R-2017-32 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following budget amendments are necessary for the Fiscal Year October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017: GENERAL FUND 1. Increase Contract Services Mowing(10572-53403) $ 7,256 Increase Contract Services Cleaning- Hancock(10542-53402-72906) $ 6,357 Increase Rent—Ballfields (10362-36299-72902) $ 11,030 To amend the budget for additional operating expenditures associated with the 2017 Spring Softball Games for the Parks & Recreation and Public Works Departments and the waiver of a portion of the rental fees for PFX in exchange for 5 new batting cages and 4 double-bullpens at Hancock Park as approved by the City Council on May 23, 2017. 2. Increase Contributions - Light Up (10366-36607-74000) $ 4,750 Increase Special Events—4th of July(10574-54810-74001) $ 4,750 To amend the budget to reallocate surplus contributions from Light Up Clermont to be used for additional Parks&Recreation expenditures for the Fourth of July Celebration event. 3. Increase Safety Equipment(10522-55205) $ 11,800 To amend the Fire Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2016 funds for the purchase of grant funded fire gear. 4. Increase State Grant-Palatlakaha Phase I (10334-33470-72124) $ 50,000 Increase Capital Outlay Professional Services Phase I (10542-66900-72124) $ 7,500 Increase Capital Outlay Recreation Pal. Phase I (10542-66301-72124) $ 42,500 Increase State Grant—Palatlakaha Phase II (10334-33470-72125) $ 50,000 Increase Capital Outlay Recreation Pal. Phase II (10542-66900-72125) $ 7,500 Increase Capital Outlay Recreation Pal. Phase II (10542-66301-72125) $ 42,500 To amend the budget for two Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program Grants for additional Public Works expenditures for the design and construction of two phased improvements at Palatlakaha Park. 5. Increase Federal Grant(10331-33120-21024) $ 8,773 Increase Capital Outlay—Equipment (10521-66401-21024) $ 8,773 Increase Capital Outlay-Equipment(10521-66401-21901) $ 7,635 To amend the budget for the 2017 Edward Bryne Memorial JAG Grant for the Police Department to purchase Auto License Plate Recognition equipment with matching funds from the Federal Forfeiture Funds. 1 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-32 6. Increase Federal Grant(10331-33120-21025) $ 8,721 Increase Minor Equipment(10521-55204-21025) $ 8,985 To amend the budget for the 2017 Edward Bryne Memorial JAG Grant for the Police Department to purchase shotguns with matching funds from within the minor equipment budget. 7. Increase State Grant(10334-33470-38119) $ 165,000 Increase Capital Outlay—Land (10572-66101-38119) $ 207,559 Increase Transfer from Recreation Impact(10381-38105-38119) $ 42,559 To amend the budget for the State of Florida Communities Trust Grant and to amend the Parks & Recreation Department budget to reflect the change in the funding of the CSX property (approved by the City Council on October 25, 2016) with the remaining balance from Recreation Impact Fees. 8. Increase Professional Services (10559-53100-95112) $ 20,500 To amend the budget for reallocation of Economic Development consulting services. 9. Increase Professional Services (10513-53100) $ 14,371 Increase Software Renewals/Support(10513-55219) $ 1,746 To increase the Finance budget for the MUNIS Time-Entry module implementation fee and two months of maintenance costs. 10. Decrease General Fund Balance(10599-59900) $ 58,899 Total General Fund Adjustments. BUILDING SERVICES FUND 1. Increase Professional Services (11524-53100) $ 991 Increase Software Renewals/Support(11524-55219) $ 121 To increase the budget for the MUNIS Time-Entry module implementation fee and two months of maintenance costs. 2. Decrease Building Services Fund Balance(11599-59900) $ 1,112 Total Building Services Fund Adjustments. INFRASTRUCTURE SALES TAX FUND 1. Decrease Capital Outlay—Land (12572-66101) $ 200,000 To amend the Parks&Recreation Department budget to reflect the change in the funding of the CSX property (approved by the City Council on October 25, 2016). 2 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-32 2. Increase Transfer to Debt Service Fund (12581-99113-20000) $ 155,574 To amend the budget to reflect debt service associated with the Master Plan Loan - Series 2017 approved by the City Council on June 13, 2017. 3. Increase Fund Balance(12599-59900) $ 44,426 Total Infrastructure Fund Adjustments. RECREATION IMPACT FEES FUND 1. Increase Transfer to General Fund (14581-99101-38119) $ 42,559 To amend the budget to reflect the Recreation Impact Fee share of the CSX property purchase. 2. Increase Transfer to Debt Service Fund (14581-99113-20000) $ 31,157 To amend the budget to reflect debt service associated with the Master Plan Loan - Series 2017 approved by the City Council on June 13, 2017. 3. Decrease Transfer to Capital Project (14581-99114-95109) $ 550,000 To amend the budget to reflect a change in the original funding plan of the Legacy Loop Project. 4. Increase Fund Balance (14599-59900) $ 476,284 Total Recreation Impact Fund Adjustments. DEBT SERVICE FUND 1. Decrease Interest Earnings (22361-36100) $ 3,213 To amend the budget to reflect reduced interest earnings. 2. Increase Transfer from Infrastructure Fund(22381-38104-20000) $ 155,574 Increase Transfer from Recreation Impact Fund (22381-38105-20000) $ 31,157 Increase Debt Service - Interest (22517-77220-20000) $ 186,731 To amend the budget to reflect debt service associated with the Master Plan Loan - Series 2017 approved by the City Council on June 13, 2017. 3. Increase Debt Proceeds (22384-38402-20000) $ 23,666,830 Increase Debt Closing Fees (22517-77305-20000) $ 40,511 To amend the budget to reflect the loan proceeds and loan issuance costs of the Master Plan Loan — Series 2017 approved by the City Council on June 13, 2017. 4. Increase Transfer to Capital Project Fund (22581-99114-20000) $ 23,626,319 To amend the budget for the transfer of Master Plan Loan — Series 2017 proceeds for anticipated capital projects. 3 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-32 5. Decrease Fund Balance(22599-59900) $ 3,213 Total Debt Service Fund Adjustments. CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 1. Increase Transfer from Debt Service Fund (32381-38115-20000) $ 23,626,319 Increase Victory Pointe Pro Svc (32559-66900-38110) $ 184,846 Increase Victory Pointe Construction(32559-66300-38110) $ 646,661 Increase Capital Outlay PW Land (32549-66101-49000) $ 1,425,000 Decrease Professional Services (32559-53100-95108) $ 41,320 Decrease City Limit Sign Construction (32559-66300-95108) $ 94,249 Decrease Legacy Loop Professional Services (32559-53100-95109 $ 3,240 Increase Legacy Loop Recreation Imp (32559-66301-95109) $ 53,240 Increase Boat Ramp Relocation Professional Services (32559-53100-95111) $ 124,446 Decrease Boat Ramp Relocation Construction(32559-66301-95111) $ 224,446 Increase Downtown Waterfront Professional Services (32559-53100-95113) $ 500 Increase Public Wifi Network Professional Services (32559-66900-95114) $ 15,000 To amend the budget to reflect the capital expenditures anticipated to be funded from the Master Plan Loan — Series 2017 approved by the City Council on June 13, 2017. 2. Decrease Transfer from Recreational Impact(32381-38105-95109) $ 550,000 To amend the budget to reflect a change in the original funding plan of the Legacy Loop Project. 3. Increase Fund Balance(32599-59900) $ 21,174,881 Total Capital Projects Fund Adjustments. WATER FUND 1. Decrease Transfer to Stormwater Fund (41581-99102-38110) $ 125,000 To amend the budget to reflect a change in the original funding of the master plan loan. 2. Increase Professional Services (41533-53100) $ 2,349 Increase Software Renewals/Support (41533-55219) $ 285 To increase the budget for the MUNIS Time-Entry module implementation fee and two months of maintenance costs. 3. Increase Fund Balance(41599-59900) $ 122,366 Total Water Fund Adjustments. 4 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-32 SEWER FUND 1. Increase Professional Services (42535-53100) $ 2,171 Increase Software Renewals/Support(42535-55219) $ 264 To increase the budget for the MUNIS Time-Entry module implementation fee and two months of maintenance costs. 2. Decrease Fund Balance(42599-59900) $ 2,435 Total Sewer Fund Adjustments. STORMWATER FUND 1. Increase Debt Service- Interest(45538-77220-20000) $ 38,198 To amend the budget to reflect debt service associated with the Master Plan Loan - Series 2017 approved by the City Council on June 13, 2017. 2. Decrease Debt Proceeds (45384-38402-38110) $ 6,900,877 Increase Debt Proceeds (45384-38402-20000) $ 4,841,269 Increase Debt Closing Fees (22517-77305-20000) $ 11,088 To amend the budget to reflect the loan proceeds and loan issuance costs of the Master Plan Loan— Series 2017 approved by the City Council on June 13, 2017. 3. Increase Victory Pointe Professional Services (45538-53100-38110) $ 118,739 Decrease Victory Pointe Construction(45538-66306-38110) $ 7,550,036 To amend the budget to reflect the capital expenditures anticipated to be funded from the Master Plan Loan — Series 2017 approved by the City Council on June 13, 2017. 4. Decrease Transfer from Water Fund (45381-38108-38110) $ 125,000 Decrease Debt Service Principal (45538-77120-38110) $ 350,000 To amend the budget to reflect a change in the original funding of the master plan loan. 5. Increase Professional Services(45538-53100) $ 826 Increase Software Renewals/Support(45538-55219) $ 100 To increase the budget for the MUNIS Time-Entry module implementation fee and two months of maintenance costs. 6. Increase Fund Balance(45599-59900) $ 5,546,477 Total Stormwater Fund Adjustments. 5 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-32 SANITATION FUND 1. Increase Debt Service- Interest(49534-77220-20000) $ 11,771 To amend the budget to reflect debt service associated with the Master Plan Loan - Series 2017 approved by the City Council on June 13, 2017. 2. Increase Debt Proceeds (49384-38402-20000) $ 1,491,902 Increase Debt Closing Fees (22517-77305-20000) $ 4,402 To amend the budget to reflect the loan proceeds and loan issuance costs of the Master Plan Loan — Series 2017 approved by the City Council on June 13, 2017. 3. Increasing Public Works Land (49534-66101-49000) $ 475,000 To amend the budget to reflect the capital expenditures anticipated to be funded from the Master Plan Loan — Series 2017 approved by the City Council on June 13, 2017. 4. Increase Professional Services (49534-53100) $ 1,692 Increase Software Renewals/Support(49534-55219) $ 206 To increase the budget for the MUNIS Time-Entry module implementation fee and two months of maintenance costs. 5. Increase Fund Balance(49599-59900) $ 998,831 Total Sanitation Fund Adjustments. Net Increase to Fund Balance—All Funds $ 28,297,606 6 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-32 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget amendments of the City of Clermont for the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 are hereby adopted. DONE AND RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, this 27th day of June, 2017. t,,,-,,,,,p v.,ro: I'll ?, ✓ CITY OF CLERMONT X,. ', ./ ''r -;''''' 4- , ,- : •'' .....0Pi -G•••,,i_. ,t COI f 401-r-d.'"-dr•/ ;-' - Gail L. Ash, Mayor d r ":','ATTEST:' / Tracy Ackroyd Howe, City Clerk 4pApe • orm . • . egality: !I D ' antzaris, City Attorney 7