O-115-M . . MISC. ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 115-M N~ 345 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING A BUDGET OF EXPENSES FOR THE GENERAL OPERATIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1978-79 AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS THEREFORE; PROVIDING A TAX LEVY ON ALL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR THE YEAR 1978 FOR THE GENERAL OPERATION EXPENSE OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA HEREBY ORDAINS THAT: SECTION 1. It is hereby found by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, are needed to defray all expenses and liabilities in the general operation of the government of the City of Clermont, and these sums are hereby appropriated for the corporate purposes and objects of said city hereinafter specified for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of October 1978, and ending on the 30th day of September 1979: Administration Police Fire Public Works Contingencies TOTAL EXPENDITURES SECTION 2. $ 200595 218317 16040 366830 8500 $ 810282 It is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the revenue required to fund the appropriations made in Section 1 hereof shall come from the following sources: TAXES Ad Valorem Taxes Franchise Fees Utilities Service Taxes LICENSES AND PERMITS Professional or Occupational Building Permits Other Licenses and Permits INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES CETA Reimbursement Federal Revenue Sharing Cigaratte Tax Gasoline Tax Mobile Home Licenses Alcoholic Beverage Licenses Additional Homestead Exemption Casualty Insurance Premium Tax County Road and Bridge Levy CHARGES FOR SERVICES Lot Mowing (net) $ 208044 120000 72000 17000 12000 700 23000 57272 132338 46200 3200 3000 9000 9000 20250 2000 . . MISC. ORDINANCES N~ 346 ORDINANCE NO. 115-M OTHER REVENUES Fines & Forfeitures $ 9000 Interest Earnings 20000 Rentals 7000 Cemetery Lot Sales 5000 Administration Services Assessment 45510 Miscellaneous 1500 Contributions from Sanitation Fund 17608 TOTAL REVENUES $ 840622 LESS: Subsidy to Water and Sewer Fund 86222 SUB TOTAL $ 754400 REDUCTION OF CASH BALANCE 55882 TOTAL $ 810282 and that a portion of the revenue described above must be raised from the assessment and levy of ad valorem tax on each dollar of taxable property in the City of Clermont, Florida as hereinafter provided. SECTION 3. It is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the assessed value for 1978 for the City of Clermont, Florida as prepared by the Property Appraiser of the County of Lake and confirmed by the Board of Lake County Commissioners is: Effective Taxable Value $ 50,771,787 and that the Tax Assessor of the County of Lake has certified that a tax rate of $5.21 per $1,000 valuation will yield the same amount of tax revenue as that levied during the previo~s year. SECTION 4. It is hereby found and determined by the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that to raise the sum of Eight Hundred Ten Thousand Two Hundred Eighty-Two Dollars ($810,282) required for general government operation of this city, an ad valorem taxation of all taxable property of this city, anticipating uncollected taxes, a tax levy of 4.50 mills is required to be levied. SECTION 5. There is hereby levied and shall be collected on each dollar of taxable property in the City of Clermont, Florida for general government operation of the said city a tax of 4.50 mills. SECTION 6. The Property Appraiser of the County of Lake is hereby directed to extend the Assessment Roll of the City of Clermont heretofore equalized, confirmed and approved in accordance with the millage provided in Section 5 of this Ordinance and to deliver same to the Tax Collector of the County of Lake, and the aforesaid Property Appraiser is hereby directed to collect the said taxes at the time and in the manner hereby provided by law. · e MISC. ORDINANCES N~ 347 ORDINANCE NO. 115-M SECTION 7. This and shall First Reading this Ordinance shall be published take effect immediately. ;¿;¿¿ /3~ as provided by law and it shall become law PASSED AND ORDAINED BY /3~ THE CITY ~ r"t~ÆA.' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, TtAJ day of .' 1978. day of , 1978. Second Reading this LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS DAY OF 1978. CITY OF CLERMONT By: CLAUDE E. SMOAK, JR., - (!i ayor ATTEST: DQ~~:~~~~ ~k APPROVED by me this /.]~ day of f.';r~tfA..-J , 1978. (!i /J~. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy o~~he foregoing Ordinance No. 1/~-J1 was published on the 3/~ day of ~~~ , 1978, in a newspaper of general circulation located within the-ti~ of Clermont, as required by Florida Statutes 166.041 (3)(a), said date of publication being 7 days prior to the Second Reading and Final Adoption of this Ordinance. QaAP.J h CuJ ~ DOLORES W. CARROLL - City Clerk DR. Bevi 8 (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) 19 78 CERTIFICATION OF MILLAGE AND TAXABLE VALUE INCLUDING STATEMENT OF ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS LAKE County, Florida CLERMONT TO (Name of Taxing Authority) (1) (2) (3) Current Vear Taxable Value of Real Property for Operating Purposes Current Vear Taxable Value of Personal Property for Operating Purposes Current Vear Taxable Value of Centrally Assessed Property for Operating Pu rposes (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Current Vear Gross Taxable Value (1) + (2) + (3) Current Vear Funded Senior Homestead Exemption [1196.031 (3)(a),F.5. Current Vear Funded Additional Disability Exemption [!196.031(3)(b),F.5. Current Vear Funded I nventory Differential [!193.511 ,F .5.] Current Vear Effective Taxable Value (4) + (5) + (6) + (7) for all taxing authorities except School Boards. For School Boards enter amount on line (4). Less: Current Vear New Construction and Additions $ I. 451 . S 19 Current Vear (Deletions $ -0- Net New Value (9) - (10) Current Vear Adjusted Taxable Value (8) - (11) 95% of Current Vear Adjusted Taxable Value (12) x .95 Prior Vear Gross Taxable Value $ 46,893,439 Prior Vear Funded Senior Homestead Exemption $ 1. 829.220 [!196.031 (3)(a),F .5.] $ 62,140 (16) Prior Vear Funded Additional Disability Exemption [!196.031 (3)(b).F .5.] (17) Prior Vear Effective Taxable Value $ 48,784,799 (14) + (15) + (16) for all taxing authorities except School Boards. For School Boards enter amount on line (14). (18) (19) (20) Prior Vear Operating Millage Levy Prior Vear Ad Valorem Proceeds (17) x (18) Certified Millage Rate for Current Vear (19) / (13) 5.00 Copy Number .. $ 40.01/..184 $ 8,190,754 $ 151, 324 $ 48,354,262 $ I, 861, 450 $ 66,640 $ 489,435 $ 50,771,787 ) $ 1, 451, 519 $ $ $4Q.'?0.?hR $ 46,854,255 Per $1 ,000 $' 5.21 ?4'.<)?4.00 Per $1 ,OO~ I do hereby certify the values shown herein to be correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Witness my TAVARES 30th . hand and official signature at , Florida this the day o.f June 78 ,19_. ~ ~ffi~ Property Appraiser SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE . . INSTRUCTIONS: A. Complete this form in triplicate. Copy one (1) to taxing authority: copy two (2) retained by Property Appraiser: copy three (3) to Ad Valorem Tax Division, Department of Revenue. B. All Millage Figures and taxable values used must apply only to the taxing authority indicated. Use separate forms for each dependent taxing authority. Certify only for operating levies. C. Entries for items (1), (2), (3), (5), (6), (7), (9), (10), (14), (15), (16) and (18) are to be supplied by the Property Appraiser using tax roll data. Remaining entries are to be calculated as indicated. D. IMPORTANT: For multi-county taxing authorities, the Property Appraiser shall not complete line (20). The Appraiser will forward copies one (1) and three (3) to the Department since the Department is responsible for Certification to multi-county districts. E. For the purposes of this certification, "deletions" shall include only the taxable value of those structures destroyed or otherwise physically removed: "New Construction" shall include only the taxable value of new structures or additions to structures which did not exist on the date of assessment of the prior year's tax roll: "Additions" shall include only the taxable value of all real property which appears for the first time on the tax roll for a taxing authority as a result of annexation. There can be no additions to the tax roll for county-wide taxing authorities. DR·489·AM-REVISED 3/78-TABLE LAKE COUNTY THE 19 78 INITIAL RECAPITULATION OF THE AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT ROllS OF CLERMONT , FLORIDA NAME OF MUNICIPALITY) Every Space must be filled in. Where there are spaces that are not applicable to your county, write NONE in that space. Co\. 1 Co\. 2 Co\. 3 Co\. 4 . Real Property Personal Property CentraIly Assessed Property Total Property Including Subsurface Ri$thts 1. Just Value (193.011, F.S.) $ 55,222, 324n$ 10,978,124 $ 151,324 $ 66,351,772 2. Just value of property that _ I has a classified use value (193.114(2)(d),F.S.) 1,774,400 .. -0- 1,774,400 3. Classified use Value (193.114(2) (d), 193,461, I 1 268 420 ~ -0- 1 268 420 193.501, 193.501, F.S.) " , , 4. Inventory 100% of Just Value"Q"..n.... .....1 3,059, 500 ~ nn'n ....n ..n.nn.nnn .nnn... 3,059,500 5. Inventory 10% and 1 % Value . I ~~~3Æ1, F.S.) sum of (i) ..........".0."..,.. 275,440 ..... nnnnn 275, 4~ 6. Lands Available for Taxes 0 0 0 (§197.241 (5), F.S.) - - - - ..n....n. - - 7. Government Exempt (Do not include property assessed 2 470 880 -0- 2 470 880 under 193.501, F.S.) , , , , 8. Widow'sExempt 30,500 2,310 32,810 9. Disability Exempt 208.160 1,000 n....nn.n........nn.n. n..nn 209, 160 10. Institutional Exempt (196.195, 1 -0- 4 518 150 196.196, 196.197, F.S.) 4,518, 50 ..nn. nn.. , , II. Constitutional Homestead 5,615,020 -0- 5, 615, 020 Eum~ ......... ............ 12. Senior Homestead Exempt 1, 861, 450 .........".o". n"'n"'n.. I, 861, 450 13. TAXABLE VALUE FOR OPERATING MILLAGES 40,01/,184 8,1~J54 151,324 48,354,262 JUST VALUE OF LAND CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED USE VALUE OF LAND RAW MATERIALS 100% JUST VALUE RAILROAD PROPERTY VALUE $500 DISABILITY EXEMPT VALUE AGRICULTURAL CLASSIFIED AGRICULTURAL (a) 1, 774, 400 (d) 1, 268, 420 (g) 339,000 (I) 120,094 (0) 16,500 JUST VALUE OF PARK AND CL'A"SSIFIED USE VALUE OF PARK NORMAL INVENTORY 100% PRIVATE CAR LINE PROPERTY $4500 ADDITIONAL DISABILITY RECREATIONAL LAND AND RECREATIONAL LAND JUST VALUE VALUE EXEMPT VALUE (b) -0- (e) -0- (h) 2,720,500 31,230 66,640 (a) + (h)=lilie :!, ('(,1.1 (d)+((~);:::lille 3, eol. 1 RAW MATERIALS t% VALUE (m) (p) (i) (I) + (III) -= line 13, col. 3 OTHER DISABILITY EXEMPT VALUE "FULL" VALUE OF LAND DESIGNAT. JUST VALUE OF LAND DESIGNATED 3, 390 ED AN AREA OF CRITICAL STATE AN AREA OF CRITICAL STATE CON. NORMAL INVENTORY 10% VALUE D.O.R. USE ONLY ( ) 126 020 CONCERN CERN (THIS AMOUNT INCLUDED q , IN LINE 1, COLUMN t) (j) 272,050 (0) + (p) + ((J) ;;;; lIne 0, coI.-1 (c) -0- (E) JUST VALUE OF SUBSURFACE (S"e illsl rudiulIs fur. i uf "fu - 0- RIGHTS (THIS AMOUNT INCLUDED TOTAL TAXABLE VALUE FOR DEBT IN LINE t, COLUMN I) SERVICE LEVIES, IF ANY· *If there are different tax bases (k) -0- (n) -0- applicable to various debt is- sues, please show each. (g) + ,(11) ;::: line 4, cuI. ~ (i) + (j) ;::: line Ü, col. 2 NSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM DR-489-AM I property. 4. Column 2. Enter here '11"': Row 5. Columt Enter here r ~ntory at Row 7. Columt Enter here t total exempt value of all erty which : owned by a governmental includes íe( I, state, county and property.) Row 8. Columt 1 Column 1 Enter here the total just value of all real property, tions 193.011 and 192.001 (12), F.S. 2. Column 1. Enter here the just value of all classified use real prop- erty (classified use includes agriculturally zoned land, and outdoor recreational or park land when covenanted with the governing board or blody of the county. Row 3. Column 1. Enter here the . total just value would be if said designation did no apply. 'For the purposes of this report, the term "full' value shall be this hypothetical just value. Provision of this figure and a figure for Item (h) shall constitute compliance with Section 193.507 (5), F.S. classified use personal aj value of just Row 2. Column 2. Enter here the property. Sec- 1 COLUMN i 1 TABLE Row terns (d) and (e) Enter the figures Line 3. Column 1. personal total classified use value of al Row 3. Column 2. Enter here the Row Row equal of to designated an Area proper consideration should as described. The sum value of land 00ncern giving (2 F.S. tern (f). Enter the just Critical State I Section 193.01J just value. taxable value. of .:....mtary at 1001i(¡ real aj of value use dassified total Items (g) and (11) Enter the figures line 4, Column 2. personal prop- agency. (This municipal personal taxes total value of all land available for Section 197.241 (5), F.S. should equal sum The as described. of all real property . agency. (This in- r: unicipal real prop- exempt yalue a goverm;nenta. county and and (j). the figures Column 2. terns (i) Enter line 5, widows exemptions on Enter here the total value of al personal property. total on personal property. 10. Column 2. Enter here the total exempt value of all the personal property tax roll that is not where in Column 2. This includes religious, scientific, literary, homes for the aged, etc. 13. Column 2. equal should sum The destl'ibcd as (k). Enter exemptions disability of al value 9. Column 2. Enter here the Row pursuant Row 7. Column Enter here the total which is owned by dudes federal, state, erty. property. Row 6. Column 1 Enter here the to real property, Row 9. Column 1. Enter here the total on real property. 10. "::olurn- 1. ~- le total exempt ,:value of all property on ;e tax roll that is not shown elsewhere in lis includes religi6us, charitable, scientific, ~s for the aged, etc. 1. e total value of ¡ill real property that has estead exemption (not to exceed ~titutional exemption, pursuant to F.S. per Section included in terns (I) and (m) Enter the figures as supplied by the Department. The sum should equal Line 13, Column 3. Locally assessed non-operating railroad property should be included in Column 1 if real or Column 2 if personal, and not in Column 3. the just value of subsurface rights F.S. Subsurface values should be property entries in Column 1. tern 193.481 the real property on shown else- charitable, 2, 7, Row Row minus minus 1, 5, Row 10. Enter here the total value from Row plus Row 3, minus Row 4, Row minus Row 8, minus Row D, Row Row on exemptions widows exemptions 196.202, F.S. disability total value of all pursuant to Sehion aj of value Row 8. Column 1 Enter here the ~ ".n ¿nt",~ here Row and centrally millages. In many Lines 12 and 13, taxable value of real, personal for debt service be the sum of (n) Enter the assesseà property instances this wi! Column 4. tern Depart the plus minus COLUMN 3 certified by as 1 figures TABLE the EXACT of Revenue. Enter ment 1 --, En lin Row Section Section under and exempt exemptions property widow of for value ( except F.S. (0) Enter the 196.202 196.24, tern car ___, I Row 13. Column 3. . here the total value of railroad and private as submitted by Department of Revenue. Row $5,000 ) Section of all real property that has homestead exemption ($5,001 pursuant to Secti~n ]96.031 (3) (a), F.S. Enter here the total value received the additional to $10,000) Row tem (p) Enter the 196.031 (3 under entries - COLUMN 4 line, enter the sum of the 2 and 3. if any, on that line. 1 TABLE Rows. For a given Columns 1, Al 13. Column 1 Enter here the total value from Ro\y plus Row 3, minus Row 6, minus Row minus Row D, minus Row 10, Row 12. Row .¡ Section Sections under under exempt of property exempt and 196.101, F.S. value of property (b). F.S. the value 196.091, (q) Enter 196.081 tern (q) THROUGH (a) ITEMS TABLE 1 tems (a) and (b). Enter the figures Line 2, Column 1. Row 2, Row 8, minus 1, minus 7, minus minus Row 11 should equal an Area of showing what the The sum the property designated Concern, enter a figure as described. Item (c:). Considering al Critical State Sec- - COLUMN 2 personal property (a) (c) (d), F.S.) al 11 1 Column 2. Enter here the just value of tions 193.011 and 192.001 TABLE Row FO~M .AM R. '3/78 . TAX ROLL CERTIFICATION I, ED HAVILL LAKE , PROPERTY APPRAISER, MUNICIPALITY OF COUNTY, FLORIDA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT: CLERMONT THE REAL PROPERTY TAX ROLL OF THIS MUNICIPALITY COMPLIES WITH ALL STATU- TORY AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AND REFLECTS ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: (a) A brief description of the property for purpose of location. (b) The just value (using the factors set out in §193.011, F.S.) of all property. (c) When property is wholly or partially exempt, a categorization of such exemption (I.e., identification by category). (d) When property is classified so that it is assessed other than under §193.011, F.S., the value according to its classified use and its value as assessed under §193.011, F.S. (e) The owner or fiduciary responsible for payment of taxes on the property, his address, and an indication of any fiduciary capacity (such as executor, administrator, trustee, etc.) as appropriate. The millage levied on the property. The tax determined by multiplying the millages by the assessed value for taxation. A code as prescribed by the Department under Section 195.073, F.S., indicating the use of the property. , (f) '(g) (h) THE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX ROLL OF THIS MUNICIPALITY COMPARES WITH ALL STAT- UTORY AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AND REFLECTS ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: (a) A code reference to the tax returns showing the property. (b) The just value (using the factors set out in §193.011, F.S.) of all such property, and in the case of inventory, the percentage of the property subject to taxation. (c) When property is wholly or partially exempt, a categorization of such exemption (I.e., identification by category). (d) The owner or fiduciary responsible for payment of taxes on the property, his address and an indication of any fiduciary capacity (such as executor, administrator, trustee, etc.) as appropriate. The mill ages levied on the property. The tax determined by multiplying the millages by the assessed value for taxation. A code as prescribed by the Department under Section 195.073, F.S., indicating the use of the propertY: '(e) , (f) (g) This form shall be submitted to the Department of Revenue for review on or before the first Monday in July. §193.114(5), F.S. As per Section 195.073 (3), Florida Statutes, appended to this certification is a statement indicating the total assessed valuation of structures added to and deleted from the assessment roll in each taxing jurisdiction. 'These requirements have not been completed at this time, however, the tax rolls are designed to reflect these requirements. The tax rolls of this county will be in compliance with all requirements of law before I shall attach the necessary and proper certificates to the tax roll as specified by 193.122 (2), F.S. Witness my hand and official signature at _ the 30 t h day of J u n e ~RT~~ Tavares this , A.D. 19 78 -- CLERMONT MUNICIP ALITY LAKE COUNTY STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Tallahassee, Florida Tax Roll Certification submitted by you for the 19__ Tax Roll for the above stated Municipality in said County, Florida, containing total assessed valuation of all properties as required by Florida Statutes and Department of Revenue Rules and Regulations, in said county is approved, subject to conditions listcd in the attached letter, if any. Dated at Tallahassee, the Capitol, this the ___ day of , 19 For Department of Revenue