2016-61 EZI TETRA TECH September 9, 2016 Mr. Paul Roy Environmental Services Director City of Clermont 3335 Hancock Rd Clermont, FL 34711 Subject: City of Clermont Professional Engineering Services Proposal for the East Side Water Reclamation Facility RIB Rerating Tt# 200BP Gen/Clermont Dear Mr. Roy: Tetra Tech is pleased to furnish this proposal for professional engineering services to complete the rerating of the RIBs at the East Site Water Reclamation Facility. A detailed scope of services, compensation summary, and project implementation schedule are attached. We look forward to serving the City of Clermont on this project. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 407-839-3955. Very truly yours, Approval: Tetra Tech City of Clermont /D. Fox, P.E. By: r ice President Typed Name: Gail L.Ash, ayor Attachments Date: 13-2e)* BAF/slh/BP/C lermont/RIB Rerati ng/Roy09091 6 C: Brian A. Foulkes, P.E., Tetra Tech Tetra Tech 201 E.Pine Street,Suite 1000,Orlando,FL 32801 Tel 407.839.3955 Fax 407.839.3790 www.tetratech.com ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF SERVICES CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA EAST SIDE WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY EWRF RIB RERATING I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Clermont(City) owns and operates the East-Side Water Reclamation Facility (EWRF) located at 3335 Hancock Road. The facility has a Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) rated capacity of 4.0 MGD annual average daily flow(AADF)and is considered a Category II, Class B facility. In dry weather, the City uses the Public Access Reuse (PAR)for residential irrigation as the primary means of disposal. For wet weather and reject conditions, the RIBs serve as a backup to the City's PAR. There are a total of fifteen (15) RIBs located onsite with a total wetted area of 4.76 acres having a permitted capacity of 0.750 MGD AADF. Future improvements to the EWRF include expansion from 4.0 MGD AADF to 9.0 MGD AADF. In order to expand the EWRF,the RIBS must be rerated to accommodate the weather and reject conditions at the expanded capacity. Andreyev Engineering Inc. (AEI)performed a RIB Rerating and Feasibility Assessment and determined the RIBs to have sufficient storage and disposal capacity for wet-weather and reject water at the buildout capacity of 9.0 MGD. To rerate the RIBs soil testing, ground water modeling, and load testing will be performed to support the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Permit. The tasks to be completed for this project are further described herein and will be performed in accordance with the City/Tetra Tech Continuing Contract and Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for Public Works Projects dated December 9, 2014. II. SCOPE OF SERVICES Tetra Tech's and AEI's services include professional engineering services to perform a detailed investigation, water balance modeling, and groundwater flow modeling services to re-rate and permit the existing RIBs for up to 9.0 MGD of reject and wet weather storage and disposal. Direct infiltration capacity and off-site mounding impacts will be verified through testing and more detailed modeling. Load testing will be performed during the well development of the Sunburst LFA well. Based on the load testing and modeling an alternative to the existing 15 RIB system will be explored during final modeling and permitting to consolidate the 15 small RIBs into 2 or 3 large RIBs and increase the depth of RIBs to 7 or 10 feet.This will allow better operation and management 8 of the RIBs,where each RIB can be loaded for a week or longer before switching to the next RIB. Services included are described in the tasks below. Task 1 —Field Investigation, Data Collection and Testing In general, the field investigation, data collection and testing phase will involve gathering and reviewing information in support of the modeling and permitting effort. Services to be completed in this task are described below: 1. Review flow records and groundwater level data for the last 2 to 3 years of operation. This includes monitoring wells on-site and off-site, water level data from potable water wells collected by the City and others,plant flow data, reclaimed water distribution and application areas,loading to the existing BAF/ab/RIB Rerating/Scope-R TETRA TECH Tt#200BP Clermont -1- 08/23/16 RIBs and any other flow or monitoring data that may be useful in the final evaluation of the overall system. 2: Development of a load test plan for 2 existing RIBs. Coordinate the load test set up and provide part time daily monitoring/inspection services-during the load test and recovery period. 3. Conduct an evaluation of the load test data to determine the limitations of the RIBs to infiltrate water, if any. The resulting data will be used in the groundwater modeling to estimate time of soil saturation and rate of vertical movement of water at the RIBs areas. 4. Drill 3 deep SPT borings in the areas of the existing RIBs to allow better characterization of the shallow aquifer and identify any clayey soil layers that may affect the vertical infiltration at the RIBs. These borings should be extended to the top of limestone or a minimum of 20 feet into confining clay layers above the limestone. We expect these boring to be extended to a depth of about 150 feet below ground surface. 5. Collect soil samples for laboratory classification tests andatselect depths collect extra split spoon samples to allow permeability testing on remolded soil samples. These will be needed for both the modeling and FDEP permitting. 6. Set up a system-wide water balance model using FDEP's LANDAPP program and conduct water balance analyses. The model will include the reclaimed water distribution system, delineation of application areas and reclaimed demands. The water balance analyses are needed for permit application and to provide an estimate of wet weather storage volumes to be used in the groundwater modeling. 7. Establish the maximum allowable mounding of groundwater at various areas during full scale operation of the RIBs.Generate maps and limitation of groundwater mounding data sets and submit to the City for final review and approval. LIDAR will be utilized to determine ground elevation surrounding the EWRF. Task 2—Modeling and Hydrogeologic Report In general,the modeling and hydrogeologic report will involve developing a model and report to support the permitting effort. Services to be completed in this task are described below: 1. Develop a sub-regional groundwater flow model, starting with the ECF model sets and then refining the grid and the local extent of the model boundaries. The site specific soils data will be used to characterize the shallow aquifer system in the model and will be extrapolated for the areas off-site. Initially, the Floridan aquifer system will be used as it exists in the ECF regional model. 2. Using the groundwater level data collected at on-site and off-site wells for the last 2 years,the model will be calibrated to the best possible level of accuracy. Typically,there is not sufficient data to allow adequate calibration of the model and certain assumptions must be made to complete calibration. We expect that this will be the case for this project. However,the model will be sufficiently calibrated to allow final modeling and permitting of the RIBs. 3. Once the model is adequately calibrated and reviewed and approved by the City,the final modeling of the RIBs for storage and disposal of reject and wet weather effluent flows will be completed.Tetra Tech will meet with City to review the modeling results. The modeling will be conducted first for the existing RIBs without any changes. If the RIBs can store and dispose of the needed reject and wet weather flows, then no further modeling will be needed. If the existing size or configuration of the RIBs are found to be insufficient to store and dispose of the required flows, then the modeling will be expanded to assess other configuration, size, depth or combined areas to achieve the desired BAF/ab/RIB Rerating/Scope-R TETRA TECH Tt#200BP Clermont -2- 08/23/16 capacity.Tetra Tech will meet with City to review the modeling results and RIB loading protocol prior to preparing the draft hydrogeologic report. 4. Alternative configurations will include a hydraulic evaluations of the existing mains conveying water to the RIBs and provide recommended modifications meet proposed loadings capacities. Site grading figures and yard piping figures will be developed to support the FDEP permit. Construction drawings for the proposed RIB improvements are not included in this scope and will be detailed in the EWRF expansion, based on the permit figures. 5. Prepare draft and final hydrogeologic report with presentation of all data, analyses, water balance modeling and groundwater modeling. This report will be adequate for submittal to the FDEP in support of the permit application. Tetra Tech will submit the draft memorandum to the City for review and comment. Tetra Tech will attend one(1) meeting with the City to review the report. Tetra Tech will prepare a final technical memorandum to address City comments. Task 3-Permitting Tetra Tech will prepare and submit the permit applications and supporting documentation to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) as required to obtain permits for the RIB rerating. All permit application fees will be paid by the City. Tasks include the following: 1. Complete FDEP Permit Application Forms 1 and 2A for the proposed improvements as a "Major Modification"to the existing facilities. 2. Respond to requests for additional information issued by FDEP. RAI responses include responding to comments related to the geotechnical and hydrogeologic issues, such as clarification of the geotechnical data submitted, rerunning the groundwater model for additional scenarios and preparing a letter with responses to the RAI comments. If FDEP requires additional drilling or testing, changing the groundwater model or use a different model,these services are not included within the proposal and will require a separate authorization. III. SCHEDULE Estimate Time Cumulative Time Task (Per Task) (After NTP) Field Investigation, Data Collection and 5 months* 5 months Testing Modeling and Hydrogeologic Report 2 months 7 months Permitting 2 months 9 months *Sunburst LFA 7 day load test proposed in March 2017 BAF/ab/RIB Rerating/Scope-R O TETRA TECH Tt#200BP Clermont -3- 08/23/16 IV. COMPENSATION The lump sum compensation for the Scope of Services described in Section II is summarized below. A detailed breakdown of the estimated compensation for the Scope of Services is presented in Attachment B. Task Total Task 1 -Field Investigation, Data Collection and Testing $33,564 Task 2-Modeling and Hydrogeologic Report $54,728 Task 3-Permitting $10,939 Total $99,231 BAF/ab/RIB Rerating/Scope-R o TETRA TECH Tt#200BP Clermont -4- 08/23/16 O G 9 m q $$ OO CD tt a N $ ^ 8 $ $ 0 3 , RI3 n 2 n E V "l i4, .. O a :03 N f"I .y O q N n l n .".i N $ ri ... m Yi N .L a. 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