2017-61 E3TETRA TECH
February 3, 2017
Mr. Paul Roy
Environmental Services Director
City of Clermont
3335 Hancock Rd.
Clermont, FL 34711
Subject: City of Clermont
Professional Engineering Services Proposal for the
East Side Water Reclamation Facility Expansion Filter Project
Tt# 20OBP Gen/Clermont
Dear Mr. Roy:
Tetra Tech is pleased to furnish this proposal for professional engineering services to complete
the filter improvements at the East Side Water Reclamation Facility. A detailed scope of services,
compensation summary, and project implementation schedule are attached.
We look forward to serving the City of Clermont on this project. If you should have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me at 407-839-3955.
Very truly yours, Approval:
Tetra Tech City of Clermont
n D. Fox, P.E. By:
Vice President 'Typed Name: Gail L. Ash, ayor
Attachments le-Ly cD � 0.7%)/�
BAF/ab/EWRF Filters/Roy020317
C: Brian A. Foulkes, P.E., Tetra Tech
Tetra Tech
201 E.Pine Street,Suite 1000,Orlando,FL 32801
Tel 407.839.3955 Fax 407.839.3790 www.tetratech.com
The City of Clermont's East Side Water Reclamation Facility (EWRF) has a permitted design
capacity of 4.0 million gallons per day (MGD) and employs the Modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE)
Process as well as filtration to provide high levels of treatment. Effluent from the WWTP provides
reclaimed water for irrigation within the City's service area or it is discharged to rapid infiltration
The existing filtration system for the EWRF includes two filter structures, each with multiple cells.
The existing filtration system employs a continuous backwash deep-bed filtration technology. The
City has decided to replace the existing filters with a cloth media type filter system due to the age
and maintenance requirements of the existing filters in addition to the need for an increase in
capacity. The project includes an evaluation cloth filter system that can be installed within the
existing structures as well as new stand-alone systems installed in prefabricated steel vessels.
Filters will be sized for the projected future flows as provided by the City.
Professional services will include preliminary design, final design, permitting, bidding services, and
construction administration services. Services rendered shall be performed in accordance with the
City of Clermont/Tetra Tech, Inc. Continuing Contract and Agreement for Professional Services
dated December 9, 2014.
A. Preliminary Design
An evaluation of filtration alternatives and conceptual design will be provided under this phase
of work. The following steps will be completed:
1. Attend a project kickoff meeting to confirm the project goals and objectives and conduct a
walk-through of the filter systems to confirm dimensions and equipment layout is
consistent with the record drawings.
2. Develop preliminary list of filtration options for evaluation. It is anticipated that up to four
filter equipment options will be considered.
3. Review record drawings, shop drawings, and performance data regarding the existing
4. Survey of the elevations in the secondary clarifiers, effluent filters, and chlorine contact
structures to verify hydraulic profile elevations and the areas around these structures.
5. Contact personnel at other WWTPs that utilize the filter equipment being evaluated to
discuss performance, operational problems, and modifications that may have been
implemented to correct any deficiencies.
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6. Set up and attend site visits to local installations for the different filter systems being
evaluated that are currently in operation.
7. Perform process and hydraulic calculation to size the filtration facilities and the related
8. Estimate capital costs for the various options and consider non-monetary factors to
develop a recommendation regarding filter equipment selection.
9. Prepare a draft technical memorandum summarizing the findings, conclusions, and
recommendations resulting from completion of the above tasks.
10.Attend one (1) review meeting with the City to discuss the draft technical memorandum.
11. Finalize the draft technical memorandum pursuant to the review meeting with the City.
B. Final Design
The final design will result in the preparation of bidding and contract documents, engineering
drawings, and technical specifications, which will be submitted to the City for review at 60-,
90- and 100-percent completion levels.
1. The 60-percent submittal will generally include: layout of the filter equipment and
structures in plan view, including electrical plan sheets. Key cross sections may also be
prepared that demonstrate areas of potential conflicts or other space constraints. Draft
technical specifications will also be presented at this stage.
2. The 90-percent submittal will generally include: updated plan view drawings, all cross
sections, the completed project manual (technical specification, bidding and contract
documents), and a final opinion of probable construction costs. Estimate of costs will be
based on previous bid tabulations, vendor quotes and estimates provided by contractors.
All comments received from the 50-percent submittal will be addressed in this submittal.
3. The 100-percent submittal will incorporate all comments received from the 90-percent
submittal with the project ready for bidding.
4. Drawings will be prepared using the latest version of Revit. The project manual will contain
bidding, contractual documents(Divisions 0 and 1)and technical specifications for bidding
and construction (Divisions 2 through 16). The project manual and its contents will be
formatted in accordance with the Construction Specification Institute (CSI) in Microsoft
Word. Three (3) sets of drawings and specification will be provided to the City for each
review. A review meeting will be held with the City following each submission.
5. A geotechnical evaluation for use in the design of the slab on grade if free standing steel
filter structures are the selected alternative will be furnished if needed. The City will be
billed for this service only if it is necessary.
C. Permitting
Tetra Tech will prepare and submit the following permit applications and supporting
documentation to obtain regulatory permits for construction and operation the proposed
facilities. Tetra Tech will also respond to requests for additional information (RAIs) from
permitting agencies to clarify the original applications. All permit application fees will be paid
by the City.
1. Complete FDEP Permit Application Form 62-620.910(11)for the proposed improvements
as a "Minor Modification"to the existing facilities and respond to RAls.
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2. Provide supporting documentation to the selected contractor to support an application for
a building permit from the City.
D. Bidding and Award
Upon advertisement of the project by the City; Tetra Tech will assist the City with bidding of
the project and will complete the following tasks:
1. Provide electronic copies of the bid documents for City to issue.
2. Attend one (1) pre-bid conference and one(1) site visits with prospective bidders.
3. Prepare and issue addenda,as approved by the City, containing clarifications or technical
revisions that become apparent during bidding.
4. Review and tabulate bids, evaluate the low bidder's qualifications, and make
recommendations regarding award of the contract.
5. Conform the construction documents at the end of the bidding phase to reflect any
changes to the project design, construction drawings or specifications caused by addenda
to bid packages or changes initiated by the City.
E. Construction Administration Services
During the construction phase of the project, Tetra Tech will perform the following tasks:
1. Prepare for and attend at one (1) preconstruction meeting.
2. Attend nine (9) periodic progress meetings and observe progress of the construction after
the meetings. Limited meetings are anticipated due to the fact that lead times for
equipment will consume the bulk of the contract time.
3. Review shop drawings to determine conformance with the design concepts of the project
and compliance with the requirements provided in the contract documents.
4. Review monthly applications for;payment.
5. Review requests for information (RFIs), provide interpretation of construction documents,
'and issue written clarifications or interpretations.
6. Review change order requests and prepare documentation as required.
7. After successful demonstration tests and upon written request by the Contractor, conduct
a substantial completion inspection of the Project with the City and distribute a punch list
of observed deficiencies to be completed by the Contractor prior to the final completion
date. The project will be certified substantially complete only if the work is sufficiently
complete in accordance with the contract documents, so that the work can be utilized for
the purposes for which it is intended. Upon written request by the Contractor, conduct a
reinspection to confirm that substantial completion punch list items have been addressed
and subsequently provide a substantial completion certification to City.
8. Upon written request by the Contractor, conduct a final completion inspection of the
Project with the City to determine if the project is finally complete and compile and
distribute a punch list of items to be addressed. Upon written request by the Contractor,
conduct a reinspection to confirm that final completion punch list items have been
addressed and subsequently provide a final completion certification to the City.
9. Review the Contractor's as-built submittals monthly for adequacy and review listing of
deviations from- the construction permit and approved construction documents as
• JPT/ab/EWRF Filters/Scope TETRATECH
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prepared by the City's representative: Prepare record drawings for the City's use from
information provided by the Contractor delineating the dimensions, location,and elevation
of all facilities constructed. Provide the City with an electronic file of record drawings and
three (3) sets of prints of the record drawings.
10: Prepare and submit certifications and required supporting documentation to regulatory
agencies having jurisdiction.
The proposed compensation for the Scope of Services described in Section II is summarized below.
Attachment B presents a detailed breakdown of the estimated compensation for the Scope of
Task Compensation
A. Prelimina Desi•n $35,381
B. Final Desi•n I $77,449
C. Permittin• $4,108
D. Biddin• and Award $8,557
E. Construction Administration`. $37,608
! Total:. $163,102
Note Task B, Final Design includes an allowance of$5,000.00 for a geotechnical
investigation. This work with only be completed if needed to facilitate the design
of new stand-alone filtration facilities and if authorized in writing by the City.
The anticipated delivery schedule for the project is presented below:
Task Duration 1 Cumulative
� (Weeks) Weeks from NTP
Draft Preliminary Design Memorandum 8 8 •
City Preliminary Design Memorandum Review f 2 10
Final Preliminary Design Memorandum , 1 11
60% Design Submittal 8 19
City 60% Design Review 2 21
90% Design Submittal 4 25
City 90% Design Review 2 27
100% Design Submittal 2 29
Permitting (Begin at 90% Completion) 8 33
Bidding and Award 8 37
Construction Administration 39 76
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A. Survey beyond the limits identified above.
B. Cost of advertising the project shall be paid for by the Owner.
C. Services related to any type of testing.
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