248-C 18. Article XIX, Column C, C-l Li~ht Commercial District and Article XX, Column C, C-2 General Commercial/CBD: Convenience stores to be added as a Conditional Use, and be deleted from Permitted Uses. 19. Article XIX, Column B, #1 C-l Permitted Uses: Delete the word" Convenience" from ConVëñience/Retail Businesses. 20. Chan~e the definition of Convenience Retail Business to read: Convenience Store : A sma 11 retai 1 store which provides goods or services for day-to-day operations of of a household, commonly known as mini-markets. 21. Create ~ ~ R-3-A Residential/Professional Zonin~ District R-3- A RESIDENTIAL/PROFESSIONAL ZONING DISTRICT PURPOSE: This district is intended for medium density, multiple family and professional offices that do not conflict with the residential usage and do not generate traffic of such nature as to require commerical zoning A SITE PLAN is required for multiple family developments and professional offices. PERMITTED USES: 1. SINGLE FAMILY dwelling units having minimum living area of 1,000 square feet, exclusive of garages, carports, and screened areas. 2. TWO FAMILY dwelling units having a minimum of per dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, screened areas. 700 square feet carports and 3. MULTI-FAMILY dwell ing units having a minimum floor area of 600 square feet per unit, exclusive of garages, carports and screen ed areas. 4. Building or Structures or uses maintsined or operated by the City of Clermont. 5. HOME OCCUPATIONS as provided in Section 26-25. 6. FI ELD CROPS, ORCHARDS AND OTHER HORTICULTURAL uses where no selling at retail is involved. 7. ACCESSORY USES. Customary accessory buildings and structures including private garages, non-commercial greenhouses and workshops. CONDITIONAL USES 1. PROFESSIONAL OFFICES 2. CHURCHES provided adequate buffer strips are provided between residential uses. 3. PUBLIC OR SEMI-PUBLIC facilities or structures not maintained or operated by the City of Clermont (i.e. operated by another uni t of government.) 3 ......- .. CITY OF CLERMONT ~ CODE ORDINANCES NO.248-C 4. UTILITY FACILITIES (i.e. electric transformers, gas regulator stations, etc.) 5. BOATHOUSES, provided no living quarters are included. 6. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT per Article VI 7. CEMETERIES. 8. In cases of uncertainty of the classification of any use, uses may be permitted which, after consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approval by City Council, are not more obnoxious to the district than the uses herein provided. All Conditional Uses must be provided per Article IX. . MINIMUM LOT & HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS 1. LOT SIZE-SINGLE FAMILY not less than 7500 sq. ft. TWO FAMILY not less than 10,000 sq. ft. MULTIPLE FAMILY 5,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit. 2. LOT WID1H- Seventy-five (75) feet measured at the building, setback line. Fifty (50) feet measured long the property line or lines contiguous to any street, road or highway. MULTI-FAMILY: One hundred (100) feet measured at the building setback line and fifty (50) feet measured along the property line or lines contiguous to any street, road or highway. 3. LOT COVERAGE. Maximum forty (40) percent. 4. MAXIMUM HEIGHT. Thirty-five (35) feet. Section 26-17. MINIMUM YARD REQUIREMENTS 1. FRONT YARD Property adjacent to SR 50 and US 27 shall maintain a fifty (50) foot setback. The setback on all other streets shall be twenty-five (25) feet. 2. SIDE YARD-On interior lots, seven and one-hal f (7.5) feet. On a corner lot, the side yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet on the side adjacent to a public street and 7.5 feet on the interior side of the lot except on lots where the rear yard abuts only another rear yard, 12 feet on the side adjacent to a public street shall be required. 3. REAR YARD Twenty-five (25) feet. The rear building line on lakefront property shall be measured from the established high water mark. 4. BUFFER STRIP When a conditional or multiple family use abuts a single family use, the conditional or multi-family use shall provide a landscape buffer strip between the uses per Section 26-18. OFF STREET PARKING REQUIREMENT 1. SINGLE FAMILY dwelling unit shall have two (2) off street parking spaces. . CITY OF CLERMONT . CODE ORDINANCES NO.248-C 2. MULTI-FAMILY One bedroom units shall have one and one-half (1.5) off street parking spaces per unit. Two bedroom units shall have two (2) off street parking spaces per unit. 3. CHURCHES. One parking space for each four(4) permanent seats in the sanctuary. Churches must submit seating capacity when applying for a Conditional Use Permit. 4. OFFICES One parking space for each 200 sq. ft. of floor space. 5. OTHER USES per Section 26-23 Section 2. All ordinances or parts of this ordinance in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. Should any section or part of this section be declared invalid by any court or competent juridsiction, such adjudications shall not apply or affect any provision of this ordinance, except to the extent that the entire section or part of the section may be inseparable in meaning and effect from the section to which such holding shall apply. Section 4. This ordinance shall be published as provided by law and it shall become law and shall take effect immediately upon its second reading and final passage. First Reading this II~day of ij~~ Second Reading this Z5tÅ.day of 'f(t'Jt.H/mlJV1J , 1986 , 1986 PASSED AND ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THIS 'ì~)¡J ,1986 :2 '5 tJc, DAY OF City of Clermont Æð&, ATTEST: