O-097-M . . gOóti 630 PAGE2:J92 . --400 n-fAÌ. - MISC. ORDINANCES ORDŒNANCE NO. 97-M N~ 301 SECTION III. This Ordinance shall be published as provided by law and it shall become law and shall take effect 30 days from the date of its Second Reading and Final Passage. First Reading this 26th day of April, 1977. , , ", ....;. Second Reading this 24th day of May, 1977. , .... , <I'.,:'.: /..:'~: :" .'-J..'" 'PA'Š$i::/J;"À~N'p,ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCI L OF TilE CITY OF CLERMONT, L~l1f~_~"X>:- .:~;":,':. :~r>~·::·:·-;r~~:';, <.,>,., <';\;,~~i~;:COÙÑ;r:Y~:~~~9!,JAA, THIS 24th DAY OF MAY, 1977. -,_: \,:\~..i~·:\"P'II·"'l' · -;~t~~·3'~~_:~:\··:~\:ï:- . ....,"" ... ... ...,~/.!jf;"~""" :~~iit·;:{-~~!~~( . ",-~,A·TT,a~6'T.:· .;:;:,..,. :"',;'~-f \t'~:"..J>:' ~;"\;:~·~-\-~~:,·;:'jtj>" , ",,;:,~'~~~§t ;;~A1 ,DO!;ORES ,\L,:lCARROLL - CITY CLERK -,~1'" . -, ___.__.____ CITY OF CLERMONT By: (]2 APPROVED BY ME this 24th day of May, 1977. tJI CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 97-M was published on the 6th day May, 1977, in a newspaper of general circulation located within the City of Clermont, as required by Florida Statutes 166.041(3)(a), said date of publication being 14 days prior to the Second Reading a~d'rinal Adoption of this Ordinance. tQaMÁ) Ij~ ff)/ DOLORES w. CARROLL,~JÇ CLERK THIS INSTRUMILNT wAs Pfl[PAR!D BVt DOLORES W. CARROLL,. OFFICE OF THE C¡yÿ;1\,IÞ 1 WEST GATE PlAZA CLERMONT. FLORIOA 3271' . 77 15191 D.~. 630 íDï( PAC(2391 . Rec_ 6.00 MISC. ORDINANCES N~ 300 ORDINANCE NO. 97-M AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CLOSING AND PERMANENTLY" ABANDONING A PORTION OF BOWMAN STREET DESCRIBED HEREIN, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGES 17 TO 23, INCLUSIVE, PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT HEREBY ORDAINS THAT: SECTION I. That portion of Bowman Street located within the City of Clermont, All that portion of Bowman Street bounded on the North by the South right-of-way line of lIighland Avenue, and bounded on the South by the North right-of-way line of State Road SO, according to the Official Map of the City of Clermont as recorded in Plat Book 8, Pages 17 to 23, inclusive, Public Records of Lake County, Florida. "" and..:.p!er~ ~. rT1{'\;Q =" 3!. >1'. ,~, m...· !;....'o n' OG' () _~·5 ;?; ();:U \ '.J c: 0 '\..:1") z·.:::.., ~ ~~.f ,J ':.¡ ....1 '-' C- = , :z Lake County, Florida, as hereinafter described, is hereby closed -... manently abandoned: c:::> .." ... - :II: . --' ..... RESERVING unto the City the perpetual right to enter upon said street at any time it may see fit, to construct, maintain and repair water, drainage, sewer, electric power and other utility facilities over, across, throught and under the land upon which said street is reserved, with the right to excavate and refill ditches and/or trenches for the location of said pipeline and/or ditches, and further reserving the right to move trees, bushes, undergrowth and other obstructions interfering with the location, construction and maintenance of said pipelines and/or ditches. The City of Clermont shall be in no way responsible or liable for damages from whatsoever cause incidental to the exercise of the right herein reserved unto the City. RESERVING UNTO the City of Clermont an easement for ingress and egress from State Road SO to Highland Avenue over the above described street. SECTION II. This closing is done pursuant to the authority of the Charter of the C!~ City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, and the general laws of the State of Florida. , . e: / / O.It. 625 P'CE 660 BDDI ~ " ,\.\,\".11.11"",. . ,'.'.~.., I", ...... ,\.. ... -!,~ .... ",' ,..... ,/., ,',. ...:t ':¿'~~~"'. (.....,/ .~~~... > ;,,:' :~~,;, i:ê ,', ¡;: "~ .".' f +.?'/.< H ~. "-~'~ . :: -I: 1..;) ~. :~F : ~~~~~'\'+ ", ~:~ ,/ .::;~~.- -:-..., '. AT1'ES't:, ., . ~\'~(,::'~:.t&t·:~)í/~AAJf . "DOI!.'ORES.W. . CARROLL - CITY CLERK ~' . ;;~::~~t~~~(·~ MISC. ORDINANCES N~ 299 APPROVED by me this :tt $I - day of ~ ,1977. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of the foregoing ~7..i ':.H 0j1 C.3 N,1. Dt.: ,-. Ordinance No. 96-M was published on the 17th day of February, 1977, in a newspaper of general circulation located within the City of Clermont, as required by Florida Statute 166.041 (3) (a), said date of publication being fourteen (14) dayssprior to the second reading and final adoption of this Ordinance. . ·W~A)I/. ¡;AA~'" CITY CLERK T~tS ' '(S1RUM£NT W.AS ~RtP"'RI':D BY7. .oOt.ORE5 w. C"-RROlL. OFfiCE Of "THE CITY Cl£R" - '1 WEST GATE" fÞLAZA CL.fRMONT, FlOR!DA :~nl t