O-2016-40 CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 2016-40 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ACT, CHAPTER 163, PART II, FLORIDA STATUTES BY ADOPTING TEXT CHANGES TO THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO AMEND THE MAXIMUM DENSITY FOR THE DOWNTOWN MIXED USE FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY; SETTING FORTH THE AUTHORITY FOR ADOPTION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS; SETTING FORTH THE PURPOSE AND INTENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS; ESTABLISHING THE LEGAL STATUS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICT AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Clermont was adopted by the City of Clermont on August 13, 1991, in accordance with the Local Government Planning and Land Development Regulations Act of 1985, Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Clermont may be amended pursuant to Florida Statutes 163.3187; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, held a public hearing October 4, 2016 and made recommendations to the City Council for amendments to the plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont held public hearings December 13, 2016 and January 24, 2017 on the proposed amendments to the plan in light of written comments, proposals and objections from the general public; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED and enacted by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida that: Section 1. After public hearings held by the City of Clermont Local Planning Agency and the Clermont City Council, the Future Land Use Element is hereby amended as shown in Exhibit A. Section 2. If any portion of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the invalidated portion shall be severed from the remainder of the Ordinance, and the remainder of the Ordinance shall continue in full force and effect as if enacted without the invalidated portion, except in cases where such continued validity of the remainder would clearly and without doubt contradict or frustrate the intent of the Ordinance as a whole. 1 CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 2016-40 Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 4. This,Ordinance shall bepublished as provided by law and it shall become law and shall take effect immediately upon its Second Reading and Final Passage. 2 CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 2016-40 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida on this 28th day of February, 2017. CITY OF CLERMONT may_ Gail L. Ash, Mayor ATTEST: Tracy Ackroyd Howe, City Clerk Approved . o rm and legality: 410),111P Daniel F. • antzaris, ity Attorney Exhibit A CICI"( cLER ONT Choice of Champions® CITY OF CLERMONT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CHAPTER I FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT Adopted June 23, 2009 Amended February 28, 2017 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF CLERMONT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE CHAPTER I FUTURE LAND USE GOAL 1: Ensure that the character, magnitude and location of all land uses provide a system for orderly growth and development that achieves a balanced natural, physical and economic environment and enhances the quality of life of all residents. Objective 1.1: Discourage Urban Sprawl. The City shall discourage and/or reduce urban sprawl through a future land use pattern that promotes orderly, compact development and the provision of public facilities and services that minimize costs and environmental impacts and maximize efficiency. Policy 1.1.1: Urban services such as water and sewer shall not be extended outside the Lake County/Clermont Joint Planning Area (JPA) without a companion land use plan amendment modifying the boundary and amending the land uses. An exception may be considered where public health, safety and welfare require a community water system or the extension of water service to ensure safe potable water. Policy 1.1.2: The City shall prioritize its capital improvements funding by assigning first priority to the renewal, reuse and/or rehabilitation of existing facilities or to the replacement of existing obsolete or worn out facilities. Policy 1.1.3: The City shall encourage infill through the use of higher density and intensity land use designations and mixed-use designations in appropriate locations. Objective 1.2: Future Land Use Map Series. The City shall ensure that future development and redevelopment activities are located in appropriate areas of the City by adopting a Future Land Use Map Series included as Appendix A of this element that contains the Future Land Use Map (FLUM), Future Transportation Map and Natural Resources Map,which together form the basis for consideration of future land use plan amendments. The Future Land Use Map Series, along with the City's land development regulations, shall reduce or eliminate existing land uses that are inconsistent with the community's character. Policy 1.2.1: The City shall consider the compatibility of adjacent future land use categories during the land use plan amendment process. The City shall consider potential maximum densities and intensities and the appropriate transition of uses,densities and intensities. Policy 1.2.2: The land development regulations shall include provisions to reduce or eliminate land uses that are inconsistent with the City's character and future land use,including those uses that are inconsistent with hazard mitigation recommendations in the Lake County emergency management plan. . Policy 1.2.3: The City shall discourage the continuation of nonconforming uses to the extent established in the land development regulations. Redevelopment of the property will be allowed only if it is consistent with the FLUM and the zoning district. Policy 1.2.4: The adopted FLUM contains and identifies appropriate locations for the following land use categories which were established to prevent urban sprawl, provide for the protection of natural and historic resources and maximize economic development: Ordinance#2016-40 Amended February 28,2017 I-1 CITY OF CLERMONT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE Maximum Density/Intensity Future Land Use Categories (per gross acre) Conservation Not Develo.able Parks N/A Public Facilities/Institutional 0.25 FAR Residential Low-Density 3 units per acre Medium-Density 8 units per acre High-Density 12 units per acre Office 1.0 FAR Mixed-Use Residential/Office 12 units per acre/0.25 FAR Master Planned Development 12 units per acre/0.25 FAR • Downtown Mixed-Use 1.2-40 units per acre/3.0 FAR Commercial 12 units .er acre/0.25 FAR Industrial 1.0 FAR Objective 1.3: Conservation Land Use Category. The conservation category is established for the long-term protection and preservation of publicly or privately owned lands that contain valuable and threatened natural resources, such as wetlands, floodplains and unique ecological communities. Policy 1.3.1: Only passive open space and passive recreational activities shall be allowed in the conservation category, limited to resource-enhancing facilities such as multi-purpose trails, bike paths and natural land restoration projects. Interactive areas/facilities may be allowed as long as they are provided and managed consistent with goals, objectives and policies of this element as well as the goals,objectives,policies,standards and criteria set forth in the Conservation Element. Policy 1.3.2: Lands designated as conservation on the FLUM may be counted toward meeting the adopted level of service standards for recreation and open space for the City. Policy 1.3.3: If it is impractical to designate the area containing conservation resources as conservation land use due to size, location or other factors, the City shall have the option of obtaining a conservation easement from the property owners to protect the area.Areas covered by a conservation easement shall be treated the same as areas designated as conservation land use on the FLUM. Policy 1.3.4: No development is permitted within the conservation category, except where state and/or federal agencies having jurisdiction already allow development rights.The applicant shall bear the burden of proof in determining that development shall not adversely impact conservation resources. Site alteration,where allowed,shall be limited to 10 percent of the entire site. Ordinance#201640 Amended February 28,2017 I-2 CITY OF CLERMONT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE Objective 1.4: Parks Land Use Category. The parks category is established to provide sufficient space for public and private parks that are open to the public for active and passive recreation use. Policy 1.4.1: The parks land use category is intended to accommodate existing public parks and recreation areas as well as committed public and semi-public open spaces. The maximum intensity of buildings on site shall be 0.25 Floor-Area-Ratio (FAR). Policy 1.4.2: Not all parks and recreational facilities are required to be shown as parks on the FLUM. Park and recreation uses shall be allowed in other categories as support uses. Objective 1.5: Public Facilities/Institutional Land Use Category. The public facilities/institutional category is established for publicly-owned institutional parcels and privately- owned,non-profit institutional parcels meeting threshold sizes established herein. Policy 15.1: The public/institutional land use designation is intended to accommodate public and semi-public services including government administration buildings;public schools and not- for-profiteducational institutions;hospital facilities and supportive health care units;arts,cultural orcivic facilities;essential publicservices and facilities;cemeteries; fire and emergency operation facilities;utilities;public and semi-public open spaces and other similar activities.The maximum intensity of institutional activity shall be 0.25 FAR. Policy 1.5.2: Churches and religious institutions on parcels greater than two acres shall be designated as public,facilities/institutional future land use category on the FLUM, except those within the master planned development and the downtown mixed-use land use categories. Policy 15.3: Public and private schools on parcels greater than five acres shall be designated as public facilities/institutional future land use category on the FLUM, except those within the master planned development.and the downtown mixed-use land use categories. Policy 1.5.4: The City shall monitor the.need for increased land area for public/institutional uses and shall ensure that this land use.designation on the FLUM is expanded to accommodate the development of public and semi-public facilities such as government administration buildings; fire,police and rescue services;educational'institutions and similar public uses. Objective 1:6: Residential Land Use Categories. The residential categories are established to provide for the preservation of existing, predominantly residential neighborhoods. These categories allow a range of housing types of low;medium and high residential densities at a maximum density of up to 12 units per acre;however, densities higher than eight units per acre shall require a conditional use permit or a Planned Unit Development(PUD) zoning. Other uses allowed include supportive accessory .uses, churches and schools as conditional uses, minor public utilities (i.e., telephone switching stations, lift stations, drainage infrastructure and similar facilities), parks and open space, municipal facilities,and other civic and cultural uses subject to standards and performance criteria set forth in thisplan and in the land development regulations. Based on current land use trends, the City estimates that the mix of Uses in the residential categories will be about 85 percent residential and 15 percent public facilities/institutional and recreation uses. Policy 1.6.1: Low-Density Residential. Areas delineated on the FLUM for low-density residential development shall accommodate a maximum density of up to three dwelling units per acre and shall be comprised primarily of single-family detached homes on individual lots. Ordinance#2016-40 . Amended February 28,2017 I-3 CITY OF CLERMONT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE Policy 1.6.2: Medium-Density Residential. Areas delineated on the FLUM for medium- density residential development shall accommodate a maximum density of up to eight units per acre. Permitted housing types include single-family detached homes,including zero-lot-line and cluster developments,duplexes,townhomes,condominiums and apartments. Policy 1.6.3: High-Density Residential. Areas delineated on the FLUM for high-density residential development shall accommodate a maximum density of 12 units per acre; however, densities higher than eight units per acre shall require a conditional use permit or a Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning. Permitted housing types include single-family detached homes, including zero-lot-line and cluster developments, duplexes, townhomes, condominiums and apartments. Nursing homes, assisted living facilities and independent living facilities shall be permitted in the high-density residential land use as a planned unit development(PUD)consistent with land development regulations and may have a maximum intensity of 3.0 FAR. Policy 1.6.4: Performance standards for residential uses shall include, but are not limited to, the following: • The land development regulations shall include performance standards for high- density and multi-family residential uses that control the location of proposed buildings in relation to the overall dimension of the site, provide sufficient on- site/structured parking where applicable, and provide open space and recreation amenities. • The land development regulations shall contain requirements for significant open space, landscaping and buffers to effectively screen multi-family developments from low-density residential zoning districts. • Multi-family residential developments of more than 50 units shall provide recreational facilities to meet the needs of the population of the development. • Grid street networks are highly encouraged to serve residential developments and provide connectivity throughout the City. Cul-de-sacs and gated developments are discouraged. • Themes are encouraged for residential developments to include cohesive streetscape design, signage, landscape architecture and streetscape furniture to create an identity for the neighborhoods in the City. Objective 1.7: Mixed-Use Land Use Categories. The mixed-use categories are established to accommodate a mixture of residential, office and commercial uses as single uses on separate parcels or as a mix of uses within a single development.The maximum density for residential uses shall be 12 units per acre, except in the Downtown Mixed Use Category,which may allow a bonus density of up to 40 units per acre through a Community Benefit Agreement as provided for in the Land Development Code, Section 122, Division 12 CBD/Central Business District. Densities higher than eight units per acre in the Residential/Office Category shall require a conditional use permit. Other uses allowed include supportive accessory uses,churches and schools as conditional uses,minor public utilities (i.e., telephone switching stations, lift stations, drainage infrastructure, and similar facilities), parks and open space, municipal facilities and other civic and cultural uses subject to standards and performance criteria set forth in this plan and in the land development regulations. Ordinance#2016-40 Amended February 28,2017 I-4 • CITY OF CLERMONT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE Policy 1:7.1: Residential/Office.The residential/office category is intended to provide for a mixture of predominantlyresidential uses, while allowing for professional offices that are consistent with the general character of the adjacent residential uses. Based on current land use trends,the City estimates that the mix of uses in the residential/office category will be 65 percent residential and 35 percent non-residential. The maximum intensity for office development shall be 0.25FAR.The FAR shall not be applied to the residential portion of a mixed-use development. Policy L7.2: . Planned Development.The master planned development category is intended to provide for two existing approved developments of regional impact(DR1),King's Ridge.DRI and Lost Lake Reserve DRI,the Black West proposed mixed-use'development subject to a utility and annexation agreement approved by the City and new master planned,mixed-use projects that shall be applied only upon City Council approval of a development agreement that specifies the allowable types and distribution of land uses and the maximum number/density of residential units, and which demonstrates that public facilities and services meet the requirements of the City's Concurrency Management System.,The maximum intensity for office and commercial uses • shall be 0.25 FAR; 1.0 FAR for industrial uses; and 0.25 FAR for institutional uses. The FAR shall not be applied to the residential portion of a mixed-use development. Policy 1.7.3: . Downtown Mixed-Use. The downtown mixed-use category is intended to provide for a mixture of residential and business uses, as well as cultural and tourist facilities, recognized as characteristic of the City's established downtown central business district. Based on current land use trends;the City estimates that the mix of uses will be 70 percent office and commercial uses and 30 percent residential,publicfacilities/institutional and recreation uses.The maximum intensity for office,commercial and institutional uses shall be 3.0 FAR. The FAR shall not be applied to the residential portion of a mixed-use development. Policy 1.7.4: Nursing homes, assisted living facilities and independent living facilities shall be permitted in all mixed-use land use categories as a PUD consistent with land development regulations and may have a maximum intensity of 3.0 FAR. Policy 1.7.5: Performance standards for mixed-use developments shall include, but are not limited to;the following: • Mixed-use developments are encouraged to incorporate town or village centers that are"sized to serve the needs of residents in the development within a quarter-mile of the center. • Unified architectural and streetscape themes are encouraged for all mixed-use developments. • A mixed-use development may include a mixture of land uses on the same site and/or in the same building. • For a mixed-use building, only retail sales and services and restaurants are permitted on the ground floor. Ordinance#2016-40 Amended February 28,2017 I-5 CITY OF CLERMONT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE Objective 1.8: Office Land Use Category. The office category is established to provide for office uses in areas that transition to residential neighborhoods. Uses allowed in addition to offices are supportive accessory uses, churches and schools as conditional uses, minor public utilities (i.e., telephone switching stations,lift stations,drainage infrastructure,and similar facilities),parks and open space, municipal facilities and other civic and cultural uses subject to standards and performance criteria set forth in this plan and in the land development regulations. Policy 1.8.1: Residential uses are not allowed in the office category. Policy 1.8.2: Nursing homes, assisted living facilities and independent living facilities shall be permitted in all mixed-use land use categories as a PUD consistent with land development regulations and may have a maximum intensity of 3.0 FAR. Objective 1.9: Commercial Land Use Category. The commercial category is established to assure availability of sufficient office and commercial sites to serve the needs of the existing and projected population. In addition to office and commercial uses, residential uses are allowed, preferably as mixed-use, high-density developments, as well as supportive accessory uses, churches and schools as conditional uses, minor public utilities (i.e., telephone switching stations, lift stations, drainage infrastructure,and similar facilities),parks and open space,municipal facilities and other civic and cultural uses subject to standards and performance criteria set forth in this plan and in the land development regulations. Policy 1.9.1: The commercial land use category shall accommodate activities such as general retail sales and services,professional and business offices,personal services and limited residential use. Based on current land use trends, the City estimates that the mix of uses will be 90 percent office and commercial uses and 10 percent residential,public facilities/institutional and recreation uses. Policy 1.9.2: The maximum intensity of commercial development shall be limited to 0.25 FAR. Residential development shall be limited to 12 units per acre; however, densities higher than eight units per acre shall require a conditional use permit or a Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning. Policy 1.9.3: Hotels and hospitals shall be allowed as a conditional use within the commercial land use category and shall be limited to a maximum intensity of 3.0 FAR. Policy 1.9.4: Nursing homes, assisted living facilities and independent living facilities shall be permitted in the commercial land use category as a PUD consistent with land development regulations and may have a maximum intensity of 3.0 FAR. Objective 1.10: Industrial Land Use Category. The industrial category is established to provide sufficient land for existing and anticipated future industrial needs and requisite support services. Policy 1.10.1: Residential uses are not allowed in the industrial category. Policy 1.10.2: Uses allowed in the industrial category include manufacturing, assembling and distribution activities;warehousing and storage activities;general commercial activities;and other similar land uses which shall be regulated through appropriate land development regulations. Heavy metal fabrication, batch plants, salvage yards, chemical or petroleum manufacturing or Ordinance#2016-40 Amended February 28,2017 I-6 CITY OF CLERMONT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE refining, rubber or plastics manufacturing or other uses generating potentially harmful environmental or nuisance impacts shall be prohibited. Policy 1.10.3: The maximum intensity of industrial development shall be limited to 1.0 FAR. Objective 1.11: Smart Growth Principles. New development in the City shall comply with "Smart Growth" principles that minimize the emission of greenhouse gases and reduce vehicle miles of travel as opposed to conventional development standards that encourage urban sprawl. The following policies shall be incorporated into the City's land development regulations prior to the next required Evaluation and Appraisal Report. Policy 1.11.1: Development in the Downtown Mixed-Use land use category, and where appropriate in the Residential/Office and Master Planned Development categories,shall provide pedestrian-friendly street design(buildings close to street;porches,windows and doors;tree-lined streets;hidden parking lots;garages in rear;narrow, slow-speed streets). Policy 1.11.2: Policy 1.11.2: New development, as well as infill development where feasible, shall provide interconnected street grid networks to disperse traffic and encourage walkability. Developments may include a hierarchy of narrow streets, boulevards and alleys; high-quality pedestrian networks; designs that encourage a greater use of bicycles, rollerblades, scooters and walking as daily transportation; connectivity to public transit; and a land use mix that demonstrates reduced external trips by encouraging internal trips. Policy 1.11.3: New Development in the Downtown Mixed-Use, and where appropriate in the Residential/Office and Master Planned Development categories, shall provide a mix of shops, offices, apartments and homes on site and provide mixed-use within neighborhoods, within blocks and within buildings. Policy 1.11.4: Developments that require site plan review and approval shall be evaluated on the use of site and building design that emphasizes beauty,aesthetics,human comfort,creating a sense of place, special placement of civic uses and sites and human-scale architecture and amenities,especially at street level. Objective 1.12: Public Facilities and Services. Development, redevelopment, land use plan amendments and changes to the zoning of a site shall be coordinated with the availability of adequate services and facilities, including assurance that land is available for the needed utility facilities and services. Policy 1.12.1: The Lake-Sumter Metropolitan Planning Organization's transportation concurrency management system (TCMS) and Traffic Impact Study Methodology Guidelines, Volume I: Lake County Checkbook TCMS dated May 28, 2008, and as amended, shall serve as the City's transportation concurrency management system. Policy 1.12.2: All development orders or permits,including any redevelopment activities, shall be issued only if there are public facilities and services available with sufficient capacities to maintain the level of service standards concurrent with the impacts of the proposed development. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the City shall verify with its utility department that adequate water supplies will be available to serve new development no later than the anticipated date of issuance of the certificate of occupancy. Ordinance#2016-40 Amended February 28,2017 I-7 CITY OF CLERMONT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE Policy 1.12.3: The City shall encourage requests for voluntary annexation into the City when those lands are logical extensions of the existing City limits, when services can be properly provided and when proposed uses are compatible with the City's comprehensive plan. Policy 1.12.4: The City shall encourage the development of undeveloped pockets and enclaves within developed areas to utilise existing facilities efficiently. Policy 1.12.5: The City shall ensure the availability of suitable land for public services and facilities necessary to support proposed development and shall approve sites for such facilities and services concurrent with the approvals for the development requiring the services and facilities. Policy 1.12.6: The City shall require new development to provide necessary services and facilities or to pay a fair share of the cost of those services and facilities through impact fees, special assessments,exactions,conveyance of land or easements or pro-rata agreements. Policy 1.12.7: The City shall continue to require dedication of adequate rights-of-way for use as roadways, stormwater management and by utility companies for new construction, service extensions or facility improvements. Policy 1.12.8: Private or public electric utilities needed to support the future land use categories may be permitted as conditional uses in all land use designations except for residential, conservation or parks categories. Policy 1.12.9: Small-scale, site-specific, or off-grid electrical generation systems serving single users or small clusters of users and which use alternative energy sources shall be allowed in all land use categories without exception. Such alternative systems shall be allowed to connect to an available electrical energy distribution system to sell excess power to an electric utility provider. All substations adjacent to residential neighborhoods or visible from a public roadway shall be required to provide landscaping and buffering to minimize visual and noise impacts. Objective 1.13: Natural Resources. Natural resources shall be protected through identification, classification, coordination with resource planning and management plans prepared pursuant to Chapter 380, F.S., and limitations on use consistent with the degree of protection required. Policy 1.13.1: The protection of natural resources shall be accomplished by one or more of the following techniques,based on the degree of protection required: • Limitations on development density and intensity; • Limitations on building placement, such as required clustering of allowable development on non-sensitive portions of a site; • Limitations on building coverage or impervious surface coverage; • Requirements for setbacks and landscaped buffers sufficient to mitigate or eliminate impacts; and • Evaluation of proposed plan amendments to ensure that they do not contribute to urban sprawl and fail to protect natural resources. Ordinance#2016-40 Amended February 28,2017 I-8 CITY OF CLERMONT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE Policy 1.13.2: The City's determination of the degree of natural resource protection required shall be part of the development application and review process and may result in conditions on development approvals. Policy 1.13.3: The land development regulations shall provide for the protection of potable water wellfields by designating appropriate activities and land uses allowed within wellhead protection areas and environmentally sensitive land to protect these areas from adverse impacts of development. Policy 1.13.4: The City shall include standards and procedures in its land development regulations that consider topography and soil types in the review of proposed development projects. Policy 1.13.5: The development approval process shall ensure that new development and redevelopment is consistent with natural drainage patterns. The approval process shall require appropriate stormwater management systems consistent with the adopted drainage level of service,natural drainage patterns and soil conditions. Policy 1.13.6: Flood plains and floodways in the City shall be identified and development shall be limited,consistent with FEMA requirements. Policy 1.13.7: The City of Clermont is not located within the Green Swamp Area of Critical State Concern;however,a portion of this resource is located within the Lake County/Clermont JPA. The City shall utilize both formal and informal modes of coordination with the Florida Department of Community Affairs, St. Johns River Water Management District, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Lake County and other appropriate state and local agencies that have jurisdictional authority or responsibility for regulation and management of the Green Swamp Area of Critical State Concern. Policy 1.13.8: The City shall ensure the preservation of natural communities and listed animal species habitat through land acquisition of natural areas and open space. Objective 1.14: Historic Resources. Important historic and archaeological resources of the City of Clermont shall be protected through identification, classification and regulation of development consistent with the degree of protection required for the resource. Policy 1.14.1: The City, through its adopted historic preservation ordinance, will protect significant historic,cultural and archaeological resources. Policy 1.14.2: The City shall identify and inventory sites of historical significance. Policy 1.14.3: The City's land development regulations shall provide for the protection of significant historic resources from the impacts of development and redevelopment. Policy 1.14.4: Historic resources and their environments shall be considered for inclusion in public acquisition programs for appropriate passive recreation and for open space and conservation. Policy 1.14.5: If City construction activities reveal a suspected historical or pre-historic archaeological site, the City shall determine the extent and nature of the site and report such Ordinance#201640 Amended February 28,2017 I-9 CITY OF CLERMONT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE findings to the state by a master site file application. The City shall mitigate any impacts to the site if the site is determined to be relatively intensive in cultural remains, or significant to the archaeological or historical record. Such determination of site extent, nature and significance shall be made by a professional archaeologist as recognized by the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources,Bureau of Historic Preservation. Policy 1.14.6: The City shall negotiate with landowners prior to the development review process,to avoid disturbance of known historical and pre-historic sites. Policy 1.14.7: The City shall support private, nonprofit groups that endeavor to preserve historic resources and request the assistance of the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, Bureau of Historic Preservation, in identifying sources of funding and programs as a means to identify, designate, protect and preserve pre-historic sites and historic resources in Clermont. Objective 1.15: Redevelopment and Renewal of Blighted Areas. The City shall encourage redevelopment of areas that are exhibiting evidence of decline (i.e., disproportionate number of vacant, dilapidated and/or substandard structures) through redevelopment programs and through maintaining land development regulations that contain standards and procedures to encourage redevelopment where desirable. Policy 1.15.1: The City shall continue to implement the recommendations for the Clermont community redevelopment area. Policy 1.15.2: The City shall implement Housing Element directives for renewal and revitalization of substandard housing target areas within time-frames identified in the element. Policy 1.15.3: The City shall utilize available government programs such as,but not limited to, the community development block grant program, for renewal and revitalisation of substandard housing sites as identified in the Housing Element. Objective 1.16: Plan Implementation. The City shall maintain land use and development regulations to address issues identified in this and other plan element goals, objectives and policies. Policy 1.16.1: Proposed residential developments shall be required to meet state subdivision requirements and the City's land development regulations with regard to platting and providing improvements such as roads, drainage and other facilities and services. All divisions of land, whether requiring a subdivision plat or not,shall be required to meet concurrency management and access requirements as stated in this comprehensive plan. Policy 1.16.2: Zoning districts in the City's land development regulations shall implement the future land use categories adopted in the comprehensive plan,including the types of uses and the densities and intensities of uses. Policy 1.16.3: It is the intent of the City of Clermont to ensure that adequate open space is provided through the following: • active or passive recreation sites; • landscaped buffers; Ordinance#2016-40 Amended February 28,2017 I-10 CITY OF CLERMONT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE • protected natural resource lands; • protected environmentally sensitive lands; • areas devoted to drainage and stormwater retention; • landscaping requirements;and • minimum open space requirements for master-planned developments. Policy 1.16.4: The City shall maintain and enhance the safety and efficiency of the arterial and collector road system and minimize transportation conflicts associated with development by coordinating the FDOT driveway permitting process, limiting development access to the transportation system and increasing interconnection between adjacent developments. Policy 1.16.5: All development shall provide for safe, convenient, and appropriately designed traffic circulation on the site,including provisions for needed parking. Policy 1.16.6: The City shall maintain in the land development regulations procedures and standards for planned developments to encourage mixed-use projects, to encourage traditional neighborhood development,and to encourage and allow innovative site design and development approaches. Policy 1.16.7: The land development regulations shall determine where buffers shall be required between adjacent land uses. Buffers may be either prescriptive standards or variable and shall be defined in the land development regulations. Buffers may serve one or more of the following purposes: provide functional separations between dissimilar uses; provide landscaping adjacent to parking lots and other vehicle use areas;and provide protection from uses that may have some degree of incompatibility that can be mitigated wholly or partially to protect against light, glare, noise or appearance. Policy 1.16.8: Public schools are an allowable use in all land use categories except conservation, parks and industrial. Public technical/training schools may be located in the industrial category. The location of schools shall be proximate to existing and planned urban residential areas to the extent possible and shall be located based on siting criteria that includes but is not limited to school size,land area,land use compatibility,environmental impacts,availability of public utilities, transportation impacts and public safety.The following criteria shall apply: • Public elementary schools shall be sited primarily in residential areas that include housing types and densities to meet the school's enrollment capacity with students who are predominately within walking distance of the school. • Public middle and high schools may be sited in areas with a mix of land uses,including commercial. • Access to public school sites should be from a collector road for middle and high schools or a collector or local road for elementary schools. Ingress and egress should not create detrimental impacts on roads adjacent to the site. Approaches to the site should be safe for pedestrians,bicycles, cars and buses. • Public utilities shall be available to the site. Ordinance#201640 Amended February 28,2017 I-11 CITY OF CLERMONT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE Policy 1.16.9: The City shall encourage the co-location of public facilities, such as parks, libraries and community centers,with schools to the maximum extent feasible. Policy 1.16.10: Development regulations shall require street, pedestrian and transit layouts that discourage non-residential through-traffic in residential neighborhoods, but that encourage energy and time-efficient access points and interconnections between residential areas. Ordinance#2016-40 Amended February 28,2017 I-12